Hello Chang’an

Chapter 313: He is not clean anymore

Chang Sui Ning breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and looked at Chang Sui An, who was walking towards him.

He Wuhu followed closely and saluted Chang Suining with fists clasped in his hands. He said in a loud voice: "General, we have brought Mr. Chang Lang here safely!"

Hey, he Wuhu didn't mess up the first errand assigned to him by the general!

He Wuhu said, turning to look at the person who walked in: "And this...and this gentleman, they were all brought in safely!"

He knew that this person was a girl. Although she was dressed as a man, her appearance was no better than that of his general. He had noticed it on the first day, but since she was dressed like this, he didn't have much trouble to expose her.

"...Sister Chang Sui!" When the visitor saw Chang Sui Ning, his deliberately suppressed voice was completely unconcealed. He rushed over happily, squeezed the red-eyed Chang Sui An away, and with the joy of surviving the disaster, he gave her a handful of Hugging Chang Suining: "Sister Chang, I've seen you!"

"Sister Tongtong." Chang Suining patted her back twice comfortingly, then gently straightened her shoulders, and said with great joy: "Sister, I hope she is safe and sound."

She had previously written to Princess Xuan'an, saying that she wanted to retrieve Fan Ou, who had been deposited in Princess Xuan'an's house. Unexpectedly, her brother insisted on coming, and along with him came Li Tong, who claimed that he wanted to go out and gain experience.

But no one expected that they would encounter floods along the way... Fortunately, everyone was fine, which is really a blessing among misfortunes.

"Thanks to General He!" Li Tong looked at He Wuhu: "Fortunately, General He and his people found me, Sui'an and others in time."

At these times, Chang Sui'an, in order to seek self-protection, called her "aunt" very smoothly, so she no longer politely called Chang Sui'an the husband of the Chang family.

Hearing Li Tong call himself "General He" in front of his own general, He Wuhu's face heated up. What kind of **** general is he? Those were all shouted out of vanity by the brothers down the road!

And he... just didn't correct it out of vanity.

At this moment, in front of Chang Suining, He Wuhu felt regretful, very embarrassed, laughed twice, and said quickly: "...I am just a **** under the general, and I am only following orders this time! All this is It’s my duty!”

After speaking, he quietly paid attention to his general's reaction.

Chang Sui Ningxiao looked at him and Liu Hu and others behind him, and said, "Thank you for the hard work this time. I have been running around for many days, so go back and rest first."

He Wuhu grinned reassuringly, responded with a loud "yes", and retreated with his brothers.

"...Brother, we have brought the general's brother back safely. Judging from the general's talent, he will surely score something for us later, right?"

"How to divide it? You kid can't change his habit of eating shit, so you should be dividing the spoils in Wuhu Mountain!" He Wuhu kicked him over.

"It's a reward, it's a reward...I said it wrong!"

"Don't even think about rewards, rewards are wrong!" He Wuhu glared at him: "It is natural for subordinates to do things for the Lord. Do you understand?"

These shit-eating things will probably become a stumbling block on his way to clearing his name!

Qihu was about to cry: "...I don't mean anything else. Brothers, I just saw that many people in the military camp were wearing copper plates that had been consecrated by the general. Even Coach Xiao's horse had one hanging around its neck..."

"We brothers are naked, and we feel uncomfortable being looked at like this! So I thought if I could use this matter to ask the general for a few to wear! Otherwise, I always feel that I have no status, and I feel uncomfortable in my heart. Not practical!”

Hearing this, He Wuhu frowned.

Seeing the other brothers looking at him with pitiful and longing eyes, He Wuhu frowned and said, "...Okay, I'll find an opportunity to mention this to the general later!"

A Che led people to guard outside the hall. Inside the hall, Chang Sui Ning, Chang Sui An, and Li Tong were talking alone.

Chang Sui'an said that He Wuhu took him and Li Tong back to the Bianzhou camp yesterday. When he learned that his sister was still in Xingyang, Chang Sui'an didn't want to wait for a day. He didn't even drink a bowl of tea, so he couldn't wait. Came to Xingyang to meet you.

Chang Sui'an had even more to say about why he was delayed for more than twenty days on the way.

At the beginning of the flood, their group was blocked by floods and met many victims. Chang Sui An was sympathetic to the weak, and Li Tong also lacked experience in going out. The people below could not persuade Li Tong to hold back, and could only watch helplessly what she would bring. Most of the dry food was distributed to the victims.

