Hello Chang’an

Chapter 238: Chang Kuo must die

Chapter 238 Chang Kuo must die

 It is a woman with a servant girl.

The woman wore a dark-colored cloak without any decorations. Under the cloak, she wore white mourning clothes. Her hair was pulled up into a bun with gray hair, and she only used a pair of plain white jade hairpins.

Chang Suining walked over unexpectedly: "Mrs. Lou."

Mrs. Yun’s real name is Lou.

There was still a sick look on Lou's face, and she looked at Chang Suining with a gentle look. As she nodded, Chang Suining said, "It's already late at night, and Madam has not recovered from her illness, so she should rest early."

"It's already late at night, but Madam Chang has just come back to rest." Lou said, her eyes filled with gratitude and shame.

Chang Suining: "Madam, do you know me?"

"It's like thunder piercing your ears, how can you not know it." Mrs. Lou said: "Although I am in Hezhou, I have heard about Mrs. Chang's deeds in the capital."

She herself is not a person who adheres to secular etiquette, and she has always been very concerned about women's strange things.

So today when I heard my second son mention the name "Chang Sui Ning", I was completely surprised but not at all unfamiliar.

Hearing the four words "like thunder striking the ears", Chang Sui Ning just smiled and asked, "Did Madam wait for me here on purpose?"

"Yes, but we haven't waited too long." Mrs. Lou said truthfully: "I know that Madam Chang has been so busy recently that she doesn't come back until this hour, so I took advantage of the time to come to see her."

"Then Madam, please go in and talk."

Mr. Lou nodded, followed Chang Suining into the small courtyard, and ordered the maid he brought to make hot tea.

After entering the hall, Mrs. Lou did not rush to take a seat, but gave a salute to Chang Suining: "I came today to express my gratitude to Madam Chang. My son Agui has woken up."

After Chang Sui Ning calmed down and woke up, this critical moment of life and death was finally overcome.

"It's all because of Mrs. Chang's life-saving medicine that my son's life was saved in time."

"With a little effort, Sanlang-kun will be safe."

That bottle of pills was prepared by Dr. Sun when she was about to leave Beijing. When she was seriously injured, she swallowed it. It had the miraculous effect of quickly stopping bleeding. It was a must-have when she went out to seek revenge and kill enemies at home.

Although she only brought one bottle, Dr. Sun also gave her another prescription, which she handed over to Yun Hui. In the past few days, she had ordered Chinese medicine shops in the city to prepare batches and distribute them everywhere.

Taking one pill can save a life at a critical moment. This is all the merit of Dr. Sun.

"I also heard Ah Hui say that when General Chang and Madam Chang came to Hezhou, they knew that there would be no more reinforcements coming, but they were still willing to risk their lives to help Hezhou..." Mrs. Lou saluted again: "This is such a great kindness. Virtue, the Yun family and the people of Hezhou will never forget it."

This move has nothing to do with military orders or positions. It's just that we are strangers, but we still do our best to help.

Lou's eyes were filled with gratitude: "This is the good fortune of my Yun family and the people of this city."

"How could it be luck?" Chang Sui Ning said: "It's because the governor, his wife, and the three princes all have awe-inspiring auras. Those who walk on this awe-inspiring road will naturally not walk alone."

She said: "That's why my father and I came here. The people of Hezhou are able to fight the enemy together as a united front because Hezhou has a good governor, and the governor's wife and husband are worthy of their lives. "

In Chang Suining's view, the direction people take in this world is never determined by luck.

Just like many dynasties and emperors who have "exhausted their strength", it is never an accident. Everything must have been foreshadowed.

Hearing the words "Those who walk this majestic road will naturally not walk alone", Lou's eyes were slightly red: "Hezhou is our home and destination. We still defend it as a family and a city. General Chang and Mrs. Chang He is the one who truly cherishes the truth.”

Chang Suining warmed his hands with hot tea and said with a smile: "Now that we are in the same boat, there is no need to separate each other."

Hearing these words that brought a sense of joy in suffering, Mr. Lou also smiled. Although this little broken boat is still in a precarious state, as the little girl said just now, they are not alone.

"Is Madam also a martial arts practitioner?" Chang Suining was a little curious about Madam of the Yun family, and asked casually, not wanting to make the topic too heavy.

"It's not a serious study," Lou said, "but my father was a border military attache during his lifetime. I have been with my father since I was a child. When my father had free time, he taught me some riding, archery and boxing skills."

At this point, he smiled and said, "My husband and I have been married since we were young. My father said that if he doesn't treat me well in the future, I can beat him until he is submissive... If I really beat him If you don't obey, you can still ride back to your parents' house, carry your father on your back, and let him beat you."

