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Chapter 1149 Such a place must be well protected

The seaside is full of reefs and various seagrass. The sea area here is quite different from other places because it is located further north.

The guide Lao Bi pointed at the sea and said, "There was a storm just yesterday, and it's a good time to pick up seafood."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Qingshan fished out half of the brown kelp from the water on the seashore, and the roots were still attached to a small stone, which was obviously washed to the shore by the waves.

"Fresh kelp, I'll have to try it later!" Liu Shikui nodded again and again. The people who live in the inland areas eat dried kelp, which can only be eaten after it has been soaked.

Lao Bi pointed into the sea again: "There are all kinds of kelp. Picking up two is enough. If you have more, you can't take it."

Everyone looked at the sea not far away, and saw that there were many brown objects floating on the sea, all of which were kelp.

It seems that what Lao Bi said makes sense. There are too many things, and it is estimated that a sack can be picked up in a few minutes.

"Dad, look at what this is?" Xiaolulu squatted in front of a small puddle, and pointed at the orange-red thing with her little finger.

That thing was half a foot long, thicker than a carrot, and looked a little disgusting.

"It seems to be sea sausage, right?" Liu Qingshan was not so sure.

Lao Bi nodded: "This thing tastes good, we have it all over the place."

Since you can eat it, pick it up. The sea sausage is brightly colored and very eye-catching. You can see a lot in the sea.

Grasping the big and letting go of the small has always been Liu Qingshan's principle.

"Wow, what a big shell!" Xiao Liuzi also found a scallop, the size of an adult's slap.

So everyone started picking up scallops again, and there were just as many of them.

On the reef, it was also covered with sea red, and it was quite large, layer by layer, densely packed, and it seemed that no one was picking it at all.

Liu Qingshan also had to sigh: the resources here are really rich.

The main reason is that there are few people. If it is passed through the sieve every day, it is estimated that there will be no more left.

It is more laborious to pick Haihong. This thing is firmly grown on the reef, and you have to use a knife and shovel to pry it hard.

In addition to Haihong, there are also sea oysters. On a large reef, Liu Qingshan even found a large piece of barnacles.

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

This stuff is said to be very expensive in Europe, but in Vladivostok, no one eats it, and Liu Qingshan and others also pry it off.

"Wow, what a big crab!" Xiaolulu made a new discovery.

Liu Qingshan leaned over to take a look, good guy, a giant king crab weighing seven or eight pounds, showing his teeth and claws at his daughter.

"Who are you fighting with!" Liu Qingshan happily went up and captured this guy.

Everyone gathered around to see the strangeness. Such a big crab is indeed shocking to people living in the inland area.

But according to Lao Bi, there are so many king crabs here that the locals don't eat them much.

And there is also a clear protection order here: During the breeding season, it is strictly forbidden to catch female crabs.

"It's just the male's female?" The little brother immediately squatted there and studied.

Lao Bi will tell you how to distinguish male and female by looking at crab navels. Fortunately, this is just a male crab.

It didn't take a while for the buckets that I brought with me to be full, and everyone chose the big guy.

"It's time to swim in the sea!" Xiaoyueyue shouted.

The old people did not want to go into the water, so they picked up the seafood on the shore.

The young people lead the children into the sea to play in the water. The water temperature is about 20 degrees, not too hot, but not too cold, especially the shoals by the sea, which are very warm from the sun.

There are various aquatic plants and seaweeds growing in the offshore area, and various marine creatures also live in it.

In particular, there are many kinds of small fish and shrimp, but they cannot be caught.

This is not difficult for an old fisherman like Lao Bi. I saw him go out for a walk, and soon came back in a wooden boat.

Lao Bi took a few cages from the boat, put some bait, and threw them into the sea. This was specially used for shrimp fishing.

Although fish and shrimp cannot be caught, they are like sea urchins and starfish that do not move very much.

Rather caught a lot.

Especially sea urchin, according to Lao Bi, it is good for men to eat it.

Seeing the boat, the dolls were moved again, and they had to go to the sea by boat.

After asking Lao Bi, Liu Qingshan learned that there was no danger, so he agreed.

But he and Li Tie also got on the boat and went together.

After the wooden boat was rowed out for a few miles, the sea water became clearer. Looking down, the visibility was very good. The sea area here was basically unpolluted.

The sky is blue and the sea is blue, and it is really refreshing to be in such an environment.

A small island appeared in front of it, and the shadows were scorched, and there seemed to be many figures shaking on the island.

Lao Bi said with a smile: "There is Seal Island, where seals breed every year."


The children are all bright-eyed, and this must be seen at close range.

When the boat approached, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them: the island was only two or three miles in diameter, densely packed, thousands of them, all of which were seals.

It is estimated that if you throw a stone at random, you can hit several.

More than half of them are small seals, and they look cute.

