Hello Chang’an

Chapter 343: This is joy and mourning! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Chapter 343 This is joy and mourning! (Ask for monthly ticket)

"Chang Jishi...this matter is not a trivial matter, a villain really can't make the decision!"

"You mean you can't give me these books?" Chang Suining asked quietly.

Eunuch Pan complained bitterly and begged: "A villain has no right to make the decision in such matters...but I ask the governor to show his noble hand and not to embarrass the villain."

"When am I going to embarrass you? I'm not discussing this with you."

There was no sign of anger in the girl's voice, and she only said: "The reason why I say this is because I have heard that before the Zheng family's collection of tens of thousands of books in Luoyang and Xingyang was sent back to the capital, the saint came to court in the morning. As mentioned above, these collections will be shared with people from all over the world. After being classified by the Hanlin Academy, the manuscripts will be sent to various states. This is true for the Central Plains collection, and it should be the same for the Jiangnan collection. "

Eunuch Pan listened attentively and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, there is such a thing... In that case, why didn't the governor wait a moment?"

He forced a smile on his face and said: "... No one will be left behind for such a big event, and Jiangdu must not be left behind!"

"But I urgently need these books and can't wait that long." Chang Sui Ning said: "Since they have to be sent to Jiangdu sooner or later, why can't I stay first?"

Eunuch Pan smiled complicatedly and reminded her cautiously: "But...but these originals are still to be stored in the library of Jixian Hall in the palace. You left all these originals, so what are they used by Beijing and other states? ?”

Chang Sui Ning was startled, then showed a dazed look: "That's right, I actually forgot about this... What should be sent to Jiangdu later should be a copy. I cut off the original without permission, which is wrong."

As she spoke, she raised her hand to help Eunuch Pan: "It was indeed my fault that I didn't think carefully just now. Thanks to Eunuch Pan for reminding me."

Eunuch Pan's heart suddenly went up and down. Just when he was about to stuff the piece of meat back into his stomach, he heard the voice again: "If that's the case, then I'll send someone to copy it. I only take the copy and won't move." These original books.”

Eunuch Pan, who had just stood up, almost went weak again when he heard this: "Chang Jishi..."

Chang Suining: "Anyway, the manuscript will be sent to Jiangdu in the future. I'll keep a copy in advance, which can also save the Hanlin Academy a lot of trouble - Eunuch Pan, it's okay now."

She said this in a tone of "I have taken ten thousand steps back."

Eunuch Pan looked embarrassed, but he really didn't want to say that compared to the other party's ruthless act of just leaving the collection of books, this suggestion at this moment actually made him feel that it was very considerate.

It's like the house was about to be demolished just now, but now only one window can be opened... The "compromise" in it is much easier to tolerate.

Eunuch Pan was about to speak but stopped, and heard Chang Sui Ning say in a reminding tone: "Eunuch, you must think more about yourself."

Eunuch Pan asked tentatively: "...I wonder what the governor Chang meant by this?"

"Nowadays, the world is unstable. When Eunuch Pan escorts these books back to Beijing, if something goes wrong along the way and the books are intercepted or damaged..." Chang Sui Ning said: "At least I will still have a copy here. ”

Eunuch Pan was frightened when he heard this - is this a threat or a reminder? Or maybe both?

Also, when the imperial envoy Zhan Shilang and his party were escorting the collection of books back to the capital from the Central Plains, they encountered a killer on the way, but fortunately they were safe in the end.

The toast and the fine wine were all placed in front of him, but Eunuch Pan never dared to make the decision without authorization. He could only say: "Then... how about our family send someone to send a memorial letter back to Beijing as quickly as possible, and ask His Majesty for permission first... How about?"

Chang Suining nodded, looked at the mountains of books, and said: "It's just that there are so many books. It's not easy to copy them. The sooner the better. In order not to delay Eunuch Pan's return to Beijing, I will use it tomorrow." People come to copy books—"

Eunuch Pan: ...Are you going to kill first and then show off? And if she has already started copying, can the saint who relies on her to fight the Japanese soldiers still ask her to destroy it?

This is a determination not to give up until the goal is achieved.

"But don't worry, Eunuch Pan, I will never take away even a word before the saint gives permission. If the saint still refuses in the end, I will burn the completed manuscript on the spot without any hesitation."

Having said this, Eunuch Pan, no matter how ignorant he is, knows that he can't stop him anymore. Otherwise, not to mention whether the piece of meat can be saved, he himself will not be able to eat any good fruits. In all likelihood, he will end up with "a piece of meat". The fate of two dead bodies.

Anyway, he did his best, and let the saints think about the rest.

Chang Suining came out of the library here, and his eyes suddenly felt bright.

