Hello Chang’an

Chapter 308: I don't agree with this! (five thousand big

 It was Qiao Yumian who took the initiative to study medicine as a disciple.

Doctor Sun locked himself in his room and thought about it for five days before he nodded.

The reason why Dr. Sun agreed to accept a disciple was because of two considerations. First, he was also afraid that all he had learned would be cut off. It was impossible to get married. He only thought about sleeping with others and having children. Just thinking about it made me sweat with embarrassment, and I was at a loss. My soul lifted up from the sky, as if I was going to leave him the next moment.

Regardless of whether he is extinct or his medical skills are lost, he himself does not feel that there is anything to regret, but he still has to think about what will happen a hundred years later...

Just imagine, a hundred years later, if he saw his parents who died young under Jiuquan, facing these two crimes, the guilt would definitely make him worse than death.

Now it seems that death is inevitable. In order to alleviate his sin, he can only work hard to continue his family's medical skills.

In addition, Doctor Sun actually has an unknown regret from the past hidden deep in his heart.

More than ten years ago, in his hometown of Shu, he accidentally met a young general from the Xuance Army walking in the market. The young general was very sincere and followed him for many days. He wanted to invite him to join the Xuance Army as a military doctor. He gave The conditions were very generous, but he explained his "illness" and lied about not being good at academics, thus rejecting the offer.

The other party did not bother or get angry anymore. He just told him that if there is any difficulty in the future, he can go to the Xuance Army to find the Crown Prince who is eager for talents.

Two years later, shortly after the death of the late Emperor, he suddenly heard that His Highness the Crown Prince had also died of an injury in the capital, and he met Beidi who was eyeing him. He could still remember the turmoil in people's hearts at that time.

In the dead of winter night, he huddled in the cold bed and couldn't help but think, if he had agreed to enter Xuance's military camp at that time, if he happened to be able to cure the injuries of His Highness the Crown Prince, then...

There are no assumptions in this world, and there is no chance of a comeback. Maybe his skills are not enough to save that person, but there is always regret if he has never tried. This regret has been following him for a long time, and every time a similar incident occurs time, gradually accumulated and expanded.

He will also hate his own incompetence, but he is not good at communicating with others by nature, and his body's reactions are more real than his emotions. There is no cure for his illness.

Therefore, when Qiao Yumian proposed that he would like to study medicine as a teacher, he seemed to have seen the solution he had been waiting for for a long time.

After getting along with her for this period of time, he found that this little girl had a gentle and calm temperament. She didn't talk much and rarely made him feel at a loss - unlike that Cui Liulang.

If the other party can really use all his medical skills to save the world, there is no need for the other party to thank him. Instead, he would like to thank this living Bodhisattva for freeing him.

Qiao Yumian didn't know that the introverted Doctor Sun had kowtowed to her several times with tears of gratitude in his heart.

After finalizing the apprenticeship, Qiao Yumian "took the liberty" to ask, "I don't know the full name of the master yet."

It is rare for master and disciple to be so unfamiliar with each other.

What was even rarer was that Dr. Sun stiffly twitched the corners of his mouth before replying: [Sun Nao. 】

His first name is Sun Nao, and his nickname is Nao Nao.

Qiao Yumian nodded slightly and remained silent in her heart for a long time.

Later, her master put forward a condition to her very politely and tactfully. This was the only request he made to his apprentice as a master.

- After his death, have his body quietly collected. Remember to do it quietly. Do not hold a funeral or disturb too many people. Just choose a hidden place and bury him quietly at night. After burying him, cover it with weeds. Remember not to erect a tombstone. It is best if no one knows that someone is buried here.

[Then...do we need to worship and burn some paper money during the holidays? ] Qiao Yumian asked rigorously.

Dr. Sun thought anxiously for a long time, and finally made up his mind, saying that there is no need to worship, and more paper money can be burned at one time. It is best to burn it once for three years.

In short, you can secretly burn money, but there is no need to celebrate festivals and other social activities.

Qiao Yumian agreed seriously, and even asked Xiaoqiu to take a pen and paper to write down the precautions in detail, and said, "Master, if you think of anything later, you can add it at any time." Her sincere look of understanding and respect made Dr. Sun feel good in his heart. Tears filled my eyes, and I felt extremely relieved that I had been entrusted with the things to do after my death. It was indeed the right time to come to the capital.

Besides, this apprentice does have some talents.

