Hello Chang’an

Chapter 323: She came to get her birthday gift

Hearing this question, Chang Kuo coughed lightly and smiled kindly: "Come on, come on... We're on the way!"

Chang Suining nodded clearly, that means it hasn't been packed yet.

It seemed that she had to get this birthday gift by herself.

Therefore, Chang Kuo, who was empty-handed and a little ashamed at the moment, changed the subject with a guilty conscience and asked when Xiao Min would be arriving.

As soon as Chang Sui Ning opened his mouth, he saw many familiar faces surrounding him after hearing the news.

Coach Fang and others stepped forward and saluted: "...I have met the chief coach!"

The voices are louder and louder.

Chang Suining smiled and nodded to them.

Soon, Chu Xing, Lao Kang and other veterans also came over. They followed Chang Suining and walked into the large tent.

The military camp was filled with excitement due to the return of Chang Sui Ning. Chu Xing was among them. At this moment, he said next to Chang Sui Ning: "The girl won a great victory in Bianshui and killed Xu Zhengye in one fell swoop... All the officers and men in the army felt that she was guilty." Rong Yan, we are all looking forward to the girl’s return.”

Don't listen to his calm tone at the moment, it was all a result of sleepless nights of tossing and turning.

He often sat up suddenly late at night - wasn't it true that the girl really killed Xu Zhengye? How on earth is it done? How could he teach such an earth-shattering figure?

Listening to Chu Xing's words, Chang Suining nodded and looked around at the people who were looking forward to her return. She was moved but also regretful.

It's a pity that these soldiers are not hers. It would be great if they were all hers.

"...?" For a moment, Chu Xing seemed to understand the regret in her eyes. When he looked closer, he could no longer see anything.

When he looked away, he saw Chang Sui Ning wearing a sword at his waist, and he couldn't help but be startled.

Why does this sword look so familiar? Where have you seen it?

In just a moment, Chu Xing reacted, and his eyes couldn't help but be startled - isn't this the late Crown Prince's day? How could it appear on a girl?

There were many people around, but Chu Xing said nothing, and asked tentatively: "Girl, this sword..."

"This, it's an imitation of His Royal Highness the Sunrise Sword -" Chang Sui Ning replied nonchalantly.

Chu Xing: "Imitation?"

Chang Suining said "hmm" and said, "Let the craftsmen make it according to the drawings."

Chu Xing was puzzled: "Then...where did the girl find the drawings?"

Chang Suining answered smoothly: "My father painted it for me."

Chu Xing looked at his general in surprise.

"..." Chang Kuo, who was also staring at the Yaori Sword, paused for a moment when faced with the big pot that flew towards him unexpectedly, then stroked his beard and said, "That's what happened."

Chu Xing was somewhat confused.

First, he taught the girl the marksmanship of His Highness the former Crown Prince, and now he imitated His Highness the Crown Prince's sunrise for the girl... What on earth did the General want to do?

If Chang Kuo were to answer this question, it would be - what he wants to do depends on what His Highness needs him to do.

Yuan Xiang, He Wuhu and others quickly followed.

Seeing Yuan Xiang, Chang Kuo was a little surprised. Before he could ask a question, he saw He Wuhu and others clasping their fists and saluting: "You must be the famous General Chang!"

After Chang Kuo nodded, He Wuhu's eyes brightened, and he immediately led his brothers to kneel down and bowed firmly.

They have admired Chang Kuo's name for a long time, and since General Ning Yuan is their reborn parent, then General Ning Yuan's father... mustn't he be their grandfather? !

A group of men say they don’t have a master, but their eyes clearly call them grandpa, making their seniority clear.

"..." Chang Kuo vaguely felt that something was wrong, and waved his hand to tell people to get up.

Fang Chao and the others looked at this group of gangsters and couldn't help but guess the whereabouts of He Wuhu and others, but at this point, Chang Kuo accepted it well.

After all, it's not unusual for His Highness to pick up something and bring it back. Looking back on the past, weren't most of His Highness's confidants built up through deceit and deception?

Of course, in His Highness's own words, it is just "a lost item along the way" at most.

He Wuhu and others followed them outside Chang Kuo's tent. They looked twice at everything they saw along the way. The eagerness to learn in their eyes was so strong that it was lawless.

After Chang Suining and Chang Kuo went to the tent, He Wuhu started talking to the soldiers holding spears outside the tent. Not forgetting to get closer first, he weighed a string of objects tied around his waist: " …We are all our own people!”

Several soldiers looked at his waist and saw a string of copper plates neatly woven with red rope, at least a dozen.

Several soldiers who only had one copper plate with them suddenly felt their eyes stinging.

He Wuhu had no idea that his show off had hurt the other party. Just when he was about to get closer, he was pulled aside by Sheep Purse: "...What are you doing? Outside General Chang's tent is not the place for you to chat!"

