Hello Chang’an

Chapter 320: Cui Jing, what do you want?

 Outside Bianzhou City, many people came to see him off.

In addition to the governor Hu Lin and other Bianzhou officials, there were many ordinary people who were stopped on both sides in an orderly manner by official officials.

Looking at those faces, Chang Suining could still clearly remember the scene when she followed Hu Lin into Bianzhou City for the first time and was welcomed by the people.

At that time, the sky was filled with flowers, and there were noisy voices celebrating the victory of Bianshui everywhere.

Now, these people had just experienced the devastation of a natural disaster, and their depression and sorrow had made them much quieter than then. However, the eyes they looked at her were still hot and solemn, or even better than then.

There is sustenance hidden in this solemnity, and maybe they can't tell what they are sustening for.

Natural disasters will quickly weaken an originally prosperous city. Now the country is in turmoil. They are very afraid that Bianzhou will become the next Yangzhou or the next Daozhou.

Most of them have no ambition to take advantage of the chaos, nor the ability to protect themselves in troubled times. They just want to be ordinary people who live and work in peace and contentment.

At this moment, the impression of the girl they were looking at as "a very human being, the reincarnation of a star" had already been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

In their view, when Xu Zhengye's troops came to the Bian River, Governor Hu went out of the city to fight with death in mind. When they were frightened and wanted to flee their homes, it was General Ningyuan who defeated Xu's army on the Bian River and killed Xu Zhengye.

Then, when the natural disaster came, it was General Ningyuan who was the first to give a warning, personally led people to provide disaster relief, and finally completed the prayer in Xingyang.

Just as people always want to worship Buddha when suffering, and people are in panic, such a "person" who exists outside the scope of common sense no matter from which perspective, in the eyes of many ordinary people who need to be comforted, they have unknowingly become A symbol that has the power to stop suffering and calm the flames of war.

The girl they were looking at didn't have the delicate aura of a boudoir daughter, but she was by no means tall and brave. But just looking at her standing there like this seems to calm people's hearts.

And now, she is leaving.

"General Ningyuan, can you please not leave!" A child of seven or eight years old said in an innocent and earnest tone.

Chang Suining looked over and saw a man quickly covering the child's mouth and scolding him in panic: "...Don't talk nonsense!"

General Ningyuan was ordered to return to Jiangnan to suppress bandits. Can they stop him?

As long as they can stop it... can they not stop it?

"General Ningyuan is going to suppress thieves..." A gentle voice said to the child: "Killing the thieves outside is also protecting our Bianzhou. Once all the thieves outside are killed, Bianzhou will naturally be safe."

The child whose mouth was covered turned around and saw a very beautiful and clean face.

The man covering the child's mouth also looked over and was stunned for a moment. After a moment, he recognized the person - isn't this the most famous oiran in the city, Miss Haitang? !

Haitang did not apply makeup today and was wearing a very simple dress. She was standing in the crowd with a group of sisters.

Chang Suining saw her and smiled with her.

Haitang also showed a big smile, with red eyes, and bowed to Changsui Ning Fushen from afar.

Soon, Chang Suining, Xiao Min and others got on the horse.

Hu Min and other officials, as well as many people, sent them forward again.

He Wuhu sat on the horse and followed Chang Sui Ning. Facing the eager eyes, his mood was the same as when he entered the city. He felt that some glory that did not belong to him had been stolen, and he felt very guilty.

But it doesn’t matter, just keep the accounts first, he and Wuhu will make up for it sooner or later!

Seeing you off thousands of miles away, we must say goodbye in the end.

Chang Suining and Xiao Min said goodbye to Governor Hu and the people of Bianzhou.

Not far out of the city, Chang Sui'an, Li Tong and others came to greet them.

Chang Sui Ning dismounted her horse and let Xiao Min and others go ahead without delaying the army. She then led others to follow.

Xiao Min responded.

"Ning Ning..." Chang Sui said reluctantly: "Otherwise, I will send you to Jiangnan!"

Faced with this impulsive suggestion, Chang Sui Ning smiled and asked, "Then I will send my brother to the north?"

Chang Sui'an's eyebrows drooped.

Yes, now his sister doesn't need anyone to give her away at all. Instead, she has the ability to give him a hundred and eighty without any effort.

"Xiao Sui'an, don't worry, I'm here!" A Dian stood next to Chang Sui Ning with his strong chest and said to Chang Sui'an: "Just don't worry and stay with Xiao Jing!"

Yes, Chang Sui'an wants to be with Cui Jing.

He had already joined the Xuance Army before, and now that he had recovered from his injuries, he was about to go on the originally planned path.