In addition to real-person teaching, Dr. Sun also uses book-based teaching and handwrites the content to be taught into books, which greatly reduces the embarrassment of face-to-face dictation.

Qiao Yumian has an easy-going personality and puts her master's wishes first in everything. After many days, although the atmosphere between master and disciple is unfamiliar, it is also strangely harmonious.

Moreover, she seems to be weak, but she is very dedicated and willing to work hard. For convenience, Qiao Yumian mostly lives in Changfu during this period and returns to the Imperial College every three or two days.

Just as Chang Suining always had a room in Qiao Jijiu's residence in the Imperial College, Qiao Yumian's residence was always kept in the Chang Mansion, in the small courtyard next to Chang Suining's residence.

In the afternoon of this day, Qiao Yumian went back to the small courtyard to take a nap.

Or maybe it’s because Xiaoqiu has been asking Xiaoqiu to inquire about outside news about Ningning every day recently. She has heard too much, and when she thinks about it, she dreams about it—

In the dream, it seemed that she had gone back to the time when Ning Ning lived with her in the Imperial College last year. She was sitting on the porch while Ning Ning was practicing her sword.

In the dream, she saw Ning Ning's valiant and neat figure. At the end, Ning Ning's face was covered with sweat. As she sheathed her sword, she suddenly pointed the tip of the sword at her with a smile. She took a closer look and was pleasantly surprised to find that the sharp tip of the sword was on top of it. , a colorful butterfly stayed.

She showed an expression of joy. The butterfly was so beautiful. Its wings were shining in the sun. It was a colorful color that she had not seen for many years.

She subconsciously stretched out her fingers, wanting to touch the butterfly, but saw it suddenly move, its wings fluttering with a layer of glitter, and the butterfly flew towards her eyes. She subconsciously raised her hand to block it.

Qiao Yumian exclaimed in her heart. When she opened her eyes again, she saw the butterfly resting quietly on the jade hook of the bed tent.

She was startled slightly, then slowly sat up and stared blankly at the living butterfly.

After a while, she tentatively stretched out her hand.

Sensing her approach, the butterfly suddenly fluttered its wings and flew away. Qiao Yumian was suddenly awakened, but fell into an even greater confusion, unable to distinguish between reality and dreams.

She sat on the bed, watching everything in front of her motionless, until a female servant walked in: "Is the lady awake?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Qiao Yumian turned to look over and asked blankly: "...Xiaoqiu?"

"The maid is here." Xiaoqiu responded subconsciously, and immediately her eyes met the crystal eyes. After being startled, she couldn't help but tentatively said: "Girl...girl?"

Seeing the person on the couch suddenly smiling at her with red eyes, Xiaoqiu quickly threw away the embroidery cloth and needlework in her hands, walked quickly to the bed, grabbed her girl's trembling hand: "Girl... your eyes can Did you see that?"

Qiao Yumian nodded like she was crying and laughing, her soft voice trembling: "Xiao Qiu, you look different from before..."

"Of course! The girl has not seen the servant girl for many years!" Xiaoqiu couldn't help it anymore, hugged the girl and burst into tears: "The servant girl knows that the girl is so kind... God will always open his eyes. !”

Xiaoqiu cried again and again. After calming down a little, she found that she was the only one crying, and the girl was comforting her softly.

Xiaoqiu, whose shoulders were wet with tears, stood up with sobs. His girl turned to wipe her tears with a handkerchief, and said with tears in her eyes: "I just saw you now, I don't want to cry again." Go blind."

Xiaoqiu nodded hurriedly: "Yes, girl, please don't cry...leave it all to the maid! If you want to cry, just say it, and the maid will cry on your behalf!"

As far as this matter is concerned, I dare not say from afar, but within three to five years, she will have enough tear ducts!

Xiaoqiu came back to her senses and wiped her tears with her sleeves, then hurriedly said: "Girl, sit still and don't move. I'll go and ask Doctor Sun to come and see you!"

Normally she would take the girl to Dr. Sun's place, but today was a special situation. What if it was not appropriate for the girl to move around at this time?

Xiaoqiu took two steps, then suddenly turned back, took the coat that was placed on the flower and bird screen, and wanted to put on the dress for her girl first.

"Give it to me." Qiao Yumian smiled and stretched out her hand: "I want to try it myself."

Xiaoqiu suddenly realized, yes, her girl can dress herself!