It's a pity that her father passed away early.

However, her husband was very good to her. He didn't need her to beat him, so he obeyed him thoroughly, so that all his skills were useless to her.

Later, when she gave birth to a son, she thought that she would have a son to beat and that she would be able to use him. However, she didn't know that all three sons followed her husband, and each one became more submissive than the other.

Especially her eldest son, who has been a gentleman since he was a child. When he turned eighteen, the marriage had been decided and the wedding dress had been cut. He was supposed to get married with his sweetheart and then head off to a bright future...

But everything came to an abrupt halt when Xu Zhengye raised his troops, and then collapsed and annihilated.

And she never imagined that the final destination and use of the skills she had learned since she was young would be on the battlefield.

Chang Suining was not very good at comforting people, so she could only say softly: "My condolences, madam."

Mr. Lou nodded lightly.

It doesn't matter, she may be able to see her husband and eldest son again soon.

That day, she held the bodies of her husband and eldest son, and said that she would go ahead and look for them after they had completed their duties.

She didn't want the girl in front of her to worry about comforting herself, so she took the initiative to drop the topic and praised her seriously: "I have heard that Mrs. Chang is talented and famous before... but I never thought that she is even more powerful on the battlefield. ”

But it's not just that. She knows that this girl's shadow has been reflected in many decisions and rules in the city recently.

At this time, there were voices and footsteps approaching outside the hall.

It was Chang Kuo and Yun Hui who sent him back.

The two discussed matters late at night and checked everything over again on the way.

Yun Hui was a little surprised to see his mother here.

Mrs. Lou saluted Chang Kuo, thanked her solemnly, and said with a smile: "...I was just saying that General Chang's way of raising his daughter is really brilliant. I am also really curious about how General Chang raised such a child." Excellent girl.”

Chang Kuo stroked his beard and smiled without saying a word.

The main reason for this brilliance is that he didn't know how to raise it, and he mainly acted like a muddleheaded person.

If he really wants to give an explanation, it can only be: "They are all born, raised casually..."

Mr. Lou couldn't help but laugh: "It's so good to raise someone casually. If you don't raise it casually, then what's the point?"

Yun Hui was confused as he listened. Why did Aniang keep talking to General Chang about someone who was not present?

And while Aniang was talking, why was she looking at Mr. Chang Lang?

Lou didn't say anything more for a long time: "General Chang and Mrs. Chang have worked hard all day, please rest early, and Ah Hui and I won't bother you anymore."

Yun Hui: "...?"

Chang Kuo nodded: "Mrs. Lou, walk slowly."

Yun Xiang recalled asking, but he could only follow his grandma and bow before retreating. After leaving the small courtyard, he couldn't help but ask: "...where is Mrs. Chang, whom grandma has been talking about just now?"

Mr. Lou paused, looked at his son seriously, and raised his hand to explore his forehead. Yun Hui: "...A Niang?"

"Ah Hui, just tell grandma, are you feeling uncomfortable in your head or your eyes?" Lou asked with concern.

"Everything is fine, son!"

The servant girl also looked at her seriously: "Then... Madam Chang has been standing in the hall, how come the husband can't see her?"

Could it be that Lang Jun brought something unclean back from the battlefield that affected his sanity?

The same thought also appeared in Yun Hui's mind - he looked at his mother-in-law and his maid in bewilderment.

The maid couldn't resist the urge to snap the young man's middle finger: "Madam, please give me a try on Mr. Erlang..."

In her hometown, if you want to test whether a person is possessed by something unclean, you can tell by bending the other person's **** hard!

Lou told her not to worry, and asked her son seriously: "Then tell me, apart from you, General Chang, and my mother, is there anyone else in the hall just now?"

"Of course, Mr. Chang Lang is here too!" Yun Hui didn't understand the meaning of this question.

Lou: “…”

She finally understood.

The strange thing about this matter is not in the gods and ghosts, but in the son's mind.

After the maid came to her senses, she was both laughing and crying: "Where is Mr. Chang? Isn't that the girl of the Chang family?"

Mr. Lou sighed: "When you mentioned it to me today, you called me 'Chang Langjun'. You didn't mean to hide the identity of your daughter's family in front of the servants."

He really didn't know she was a girl!

Yun Hui seemed to have been struck by lightning, and his mind was still a little hard to turn around for a while.

At this moment, he was like a piece of hopeless wood, standing there in a daze.

Lou was helpless: "Didn't I tell you a long time ago that my name is Chang Sui Ning?"

Yun Hui finally found a voice: "...General Chang Da's son, isn't his name Chang Sui Ning?"

