Hello, 1983

Chapter 445? To fight or not to fight?

At this moment, many villagers gathered in the corn field behind the village.

Looking around, the corn stalks that used to be brushed together are now falling in the east and the west.

Those corns that have been filled with pulp are just when they are fresh and delicious, and now they are all half-scratched, and they feel distressed when they look at them.

There was a potato field next to it, and the soft black soil was also arched open. The big mouth of the wild boar was better than the plowshare that turned the ground.

Potatoes that have not yet fully grown have also been eaten a lot.

Farmers, the most unsightly thing is the scourge of crops.

"Damn, I'm going home to get a shotgun!"

Zhang Dashuai wiped his big bald head vigorously.

His eyes were red, and he slapped his hand: "Whoever goes up the mountain with me to hunt wild boars, I have to kill this group of foodies today!"

The young people next to him all clapped in agreement.

Only Zhang Ganzi said weakly, "Master, why don't we still catch them alive?"

"It's all what you're used to!"

Zhang Dashuai began to throw evil fire on Zhang Pole.

Zhang Ganzi looked wronged: "The wild boars in the woods have nothing to do with me, and I don't raise them."

Zhang Dashuai was really anxious, and roared arrogantly: "If you didn't talk about your brothers and brothers every day, how dare wild boars be so mad!"

These words made everyone laugh and cry, and wanted to laugh, but on this occasion, they really couldn't laugh.

"Forget it, don't make a fuss first, let's organize people and watch the green at night."

The old party secretary finally set the rules. He also knew that wild boars must not be beaten casually.

The so-called Kanqing is still left over from the era of the production team.

That is, every time when the autumn harvest is approaching, in order to prevent the crops from being harassed by wild animals, the production team specially sends people to keep watch at night to take care of the crops that are not yet mature. This is called Kanqing.

The old party secretary opened his mouth, so he settled down like this, and organized the strong laborers of each family into groups. Anyway, it was only ten days and a half months, and when the crops were harvested, it was easy to worry.

The wild boars all come down from the mountain, so the focus is on the direction north of the village.

Arrange two groups every night, each group of four people, two people in the first half of the night, and two other people in the second half of the night, and they can also deal with the half-night sleeper.

Each group is equipped with two large ocean cannons. Of course, when the lights are dark, the guns must be put into the sky to scare the wild animals away, even if it is over.

Once the charter is set, the old party secretary will arrange for the manpower. No matter what, two shacks have to be built so that they can lie down and sleep at night.

Shacks are very common in rural areas. For example, in melon fields, there are usually small shacks.

It is also very simple to build: use a wooden pole to build a herringbone shape, and then a horizontal one in the middle, the front and rear sides are triangular, the two sides are rectangular, and grass is covered around it, even if it is completed.

Because it is shaped like a lying horse, it is also called "horse frame".

Here, many place names carry the "horse frame", such as Zhangjia's horse frame, Dama frame and so on.

It was always when they were in the east of Guandong, people came to this black land, and when it was too late to build a house, they set up a horse and lived first.

After dinner, Liu Qingshan walked out of the house. Of course, he, the legal representative of the cooperative, had to take the lead.

You can't call the old party secretary so old, and still follow him to see the youth, right?

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Followed by two small tails.

"Look at Qing, you can't follow, just look at it for one night."

Liu Qingshan was going back to drive people, facing Er Zizi, also carrying a wooden stick, and walked over with arrogance:

"Brother Qingshan, I will also follow you to see Qing, and don't allow wild boars to harm crops!"

Liu Qingshan couldn't help but rejoice: "Hey, you can pull it down. If you cry in the middle of the night and find your mother, what will you do?"

"That's right, cry Ba Jing."

The little fourth is also beside him to help.

Er Zizi rubbed the back of his hand under his nose vigorously: "Brother Qingshan, I have grown up, and I will definitely not cry in the future."



I will try my best not to cry. "

The second son's words seemed a little unfounded.

Liu Qingshan blinked: "When we are watching Qing at night, when we are hungry, we will bake some rice, then burn some soybeans, and eat them, that guy, it's delicious."

If it was changed to the past, as soon as he heard that there was something to eat, and then nothing happened to him, the second son would definitely sit on the ground and howl, so Liu Qingshan was ready to test it.

Not to mention, Er Xiaozi pursed his small mouth and endured it hard, but he didn't let the tears fall.

"Haha, it's time for a break!"

Liu Qingshan rubbed his head, "Go, go to my house with the fourth and fifth to read books. It's a comic book mailed from the island country. It's beautiful."

The second child immediately cheered, and followed the fourth and fifth elders back.

This comic book, of course, was sent by Qingshan Tong and Qingshan Fei from the island country post.

There are works they have already drawn in it, and there are also several classic comic robot cats.