He Wuhu was shocked when he came back to his senses, but he also had a sincere attitude: "...Sister Shepherd's Purse, where are we going to lead the military law?"

"I thought it was the first time for the new daughter-in-law to get on the sedan chair... It won't happen again!" Shepherd's Purse said to them, "Come with me. The general asked me to take you to get familiar with military affairs first!"

Shepherd's Purse led a group of "new wives" away, and silence quickly returned to Chang Kuo's tent.

Chang Suining entered the tent and cleaned her hands first. When she took her hands out of the basin, Chang Kuo had already handed over a clean cotton towel with a smile.

After Chang Suining wiped his hands dry, Chang Kuo immediately brought out a piece of pancake: "It's not dinner time yet, let's eat a piece of pancake to cushion the meal!"

Chang Suining took it and found a seat to sit down and eat the cake. Chang Kuo hurriedly brought her tea: "Drink some water, be careful not to choke..."

Chu Xing looked at this scene with a complicated mood - was the general treating the girl a little too pampering... No, he was too flattering.

But then I thought of Deputy General Jin's words - "If I had such a capable daughter, I could call her daddy!" 】

Thinking of this, Chu Xing looked at the situation in front of him and found it very easy to accept.

Speaking of Deputy General Jin, Chang Kuo was asking about Deputy General Jin's injury.

Chang Sui Ning answered his question while munching on the cake. Vice Admiral Jin's injury was almost healed, but it was not yet suitable to follow the bumpy journey with the front army. It was a waterway with the ship, so he would arrive a few days later.

Chang Kuo felt relieved and nodded, but he always felt that something was missing. He thought for a while and then suddenly realized: "By the way, where is that brat?" Seeing that he finally remembered that he had a son, Chang Kuo Sui Ning swallowed the last bite of cake and drank two sips of tea before telling him about his brother.

Chang Kuo was very satisfied with this arrangement. The boy's injury was healed, and it was time for him to go for training. He was relieved to hand him over to Cui Jing... Anyway, it would be better to give it to anyone than to that woman!

Thinking of that woman, Chang Kuo couldn't help but ask: "...Where is that girl?"

Afraid that Chang Suining might not understand, he added: "The one from Xuanzhou, whom I met in Hezhou before. The one who went to find you with Sui'an this time is called Li... Li Tong, yes!"

This series of additions made Chu Xing confused... The general said a lot, isn't that the daughter of the eldest princess Xuan'an? Does the name of Princess Xuan'an make people's mouth hot when mentioned directly? Or is it something?

Chang Sui Ning was not surprised and said: "Sister Li Tong also took the water route, but she was behind."

At first, Li Tong accompanied Chang Suining, leading 20,000 vanguards to ride lightly. How could she miss this majestic and novel experience?

But it turns out that being majestic also comes at a price. On the third day after Li Tong followed, the feeling of high spirits disappeared. From being unable to do what he wanted, to feeling as if his whole body had been drained of yang... In the end, he changed his route and took the waterway, dragging The limbs and internal organs, which had been shaken to pieces and moved around, and no one knew each other anymore, got on the boat and lay down.

Chang Kuo then asked Yuan Xiang again, and Chang Sui Ning replied: "I borrowed it from Governor Cui."

Saying that, Chang Sui Ning leaned closer to Chang Kuo and whispered: "I've also 'borrowed' Governor Cui. From now on, we can be considered as one."

Chang Kuo was quite surprised. He knew Cui Jing very well. He was someone who never took sides and no one wanted to get involved... Could it be that His Highness took advantage of him when he was being exterminated?

Chang Kuo wanted to find out, but after Chang Sui Ning finished eating the cake and drinking tea, he stopped chatting and stood up and sat in front of the sand table to talk about business with him.

Chang Kuo summoned his subordinates to discuss the matter together.

Although they haven't been able to take Yangzhou back yet, they are definitely not idle during this period.

When Xu Zhengye left Jiangdu, although he aimed at Luoyang, he still treated Jiangdu as a fallback, so there were still troops in Yangzhou -

The remaining troops relied on natural dangers and the defenses set up to support themselves until this point.

Those defenses have now been largely defeated by Chang Kuo, and the key passes have been controlled. Like a wall, its foundation has been hollowed out, and it will collapse with just a strong push. At this moment, Chang Sui Ning led his army back and knocked down the wall in one fell swoop. It was inevitable to recapture Jiangdu.

"In addition to Jiangdu Yangzhou, there are also Jiangning and Runzhou..." Chang Suining looked at the positions of the three cities on the sand table and said: "If Yangzhou is lost, the remnants will inevitably go southeast and flee to Runzhou..."

