Hello Chang’an

Chapter 317: She is worthy of being by his side (please vote)

 “Lu’er is here.” The man turned around, with a face that still looked handsome after being over forty years old, but not flabby and old.

Li Lu and Xiao's father, especially their facial features, are quite similar.

This person is Li Lu's father, King Rong Li Yin.

King Rong sat down at the stone table under the ginkgo tree, raised his hand to pick up the teapot, and poured tea into the tea cup by himself. The sound of tea was gurgling, the tea mist was curling up, and the movements of the person pouring the tea were like clouds and flowing water, which was pleasing to the eye.

Li Lu understood and stepped forward, saluted and sat down opposite his father.

After Prince Rong poured two cups of tea in a leisurely manner, he put down the teapot and pushed one of them towards Li Lu with a smile.

"Thank you, father." Li Lu held up the tea cup.

Between father and son, the son should serve the father tea, but the father never cares about these trivial details.

He had been in the capital for many years, and he was able to return to Yizhou and his parents last year. However, despite being separated for a long time, his father did not seem to have changed much.

When he was young, he often felt that his father was not like a royal prince, but like a free and easy knight who did not care about red tape and the world.

Even he thinks so, and others naturally think so too.

Li Lu took two sips of tea and said, "Father, the noble families in Luoyang and Xingyang have dispersed. Cui Jing was exterminated by the Cui family. Now..."

"I already know these, so there is no need to elaborate." King Rong interrupted his son's words gently and said, "Why don't we talk about General Ningyuan."

The name of this girl from the Chang family was familiar to him before.

But when it comes to having to start to take this person seriously, it is because of the deeds that made him famous one after another. The occurrence of those deeds was mostly predicated on disrupting his plans.

Such a person suddenly appears, such a girl who is only seventeen years old... No matter which angle you look at, it will make people interested in exploring.

Li Lu responded "Yes".

There is no need to go into detail about those well-known deeds, so he started from the time when he first met Chang Sui Ning in the capital last year.

In Dayun Temple, a girl fights with the elephant.

By the riverside behind Dayun Temple, the two talked for the first time.

In the Imperial Academy, he played Ju and climbed to the Tai Tower to paint. In the Furong Garden Racecourse, the war horse left behind by His Royal Highness the former Crown Prince...

He proposed marriage at a hibiscus flower banquet, but she refused...

Then, Chang Sui Anmeng was unjustly imprisoned, and the other party rejected his offer to cooperate in saving people... Instead, they tried to force the emperor to compromise at the Confucian Temple's ceremony to worship Confucius.

And then to the end…

She pretended to consider agreeing to his proposal of marriage, and suddenly kidnapped him and threw him into the water on the boat, and finally took Fan Ou away. She used the truth about the death of King Huainan as a threat to prevent him from attacking Chang Kuo at that time.

"According to this, this little girl seems to always be able to break out of life in unexpected ways..." King Rong put down the half cup of tea in his hand, with a look of thought in his eyes: "And she can bring down the enemy. It’s really not easy to control Axiao’s war horse.”

"Judging from her style and temperament, when she threatened to kill Xu Zhengye within seventy-three days, it was not a big lie or a gamble, but...she firmly believed that she could do it." King Rong's eyebrows moved slightly: "But..."

While he was speaking, a green ginkgo leaf floated down from above. Before it could fall into the tea cup, he raised his sleeve and waved it away.

He has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and his awareness and quick reaction are both incomparable to others.

The ginkgo leaf flew down at Li Lu's feet.

King Rong's thoughts were not interrupted, and he continued: "But she had never been on the battlefield before last year... How can she be so confident that she can definitely kill Xu Zhengye?"

As the rumors say, is he a born general?

He has also seen such a genius, such a confidence that others think is arrogant - his niece Li Shang.

However, Ah Shang relied on more than ten years of hard work and perseverance, accumulated bit by bit, and it was by no means achieved overnight.

The confidence to move forward can only come from the accumulation of invincible experience in the past.

Therefore, this girl from the Chang family is not only not simple, but also quite strange.

In short: "Such a strange man is rare in this world for a hundred years..."

Prince Rong said with some regret: "She should have married into our Prince Rong's palace and walked with the general trend of the world, but it's a pity..."

"Father." Sensing his father's murderous intention, Li Lu immediately said: "It was my son who acted improperly and forced too much, which aroused Madam Chang's dissatisfaction, and thus failed to successfully convince the Chang family..."

"Ms. Chang is just dissatisfied with her son's behavior and doesn't like being coerced. She definitely has no intention of becoming an enemy of Prince Rong's palace." He said, "So, please give the Chang family another chance."