As for Wu Tong and He Mengfei's cherry balls and Zhonghua Xiaodao, they have just started to be published, and I can't see anything.

However, the two future cartoonists seemed very excited in the letter, expressing full confidence in the future.

Liu Qingshan knows that this will take time to ferment slowly, and it cannot be rushed.

As long as it becomes popular, a comic is enough to last a lifetime, even a few years of serialization are considered few, and it is normal for more than ten years or even decades.

The other people who met at the entrance of the village for a few days to see the youth included Dashuai Zhang, the uncle of the boss, as well as Datou and Erbiao, a few young people.

"Why one less?"

Zhang Dashuai carried a foreign cannon on his shoulders, as if he had a bald head.

"Come here, I just finished feeding my brothers." Zhang Ganzi ran over from the avenue, with a yellow coat tucked in the creaking nest.

To say that Kan Qing has the most experience, this is this one, because he used to be lazy and was not willing to work in the fields. When Kan Qing, he could hide in the shack and sleep late.

The owner of the car knew what was wrong with him: "Pole, it's not the same now. You can't go to sleep when you get there, and go home at dawn when you open your eyes. That's not acceptable."

Zhang Ganzi Liangliang the rope in his hand: "Of course not, I'm still thinking about catching a few wild boars and expanding the team!"

Zhang Dashuai sniffed his nose: "What kind of smell, it stinks, did you not change your clothes?"

"Isn't it in a hurry?" Zhang Ganzi was still wearing the work clothes he used to work on the pig farm.

He looked at the owner of the car, and saw that he still had a pair of copper reeds on his shoulders, the kind of cymbals that are played by Yangko, so he asked with a smile:

"Boss, you are afraid that you will be sleepy in the middle of the night, and you are going to perform a yangko dance. Are you in good spirits?"


The owner of the car slammed down the cymbal and collided with the second mark on Zhang Zhanzi, which shook Zhang Zhanzi until his head was buzzing.

The boss said proudly: "You know, this thing scare wild boars or something, it must be useful."

You can come up with this trick, worthy of being the first capable person in Jiapigou.

When the people were all together, everyone chatted and laughed, strolled north, until they reached the end of the field, and further north, there were meadows and forests, and then they stopped.

The two shacks gathered for three or four miles, the big head and the others were a group of young people, and Liu Qingshan followed Zhang Dashuai and the others in a group of three.

At this moment, the sun has set, but it will take a while for it to get dark. During this time, the wild boar will definitely not come, so everyone can relax for a while, so the two groups of people gather together for a while to chat.

There are more mosquitoes, like swarms of bombers, buzzing back and forth.

With the sickle he brought, the uncle cut several bundles of artemisia poles and set fires in front of the two shacks.

First light it with dry firewood, and then put the artemisia seeds on it. The light emits white smoke, but there is no fire. This fire can be smoked overnight.

Mosquitoes are the most afraid of smoke, and they all fled, and everyone immediately felt much cleaner.

Seeing the fire, Er Biaozi couldn't bear it any longer. He led someone into the corn field, and soon returned with a dozen ears of corn.

What they choose is the late-ripening green corn, which is especially fragrant when roasted.

Everyone started to work, peeling off the outer shell of the rice, revealing the golden rice stick inside.

Pull off the top of the corn beard, put a wicker stick behind the stick, set up a fire, hold the corn, squat beside the fire, and bake slowly on the fire.

"Haha, my spike is a big white horse's tooth."

Zhang Pang chanted while roasting.

Baimaya is a kind of white corn, and there is also a small fire corn, the color is dark red, and the other is the corn that is locally called Bazazi.

For one ear of corn, there are only eight grains of corn.

These corns and sticks are relatively small, so the yield is low, and they will be gradually eliminated in the future.

However, as the saying goes, "concentrated is the essence", compared with the later corn varieties, the taste of these kinds of corn is super.

After the surface of the tender rice is roasted to a golden brown and slightly black, the fragrance will come out.

Seeing Zhang Ganzi take out two wine bottles with a smile from his yellow coat pocket, everyone's eyes lit up:

The uncle of the boss smiled and said: "Okay, the pole, and the grenade!"

After speaking, he also took out a bag of instant noodles from his pocket. After opening it, there were peanuts inside.

Zhang Ganzi was even happier when he saw it: "My grenade, with your small bullet, is absolutely amazing."

Zhang Dashuai snorted twice: "Then wait for the wild boar to come, you two can hit with grenades and bullets."

Everyone gathered around laughing and laughing. Liu Qingshan was also prepared, and took out a handful of ham sausage: "I will also add some snacks for everyone."

This time everyone is more enthusiastic. The wine bottles are passed in their hands in turn. Whoever passes it will take a sip from the mouth of the bottle, then throw two peanuts into the mouth, take a bite of ham, and bite two bites of corn. .

