Hello Chang’an

Chapter 310: Stand up and follow me (please vote for me)

 “It’s good that you have nothing to say, so you admit it.”

The old man held the genealogy in his hand and said in a loud voice: "You have brought shame on the family tradition, you are double-minded, you are an alien, you are unwilling to follow the aspirations of my clan, you are really not my clan!"

"In order to establish a healthy family of the Cui family and to uphold the virtues of the Cui family for thousands of years, we will follow the order of the family leader today to expel you, a rebellious person, from your family name and cut off the Cui family tree!"

"From now on, you will not be allowed to set foot in our family again while you are alive; after your death, you will not be allowed to enter Cui's tomb, and your tablet will not be allowed to enter Cui's ancestral hall!"

"From now on, you are a person with no clan, no roots and no origin. You have nothing to do with me, the Cui family of Qinghe!"


Cui Jing stood there, listening quietly, her dark eyelashes lowered, and she didn't say a word.

The extermination of a noble clan is never a light word. Soon, the matter will spread everywhere, and the person who is exterminated will become a rebellious and unscrupulous person in the eyes of the world, and will be reviled and stayed away from by everyone. Previously, there were people who had their ancestral home removed by the gentry and were stained with stains. They could no longer enter the official career in this life and struggled to make progress. Under the eyes of the world and the scrutiny of their livelihood, most of them could only die in depression.

Those people have always been regarded as pitiful and hateful people abandoned by their families.

Poor and hateful, without roots and origins, the world is so big, but it is destined to be unable to accommodate it.

In addition, Cui Jing is the target of being exterminated. After the proposal of extermination is approved by all tribesmen, the person who is exterminated will need to face a punishment. There are also family laws for extermination.

The severity of this family law must be judged according to the size of the faults committed by the people who were exterminated. According to what they said, it is not an exaggeration to say that the faults Cui Jing committed were heinous.

"...Do you have any objection to these hundred family whips?" The old man looked at the young man who remained silent under the gaze of everyone.

"No objection."

The young man took off the soft armor he was wearing with one hand, threw it at his feet, then took off the sword from his waist, and finally knelt down upright towards the Patriarch's Order in the old man's hand.

Soon a tribesman came forward with a family whip in both hands.

The Cui family also has complicated rules when it comes to exterminating clans. Every time a whip is given, the fault of the person being exterminated must be publicly stated. It will take at least two quarters of an hour to complete the whipping of one hundred families.

This is a temporary family hall in Xingyang. If it were in the Cui family ancestral hall in Beijing or Cui's house in Qinghe, all the clan members would come to watch. In order to uphold the family tradition, a hundred family whips would be used. But after beating for more than an hour, those who were punished would almost pass out in the middle because they couldn't bear it any longer.

One hundred whips is the most severe punishment. After being carried down, most of the punished will become disabled, and many will die.

It was wrapped with braided copper wire. When the soft and hard flexible domestic whip was raised, it tore through the wind and made a sound that broke through the air. It fell heavily on the young man's broad back. In just three or four lashes, the fine silk and dark green robe split, and then the skin and flesh burst open.

A young tribesman standing at the back, in the last row to "watch the execution", would turn his head and close his eyes, his brows trembling, and his hands would break out in cold sweat every time he heard the whip fall.

Seeing that everyone's attention was on the punished young man, the young tribesman quietly left.

"What? A hundred family whips?" Yuan Xiang, who came with Cui Jing and was guarding outside the house, turned pale after hearing what the young tribesman said.

"A bunch of black-hearted people, they really think they are a plaything, why don't they just behead them!" Vice General Yu couldn't help but curse, and was about to rush in, but was stopped by Yuan Xiang.

"The Governor has warned us not to let any of us in!" Yuan Xiang looked anxious, but he did not dare to disobey this order.

Historically, in Xuance's army, obeying the order to the top has been the most ironclad order from top to bottom. If they, as the governor's confidants, cannot obey, how can they govern the subordinates?

In the Xuance Army, military orders cannot be violated, it is engraved in the bones.

"Then we can't just watch the governor receive such a heavy punishment!" Vice General Yu was so anxious that he wanted to draw his sword. He walked around anxiously and said, "We can't go in, so how about others? Go and ask someone who can help. People!"

Who can help with this?

Either he has seniority and can speak up, or he has someone under his command who can attack directly...

Speaking of seniority, can the uncle of the Zheng family be the governor?

No, not to mention that Uncle Zheng is now temporarily detained in the Zheng family, waiting for the saint's final fate. He cannot leave without permission, and even if he can steal the person out...