King Rong poured new tea into the tea cup, seeming to be thinking about it.

Li Lu continued: "Over the years, the available generals have almost been slaughtered by the Ming Dynasty... Because of this, the father had repeatedly told his son to win over Chang Kuo. Now it seems that the Chang family not only has Chang Kuo available, but also Chang Kuo. With Mrs. Chang here, Chang Kuo's son Chang Sui'an also shows signs of success... Therefore, the son believes that the Chang family deserves more patience from his father. "

King Rong was noncommittal and drank tea slowly.

"Furthermore, Chang Sui Anxian was unjustly killed last year, which has become an irresolvable gap between the Chang family and the Ming Dynasty. The king is suspicious of his ministers and abandoned them, and their hearts are cold. It is impossible for the Chang family not to have two minds, and also I must be waiting to see what the options are..."

"In the future, when the situation becomes clearer, if my father can show some kindness, I will be able to bring the Chang family back home."

The reason why Li Lu was so sure was because he concluded that under the general trend of the future, the Chang family was destined to have no better choice.

If you don't submit to their Li family's orthodoxy, are you going to rebel and proclaim yourself king?

The current situation is still dominated by the Li family. The foreign surnames with no foundation want to rebel and have no name. They are just talking nonsense and bringing about their own destruction.

Xu Zhengye's defeat was at most a piece on the chessboard that was disrupted, but it was not enough to affect the overall situation.

This country is destined to belong to their Prince Rong Mansion, and she... is also destined to belong to him.

All his life, what he longed for in his heart were the highest things. Those are the most useful things in the world and the most capable of giving people supreme glory.

The higher she walked, the more outstanding she showed to be different from ordinary women, the more he wanted to get... This kind of intention had already taken root when she returned the marriage letter, and today it is even better than ever. day.

She could always bring new surprises to the world and to him. Every time he looked at her with admiration again, he would always find that he had underestimated her too much yesterday.

And such a woman should be by his side, and she is worthy of being by his side.

Therefore, he would never let his father kill her at this time.

Prince Rong said with a smile: "You seem to be particularly considerate of this Chang family girl."

"Yes, that's because she is worth it." Li Lu did not deny it: "Son, I believe that if you see her one day, you will think the same way." "That's fine." King Rong smiled: "Then let's talk about it again Let’s see how capable and courageous she is.”

If she has the courage to become the second Xu Zhengye, then she can just leave it to her to finish what Xu Zhengye has not finished yet.

Nowadays, the world is a banquet, and more ambitious people need to come to the banquet to make the world more chaotic. Only truly troubled times require the emergence of a savior.

It took him more than ten years to prepare himself to become this savior.

Hearing his father relent, Li Lu also smiled: "My son believes that no matter what, she will never let his father down."

Then, he mentioned another name: "Father, now that Cui Jing..."

The incident in Taiyuan failed, and the assassination failed.

"After two misses, it is no longer suitable to make any further moves in a short period of time... This person is extraordinary and must not be treated carelessly." King Rong thought deeply: "It's just that now that he has been exterminated by the Cui family, we might as well wait and see for the future. attitude afterward.”

"Yes." Li Lu said: "My son is just worried that Cui Jing may have suspected his father. If he informs the Cui family about this, and the Cui family learns that their father wanted to kill Cui Jing before, will they..."

Although Cui Jing was exterminated, there is no guarantee that he will never have any contact with the Cui family secretly.

"It doesn't matter if the Cui family knows." King Rong laughed: "I wanted to kill Cui Jing before, but it was not for the Cui family. And there are no eternal enemies in this world. If the Cui family would reject Prince Rong's palace because of such a trivial matter, , then there will be no more Qinghe Cui family in this world."

The right to speak in these aristocratic families is not in the hands of one person. For the entire family, only real interests come first.

"Then Empress Ming..." Li Lu said after considering, "Fan Ou is still in the hands of Mrs. Chang. She has always been alert, and the spy in the army may have been exposed. If she finds out anything, she will inform Empress Ming of what happened in Prince Rong's Mansion. …”

"If she is a truly smart person, she should know that there is no difference between whether she tells the future or not." King Rong Shenxian said calmly: "Whether you kill Li Tong or help Xu Zhengye, it's all done. What happened has no news value at all—"

Could it be that Chang Sui would rather not tell Empress Ming this, so that Empress Ming really knows nothing about it?

When will the suspicion of waiting for Prince Rong's Mansion be relieved in the Ming Dynasty?

