Hello Chang’an

Chapter 244: See you again

Soon, soldiers from Xu's army came to report: "General... there is a large army coming from the southwest. Looking at their flags, they are the defenders of Xuanzhou!"

Hearing this, Xu Zhengye clenched the sword in his hand before he could unsheath it.

This news was not enough to surprise him, because he had already learned about the Xuanzhou military movement in advance...

Because of this, he personally led his troops here just in case.

But before this moment, he still had some uncertainty in his heart, because he really couldn't imagine why Xuanzhou would send troops to rescue Hezhou...

Even at this moment, he was still puzzled - why did Xuanzhou have to take this muddy water? ! This is not the behavior of Princess Xuan'an at all!

And no matter how he felt, the facts were already in front of him.

The Xuanzhou army quickly approached.

What shocked Xu Zhengye even more was the person who led the army.

The army came from the southwest and merged into the direction of the Hezhou army. The leader then appeared in everyone's sight. In addition to the two generals, there was also a female figure.

The woman who came on horseback was wearing armor and a sword, and she was wearing a cloak. At this moment, she raised her hand and took off the hood of the cloak. Under the light of the torch, a graceful and relaxed face appeared.

Xu Zhengye's expression changed slightly: "...the eldest princess?"

Princess Xuan'an actually came in person!

This eldest princess has not left Xuanzhou for many years, and today she actually put on armor and led her troops to personally support Hezhou!

Xu Zhengye felt that this made almost no sense, or... was there some hidden secret that he didn't know about?

He frowned tightly.

Princess Xuan'an looked at him: "General Xu, it's been a long time."

Looking at that face and listening to this voice, Chang Kuo was no less shocked than Xu Zhengye. He was even startled - why is she here!

Seeing the sudden appearance of reinforcements, Vice General Jin was so excited that he subconsciously looked at his general's reaction, only to see Chang Kuo frowning and glaring, his expression indescribable.

Upon closer examination, Vice General Jin felt that the general's reaction at this time was just like how he felt when he saw guests coming to the door with gifts, but he didn't want to cook and entertain them - he was too polite, as long as the things arrived, who else was coming? .

In that room, Xu Zhengye was trying his best to probe as calmly as possible: "I wonder if the eldest princess Xuan'an has led her army to come here in person. What advice can you give me?"

Princess Xuan'an sneered: "I should ask General Xu, has he ever asked me for my opinion when he reaches out to Hezhou?"

Xu Zhengye frowned slightly: "Xu doesn't understand the meaning of the eldest princess's words, please make it clear -"

He did not want to be an enemy of the eldest princess of Xuan'an. Her identity was different from that of an ordinary clan princess. She was the direct sister of the late emperor. When she was young, she was favored by her father, Emperor Qingfeng. When she became an adult, she granted Xuanzhou as her fiefdom. .

Among the eighteen prefectures in Jiangnan West Road, Xuanzhou has the largest jurisdiction and the largest population under its jurisdiction, with more than 120,000 county households. It is also the richest place in the entire Jiangnan West Road.

Moreover, there was no Jiedushi envoy on Jiangnan West Road. Over the years, most states have defaulted to Xuanzhou as the leader.

Granting Xuanzhou a fiefdom to a princess shows how much Emperor Qingfeng favored his daughter. When the late emperor was still alive, he also doted on his only half-sister. Even though his style was faulty, he never A harsh sentence.

In the eyes of the world, perhaps it was because of this that the eldest princess Xuan'an developed such a proud and unscrupulous character.

After the death of the previous emperor, the throne changed, and the situation in the court was once in turmoil. From the establishment of a new emperor and his deposition, to the ascension of the empress to the throne, countless courtiers and children of the clan asked the eldest princess to come forward to take charge of the overall situation, but they were all turned away. .

No matter how turbulent the court situation was, she only stayed in Xuanzhou to drink and have fun.

However, he has been based in Xuanzhou for a long time, his power is deeply rooted, and he is the same vassal king, so he should not be underestimated.

