Hello Chang’an

Chapter 351: Ah Wu and his mother (please vote for me)

 Qiao Yang subconsciously turned her head and looked towards the mountain behind Dayun Temple. The person had just been buried, and the body was still cold. This birth... was it too hasty or too hasty?

The speed of reincarnation is faster than eating!

Qiao Yang's mind was in chaos for a moment. Wang came to her senses and said in a low voice: "Mianmian, don't talk nonsense like this..."

As he said that, Wang also looked subconsciously.

That's nonsense. How can a puppy that was just taken out of a dog's belly look like Master Wujue? Well, if you look at it this way, regardless of merit, it is indeed... it is indeed a weird image?

Looking at the fat white puppy with its mouth open to scream, Wang was slightly shocked. Could humans and dogs be so similar?

But as a devout pilgrim of Dayun Temple, Wang still feels that this speculation is too disrespectful to Master Wujue: "...Master Wujue is an accomplished monk. Even if he enters reincarnation, how can he be reborn in it?" Come?"

"No, Madam..." Qiao Jijiu raised his hand to interrupt Madam's words, with a somewhat solemn look on his face, thinking and whispering: "Madam, you don't know something..."

What an eminent monk is, that's just a persona.

In fact, there are no rules. Buddhism has clear rules, and if you don't abide by them, you will be greedy, angry, stupid, and lazy, and you will violate everything.

He had felt sorry for Wu Jue more than once in the past. It would be strange for the Buddha not to blame him for being such a monk.

Therefore, at this moment, he could reasonably suspect that Wu Jue was most likely to be punished into the realm of animals!

But as the saying goes, the dead are the most important. Even if Qiao Yang suspected this, it was not easy to say such disrespectful words to the dead in front of the juniors. He chose another relatively warm statement -

"Perhaps, he was so anxious to see me that he didn't choose a way out..." Qiao Yang's reddish eyes were not fake, and he carefully took the puppy from his daughter's hands.

Qiao Yubai was in a complicated mood. Is there any way to say that he had to choose the right path when he was reincarnated? Are you so panicked that you plunge into the dog's belly?

"Dad, this is nothing more than a coincidence, you..." Qiao Yubai was about to continue, but was stabbed gently by his sister with the handle of the knife in her hand.

Who wouldn’t know it’s a coincidence? Where do so many bizarre and mysterious things come from in this world? But if the appearance of a coincidence can bring some comfort to the living, why not believe in it?

Moreover, this coincidence is too coincidental and may not be the guidance of Master Wujue’s spirit in heaven.

Qiao Yang held the puppy in her arms and sighed with red eyes: "Yes, just think of it as a coincidence. Mianmian can save it here today just because it is destined to our Qiao family... In this case, we might as well Take it back."

Anyway, it's just a matter of multiple pairs of chopsticks, no, multiple milk bottles.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yang looked at the big dog lying in the grass: "He...his mother, is he still alive?"

"It should be okay." Qiao Yumian turned around quickly: "I will sew it up now."

Qiao Yang nodded: "Okay, let's sew it up and take it back together..."

Hearing the word "sew", Qiao Yubai was very surprised and squatted down: "Mianmian...could it be that skin and flesh are just like clothes and can be sewn with needle and thread?"

"Of course, the art of suturing has been around since the previous dynasty, but it has not been widely promoted. One of the reasons for this is because many people, like my brother, believe that skin and flesh are different from clothing, which may sound unacceptable at first glance." Qiao Yumian said During this time, he had skillfully threaded the silver needle.

During this period, Xiaoqiu had been trying to stop the big dog from bleeding.

Seeing that the master and servant, with their hands covered with blood, cooperated tacitly, they were still like little girls. When dealing with this **** and horrific scene, there was no fear or panic, and they were much calmer than him... Qiao Yubai's first time It was because of the word "study medicine" that he had a profound change in his view of the weak and timid sister.

Seeing his sister sewing up the dog's belly layer by layer, but using different threads, Qiao Yubai couldn't help but ask about the difference.

"Silver wire money is used for external injuries, which is stronger and less likely to suppurate in summer." Qiao Yumian explained: "The inside is made of mulberry thread. Mulberry is a medicine, which can promote the healing of internal injuries and does not need to be removed."

As the girl spoke, she cleaned the big dog's wound and applied medicine carefully.

After everything was done, Qiao Yubai and the boy carried the big dog that had not yet woken up into the carriage.

When Qiao Yubai turned around, he saw his sister and Xiao Qiu digging a small hole in the grass and burying the two pups that unfortunately died in their stomachs and failed to be revived despite their attempts.