This realization made Xiaoqiu's suppressed tears flow out again. She cried loudly again, and ran towards Dr. Sun's residence while crying. From time to time, she showed a look of joy that broke through her tears, which gave people the impression that her mental state was worrying. feel.

Dr. Sun, who was awakened by her cries and banging on the door, subconsciously wrapped himself tightly in the quilt. During this period of time, he gradually relaxed in the ownerless Chang Mansion and resumed some of his past personal habits.

Dr. Sun got up and dressed in a hurry.

Qiao Yumian also put on her coat and embroidered shoes with a little clumsiness, came to the mirror, and looked at herself in the mirror with unfamiliarity and novelty.

I haven't seen her for many years, but she looks like this?

She was like a spirit that had just transformed. She was surprised by everything. She tried to walk out of the room and came to the courtyard, where the blue sky and white clouds, bananas and peach trees, green leaves and flowers...

All these things rushed toward her, silent but noisy, deafening, impacting her mind, making her overwhelmed, as if the world was spinning, and she was completely at a loss.

Doctor Sun followed Xiaoqiu and rushed over quickly.

After checking Qiao Yumian's eyes, Dr. Sun said that he had initially recovered. There may be temporary blurred vision later, but as long as he continues to take medication, the symptoms will gradually disappear. Xiaoqiu was overjoyed, so the girl was really cured, and God really gave her eyes back!

"Thank you so much, Master, for traveling to the capital and healing my eyes. It is a great kindness that I will remember forever."

Qiao Yumian was so grateful that she wanted to bow to Dr. Sun, but she saw him taking a few steps back in panic and waving his hands: "No, no need..."

Dr. Sun stumbled a bit and said: "I just accept people's money to do things... If you want to thank me, I only need to thank Madam Chang."

He doesn't like to be thanked. Gratitude is too heavy. Responding to this heavy burden will make him feel even more stressed.

When it comes to accepting people's money to do things, Doctor Sun can't help but hesitate at the moment: "Since the eyes have been cured, then I..."

Is it time for him to pack up and leave?

He heard that the outside world was very uneasy and there were wars and chaos everywhere. If he left here rashly at this time and took the large amount of medical fees left by Mrs. Chang to him, he would be a little confused as to what to do.

To be honest, the walls of the General's Mansion were very high, which made him feel very safe, and the masters were all fighting outside. In these pure days of occupying the magpie's nest, he had unconsciously sunk in. He was willing to do whatever he wanted. A tethered canary.

"Since master still wants to teach me medical skills, I wonder if you can stay a little longer?" Qiao Yumian said to persuade her to stay: "I will write to Ning Ning to explain the matter."

Dr. Sun rubbed his hands nervously, and after a moment, he nodded blankly: "That's fine..."

Seeing that he was willing to stay, Qiao Yumian felt relieved.

Ning Ning wrote to her several times, asking her to keep Dr. Sun as long as possible.

As long as her eyes were not healed, Dr. Sun would not leave him for a day, but this was not a long-term plan. In case her eyes suddenly improved, after much deliberation, she decided to try to become a disciple.

Yes, the reason why she became a disciple was that she wanted to learn medical skills, but her real intention was to detain people for Ning Ning.

At this moment, both master and disciple breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Xiaoqiu had not yet recovered from her joy, and now she said to Qiao Yumian: "My servant will return to the Imperial College now and tell the master, his wife and the husband the news of the girl's recovery!"

"You have to go alone to spread this message." Qiao Yumian smiled: "Wouldn't it be better for me to go back and see my father, mother and brother?"

Although they have never been separated, she has not seen her parents and brother for many years.

This spring is a good day, a good day for her to reunite with her family.

Qiao Yumian held up the hem of her skirt and boarded the carriage with brisk steps.

The wind of late spring rolled up the curtains of the carriage, and the carriage passed by the bustling market. The noisy scene crowded into her sight, awakening the long-dusted childhood scenes in her mind.

The mood along the way is incomparable, like a new life.

Her eyes are healed, and from now on she will make good use of them to see the people she wants to see and do more things.

Thinking of the people she wanted to see, many old faces appeared in Qiao Yumian's mind, including father and mother, brother, Ning Ning, brother Sui'an, Uncle Chang, and...

When she thought of that person, there was no image of him in her mind, only his voice.

But soon, she would know what he looked like.

Is he also in the Imperial College at the moment?

When he hears the news, he will come to see her with his brother, right?

