Hello Chang’an

Chapter 218: Will His Majesty force him to stay? (Monthly tickets are on clearance)

Chapter 218 Will Your Majesty force you to stay? (Monthly tickets are on clearance)

"Princess Gu'an, why don't you accept the order quickly and thank me?" Seeing Mingluo kneeling in the same place and not moving, the servant reminded him with a smile.

Mingluo barely regained his consciousness.

Princess position…

This seemed to be the highest honor that she could achieve as a woman with a foreign surname under the Li family.

But she was not at all overjoyed or excited. Would it really be a good thing if this grant appeared at such a critical moment?

The huge shock and confusion gave her some courage. She did not accept the order immediately, but said in panic and confusion: "My aunt is so generous, Luo'er is really scared, but she doesn't get any reward for nothing..."

"You have been with me for many years, sharing my worries, how can it be in vain?" The Holy Emperor was not angry because of her hesitation, and only said: "You deserve the position of a princess."

The emperor had no intention of beating around the bush: "Besides, you need to be a Dasheng princess to go to Tuyuhun to get married."

Mingluo was shaken suddenly.



Her eyelashes trembled: "Aunt..."

"I have asked someone to prepare an imperial edict, and it will be announced to both the inside and outside at the court tomorrow morning."

Emperor Shengce looked at Mingluo who was kneeling there and said: "You are an extraordinary woman from the back house. You should know that Tubo is now powerful and has had a long-standing grudge with Dasheng. There is no way to resolve it yet. Tuyuhun is the relationship between Dasheng and Tubo." If the buffer barrier between the two countries does not exist, Dasheng will have to face Tubo's ambitions."

"Tuyuhun cannot be surrendered to Tubo, let alone be destroyed by Tubo. Therefore, Dasheng needs to show his intention to protect and support each other at this time, so as to calm Tuyuhun's heart."

Marriage is naturally the most sincere act, and the most visible act in Tubo's eyes.

"We are a great and prosperous country and have been strong for many years. It is impossible for Tubo to be without fear. The move of marrying Tuyuhun is also a deterrent and a reminder."

"Now that the internal troubles of Dasheng are here, we can't add any more external troubles in the short term. You should be clear about the stakes involved, I don't need to say more."

Mingluo responded with a trembling "Yes".

She knew it very well...but why was it her?

There are always daughters of the right age in the clan, so why did my aunt choose her?

Is it because she violated the emperor's taboo, so he can't keep her by his side in the capital?

Yes, even if it is just a chess piece, wouldn't it be a pity if it was simply thrown away and crushed?

Of course, the last bit of value must be used to live up to so many years of "cultivation", right?

"I know, you may want to ask why I chose you alone."

The voice of the Holy Emperor sounded without any emotion: "You have been taught and cultivated by me since you were a child, which is different from other women in the clan. The new leader of Tuyuhun is in his prime and is a rare civil and military talent. They, Tuyuhun, rely on Da Sheng to protect them. , you will be treated with courtesy and respect by everyone above and below you. When you get married, you will become the mother of a country, and you can rule the country with her to the best of your ability - "

Speaking of this, the Holy Book Emperor's voice became slightly lower, as if he was in a trance.

When her Chongyue married to Beidi, it was truly a purgatory like a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire...there was no respect or courtesy, and there was only humiliation and catharsis.

Her homeland cannot be her backing, and her past achievements have become the sins that devour her, swinging at her with sharp blades and whips.

For a moment, the Holy Book Emperor said slowly to himself: "You are far luckier than Chong Yue..."


Mingluo lowered his reddish eyes, full of sadness and irony.

"If you can grasp it with your heart, then this marriage trip will be a turning point for you. Tuyuhun will treat you well, and Dasheng will not treat you badly." The Holy Emperor finally said: "Go, don't You’re going to disappoint me again.”

"Yes... Gu'an strictly follows the teachings of the saint."

Mingluo held the golden book of imperial edict in his hand and left the Manna Hall step by step.

After all, she was shallow. The emperor knew her fault, but he didn't even bother to tell her clearly, and he didn't need to listen to her excuses. He just uprooted her like a flower and grass, and then weighed how much more she could have as a dying flower. value, and finally decide where to discard her...

Luck, good fortune…

My aunt is really good at beautifying the word "use" into charity and bestowal.

Mother of a nation?

Tuyuhun is just a small area, not as big as Dasheng...and it is sandwiched between Dasheng and Tubo. It is still difficult to survive. How can she talk about dignity and dignity if she marries?

Talk about using her ability to rule the country together... Tubo's ambition is here, and it will be a matter of time to annex Tuyuhun. Her marriage is just to delay the arrival of that day!