It's not that she's impatient and insists on being the first, but she knows better than Eunuch Pan how the collection of books will be divided after they are returned to the capital -

Not only should they be classified according to the type of books, but also according to the degree of urgency. For example, some books will be copied to the Imperial Academy, while some books will be stored separately in the Jixian Hall and only allowed to be read by the emperor's royal family and high-ranking officials.

In other words, the scope and objects of use of these collections of books will still be divided into three, six or nine levels, and there will be layers of restrictions that are unknown on the surface. In this complicated and long process, if any minister or figure is mixed with selfish motives, it is not difficult to imagine what will be left when they are assigned to study in various prefectures.

Furthermore, with the current situation, the court is in a state of flux and government orders are changing rapidly. It is unknown whether these books will be distributed to the states within three to five years.

And where the war will burn next, no one can say... She tried her best to keep as many copies of these books as it would be safer.

At this time, she indeed needs to use these books to achieve her own goals - how can she and Jiangnan Books not complete each other?

Chang Sui Ning, who wanted to complete the book collection in Jiangnan, returned to the governor's house. As soon as he met Wang Changshi, Mr. Luo and others, he had to prepare for copying the book collection.

"...What kind of book collection?" Luo Guanlin felt that he didn't understand.

Chang Suining sat down behind the desk, and Lu Xiucai came forward to polish the ink. Chang Suining said, "The imperial envoy confiscated it."

Luo Guanlin was stunned: "Which ones?"

"Of course all of them."

Lu Xiucai's movement of studying ink suddenly stopped. Wang Changshi was shocked and Yao Ran also stopped writing.

There was a buzz in Luo Guanlin's head, and he subconsciously asked: "...Didn't you go to the camp to inspect the coastal defense?"

"Yes, I just decided on this matter when I returned to the city." Chang Suining picked up the pen and prepared to write the list.

Luo Guanlin looked at her in disbelief: "How did you decide it? Who did you decide it with?"

How could anyone dare to settle with her on such a big matter if he didn't have a brain?

Chang Sui Ning picked up his pen and started writing, while explaining the general process: "...Anyway, I will copy it first, and then wait for the saint's nod."

There was a brief silence in the study - is this a refreshing way of saying "cut first and tell later"?

Even though Luo Guanlin had experience in rebellion, he couldn't help but say at this moment: "...such an action by the governor will definitely be jealous of the emperor and criticized by the courtiers."

"Without this matter, there would be no suspicion and criticism." Chang Sui Ning said: "Sir, don't worry, I am exercising my discretion. This matter is not a big deal in the current situation."

Of course she knew that there were many people who wished they could crush her to death, but unfortunately they couldn't.

Chang Sui Ning paused while writing, raised his head and smiled at Luo Guanlin, and said comfortingly: "Sir, don't worry, I will be difficult to kill."

Even the empress is maintaining a certain balance between the two. If the empress can use her, she will not break this balance due to trivial matters for the time being. Nowadays, whoever is willing to give in and who can go further depends not on right or wrong, but on pros and cons.

Since they are taking advantage of each other, of course she must use this to maximize her own interests.

The emperor has his political needs, and she also has hers.

Wang Changshi wiped his sweat quietly and thought of what the old lady said before he came - [Ability is true ability, and tossing is also true tossing]

Luo Guanlin didn't say anything, or he agreed with Chang Suining's words. She knew where the bottom line was. She didn't know her own bottom line, but she was good at stepping on other people's bottom lines.

At this point, he could only ask: "Does the governor know how many books there are in the collection?"

Chang Suining continued to write: "A rough look today, including the heavy editions, there are seven to eight thousand volumes." Lu Xiucai suddenly stopped breathing, how many... how many?

One thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four thousand, five thousand, six thousand, seven...Dad! mother! Too milky! Lingbao Tianzun Jade Emperor! The most holy teacher Confucius!

Lu Xiucai shouted incoherently in his heart.

After all, Luo Guanlin had seen the world. At this moment, he could still calmly ask: "Will all these seven or eight thousand volumes be copied?"

As she just said, there must be heavy origins among them. Heavy origins refer to those that have been circulated in other companies or on the market.

When she asked for books from the Gu and Yu families before, she only asked for rare and rare copies, and she did not take duplicate copies.

Luo Guanlin estimated that among the seven or eight thousand volumes, there were only about six or seven hundred unique and rare volumes - he really exaggerated and even used the word "only".

Six or seven hundred volumes are already very impressive, plus the nearly three hundred "donations" she has received these days... As a result, she has a collection of thousands of rare books in her hands... and all of them are hard to find. Rare.

Looking at ancient and modern times, this number has been beyond the reach of most book collectors.