Along the way, Qiao Jijiu held the little puppy in his arms and was never willing to let go.

In the next few days, after Qiao Jijiu went to work every day, the first thing he did was to check the condition of the puppies, feed them goat milk every day, and do it personally. Use a cotton towel to wipe your face and paws with great care. And named the puppy A Wu.

Out of filial piety, Qiao Jijiu treated Ah Wu’s mother wholeheartedly, going to say hello once a day in the morning and evening... No, saying hello was how Mrs. Jijiu said it. In Qiao Jijiu’s words, it was called greeting her. , and carefully prepared confinement meals suitable for healing.

Awutama never expected that she would be treated like this after waking up from a coma, and there was a trace of confusion in her alertness.

On this day, Qiao Yumian changed the medicine for Awutama. It happened that Qiao Yubai came back from class and came to see the big dog's recovery. The two brothers and sisters left here talking. On the way, Qiao Yubai asked seriously: "Mianmian "Are you really not afraid when you hold a knife or a needle?"

"Not afraid." Qiao Yumian answered seriously: "The reason why people are afraid of knives and blood is simply because they mean danger and casualties. And when I picked up the knife, I knew clearly that I was saving, Rather than killing, I want it to live, not to want it to die - with this thought, I just want to hold the knife in my hand and do what I want to do, and I can't even think about anything else. "

As she said that, she turned to Qiao Yubai and smiled: "Brother, actually I never thought that I could be so bold before."

"This must be the courage that we Mianmian have accumulated over the years." Qiao Yubai looked at his sister who was still as gentle as water in front of him, and felt touched in his heart: "We Mianmian have been forced to be timid for so many years, and now it's time to make up for it."

Qiao Yumian smiled and nodded: "I think so too."

"By the way, aren't you going to see Dr. Peng? I'll go with you." Qiao Yubai said.

Qiao Yumian nodded hurriedly. Medical Officer Peng was the medical officer in charge of the Imperial College Medical Hall. Qiao Yumian lacked the opportunity to practice the most, so she wanted to work in the medical hall.

However, there have never been female doctors in the Imperial College's medical hall, so Qiao Yumian still had to convince Medical Officer Peng to let her stay.

Medical Officer Peng had been in the Imperial College for many years and was very familiar with the Qiao brothers and sisters. Hearing Qiao Yumian's intention, he questioned Qiao Yumian again. Although the results of the examination were unexpectedly satisfactory, Medical Officer Peng was still a little hesitant.

Qiao Yubai said at the right time: "Doctor Peng, don't worry, my father has already approved this."

Doctor Peng was surprised and couldn't help but ask Qiao Yumian again: "Ms. Qiao, has she really thought about it carefully?"

The Imperial College is no better than other places. The prison students who come to see and treat injuries are all men. As Miss Qiao has recovered from her eye disease, at this age, it is time to choose a good marriage...

Medical Officer Peng was worried that Qiao Yumian's reputation would be affected if he stayed here. "Since I came to beg Doctor Peng, I have thought clearly." Qiao Yumian said with sincere eyes: "Please let me stay, Doctor Peng."

In fact, she had a bold idea hidden in her heart.

Since caesarean section to remove the dog is feasible, then... I wonder if it can be done by others?

From ancient times to the present, women have to go through the gate of **** to give birth, and women who die in childbirth are common every year...

She has not mentioned this too bold idea to anyone yet. She knows very well that she still has many shortcomings. Although her taciturn master praised her as "talented and intelligent", she has not yet seen it in a living person. I actually used a knife on my body several times, took out my needle and thread several times—

There are still many differences between humans and dogs.

She won't stay in the Imperial Medical Hall for too long, but before pursuing that bold idea, she must first build up a solid foundation.

Qiao Yumian also knew the source of Medical Officer Peng's hesitation, which was nothing more than reputation and marriage.

But to her, these were really not attractive at all compared to the fire in her heart.

If the person she wants to marry also feels that it is wrong for her to do so, then he is not worthy of her to marry. What's more, she knows that he is not that kind of person... On the contrary, he always enthusiastically encourages her in his letters. Holding her.

Besides, how many women are as lucky as her in the world?

—She has the company and understanding of her father, mother, and brother, and they have never tried to imprison her with worldly eyes. And she also has Ning Ning, who has set such a huge and grand example for her.

If she, who occupies such a favorable time, place, and harmony, doesn't dare to take this step, how can other girls dare?

Having said this, Medical Officer Peng finally nodded.