To put it bluntly, her role is the same as that of Chong Yue back then, just as a victim to give Da Sheng a chance to breathe!

When Princess Chongyue married Beidi, she gave Dasheng three years of recuperation and gave her ruthless mother the best opportunity to take power.

And now, how much benefit can she, the "Princess of Gu'an", bring in exchange for the other party?

The so-called "good fortune" theory was just a lie to trick her into working harder and dying!

Tears of sadness and anger welled up in Mingluo's eyes. With her eyes dim, she looked up at the many palaces, and suddenly she realized that so many years of hard work and prudence were just a dream.

Also, she should have understood a long time ago. She should have thought about this day since she decided to be Chong Yue's shadow.

She lowered her eyes and looked at the imperial edict in her hand. It was really sad to say that the most similar time she "learned" was today.

No, it's not like that, she really became the second Chong Yue.

Mingluo raised his hand to wipe away the tears and chuckled suddenly.

She was so wrong in the past. She naively thought that the emperor's twin children who were about to die were really guilty. As long as she was a good shadow of Chong Yue, she could find long-term protection under the emperor's guilt and debt.

Now it seems that it is true, false, or a shadow. What is the difference?

If her shadow ended up like this, would it be any different for the indistinguishable Chang Sui Ning?

There was a bit of empty curiosity in Mingluo's red eyes.

She didn't have to rush to get rid of the opponent. They were just chess pieces. She just wanted to watch this chess piece and wait to see what happened to the other chess piece... I wonder if there would be any new ideas?

She laughed again, walking slowly into the thick night.

After Mingluo left, people quickly entered the Ganlu Hall to meet the saint.

After several officials left with secret summons, Master Tianjing came with a fly whisk in his arm.

"...Li Yi is indeed useless. I previously thought that with Chang Kuo in the army, the two of them could complement each other. Even though Li Yi is not a great talent, it would not lead to a big mistake. At least as a descendant of the Li family, he can replace me. Deter the rebels."

"But he was ineffective in using his troops, and there were numerous calls for impeachment in the court. Now that his father, King Huainan, has passed away, I am worried that he will develop dissent under the heavy pressure..."

Listening to the emperor's whisper, Tianjing Imperial Master said: "So the saint did not agree to the proposal to change the head coach. Was he afraid that he would force General Li Yi to rebel at this juncture?"

"Exactly." The Holy Book Emperor said: "But my objection is just for them to see. Li Yi, the coach, must be replaced now, but we can't make a big fanfare and let him and the army know the news in advance-"

"Therefore, I have ordered General Huaihua to congratulate the enemy and rush to Yangzhou with my secret order. When I see Li Yi, I will show Yi Shuai's will and order Li Yi to return to Huainan Road to mourn his father."

Only in this way can Yi Shuai's shock be minimized.

Tianjing Imperial Master: "The saint has thought carefully." "How dare I be careless at this opportunity..." The Holy Emperor showed a hint of fatigue at this moment: "However, there are very few good generals in my hands who are available and trustworthy. He Wei Even if he leaves Beijing this time, if there is another war, how many people will I have available?"

Preparing for a rainy day is the way to go, but she has fewer and fewer chips to use for planning.

This time she liquidated the clan of the eldest grandson. Although she hurt the enemy a thousand, she also suffered a thousand losses herself. Not only the generals, but also the talents who could replace her in important positions in the government and control everywhere were far from enough.

If he cannot be replaced in time, those powers will have no choice but to return to the hands of the Cui family and other wealthy families.

The Holy Emperor seemed to be asking himself: "...The Imperial Master said that I was born with the power of an emperor, but am I really an emperor who is about to run out of energy?"

Master Tianjing sighed softly: "This is not something that a poor man can spy on."

"I have handed over everything to Dasheng Jiangshan. Since I took over the throne, I have been diligent in governing the country without slacking off at all. I believe that God's will should not treat me like this..."

Looking at the jade picture of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers carved under the imperial desk, the fatigue in the emperor's eyes slowly dissipated, and he thought: "I just lack available talents... I often think that if I could find Chong Yue, I would not be like this now. Hesitant.”

Her Chongyue is a born star, and she has the ability to gather people's hearts. Even though she is a daughter, there are always good generals and talents who are willing to follow her loyally - in the eyes of the Holy Emperor, that is beyond talent. , and a natural aura above talent.

Things that are born are always something that others cannot imitate.

Thinking of this, the Holy Emperor asked: "Is the Imperial Master still unable to divine the 'origin' of that child?"

"The appearance of that girl is really unpredictable." Tianjing Guoshi said: "But I believe the saint already has the answer in his heart, right?"

The Holy Emperor said nothing, but the scene in the Confucius Temple that day seemed to reappear before his eyes, as well as the exchange of glances in the rain.