This move was well-intentioned, but people's hearts are unpredictable. The group fed the victims along the way, which was too generous. If it is said that the brilliance that Shang Sui'an forged in the capital in the past was known as a fool and a lot of money, after experiencing a prison. After the disaster, it had become a little dim...then, with Li Tong by his side, the light was blooming again, and to a higher level.

This light even hurt Chang Sui'an, but he began to persuade Li Tong to restrain himself. When he started to persuade, the severity could be imagined.

However, Li Tong disagreed. Along the way, she accepted the gratitude of the victims and felt like a living Bodhisattva.

But this wonderful feeling did not last long. One night, they were stolen and their luggage and money were stolen.

Even though some of the guards responded in time and hurriedly chased after them, but those people were all veterans and they were covering each other with the victims. In the end, they only recovered one thing -

As for what this thing is, Chang Sui'an said guiltily and would elaborate later.

After being robbed, Li Tong blamed herself for her failure, but the guard optimistically comforted her. This is also a kind of wisdom.

The eldest princess had previously specifically confessed that they would only follow orders along the way. If the girl wanted to be stupid, she would have fun. They were only responsible for ensuring the safety of the girl, Mr. Chang Lang, and the goods.

And everyone must bear the consequences of being stupid.

One day, He Wuhu found a group of victims who were receiving porridge, and a young man who looked decent and talkative asked if he had seen such a person -

He Wuhu described the man's age, body shape, appearance, and accent.

The young man listened for a long time, looked down at the reflection in the porridge bowl in his hand, and asked He Wuhu if the person he was looking for was named Chang.

He Wuhu was overjoyed, nodded repeatedly, and hurriedly asked: "Have you seen it before?"

"..." The young man raised his head and looked at him.

After looking at each other for a moment, the smile on He Wuhu's face froze, and then the tiger's body shook, followed by ecstasy, and he couldn't find anything after stepping through the iron shoes!

This young man is Chang Sui'an.

They sympathized with the victims, then helped the victims, and finally became victims of the disaster.

At first, he thought about revealing the name of Princess Xuan'an or General Ningyuan to seek help from the government. However, at this time, the officials everywhere were already in dire straits. Li Tong had a strong self-esteem and thought that he might have the skills. I have legs, but I don’t want to cause trouble to others;

Secondly, after experiencing the plot by the disaster victims, Chang Sui'an was extra vigilant. He thought that there was a mixture of fish and dragons everywhere at the moment, and he had heard about what happened to the Luoyang nobles. There were fugitives from the noble tribes who were being hunted everywhere, and the forces of light and darkness in various places were complicated. There was still some distance to go to Bianzhou. As a traitor who had just killed Xu Thief, he The brother of General Ningyuan, it is not necessarily a good thing to expose his identity to others.

After cooperating with He Wuhu and others, Chang Sui'an and his team finally ended their career as disaster victims.

Along the way, they still tried their best to help victims who were truly in need, but nothing like the robbery of their money had ever happened again.

It's not that everyone they meet is kind-hearted, but He Wuhu and others have exposed their gangsterism, which is really conspicuous. The bandits faced the little thieves in the wells, and the former gave the latter a "Don't talk about robbing them. Don't be robbed by them." Thank God" bloodline suppression.

The first lesson of Li Tong's trip was that kindness also requires sharpness and edges.

Chang Suining affirmed her thoughts and comforted the two of them before being able to intervene and ask: "What about the person I want? Is he still there?"

Her tone was very calm, not blaming her at all.

She didn't know how many people had been killed in the flood. She was already thankful that these two people could come to her safely. "It's still there!" Changsui An Nangran smiled: "The thing I just mentioned was stolen and found again, it was him..."

Chang Suining: "..."

Fan Ou's trip was also ill-fated.

Fan Ou himself feels the same way.

Since Chang Suining left Xuanzhou last year, he has been locked up alone in a secret room in the mansion of Princess Xuan'an for half a year, but he doesn't know where he is. In the past six months, he has always been in an inescapable darkness. middle.

Every two days or so, someone would come and bring him enough water and food to survive but not enough to fill his stomach.

At first, whenever he heard footsteps approaching, Fan Ou would immediately put up his guard and make up his mind that no matter how much torture the other party inflicted on him, he would never say a word.

But it turned out that the person who never said a word was the person who was only responsible for delivering food. He was much stricter than him. No matter what he asked, the other person didn't answer a word and left the food...

As the days passed, Fan Ou could no longer tell how long he had been imprisoned. The long-term lack of food made him thin and weak, and his mind began to weaken. He could not hear any sounds all day long, and no one communicated with him. He even felt that He was going crazy, and he wished he could cry and beg someone to punish him, to question him, to talk to him, so that he could wake up.