Chang Suining always thought this was a good choice. It was a rare opportunity to go to Xuance Army and train under Cui Jing.

Li Tong hesitated to speak, but saw Chang Sui'an quickly wiped away the look of reluctance in his eyes and nodded firmly.

It is human nature to be reluctant to give up, and the things you have decided to do must be done.

Chang Sui'an said: "Ning Ning, please be careful on the road and say hello to my father for me later."

Chang Suining nodded without giving too many instructions - Cui Jing was the one who should teach anyway. If she planted a seed now, she would just wait to harvest a much improved brother next year.

Chang Suining was ready to enjoy the success. Just as he was about to mount his horse and leave, Yuan Xiang came quickly, clasped his fists in salute, and said with bright eyes: "...General, the Governor is here!"

Chang Suining was a little surprised. He turned his head and looked forward, and saw a group of people and a carriage driving towards here.

Chang Sui'an was very flattered - he had originally planned to return to Xingyang after seeing his sister off and join Xuance's army, but unexpectedly Governor Cui actually brought someone to Bianzhou to pick him up!

Chang Sui'an hurriedly followed her sister to the carriage.

The carriage stopped, and the driver, Deputy General Yu, jumped out, saluted Chang Suining with a smile, and then turned around and opened the curtain.

As the car curtain is rolled up, a young man can be seen sitting cross-legged in the car. He is wearing a wide dark green robe, with clear eyebrows and clear eyes. His complexion has not healed due to these days of recuperation, and with the tonic decoction, it is actually much fairer and more delicate to the naked eye -

In Doctor Cao's view, this is a kind of beauty talent that makes people unable to reason.

Chang Sui'an stepped forward and saluted, saying: "Admiral Cui, your injury has not fully healed, so you don't have to come to pick me up in person."

Cui Jing was stunned for a moment and then said: "...It doesn't matter."

No wonder Chang Sui'an had this misunderstanding. After all, he couldn't think of other possibilities. If he wasn't here to pick him up, could he be here to see his sister off?

But a few days ago when we were parting in Xingyang, Governor Cui had already sent him off once. How could there be any reason to send him off again?

"Sui'an..." Li Tong's voice sounded behind Chang Sui'an: "Come with me, I have something to say to you."

Chang Sui'an hesitated for a moment and said to his sister: "Ning Ning, then you talk to Governor Cui first, I will be here in a moment."

In order not to make Governor Cui, who made a special trip to pick him up, wait impatiently, he even made special arrangements.

Changsui Ning nods his head.

When Chang Sui'an left, without Cui Jing's invitation, she quickly got on the carriage and sat cross-legged across from him.

Yuan Xiang took Vice General Yu and left.

"...Why are you pulling me?" Vice General Yu lowered his voice and said angrily, "Can't I leave on my own?"

It’s obvious that Cui Yuanxiang has eyes!

"Didn't I give them all away?" Chang Suining asked in the car.

Cui Jing raised her hand to pour her a cup of tea. Her voice blended with the sound of the tea pouring into the cup, and had a different kind of calmness: "One more."...

"...Have you seriously thought about following Xuance's army to the north?" In the distance, Li Tong was greeting Chang Sui'an.

"I'm not going to the north with Xuance Army." Chang Sui'an corrected seriously: "I have received Xuance Army's badge and am also in Xuance Army."

"Why do you have to join the army?" Li Tong was worried: "War is too dangerous."

She looked at Chang Sui'an's body: "You finally recovered from your injury, are you going to take risks again?"

During the time he spent at the princess's residence, Chang Sui'an had become accustomed to Li Tong's concern. He called her Li Tong's sister, and slowly, he actually called her sister Li Tong's feelings.

So at this moment, he explained seriously: "Sister Li Tong may not know that the reason why I want to heal my injury is that I want to return to Xuance's army as soon as possible."

He said: "Nowadays, there are frequent wars, and it is the right time for all armies to employ men."

Li Tong frowned: "But there are so many people, why do we have to use you? There is no shortage of you."

Chang Sui'an: "What if everyone thinks like this?"

Li Tong was immediately asked.

"There is too little I can do now." Chang Sui'an looked in the direction of the carriage and said, "My father is old. Even though I can't be the mainstay of the family, I can't put everything on Ning Ning alone... I don’t want to be unable to do anything if Ningning gets into trouble one day.”

This is as far as the small family is concerned.

Besides the small family, there are also big countries, but the principle is the same: "I don't want to have to join them one day when innocent people are slaughtered by war."

Li Tong: “…”

Humiliating memories that had been deliberately forgotten suddenly began to attack her.