She quickly said: "I will lead the army to capture Yangzhou first. After the Chinese army returns to camp, Dad and Commander Xiao will immediately go to Jiangning. After that, the two armies will join forces in Runzhou to attack in one fell swoop. Go back to Sanzhou—"

After Chang Suining finished speaking, he looked up and saw that the generals were looking at him. He realized that his attitude of being the master of the family was somewhat unbearable, so he added another question that seemed unconfident: "Dad and all the generals, …think it’s feasible?”

"It sounds like there is no problem in general." Chang Kuo said cooperatively: "Whether it is feasible in detail needs to be discussed carefully by everyone, and then we can deduce it based on the march route..."

The generals came to their senses and nodded in agreement.

In this compartment, Chang Suining discussed the details of the march with everyone. When it was time for dinner, they ate together. After putting down the bowls and chopsticks, everyone continued to discuss around the sand table.

On the other side, after shepherd's purse led He Wuhu and others to get familiar with the affairs of the military camp, Yuanxiang had also completed the handover with the camp, arranged the tent where they would stay at night, and moved all the things they brought in.

Sheep Purse led several women's soldiers to clean up the tent for Chang Suining. He Wuhu and others, who had not received any errands for the time being, all stayed outside the tent. Whenever soldiers came to deliver things, they had to go through them to check again and again - when the general was in Xingyang We have just killed a few spies, which shows that this army is not very clean. It is related to the safety of the general, so we must be careful!

Adhering to such a precautionary approach, they would pick up even an ant passing by outside the tent, let alone a human being, and inspect it from head to toe with wide eyes.

Near evening, when Chang Suining came back, he saw the scene outside the tent. Some people were holding knives, some were carrying axes, and some were tired and squatting on the ground talking... In a daze, he just felt like a mountain king on the top of some mountain.

Facing He Wuhu and others who came around to salute, Shan Dawang Chang Suining rushed everyone to rest and said to them: "Everyone, take a rest and recharge your batteries. Follow me to capture Yangzhou in two days."

Two days later? So fast!

He Wuhu's eyes lit up and he responded with a loud voice. He couldn't help but gear up - it was finally time for He Wuhu to pay off the debt!

On the eve of Chang Suining's departure, Xiao Min led the Chinese army to the camp.

Hearing that the next plan had been decided, Xiao Min was not surprised at all. He was even used to quietly picking up the credit from behind.

The sky started to light up the next day, and Chang Sui Ning had already finished ordering his troops.

Before leaving, Yuan Xiang told He Wuhu and the others that it was impossible to ask them to be the vanguard when they went to the battlefield for the first time. They were not allowed to advance rashly on this trip, and they were not allowed to flout military regulations and lead people to fight alone without permission. They should watch more. Listen and learn.

He Wuhu and others responded seriously and mounted their horses.

Yao Ran followed Xiao Min to see him off outside the camp. She came back with Xiao Min last night. She wanted to follow him today, but Chang Sui Ning did not allow her to stay in the camp to rest and take care of the affairs of the account.

Yao Ran could only follow the arrangement and said at this moment: "...I hope the general will return victoriously as soon as possible. I will wait for the general to return."

But I heard the man on the horse say, "I'm not coming back."

Yao Ran was slightly startled, but Chang Suining looked at her with a smile and said, "When I get back to Yangzhou, I will have someone pick you up."

Yao Ran came back to his senses and smiled. His heart was inexplicably agitated, and he nodded and said, "Okay."

As the trumpet sounded, 50,000 troops were dispatched in unison, their horses' hoofs raised smoke and dust, and they headed towards Yangzhou.

There is not much suspense in this battle.

The remnants of Xu's army in Yangzhou, which had been almost cut off from food and grass, heard the news that Chang Sui Ning was leading the attack. Facing this "enemy who killed his master", even if he felt a little hatred, it was hard not to be overwhelmed by fear. .

This woman killed Ge Zong first, and then her lord. If she wanted to kill both of them, wouldn't it be just a joke?

The shaky people's hearts were completely defeated by fear, but it only took a moment. Chang Sui Ning's name was like the last straw that crushed people's hearts. Before her army really entered Yangzhou, most of the people on the opposite side even escaped first.

In just three days, Chang Sui Ning captured the Yangzhou city gate.

In the afternoon of this day, Chang Suining led his army directly into Yangzhou City and ordered people to surround "General Kuangfu's Mansion".

Chang Sui Ning dismounted his horse, raised his eyes to look at the plaque, said "Tear it down", and then led people directly across the red lacquer threshold and walked towards this mansion that was born and carried many ambitions and conspiracies in the past.

She came to get her birthday gift, I hope she won't make the trip in vain.

In the study room in the front yard, Luo Guanlin, who heard that Chang Suining had broken into the door and was reluctant to leave, had no luck. He picked up the scissors prepared on the desk with a determined expression and stabbed his neck suddenly.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, good night dear ones`

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