However, when I thought about it, she got this by "gathering the talents of many families". Almost all the precious books in the prosperous Jiangdu City were gathered here. How could it not be overwhelming in terms of number?

"Yes, we must copy them, not just the rare and rare books." Chang Sui Ning said: "As long as the two volumes do not overlap, we must copy them all."

She didn't want the heavy books in the Gu family's hands before because they could take them out whenever she wanted and the minced meat was still in the pot, but these books were different. Once they left Jiangdu, they might not be easy to find in the future.

Instead of wasting time and effort searching elsewhere, it is better to keep a copy for yourself.

"Except for the duplicates, I estimate there are three to four thousand volumes..." Luo Guanlin said: "When will it take to finish copying?"

"So we need to find a lot of people to copy it." Chang Sui Ning said: "The Gu family and the Yu family can use people, and there are also these scholars who have been recruited over the years, they should be able to make up a hundred or so people."

The estimate she was writing down was the approximate number of people who could come together to copy the book.

Lu Xiucai plucked up the courage to clear his throat, clasped his hands in front of him, and smiled modestly but did not dare to be too modest: "Master Governor... Although I am not talented, in terms of writing, I can still count it as an advantage..."

Chang Suining nodded knowingly and looked at Yao Ran with a smile: "You will all go then."

Lu Xiucai separated his clenched hands, clenched them into two fists, and looked at Yao Ran excitedly.

Yao Ran looked at Chang Sui Ning and asked uncertainly: "Mr. Lu and I have gone, so who is around to do the work?"

She is different from Lu Xiucai. She has never lacked books to read since she was a child. She has never experienced the difficulty of reading. Although she is interested in those books now, there are only a few of them. In comparison, she always puts Chang Sui Ning first.

"It doesn't matter, it's enough that I still have Mr. Qian here." Chang Suining looked at Luo Guanlin with a smile.

Luo Guanlin: "..."

Okay, let’s do this to him, right?

"By the way, Mrs. Qian and Mr. Qian will also go with you." Luo Ze was not in the study today, Chang Suining specially added, and added Luo Xi equally.

This is a great opportunity, especially for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

"..." Luo Guanlin's frowned eyebrows relaxed slightly under his mask.

Young people should gain more knowledge, and it doesn't matter if he suffers a little...


"Hundreds of people copy the book, just in case there is someone with bad intentions..." Wang Changshi expressed Luo Guanlin's worries.

Chang Suining: "Don't worry, Mr. Shi, this matter is no trivial matter. I have detailed regulations."

After all, she had already planned it and had already thought of everything she should think of.

Early the next morning, a book-copying team of a hundred people arrived as scheduled.

Before they approached the library, they were rigorously searched to ensure that they did not carry anything flammable, sharp or suspicious.

During the copying period, there were also explicit restrictions: no fire candles or tea could be placed within a hundred steps of the surrounding area.

Each two people has a copy of the book, a grinder, and a guard with supervisory responsibilities to ensure that no accidents occur along the way.

In addition, there are three prohibitions: no sweating, no tears, and no drooling.

If the first one is not correct, you can use an ice basin to help. The second and third ones are all about self-restraint.

Erlang of the Gu family was also brought in to make up the numbers. His father said that if the others beside him couldn't do it, he could still copy the books.

In the copy room, Erlang of the Gu family turned around and looked around. Seeing such an orderly scene, he was inexplicably agitated in his heart... No, what was he agitating about? This Chang Governor had just robbed his Gu family!

But... under this situation, he had to admit that this Chang Governor really seemed to be doing something big.

I just don’t know if she wants these books to hide them for her own use, or if she has other plans?

Most of the people present did not care to think about this issue. The books they were copying now were all things they could not see in ordinary times. This kind of touch could not be described in words. They were so hungry that they could hardly feel the pain in their bodies. Tired.

If they hadn't committed the "Three Don'ts", they would be dragged away from here immediately. There are many people who want to cry at their desks at this moment.

Until the end of the day, when the official in charge of the matter had spoken and signed off, there were still people who were still reluctant to leave.

After leaving the copy office, several literati hugged each other and cried loudly.

Two eunuchs passing by joked in a low voice: "Crying in mourning is..."

One scholar choked with sobs and said in a trembling voice: "...This is a joy and mourning!"

Bah, bah, bah, it’s right to cry with joy!

At the same time, a group of people with a long history of travels appeared outside the governor's house in Jiangdu.

A commoner man jumped out of the carriage and looked up at the plaque of the Governor's Mansion under the setting sun, his eyes brighter than the sunset.

Seeing the young man waiting outside the door to greet him, the man hurriedly waved: "Brother Ah Che! Over here!"

The 7th is the last day of the double monthly ticket event. If you have monthly tickets, it is best to vote during the double period. Good night!

(End of chapter)

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