Therefore, when the deposed emperor was still on the throne, he sent a Chang Shi to Xuanzhou, which was called to share the worries of the eldest princess, but in fact it was to intervene in Xuanzhou's internal affairs.

But when the chief minister first arrived in Xuanzhou, the eldest princess of Xuan'an returned the goods. She said that the new chief minister was very ugly, and it was difficult to eat when he saw it. He also wanted to get along with him, but he vomited three times a day. For the sake of life, you really can’t stay.

The chief historian was so humiliated that he hanged himself after returning to the capital, but he came back after taking office and hanged himself.

All in all, although the eldest princess never interferes with the affairs of the court, she will never allow others to touch her bottom line.

Later, when the empress ascended the throne, she had no objection. Over the years, she and the empress had adhered to the consensus that water in a well should not interfere with the river, and they had lived in peace with each other.

Even though the Empress and her party of officials were wary of her, apart from raising some male favorites, she could not find any other faults, nor did she show any trace of ambition. Even if she wanted to deal with her, she could not find a reason to do so.

At the beginning of Xu Zhengye's rebellion, he also thought about recruiting the eldest princess to join the gang. He asked Luo Guanlin to write a letter, which was moved with emotion and reason, and was sincere and sincere, and sent to Xuanzhou.

But the other party actually lit the letter on the candle in front of the messenger without even looking at it, and threw it lightly in front of the messenger.

Then he sent the male favorite beside him and blasted the messenger out.

When Luo Guanlin heard about this, he was very angry. He felt that a night of hard work was wasted - the other party even opened it and took a look! Even if he opened it and took a look, he wouldn't believe that the other party wouldn't be tempted!

Therefore, Princess Xuan'an had rejected Xu Zhengye first.

But in Xu Zhengye's view, rejection does not mean that the other party will become his enemy - although Princess Xuan'an is unwilling to work with him, she is not restricted to obey the orders of the court and the empress.

If you are not fighting against him for the imperial court, then why are you here today?

What does it mean to "reach out to Hezhou and ask her for her opinion?" Hezhou does not belong to her Jiangnan West Road!

Princess Xuan'an's tone was majestic and cold: "Hezhou is adjacent to my Xuanzhou, only a few hundred miles apart. If you dare to kill people and plunder the city in front of my Xuanzhou gate today, who knows that you won't invade my Xuanzhou territory in the future?" ?”

She angrily yelled: "General Xu, please know that you have to look at your neighbors when beating dogs!"

Xu Zhengye: “…”

The owner has heard a lot about beating the dog, but this is the first time the neighbor has heard about it!

Yun Hui: "..."

Well, as long as you are willing to help, a dog will be a dog.

"Xu always respects the eldest princess, and he is even more loyal when the Li family is prosperous. How can he offend Xuanzhou?" force."

Speaking of this, he looked at Hezhou's army and even felt a little sad: "If Hezhou is willing to open up a righteous path and allow Xu to lead his army to the capital to help His Royal Highness, how can Xu be willing to hurt innocent people?"

Princess Xuan'an didn't buy it at all, and sneered: "You are just trying to deceive the world with these words, don't bring it up in front of me."

"I don't care what your plans are. I only know that since you started the uprising, countless refugees have entered my territory in Xuanzhou, and the whole Jiangnan has been disturbed!"

Her eyes were full of anger, and she was even more coercive: "Besides, Xuanzhou has always been based on business. Because of your wanton rebellion, the trade routes from Xuanzhou to various places were almost paralyzed, and various business houses were established in the south of the Yangtze River. You have also been raped and plundered by your troops, and now you still dare to say that you have never dared to offend Xuanzhou?"

After being scolded, Xu Zhengye's face turned green and white, and he could only say: "My subordinates may have done something inappropriate. I hope the eldest princess will forgive me. Xu will be strictly restrained in the future..."