Qiao Yumian smiled happily, and Qiao Yubai also smiled and thanked Dr. Peng.

That night, Qiao Yumian wrote two letters, the first one was sent to Jiangdu, and the second one was sent to Qinghe.

The one who arrived in Jiangdu faster than Qiao Yumian's letter was the servant sent by the Chang family of Xingningfang, the capital of the capital, to report the letter to Jiangdu.

When the tired servant dismounted outside the governor's house in Jiangdu, Chang Suining was in front discussing matters with a group of subordinate officials.

After hearing the servant reveal his identity and explain his purpose, Wang Changshi hesitated for a moment, but he did not dare to delay and took the servant to see Chang Sui Ning himself.

When Chang Suining heard that someone from the capital was coming, he knew roughly why he was here, so he didn't deliberately avoid it. He just sat where he was and saw the servant.

When the servant entered the hall, he knelt down towards Chang Suining and opened his mouth with hoarse mourning words: "...Girl, Master Wujue died of illness ten days ago!"

Chang Sui Ning looked stunned for a moment.

There were about a dozen officials in the hall at the moment, and most of them didn't know the relationship between this "Wu Jue Master" and their governor, but seeing that this servant of the Chang family came specially to report the funeral, they thought there was a lot involved. —

Everyone didn't dare to react for a moment, so they looked at Wang Changshi.

Wang Changshi Na said with emotion and remembrance: "This Master Wujue was the abbot of Dayun Temple. He was once a counselor under the former Crown Prince. He was broad-minded, kind and compassionate, and devoted his life to using Buddhism to save all sentient beings. He is The eminent monk who is highly respected by the world..."

Chang Suining: "..."

Wang Changshi's comments during his lifetime, which were beautified and distorted, earned the unanimous admiration and regret of all the officials.

Then, they heard Wang Changshi explain the key point, saying that this eminent monk, like Zhongyong Hou, could be regarded as one of the adoptive fathers of their governor, and everyone immediately intensified their emotions -

At the same time, I looked at my colleagues on the left and right. It was the first time I bumped into Shangfeng's family to report the death of his father. He was relatively inexperienced. In this situation, do you need to cry directly?

Generally speaking, there is no need to be so exaggerated and superficial, but their governor is young and energetic, and has always acted in a lively and lively manner... It is not easy to exercise discretion now.

Everyone secretly felt that they were in trouble, and only heard the girl above her say in a calm tone with a hint of regret, but more of a sense of openness: "You don't need to feel sad about this, I am the second father. People in the secular world can be considered as having completed their merits and left in transcendence.”

The officials in the hall who were relieved by her reacted briefly... Lord Governor, are you so young, but you are so open-minded?

So... I feel happy and sad?

Of course, even so, no one chose to go crazy and say congratulations. Everyone kept a faint look of regret and said no more.

Chang Suining asked the servant who brought the news to go down to rest, and then motioned for everyone to continue the discussion.

Luo Guanlin, who was writing notes on the side, couldn't help but take another look at Chang Sui Ning. His mood had stabilized so far. Was he really being open-minded, or was his emotion weak enough? Or is it just pretending in front of others?

Just now we were discussing the household registration calculation in Jiangdu. The official in charge mentioned that due to casualties in the war, among the current registered residents in Jiangdu, women accounted for a significantly higher proportion, accounting for 20 to 30% more than men.

So some officials suggested: "After the war, increasing the number of households and having children is a big deal... Now we should also try to encourage marriage, remarriage, concubinage, etc."

As he said this, he handed over a document, which recorded the number of women in Jiangdu who were of marriageable and childbearing age.

From the age of fourteen to the age of thirty-five, all women who are currently unmarried or widowed are recorded on it.

As Chang Sui Ning browsed, several officials successively proposed ways to promote marriage and childbirth, including soft and hard methods, rewards and penalties, tax reductions and tax increases, and there were precedents to follow, so many of their words included "This has always been the case." "Feeling.

Chang Suining had turned to the last page and nodded in approval: "Fourteen to thirty-five years old... is indeed a good age."

An official agreed: "Yes, it is a good age to have children."

"Not only is it a good age to have children." Chang Suining closed the document, "At this age, you are healthy and strong, and your mind is clear. What is not the best age to do?"

The official was slightly startled, unsure of the meaning of Chang Suining's words, so he could only hesitantly answer "yes".

"That's what Governor Chang said." Another younger official said with a smile: "Master Governor, I also have a proposal, but I don't know if it is feasible..."

Chang Sui Ning looked at him with a smile: "Master Qi, please speak." (End of Chapter)

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