Just when he was really about to go crazy, these days of confusion and despair suddenly ended without warning.

He was stuffed into a familiar sack and left the secret room.

Then, there was a long period of turbulence. He was dazed most of the time, not knowing where he was being taken.

On the night when he was stolen as luggage, someone opened his sack and saw that he was a half-dead man. The group was shocked.

He spent all his life's strength, and his upper body came out of the sack. He made a cry for help: "Help me..."

Li Tong's guards quickly caught up with him, but no one rescued him, so he was put back into the sack and carried away.

Next, he experienced starvation to the point of dizziness, and was accidentally washed away by floods in a sack. When Chang Sui'an fished him out for the third time, a tear of collapse finally slipped from the corner of his eye.

He was wrong.

The night he was stolen, instead of saying "save me", he should have said "kill me".

"Kill me." One night, when Chang Sui'an took him out of the sack, he said numbly.

Chang Sui'an sighed: "How can this be done? Don't say angry words."

Fan Ou: “…”

Does he look like he's talking angrily?

Chang Sui'an handed the porridge bowl to his mouth and explained to him seriously: "There were too many victims yesterday. I didn't grab the porridge. I didn't mean to starve you... There is porridge today. Drink it quickly. I will feed you. !”

Fan Ou trembled and lowered his eyes, looking at the bowl of white porridge.

Damn it, time has changed, he has experienced life and death, and now facing this bowl of plain white porridge, he actually felt a little moved.

The boy's innate sincerity and kindness, to him, are not without evil, far better than any torture.

He is not clean anymore!

He actually had such nondescript emotions towards his enemy!

Your Majesty, he is ashamed of your Majesty...

He originally wanted to refuse firmly, but his will has been crushed by the unimaginable experience. The aroma of the white porridge tempted his weak body, and the survival instinct made him tremblingly open his mouth.

He closed his eyes, with tears in his eyes, and finished the bowl of porridge in a state of collapse.

Chang Sui'an had never noticed these details, and Chang Sui Ning Zi had no way of knowing.

She only knew that Fan Ou was still alive, so she praised Chang Sui'an a few words and praised him for doing a good job.

It should be noted that this flood is not a trivial matter. Even if it were an **** agency, it might not be possible for the goods to be safely delivered to her.

Chang Sui'an was very happy to see that her sister, instead of blaming her for acting recklessly, praised herself. She quickly asked: "Ning Ning, are you going to meet him?"

"Don't worry, let him wait for two days first."

Chang Suining said, called people in, and arranged an errand - to return to the Bianzhou camp and bring to Xingyang the traitor who assassinated Vice General Jin and covered Xu Zhengye's escape during the Battle of Bianshui.

Bianzhou is adjacent to Xingyang, and it only takes two days to travel there and back.

When the traitor, no, two traitors are brought to Xingyang, together with the survivor who assassinated Cui Jing, and Fan Ou are "examined" together, it should be possible to confirm whether her suspicion is right or wrong.

It was obvious that Fan Ou was from King Rong, but what she wanted to verify was that he had been stirring things up behind the scenes for a long time, adding fuel to the fire behind Xu Zhengye and Li Yi, and assassinating Cui Jing several times. Wait... is this big hand that keeps the world in chaos, the little uncle Wang who she trusted in the past and is independent of the world?

The next day, an imperial edict praising the merits of disaster relief and praying for blessings was delivered to Chang Suining.

Naturally, those who came to announce the decree were the young people around Shilang Zhan.

After Chang Suining received the order, he met several pairs of familiar eyes.

Tan Li's eyes were full of smiles of reunion. Song Xian seemed different from before.

However, this trip was for official business. With Minister Zhan nearby, it was inconvenient for Tan Li and others to reminisce with Chang Suining. When Minister Zhan said, "Since I have other official duties, I will leave first." Tan Li and others then Then he bowed to Chang Sui Ning and said goodbye.

As Chang Suining watched off, she saw Tan Li, who was walking at the end, smiling and waving goodbye to her.

Chang Sui Ning smiled back at him and nodded with him.

After a moment, Song Xian turned around hesitantly and nodded slightly to her, showing respect.

Chang Suining was slightly surprised, and immediately nodded in response to him.

After the group left, Chang Suining told Ah Che to go out and pay attention to the news.

She thought that the "other official duties" mentioned by Shilang Zhan must be the treatment of Zheng. All this is finally coming to an end.

(3[▓▓]Good night, thank you all

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