"Is it possible that this saint wants to use these charges that everyone can make up casually to accuse our Prince Rong's palace?" Prince Rong said with a smile: "There is no real evidence that can convince the public, and rashly asking questions will only make the world think that she is If she wants to kill someone from the Li family's royal family... Of course, if she can really kill him, that's fine. However, things are different now. She can't kill me with just a decree."

It should be noted that the failure of government orders is the beginning of an emperor's words losing prestige... All of this is already spreading in invisible places.

In such a chaotic situation, would he still obediently go to Beijing to accept the crime, ignore the voices of those who want to strengthen the Li family's imperial power, insist on accepting the decree of condemnation, and be willing to be killed by her?

If this saint is eager to tear off this last layer of dignity with Prince Rong's Mansion at this time, then this shaky situation will only accelerate its collapse - it is not Prince Rong's Mansion that should be afraid now.

"Today's situation is different. You have returned to your father safely. This place is no longer the passive Prince Rong Mansion that could only be controlled by others." Prince Rong looked at his son in front of him, with something in his eyes. Feeling very guilty: "Speaking of it, it has been difficult to survive in the capital these years. I have really wronged my son."

Li Lu narrowed his eyes: "My son is the eldest son of Prince Rong, and it is only his duty to share his father's worries."

King Rong nodded happily: "If a great cause is accomplished in the future, my son will take half of the credit."

The father and son sat across from each other, had tea, and talked for a long time.

Until a young man in a blue robe wearing a sleeveless attire came forward, respectfully stepped forward and saluted: "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince."

King Rong looked over: "Yicong is back."

"It's getting late, so my son won't disturb his father's official business." Li Lu stood up and left at the right time.

King Rong nodded: "You are not in good health. Remember to take your medicine on time and rest early. Don't work too hard."

Li Lu agreed, and when he bowed and left, he paused for half a step as he passed by the young man who called Yi Cong.

Yi Cong bowed to him and said, "Your Majesty, please go slowly."

Li Lu nodded to him and left with the boy who was standing nearby.

After taking seven or eight steps, Li Lu subconsciously stopped and looked back.

King Rong had left the stone table and led the young man towards the study.

The young man was actually a teenager of seventeen or eighteen years old, but he had a steady temperament and looked calmer than his actual age.

It is said that this person came to his father five years ago. He is very popular with his father and often follows his father around. Now he is even helping his father with military affairs.

Seeing that man follow King Rong into the study, Li Lu turned around and saw that the boy beside him had just withdrawn his gaze, and asked quietly: "Why, have you heard of that rumor too?"

The boy's face changed when he heard this, and he lowered his head in panic: "I don't dare, I don't know..."

Li Lu smiled, said nothing, and walked forward.

The young man calmed down his mind and said respectfully out of remediation: "The wind has picked up. The prince can't bear the cool breeze. Please accompany the prince back to the courtyard."

Li Lu smiled again and nodded: "Okay."

He walked slowly, thoughtfully raising his hands under the cloak and slowly turning them over. Upon closer inspection, he saw that these hands were thin, pale, and sickly, and did not seem to pose a threat to anyone.

In the past, when I was in the capital, this was a good cover.

Now that he has returned to Yizhou, he no longer needs this cover, and this sickly body has become a drag.

Whenever his father's staff looked at him, there always seemed to be silent regret and uncertainty hidden in their eyes.

He thought he would not die easily, but in the eyes of others, he seemed destined to die soon. Those people could not see long enough continuation in him, so they were unwilling to give up their expectations and loyalty easily.

Now, he needs to have some continuity that can be seen.

When Li Lu returned to the courtyard, it was almost dark. In the courtyard, maids were lighting lamps everywhere.

Hearing the sound of salutes outside, Ma Wan's maid, Lan Ying, quickly came to the inner room and reminded in a low voice: "...Girl, the prince is back!"

Although she had been married to Prince Rong for half a year, Lan Ying still used to call Ma Wan "girl" in private.

Ma Wan, who was reading the letter, changed her expression when she heard this. In a hurry, she rolled up the letter paper and stuffed it into the sapphire bottle placed on the small table under the window.

Soon, she heard footsteps approaching.

Ma Wan straightened her appearance and saluted the young man who walked in: "The prince is back..."

Li Lu showed a warm smile, held her arm, and asked casually: "What was Wan'er doing just now?"

Thanks to Lele, Le Sanye and book friend 20230515082209986 for the 10,000 rewards! ! Thank you to Book Friends I Am Sister, Book Friends 20221222210503507, Book Friends 20201017084823532, Book of the Future, Panda 01 and other book friends for your rewards! !

Thank you for your monthly votes, recommendation votes, and messages (I will update the question in accordance with your opinions, and keep the volume of two chapters in one~)

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