Is he also wearing a light red robe today?

What would she say when they met for the first time?

The girl was sitting in the car, her heart was flying, she was happy and looking forward to it. The wind of late spring was eight to three degrees warm, and her palms were sweating. She just hoped that the carriage would go faster, even faster.

The carriage soon stopped at the back side door of the Imperial College. Qiao Yumian got out and walked quickly to her home. Gradually, she started to trot in the warm wind with her skirt up.

Xiaoqiu hugged the bundle and followed with a smile.

At the same moment, outside the main entrance of the Imperial College, a light red young figure, accompanied by a boy, hurriedly got into the carriage and urged the coachman to return home quickly.

It was almost time for classes to end at the Imperial College. Not long after, the bell rang for classes to end, and Qiao Yubai and his classmates walked out of the school laughing.

As soon as those classmates spoke, it was "General Ningyuan". The lively young man held a book as a knife in his hand, gesturing to kill the enemy, jumping up and down, and it seemed that he had read too many books about related words.

Speaking of storybooks, Hu Huan has been feeling aggrieved recently. Five days ago, he secretly purchased a popular storybook at a high price. Although the protagonist in it is a pseudonym and has many mythological features, it is clear at a glance that what is written is The deeds of General Ningyuan.

Hu Huan loved it so much that he secretly read it in class and was caught by his teacher. He hit him three times on the spot and temporarily impounded his script, saying that he would give it to him after the mid-term exam.

After the exam yesterday, Hu Huan hurriedly asked his husband for a script. The husband raised his eyebrows and scolded him, said "wait", then returned to the study with his hands behind his back.

The study room here is very open and spacious. Most of the teachers and doctors who have no classes rest here and correct their homework.

Hu Huan vaguely sensed something was wrong and followed him quietly. The cat was eavesdropping under a window lattice—

"You...I haven't finished reading yet!"

"Let go, the students are here to demand it!"

"What if we punish him to stand outside for a while longer?"

"Don't be so pushy..."

Hu Huan was stunned. When he heard his husband come out, he quickly returned to his original place and pretended that nothing happened.

The husband also looked like nothing had happened, and his face was still serious, but this old-fashioned look fell into Hu Huan's eyes now, but he felt that it was different no matter how he looked at it.

The gentleman threw the storybook away in disgust and said solemnly: "Take it back, don't circulate it privately in the Imperial College, it will bring bad morals! If it happens again, I will not be lenient!"

"..." Hu Huan took it aggrievedly, looked down, and did not dare to be angry, let alone speak.

I almost gave him a plate of milk!

At this moment, Hu Huan followed Qiao Yubai with his swollen storybook in his pocket.

When a group of people walked across a wooden bridge, the Qiao family's servant came over with joy on his face and whispered something in Qiao Yubai's ear.

Qiao Yubai looked overjoyed: "Seriously?!"

The servant nodded repeatedly: "...Mr. Lang, please go back with me quickly!"

"Okay!" Qiao Yubai was overjoyed. He didn't even have time to say hello and say goodbye to his classmates, but after taking seven or eight steps, he suddenly stopped and looked back.

Hu Huan ran to catch up and was about to ask what was wrong when Qiao Yubai asked first: "Where is Cui Liulang? Can you see him?"

Cui Liulang also put a lot of effort into Mianmian's eyes. After these days, he saw that Cui Liulang was almost becoming half of Mianmian's brother. This good news should be shared with him as soon as possible.

"Cui Liulang just returned home. It seems that the Cui family has servants looking for him. He left in a hurry..." When Hu Huan said this, his voice lowered: "Maybe something happened at home."

After what happened to the Zheng family, the Cui family also became a disgraceful existence in the eyes of everyone.

Cui Lang urged again and again, urging the carriage to almost fly. When it reached the door of his house, before it could stop, he jumped out of the carriage and almost fell down.

He went straight to the main hall. The atmosphere in the hall was serious and tense, and it was filled with people from the Cui clan who had the right to speak.

Cui Lang broke into the solemn and solemn black forbidden area like a bird with colorful feathers flapping randomly, and said loudly without hesitation: "...I don't agree with this!"

Today is a big chapter, I will make up for the leave I asked for ~ Thank you all for your monthly votes, rewards, and messages.

Today I’m going to recommend another ancient poem by Jiu Shilu from 96. The style of writing is easily comparable to that of “Yan Ci Gui”, it’s very fat, kill it!

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