Thinking that Zheng Chao's actions were even better than those of his own Grand Governor, Yuan Xiang couldn't help but feel that even if Zheng Chao came, they would be just a few beaten people at best.

Isn't it outrageous to steal people out and get beaten?

"By the way, where is General Ning Yuan?" Vice General Yu suddenly thought of this **** who could attack directly.

"General Ning Yuan left for the Bianzhou camp yesterday!" Yuan Xiang was about to cry. If Mrs. Chang was still here, how could he be reduced to thinking about Uncle Zheng's uncle?

"Forget it, it's too late to invite anyone. By the time we invite the generals, I'm afraid the hundred lashes will be finished!" Lieutenant General Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he pulled off the Xuance Army badge from his waist and threw it to Yuan Xiang: "I'll go in. !”

Afterwards, he took charge of the military law. He would rather be expelled from Xuance's army than see the governor receive this **** hundred lashes today!

A group of ten subordinates behind him immediately took off their waist badges and handed them to Yuan Xiang.

Yuanxiang was holding a bunch of waist badges, like a tray of warriors, with a hesitant look on his face. He was unwilling to break in, partly because of the military order, but more importantly because he knew the temperament of the Grand Governor best, and the Grand Governor did not They need to be "rescued". If the governor had not volunteered, how could these Cui family members have the ability to hold their governor to be punished?

Even if the Governor does something of his own free will, they can't stop it even if they break in!

Vice General Yu and others couldn't care less. When they were about to rush in, they suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves.

Yuan Xiang followed everyone and turned to look, and couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw someone coming.

The leader wore a ponytail and wore a sky-green gauze robe with light flowing clouds embroidered on it. He came on horseback, followed by a group of people.

"Ms. Chang!" Yuan Xiang hurried forward to greet her: "You are back!"

The girl with cloud boots jumped off the horse and asked, "Where is your Grand Governor?"

She returned to the Bianzhou camp yesterday and learned on the way that some members of the Cui family had come to Xingyang. She intuitively told her that these people must be here for Cui Jing.

Sure enough, just after she passed the Xingyang city gate, she heard someone talking about this matter, saying that it was the Cui clan who came to Xingyang to question Cui Jing.

If it was just an ordinary admonishment, there would be no need to intervene, but these tribesmen had come all the way here, how could it be that simple?

Even though the Cui family members would not say it explicitly, this matter undoubtedly stemmed from the Zheng family's affairs, and the fact that Cui Jingxing did this was her instigation. She should have come back to take a look. It would be too little if she ignored it. Got it.

Chang Sui Ning didn't have much reaction when Yuan Xiang talked about "exterminating the clan". It wasn't until he heard that a hundred families were being whipped that he frowned.

Is he crazy or stupid and doesn't want to die?

Chang Suining looked at Yuan Xiang and others with red eyes: "Why don't you go in and stop them?"

"The Grand Governor has said beforehand that I will not be allowed to wait in!"

Chang Suining raised his feet: "Then let me go in and take a look."

She wanted to see what was going on with this man.

However, before she could cross the gate, she was stopped by several members of the Cui clan who came out to check after hearing signs of agitation in Xuance's army outside the house and asked, "Who are you?"

Chang Suining announced his identity: "I am Chang Suining."

After the two tribesmen unexpectedly exchanged glances, one of them asked cautiously: "I wonder what General Ning Yuan is doing?" Chang Sui Ning was impatient and walked forward as he spoke: "Come to meet a friend."

"This is my Cui family's house. No one can break in without our permission!" A middle-aged man in a long gown came over and looked at the unkind girl with a sword on her waist with a cold expression: "Leave quickly and don't take another step forward!"

Chang Suining didn't pause, and took one step forward, two steps, three steps forward with a half-smile. She crossed the threshold and came to the tribesman.

The tribesman's cheeks trembled with anger, and he pointed at the arrogant and provocative girl: "You..."

The girl walked straight past him and said without any sincerity: "Sorry, I'm invited by a good friend. It's not appropriate to break the appointment. I'm offended."

"Someone, stop her!"

As soon as the man's voice fell and he was about to shout, a big rough hand suddenly covered his mouth.

"Don't yell!" A Dian advised: "We don't want to fight!"

The clan members were so angry that they struggled with "Uh-huh".

But there were guards everywhere they brought, and soon the two sides started fighting.

However, these nursing homes cannot be compared with the soldiers who have been on the battlefield. Shepherd's Purse and her group of five female soldiers can all be as good as five, not to mention that there is A Dian.

Chang Suining never took action herself from beginning to end. The people she brought solved all the troubles. She went straight ahead, as if entering a deserted land, and came to the place where Cui Jing was punished.