Zhang Ganzi took a bite of the ham sausage and couldn't help muttering: "Don't say it, this stuff is delicious, but it's too thin, it's not as thick as mine, but it's also a score to compare with, do you think so, boss ?"

The owner of the car is also unequivocal: "Don't just talk about the pole, if you have the guts, let's show the guy Bibi!"

"Bi Ha Bi, I grew up in Hegouzi bathing with bare bottoms since I was a child. Who knows who."

Dashuai Zhang also joined in, Datou and Er Biaozi were not married yet, so they giggled along.

It's a long night, drink a little wine, play a little idle, and the time will pass without knowing it.

When it was getting dark, and the two bottles of wine were not destroyed, the one who watched Qing went to bed in the second half of the night, and Liu Qingshan and Uncle Pole were left here to stay in the middle of the night.

The weather was a little cold at night, both of them were wrapped in military coats, holding flashlights, Zhang Ganzi carried a shotgun on his shoulders, and Liu Qingshan, carrying a pick and handle in his hand, walked back and forth in the field.

The night sky is also extraordinarily clear, the first quarter moon hangs diagonally in the sky, the stars are brilliant, and the view is extraordinarily real.

Without all kinds of pollution, the stars appear particularly bright.

The surrounding autumn insects were chirping, and there was a sound of frogs in the distance. In this quiet night, people could not help but calm down, and there was no trace of impetuousness.

Liu Qingshan looked up at the splendid Milky Way, and realized something in his heart: The influence of the environment on the mentality is still very large. In the future, people will become more and more impetuous, maybe it is because they have less and less contact with nature?

"Qingshan, you stroll around first, I'll go and fertilize the crops."

Zhang Ganzi rubbed his stomach, as if he had eaten too much just now.

Liu Qingshan took the foreign cannon in his hand and continued to stroll east.

Zhang Ganzi got into the cornfield, and then he heard Liu Qingshan's singing, walking away:

"The big girl is the big girl, and the big girl walked into the blue gauze tent."

"The corn here has already set ears, and the breeze is blowing the heat."

"I look east and west, why can't I see my husband."

"Lang ah lang, where are you going to hide, you really make me anxious..."

What kind of song does Qingshan sing? It's very interesting?

Zhang Ganzi smacked the taste and felt that it was very suitable for his own taste, so he also hummed.

Accompanied by the sound of rushing, as well as his soft humming sound, the rushing didn't stop after the urination was over.

Zhang Ganzi hummed the big girl in his mouth, and thought he had not finished urinating, so he stood there for a long time.

"Big girl, big girl, waves... Qingshan, don't make trouble, I haven't finished urinating yet." Zhang Ganzi felt a tap on his shoulder, and thought it was Liu Qingshan calling him.

When he stopped humming the little tune, he realized that he was done, and turned around while raising his pants: "Qingshan, your song is very tidy, you will teach me well in a while."

He turned around slowly, the flashlight in his hand was slanted on the ground, and he began to hum again: "I looked around, but I didn't see it - oh my god!"

When he turned around, he realized that standing behind him was not Liu Qingshan, but a big black guy with a big brain, shaking his head, with a stalk of green corn in his mouth.

He was a big black blind man.

Liu Qingshan had already wandered out for a while, and suddenly heard a scream from behind.

In this quiet night, the voice came from far away, Liu Qingshan was stunned, and then ran back.

Running all the way, Yomo almost ran to the place, and shouted loudly: "Uncle Pole, where are you?"

No one answered, but there was movement. In the corn field, there was a rustling sound, and from time to time, there was a clack, clack, and it was the corn pole being stepped on.

Liu Qingshan also hurriedly guarded, this was obviously some wild animal.

The light beam of the flashlight shot back and forth in the corn field, and soon, a black guy was found emerging from the corn field.

Black bear!

Liu Qingshan was also taken aback. The light beam of the flashlight swayed the bear's eyes back and forth. He saw that this guy was not the big bear raised by the dumb grandfather. He was one size smaller than the big bear.

The bear was probably very uncomfortable to be shaken, and with a low growl, he rushed towards Liu Qingshan.

"Come on, I will teach you a lesson today, you dare to come to the ground to break the corn!"

Liu Qingshan threw the shotgun and pickaxe on the ground, ready to fight the bear with his bare hands.

As long as he is at home, he fights with the bear almost every morning. The most familiar animal is the bear, so he is confident to beat this guy.

However, the black blind man rushed a few meters in front of Liu Qingshan, stopped suddenly, twitched his nose a few times, hummed a few times, then turned his head and walked towards the forest.

After walking a few steps, it also picked up a large ear of rice from the ground and chewed it in its mouth.

This time, Liu Qingshan was stunned: Should I fight, or not?

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