"The son of General Chang Da, his name is Chang Sui An." Lou felt a little embarrassed: "The girl in the family is called Chang Sui Ning!"

Yun Hui turned his neck stiffly and looked at the small courtyard behind him.

Although he had heard about the deeds of the Chang family girl, he had never accurately remembered her full name.

In addition, since we met each other, the other person was dressed as a young soldier in the army, so we made the impression first...

So, he was wrong from the beginning!

"But..." He was still unable to accept this "change", "How could a girl..."

That person who was extremely courageous, brave, resourceful, and calm, and the more we got along with him, the more he felt ashamed of himself... was actually a girl?

After that, the whole journey was speechless, but Yun Hui's heart was a hundred times more noisy than a thousand cicadas chirping in unison.

After sending his mother back to the hospital, Yun Hui thought about his behavior in front of the Chang family and his daughter in the past few days. Yun Hui wanted to ask his mother--does his son look like a fool?

But in the end I didn’t dare to ask.

Yun Hui turned back silently. Five hundred of the thousand cicadas had died of exhaustion, and the remaining five hundred were still noisy in his mind.

In Hezhou City, preparations were made day and night to deal with the enemy, and they did not know when they would hear news of the incoming rebel army again.

In Xu Jun's camp, Xu Zhengye, who was sitting here, received a secret letter.

The letter was written by Li Yi himself, explaining his intention to cooperate with him.

Most of his subordinates in the account were in high spirits after hearing this.

"If Li Yi is willing to join, this is a good thing!"

"This coward finally figured it out!"

"I think he is scared. He has fought so many defeats, failed many times, and done all the stupid things... How will he let him go in the future? Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, it is better to choose another place to live..."

"No matter what, if you get Li Yi, the general will be able to add wings to a tiger!" But this "wing" does not include Li Yi himself, but only the troops under his command.

Xu Zhengye held the letter and smiled: "After the Ming Dynasty, Li Yi was initially chosen as the commander, but he only used his clan name Li to decorate the appearance. In addition, his father, King Huainan, is loyal, so the Ming Dynasty can safely hand over the military power..."

But who could have expected that King Huainan would die suddenly at this critical moment?

And this Li Yi is certainly timid, but sometimes people's timidity and ambition do not conflict.

Empress Ming never imagined that Li Yi would become his helper one day, right?

Lieutenant General Ge Zong paid more attention to another thing: "...fuck that **** army of 100,000 people, that Chang Kuo is really bluffing!"

They have been investigated in the past few days, and Chang Kuo's statement of 100,000 reinforcements is probably false. Now that it has been confirmed by Li Yi's letter, there is no doubt anymore!

Ge Zong immediately stepped forward and knelt down to ask for an order: "Please allow me, the general, to lead my troops to attack the city, kill Chang Kuo, and seize Hezhou, so that I can redeem my merits!"

This time he needs to avenge his shame!

He wants to take Chang Kuo's head with his own hands, as well as the little cavalryman who caused him to lose face!

Luo Guanlin quickly said to Xu Zhengye: "Chang Kuo is a rare general. If he can be spared and used by the general, he will be of great help in the future!"

Ge Zong, who had never dealt with him, sneered: "He's just a cripple!"

Xu Zhengye sighed: "Chang Kuo is stubborn, I'm afraid he won't submit to me."

Luo Guanlin: "This may have been the case in the past, but after the injustice of the husband of the Chang family in the capital, there will definitely be a gap between the Ming Dynasty and Chang Kuo. If the general can treat him sincerely, he may not be able to convince Chang Kuo..."

Ge Zong frowned and wanted to say more, but Xu Zhengye shook his head.

"Li Yi's intention is very obvious. He wants to use my hands to get rid of Chang Kuo. If not, he will not be able to fully control the hearts and minds of the army."

"He stated in the letter that after I take Hezhou, he will discuss it in detail with me face to face... The implication is that if Chang Kuo is not dead, it will be difficult to truly conclude this cooperation."

He seemed a little regretful, but still said: "So, Chang Kuo must die."

He needs the troops in Li Yi's hands, and he also needs to use Li Yi as a clan member to build momentum to win more support and gather more help.

Luo Guanlin: "But..."

Xu Zhengye raised his hand and interrupted him: "Okay."

He looked at Ge Zong who was kneeling there and said, "Order your troops and attack the city."

The siege plan had already been agreed upon, and when the order was given, Ge Zong was greatly refreshed and said happily: "I obey!"

Good night! The status adjustment is almost complete, and the supplementary update will be arranged in two days ~ Thank you everyone for your monthly votes and rewards

(End of chapter)

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