The eldest princess of Xuan'an was still angry: "If you cross a city, you will ruin the livelihood of that city. Hezhou is adjacent to our Xuanzhou. Over the years, one-tenth of the paper and ink produced in Xuanzhou has been sold to Hezhou. Now, Nowadays, there are mountains of paper and ink in Xuanzhou City. Can you buy them all or eat them?"

"It's time to eat, but I'm full of black water anyway! It's time to feed on ink!"

A girl's voice rang out. Chang Sui Ning heard the sound and looked around, and saw that it was Li Tong riding a horse from behind.

Li Tong's eyes quickly found Chang Suining and he quickly approached.

The eldest princess of Xuan'an had already said the last sentence loudly: "You have thought about Huainan Road. If you have this ability, I will let you fight through Li Yi or swim across Chaohu Lake. In short, you want to move Hezhou." , I will never agree! If you want to fight, just come and try!"

Xu Zhengye's face darkened.

It seems that Princess Xuan'an is determined to protect Hezhou...

Even though it is a fact about business and wealth, under such current circumstances, it would be too overbearing to talk about it with him!

Soon, a scout turned back, and the deputy general whispered the news to him: "General, the scout has found out clearly that Princess Xuan'an only brought 30,000 soldiers and horses..."

According to the lieutenant's opinion, since the opponent only has 30,000 troops, this battle is not impossible!

But Xu Zhengye couldn't think of it that simply. Thirty thousand soldiers and horses have always been the quota for Xuanzhou's defenders. Any more would be suspected of hoarding troops privately. This woman's actions may seem absurd, but no one can fault her...

But this is probably just the surface. She has been operating in Xuanzhou for many years. How could it be as simple as it seems?

Moreover, if he breaks up with them today, it will be equivalent to offending the entire Jiangnan West Road. If a group of people attack, how will he respond?

Furthermore, the banner the other party is using today is not to attack him on behalf of the imperial court, but to come for Xuanzhou's personal gain, and not to hinder his great cause. If he becomes an enemy of the other party and spreads the word, wouldn't he support the Li family with him? Contrary to the title?

At that time, some people will definitely question his loyalty to the Li family and the true intention of the uprising, and he will not be able to explain it to the literati, gentry and bureaucrats who sincerely support the Li family...

There is no way he can fight this battle!

If you are not careful, all your previous efforts will be in vain.

Faced with Princess Xuan'an's arrogant rhetoric, the deputy general on the side could no longer bear it. He clasped his fists and asked for instructions: "General...!"

This slut, relying on her surname Li and a little bit of power in her hands, is so rampant. She is really bullying others!

During the confrontation between the two sides, Xu Zhengye was full of unwillingness and aggrieved under the pressure, and raised his hand towards Princess Xuan'an: "Today, I am willing to retreat to Jiangning for Princess Xuanzhou and Xuanzhou! I hope the princess can remember what happened today, It’s clear that Xu is loyal to the Li family!”

Princess Xuan'an raised her chin slightly and said noncommittally, "General Xu, please go slowly and don't see me off."

Xu Zhengye said patiently: "Retreat!"

Even though his subordinates were dissatisfied, they did not dare to refute and could only do as they were told.

When Xu Zhengye turned the horse's head, his face was as dark as water and his eyes were sinister.

Today, for the sake of the overall situation, he took a step back...if he wants to achieve great things in the future, he must first tear apart the fat piece of Xuanzhou!

Xu's army retreated like water.

"Don't worry, they don't dare to come again!" Li Tong turned around and said to the Hezhou soldiers.

The soldiers seemed to have come to their senses at this point, and finally someone cheered loudly.

Chang Kuo ordered his troops to return to the city.

Behind the army, the city gate opened wide.

The soldiers who dealt with the aftermath found familiar companions from the snowdrifts and mountains of corpses, and brought them back together with tears.

The snow is too heavy tonight to prevent our fallen companions from finding their way home.

The lights in the city were brightly lit, waiting for the triumphant return of the soldiers. The lights of hundreds of houses emitted dots of warm colors in the snow. There was joy in retreating from the enemy's rear, happiness in having their homeland saved, and indescribable sadness.