The seals here have fine fur because of the cold winter and are of high quality.

In the past, it was on the verge of extinction due to a large number of hunting. Later, Maozi also realized this problem, and then a ban on hunting was issued, and the seal population flourished again.

The seals are so attractive to the little dolls that if they are not careful, they will disembark and board the island.

These seals are not very afraid of people, especially the little seals, crawling clumsily, chasing Xiaolulu and Xiaoyueyue.

Liu Qingshan took out the camera and kept taking pictures, such a picture of people and animals coexisting in harmony is really rare.

Here is a good development, and it is definitely a very popular tourist landscape to take a boat to see seals on Seal Island.

There are also many large white birds on the island, and it is estimated that they also came to the island to breed. Those chicks are mixed in the seal group and get along well.

The children had the most fun here, Liu Qingshan urged them several times, and they reluctantly re-boarded the boat.

"Goodbye, I will come back to see you." Xiaolulu waved her little hand and said goodbye to those lovely seals.

"Such a place must be well protected."

Liu Qingshan snorted. He knew that in many scenic spots, the natural environment and ecosystem were damaged due to improper measures. This kind of situation must not occur in the Dongfang Autonomous Region.

"Wow, what animal is this, so cute!" Xiao Liuzi shouted again.

I saw that in the clear sea water, a big snow-white guy appeared, with a high brain shell, which looked like an enlarged version of a dolphin.

"It looks like a white whale!" Liu Qingshan looked at Lao Bi.

The latter also nodded vigorously: "It's okay, don't be afraid, beluga whales are very docile animals and usually don't hurt humans."

This beluga whale was very curious, so it swam with the boat, and looked at the people on the boat curiously with its small eyes.

"Oh, why the boat is shaking, I can't hold it anymore!" Xiaolulu shouted, then fell backwards and fell into the sea.

Liu Qingshan's attention was also attracted by the beluga whale, and he was unprepared.

"Oh, me too." Xiaoyueyue followed closely.

"Luluyueyue, don't be afraid, I'll save you!" Poo Tong, Xiao Lao Si and Xiao Liuzi also went into the water.

The little guys are all wearing swimming rings, so Liu Qingshan is not too anxious.

Just feeling angry and laughing: each one of these is really not worrying, they are all good at acting.

The boat was steady, of course not shaking. These little guys probably saw that the beluga whale was cute and wanted to go into the water and play with it.

However, the beluga whale is huge, and its big mouth can swallow a small deer like a deer, so Liu Qingshan is still vigilant at all times and pays close attention to the movements in the water.

The big beluga quickly swam over, and then used its big head to push the dolls out of the water.

It seems that this guy is really not in danger, Liu Qingshan just took the camera and started taking pictures.

It was almost noon, and the boys hadn't had enough time, so Liu Qingshan carried them all to the boat one by one.

The beluga whale didn't seem to be enjoying it either, sticking its big head out of the water and making a ah-ah-ah sound in its mouth.

It sounds a bit like a baby's call, and it's very healing.

Liu Qingshan stretched out his hand and gently patted the smooth head of the beluga whale: "Go, the sea is vast, and you can swim freely."

The children also stretched out their little hands, stroking the beluga whale one by one, so that it could say goodbye.

Xiaolulu has the shortest arm and pushes forward hard enough, but with a thud, he falls into the water again, this time it's definitely true.

Just as Liu Qingshan was about to go into the water, he saw that the beluga whale had pushed the deer out of the water.

The little girl sat on the beluga's mouth and smiled at Liu Qingshan.

The beluga followed the boat and swam to the shore for a while until the water was too shallow and it stopped.

From time to time, his head came out of the water, and his mouth made an ooh sound, as if singing the song of a white whale.

On the shore, under the umbrella, the seafood feast is almost ready.

The shrimp pot was fished out of the sea by Lao Bi, and half a bucket of sea shrimp was poured out, which was basically about a long, and it was boiled in sea water for a few minutes, and it was ready to eat.

But Lao Bi is basically eaten raw, without even dipping in the condiments.

The floor is covered with a large table cloth, and the family sits in a large circle. The dishes are very rich: the cold kelp shreds are smooth and crisp, and are indeed more delicious than dry kelp.

More delicious is the sea urchin, the sea urchin is yellow, which is very nourishing.

When everyone eats it, they also process it. Laobi is relatively crisp and eats it raw.

The sea sausage looks a lot, but after processing, the outer layer of the skin can be eaten, but the taste is really good.

The big king crab, more than two pounds of crab meat was picked out by Liu Qingshan, and distributed to the children, all of them were smiling.

"Dad, we eat seafood every day." Xiaolulu is also addicted to it.

Liu Qingshan was also very happy: "Hahaha, okay, here we have the final say!"

Xiaolulu put his arms around his father's neck, and then kissed Liu Qingshan hard on the face. It's good to have such a father.

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