Chang Sui'an added: "Although I am not as good as Ning Ning, at least I shouldn't be a drag on her."

"Of course you won't be a drag." Li Tong finally said: "Although there is only one Sister Chang in the world, you also have your own strengths-"

She said truthfully: "You have an easy-going temperament, you are sincere in your treatment of others, you are attentive to your work, and you are so skilled yet so diligent... I believe that you will be able to achieve success in the Xuance Army."

And she... she will definitely be scolded when she returns to Xuanzhou.

Seeing that she no longer tried to dissuade her, Chang Sui'an grinned.

However, the next moment, Li Tong suddenly said whimsically: "...if I disguise myself as a man and sneak into the Xuance Army with you, will that work?"

Chang Sui'an was shocked: "This is absolutely impossible!"

Seeing his expression, Li Tong thought he was going to say "Northland is too dangerous", but instead he heard Chang Sui'an say awkwardly: "...You don't look good pretending to be a man."

"..." Li Tong, who was disliked, became depressed and gave up completely.

Okay, she'd better go back to Xuanzhou and be scolded.

She was definitely going to lose track of this person.

In the car, Chang Suining asked about Cui Jing's injury. Hearing him say that he was mostly healed, he couldn't help but sigh: "That doctor Cao really didn't tell lies. Your body is really a masterpiece for beatings. No wonder you are so good." Dare to take over those hundred schools of law, it turns out that you have extraordinary abilities."

Immortal items used for beatings—

When Cui Jing heard this, he just took it as a compliment.

She also had the intention of teasing him, which showed that she was in a good mood.

Then, it is not unnecessary for him to come here.

When Chang Suining picked up the tea cup, Cui Jing saw what she was wearing on her wrist and asked casually: "What are these?"

"Bracelet." Chang Suining said, "Made from sunny grass."

"Miss Haitang and the others knitted them with their own hands and gave them to me." She specially showed off: "Miss Haitang is the court lady who threw the crabapple flowers when she entered the city that day—"

"..." Cui Jing couldn't help but think of the densely packed colorful ropes on her wrists on the Dragon Boat Festival. She had always been very popular and could make many unexpected new friends wherever she went.

He asked clearly: "So you went to listen to music?"

"Well, I went last night." Chang Suining said with a smile, "As a human being, you have to keep your promises."

She took two sips of tea, put down the tea cup, shook the bracelet on her wrist, and said generously: "How about I give you one?"

Cui Jing: "...I shouldn't be able to wear it."

"Yes." Chang Suining suddenly thought of something: "But you can definitely wear this."

As she spoke, she lowered her head and untied the thing tied to the scabbard of the Yaori sword, and handed it to Cui Jing.

Cui Jing looked and saw that what she was holding in her hand was two strips of rough blue cloth tied together.

He was stunned, but he quickly reacted: "Did you take it from the Wanmin Umbrella?"

Chang Suining nodded with a "hmm" and motioned for him to reach out.

Cui Jing slowly stretched out his hand towards her, looking down at her as she wrapped the strip of cloth around her wrist.

Chang Sui Ning tied the knot and said, "I wanted to give it to you when I was in Xingyang, but I forgot about it for a while."

He should have a share of the credit for the Wanmin Umbrella. Not to mention anything else, just that it was his initiative to take the risk to control the water in the Yellow River. It was he who took the initiative to find Zheng Chao.

It's just that his name has not been mentioned too much, and because he personally suppressed the Zheng family, it has become a taboo, making ordinary people stay away from him.

Maybe he didn't care about this, so she didn't say much. She just tied the strip of cloth on him and said with a smile, "I'll give it to you."

Cui Jing lowered his eyes and smiled slightly: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Chang Suining suddenly thought of another thing: "By the way, I received a letter from Sister Mianmian a few days ago -"

After she finished talking about Mian Mian's eye disease being cured, she talked about Cui Lang again: "...The letter also said that Cui Liulang also received family punishment. It is said that the beating was not light."

Cui Jing nodded: "It's because he opposed my being exterminated."

"Cui Liulang is a little different now than before." Chang Suining sighed in his heart: "He also said that he would be sent back to Qinghe."

"Yes." Cui Jing has been keeping people's attention on this matter: "Maybe he is on his way back now."

He said: "It might not be a bad thing to go back at this time."

Chang Suining nodded. At least Qinghe was safer than the capital...perhaps this was also the intention of the Cui family.

She took a look outside the car and felt that it was time to leave. But after thinking about it and the decision she had made recently, she asked Cui Jing one last question before leaving: "Cui Jing, what's going on now?" In this world, everyone wants something, but I don’t know what you want?”

Good night

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