Chang Sui Ningyu immediately looked back and looked at the distant battlefield behind him, just like he had after countless battles in the past.

It is easy to start a war, but it is difficult to repair the damaged cities and people's hearts after the war.

Hezhou City was both unfortunate and lucky. It was unfortunate that it was involved in this unreasonable disaster caused by other people's ambitions. Fortunately, it still had the opportunity to recover and rebuild.

When Chang Suining was looking at the battlefield behind her, Chang Kuo was also looking at her.

Chang Kuo's eyes were sore when a clear and curious voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "You are General Chang!"

Chang Kuo looked over and asked thoughtfully: "Are you..."

The girl who was immediately wrapped in fox fur had bright eyes: "My name is Li Tong!"

Chang Kuo said "Oh" and suddenly said: "It's you, you've grown so big!"

The little girl looked strangely pleasing to the eye.

Probably because she doesn't look like her mother.

Li Tong stared at him: "Have you seen me?"

Chang Kuo looked forward, as if thinking: "It seems so, maybe I have seen it somewhere... I can't remember!"

Li Tong grinned: "But I know about you. I often hear my mother mention you!"

Chang Kuo raised his thick eyebrows almost imperceptibly: "Really..."

tell me the story?

Just as Li Tong was about to continue speaking, he heard his mother's displeased voice calling from the side: "Li Tong, come here!"

Li Tong responded and drove his horse to Princess Xuan'an.

Chang Kuo: "...!"

Why did he bring it up? He just left after saying it!

He glanced sideways at Princess Xuan'an.

Chang Sui Ning also drove his horse to follow Li Tong to the eldest princess and thanked her.

She originally wrote the letter to the eldest princess. Xuanzhou and Hezhou were close to each other, so she had enough time. Moreover, the identity of the eldest princess Xuan'an naturally suppressed Xu Zhengye, so she was the best candidate.

So she chose to borrow troops from the other party.

She put this good relationship to use as soon as she formed a good relationship. Although it was because of her brother's favor, she was really grateful that the other party was willing to send troops and came in person.

"...Look at your injuries. Stop talking. If you have anything to say, it's not too late to talk to you when you get back!" Princess Xuan'an looked at Chang Suining with distressed eyes.

Seeing Sister Chang like this, Li Tong also sighed. She wanted to say something, why didn't she stay in the city and go to the battlefield in person, but she couldn't say this when she thought of the tragic scenes everywhere she looked.

Even though she couldn't imagine it, how could Sister Chang do so much to defend the city if she was not related to Hezhou City?

But she also suddenly realized that in this world, people really live and die for others, regardless of their own life or death.

If she just liked her before, now Sister Chang is worthy of her admiration.

Li Tong, who had rarely left Xuanzhou and had never seen such righteousness with his own eyes, was so touched for the first time.

Snowflakes fell on her eyelashes, making her eyes feel a little dull. She took off her fox fur and wrapped it around Chang Suining without any explanation.

Chang Suining said it would stain her fur coat. With red eyes, she covered Chang Suining's hood tightly and said with a smile: "It is its honor to be stained with the blood of heroes."

Princess Xuan'an said: "There is really smoke coming out of the Chang family's ancestral graves."

He was clearly a rough man from a mountainous background, but to have such a good son and daughter, and to have her blindly treat him differently, isn't it a big deal?

This green smoke has been coming out for so many years, and his ancestral graves are probably very tired.

Chang Kuo squinted at them talking here, and then he shouted like the eldest princess Xuan'an just now: "Ning Ning, come here!"

Princess Xuan'an looked sideways and snorted lightly.

Chang Suining drove his horse back and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chang Kuo suddenly shuddered: "...!"

Sorry, this reunion is between Lao Chang and Princess Dachang... Do you miss Xiao Cui so much?

However, country is more important than beauty (Xiao Cui will wait a moment and make up for it later hehe)

Today’s update is 4300 words, good night!

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