Huge pain can dull one's hearing, but Cui Jing was still aware of the panic behind him.

The tribesmen guarding both sides looked at the girl who suddenly broke in and ordered her to be taken down.

There was a guard holding a staff to stop him. However, as soon as the staff was close to the opponent, it was knocked down by the unsheathed sword in the opponent's hand. Then he raised his leg and kicked it away. The wooden staff immediately flew out and moved forward. It whizzed away and hit the copper whip that was raised again.

The huge momentum caused the copper whip to escape from the hand of the person holding the whip. The wooden staff and the copper whip fell together on the stone steps in front of Cui Jing. A group of Cui clan members backed up the old man holding the family tree and backed away in panic.

"Who dares to break into my Cui clan's ancestral hall!" the old man said angrily.

"Somebody come!"

The guards rushed to the hospital, but A Dian and others followed closely. A Dian still dragged the tribesman whose mouth he had covered in his hand, and shouted to Cui Jing: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Jing, we are here to save you!"

In the chaos, Cui Jing, who was kneeling there, turned around and looked at the person holding the sword and walking toward him.

The visitor looked at the angry-looking Cui clan members and said, "Don't panic, I don't mean to hurt anyone. I just stopped by to meet a friend and wanted to ask him a question face to face."

The old man had already guessed her identity at this time. Hearing this, he asked everyone around to stop temporarily with a serious look on his face.

Chang Suining walked to Cui Jing, glanced at his **** back, and then looked down at him.

Facing those clearly calm eyes, Cui Jing noticed that she seemed angry.

"Do you think you don't have enough battle wounds on your body?" She asked in a very calm tone.

Cui Jing looked at her and shook her head silently. Is this the question she wanted to ask?

Of course not.

What Chang Suining wants to ask is: "Cui Jing, I have no intention of interfering too much in your personal affairs. I will give you two choices at this time, either stand up and leave here with me, or -"


Before she finished speaking, the young man with bloodshot lips said slowly, "I'll leave with you."

He didn't have to hear what the second choice was. Since she was looking for him, he would let her go as long as she opened her mouth.

Facing the young man's eyes that could be called "obedient", Chang Sui Ning was almost stunned for a moment, and then stretched out the sword in his hand to him.

Cui Jing held Yao Ri's scabbard with one hand, first changed from kneeling on both knees to one, and then slowly stood up little by little.

He was tall and straight, and as he straightened up, he quickly cast a shadow in front of Chang Suining, blocking the sunlight behind him. His robes were no longer neat, and the collar of his clothes was loose. A strand of broken hair hung down on the left side of his face. His thin lips were bloodshot. He looked a little embarrassed and a little mad for no reason.

The coldness and hardness contained in those cold brows and eyes were completely shattered at this moment, leaving only silent compliance.

Chang Suining reached out and held one of his arms.

Under the cold robe, you can see the strong lines of his arms, clearly someone who is invincible.

Chang Sui Ning ignored the scolding behind him, supported Cui Jing, and left here step by step.

Seeing people walking away, a clan member said anxiously: "...Ninth Uncle!"

The old man sighed vaguely: "Let them go."

Cui Jing followed Chang Suining and left the house step by step. Every step she took seemed to peel off another layer of the Cui family's identity.

But he no longer cared, and he never felt that he was alone.

He asked: "Why did you come back?"

"I wanted to come here to see the excitement." Chang Suining's tone showed no emotion or anger, "Who knew it would be so lively."

Cui Jing didn't seem to hear that she was sarcastic about him, but said slowly and seriously: "I'm very happy that you can come."

She actually came to look for him, felt aggrieved by him, and wanted to take him away herself.

He never cared about anyone's concern and favor, but it was completely different for her to treat him like this.

"..." Chang Suining glanced at him funny, then looked at Yuan Xiang and others coming forward, and said: "Seeing you injured like this, I wonder if they are happy or not."

Yuanxiang was naturally unhappy. He rushed over, supported his chief governor, and almost started crying.

These people are really fighting!

Yuan Xiang glared bitterly into the depths of the house and said aggrievedly: "Grand Governor, let's go and never come back to this ghost place again!"

Cui Jing looked back for the last time.

A group of people quickly helped Cui Jing into a makeshift carriage, returned to his residence in Xingyang City, and hurriedly invited a doctor to look at his injuries.

Then, everyone headed by Yuan Xiang knelt down beside the couch.

"The Governor... my subordinates have a proposal!" Yuan Xiang looked firm.

Thank you to book friend iampetty for the 10,000 reward, thank you all for your monthly votes, please vote at the beginning of the month (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭

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