—May I ask Your Majesty, is it wrong for my daughter to choose to fight back?

The embarrassed girl, with her dazzling courage, asked her like this from the position of winner.

"I have already determined 90%..." the Holy Book Emperor whispered: "The remaining 10% depends on whether she leaves or stays."

"If she leaves, will Your Majesty force her to stay?"

The Holy Emperor said: "If I don't stay, I'm afraid it will be as difficult as climbing to heaven if I try to find her again."

Chang Sui'an's injuries are gradually improving, and she can now get out of bed and walk around. So, after the Chang brothers and sisters return from Dayun Temple this time, she will have to consider sending more people to guard against them.

Regarding the emperor's attitude, Master Tianjing was noncommittal.

The Holy Emperor did not stay on this topic. There were too many facts that she needed to pay attention to: "What is the good or bad of this battle in Yangzhou? What will the National Master gain in the near future?"

Over the years, when she encountered stagnant problems, she always had the habit of asking Master Tianjing to try to divine a divination.

Tianjing: "I don't have much income, my only word is 'release'."

"Let..." the Holy Book Emperor repeated softly.

"Yes." Tianjing said: "The key to this battle may lie in this word. All decisions are in the hands of the saints, so the profound meaning of this requires saints to understand."

The Holy Book Emperor thought quietly.

In the Dayun Temple, the lights in the Zen room where Chang Suining stayed stayed all night long.

Early the next morning, she went to look for Wujue and handed a long painting box to him: "Whenever Mr. Chu comes here, he will hand it over to me."

"Why don't you send it to your house in person?" Wujue asked.

There were only two people in the abbot's room. Although those monks who were loyal to the Holy Emperor would pay attention to Chang Sui Ning's actions, they would not listen all the time, and A Dian and A Che were waiting outside.

A Dian is a child at heart, but extremely sensitive. If someone dares to eavesdrop and he catches him out, the other person will only be in trouble.

So Chang Sui Ning said: "If I go to see him off, I'm afraid the teacher will take a closer look at this painting and I won't be able to leave."

This was precisely the reason why she kept putting it off. The teacher saw the clues in the Dengtai Building that day. Although she was fooled by her, just imagine if her paintings were placed in the teacher's home and were repeatedly used day by day. Look closely, I'm afraid the teacher will become suspicious sooner or later.

Wujue looked at her: "Do you really want to leave?"

"if not?"

Wujue's shoulders dropped depressed, and his voice also dropped: "As expected, I'm leaving again..."

"Don't worry, I will come back alive this time." Chang Suining assured him.

"..." Wu Wu glanced at her with determination: "You really can't bring me with you?"

"It's not a rebellion. How can there be such a kidnapping?" Chang Suining took a date and ate it: "You have to guard Dayun Temple."

Wujue sighed, looking at the Zen room, he felt annoyed: "This monk's status, this ruined temple... I really want to burn it down and have a death escape."

Chang Sui Ning also sighed: "Why did it get burned? Buddha is listening."

"If you have too many debts, you won't be burdened by them." Wujue said, raising his arms, weighing his sleeves, and showing his arms again, "If there are too many negative consequences, there will naturally be no taboos. As the saying goes..."

"I know, I know, a scholar will die for his confidant..." Chang Suining took his words in time and comforted: "Don't worry, I will write to you when I settle down. The follow-up will depend on the situation. If it is allowed, , I will pick you up when the time comes.”

Wujue reluctantly felt at ease, for fear of being abandoned again.

"After I left, if anyone asked, they would just say that I took my brother to seek medical treatment. Even if they asked about offering wine, it would be the same." Chang Suining explained in another way.

She did not intend to let the people around her know about this matter. Firstly, it would be more in line with her plan to seek medical treatment temporarily. Secondly, even though leaving Beijing did not violate any laws, Qiao Yang and the others could not know about it and not participate. Of course it is best to avoid the possibility of being implicated in the future.

Now that you are leaving, you should leave cleanly and don’t leave any trouble for those around you.

Wujue agreed.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the abbot's room, and Xi'er's voice reached his ears.

"come in."

Xi'er pushed open the door and walked in, followed by A Dian, looking for snacks.

"Girl, I got the stuff!" Xi'er lowered her voice, took out a large rolled up paper from her sleeve, and handed it to Chang Suining.

"You little girl has some skills, have you really found them?" Wujue leaned his head curiously: "Let me also see how he scolds..."

A Dian, who had grabbed two snacks in his hand, came over when he saw this.

Thank you all for your monthly votes. There are two days left at the end of the month. Can you clear your monthly votes? (*^▽^*) The transitional chapters are probably finished. The next chapter will start the second volume after leaving Beijing~

(End of chapter)

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