Hello Chang’an

Chapter 353: Something went wrong

As everyone knows, what’s even more tiring for my wrists is yet to come.

After making preliminary plans for women to go out and participate in work, Wang Changshi asked people to come in and bring tea. Everyone took a break to rest their voices, but their thoughts still remained uncontrollably on the many possible impacts of women's participation in work.

Luo Guanlin looked at the many drafted regulations with mixed emotions.

Different from these local officials, he was once a courtier who had real close contact with the great policies of governing the country. Compared with these people here, he can more intuitively feel the impact of the six words "women participate in work".

Putting aside the "sense of crisis", these people here have been drawn into the web of interests that Chang Sui Ning has weaved from the very beginning... What people want to seize most are often the interests closest to them.

It can be seen from this that from the first day she stepped into the governor's mansion, she began to prepare for the implementation of administrative orders in the future.

Luo Guanlin also had a cup of tea in front of him, but he didn't use the tea, he didn't speak, he didn't feel thirsty, but his heart seemed to be burned by the scorching sun, and he never calmed down.

During a break to drink tea, an official in his fifties praised the herbal tea for being delicious and relieving the heat. Chang Sui Ning looked at Luo Guanlin with a smile and said, "This tea was brewed by Grandma Jin in Mr. Qian's home with great effort."

Luo Guanlin came back to his senses after hearing the sound, and when he heard the words "Grandma Jin", his eyesight went dark again.

This is a new surname chosen by his "resourceful" mother. Her real surname is Jin. In order to change her identity with him, she changed her surname to a new one. But there is no need to say more about the purpose of this new surname.

Now his surname is Qian and his mother's surname is Jin... In the whole world, there seems to be no one more "prosperous" than their mother and son.

Several officials smiled and praised the "Grandma Jin" who was good at making herbal tea, and then politely said to "Mr. Qian": "...It's such a hot day, it's really hard for your family."

After a short chat, Chang Suining put down the tea cup and said: "The increase in households that Hucao mentioned just now is indeed an important matter."

Official Hucao didn't expect that she would suddenly bring up the matter that she had just denied.

"I say that we don't need to encourage childbirth, but let women go out to work. This does not mean that we deny the important issue of increasing households." Chang Suining explained: "I just think that this kind of thing is too time-consuming and labor-intensive in today's world, and there are still A better choice—"

"Everyone, why don't we devote ourselves to the present life instead of the present life?" Chang Suining asked with expectant eyes. This time, the expectation came from the bottom of his heart.

Abducted now?

What kind of abduction method?

Naturally, no one here is stupid enough to think that this means that each of them should carry a cargo box and walk around the streets pretending to be peddlers to do the business of taking pictures -

"What does the governor mean...to allow people from outside Jiangdu to settle in Jiangdu?"

Chang Suining said "hmm" and said: "Those who can come and settle down can come and work in the fields. A new baby that can only be born in ten months of pregnancy and needs to be fed milk. How can there be such big babies that are hundreds of months old?" Are they a good deal?”

This is equivalent to giving birth to a baby painlessly, and the "baby" can carry a **** to the ground as soon as it lands. What's more, it can write "from birth", how sensible it is.

All the officials understood what she meant, which was to strongly encourage outsiders to settle in Jiangdu.

"Now Jiangdu, my father and I lead a heavy army to guard and guard here; there are rare collections of books that have not been revealed for thousands of years that can be widely taught; and there are many good strategies for accepting talents in an eclectic way. These days have already been seen, regardless of Whether it is a scholar with a great reputation or a farmer who has been cultivating for generations, even a skilled person who is good at oral skills, as long as he has a skill, or even if he has no talent but is willing to be practical and diligent in learning, he can gain a foothold in Jiangdu - "

Chang Sui Ning said with a smile: "If Jiangdu, which is so sincere, cannot become a place where those who are homeless due to the war flock to, then it will be the fault of me and you."

The girl emphasized the word "sincerity" slightly, and everyone heard that this "abduction plan" can be roughly summarized in eight characters - [Sincerity, Jiangdu, welcome you]

Some officials' eyes have already lit up: "The lower officials have already had this idea... Now that war is everywhere, it is indeed a good time to recruit talents."

Since the trial implementation had been laid before, most officials accepted the law well and started discussing it actively.

"We can give more preferential treatment to those who already have fame or reputation, and allow them to bring their clansmen here..."

Chang Sui Ning nodded: "Not limited to celebrities, some farmers and craftsmen with outstanding abilities can also be given preferential treatment."

When Luo Guanlin heard this, he truly understood the second purpose of Chang Sui Ning Zhun's permission for the ventriloquist master to join the governor's office - she wanted to set an example for the people in the world, and to be an example of "eclectic" recruitment of talents. .

And looking back on many of the things she did, even if they seemed absurd at first, they would gradually reveal their usefulness in subsequent actions... Nothing of hers, or a word, was in vain.

Lay out the game in advance and count ten moves after one move. This is the path of the chess player.

Luo Guanlin fell into a brief trance again.

During the discussion, some officials hesitated and said: "However, many refugees have different personalities. In order to prevent those who defraud their household registration, land and house, some restraints must be given..."

While everyone was discussing in low voices, a solemn voice sounded—

"Maybe they can be settled together and given the right to temporarily use the fields. After at least one year, if no theft or other violations of the law occur, and if the field harvest reaches a certain amount without natural disasters or accidents, they can be allowed to Really settle down and divide the land.”

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound, including Chang Sui Ning who also turned to look over.

Suddenly being looked at by so many pairs of eyes, Luo Guanlin sat upright and tried not to be disturbed: "...the one-year period is not the real purpose, the purpose is to serve as a restraint and supervision. If something bad happens during this period, this can also be done. The regulations criminalize or expel people at any time.”

Some people nodded in approval, and some looked at Mr. Qian inquiringly. This was the first time they heard this gentleman speak actively, and it was such a long speech... However, this is what a counselor should look like. Well.

Chang Suining showed a smile of relief: "What you said is very practical."

"..." Facing her sincere smile, Luo Guanlin looked away uncomfortably.

He didn't mean to please her... he was just fed up with this boring and meaningless job that was a waste of his life and wrist!

Chang Suining encourages everyone to speak freely, and everyone has a common understanding of such plans to steal people. After all, who doesn't want to lure a good one into their own house?

But Chang Sui Ning didn't feel that she was robbing people. She clearly just wanted to give those frightened and confused souls in troubled times a stable home, and then let them do housework at home.

"But... when it comes to building another academy in addition to the government academy, has the governor seriously thought about it?" The older official who had just praised the delicious herbal tea reminded him now: "This is a big deal. The expenses..." After all, he also heard that the governor planned to use the collection of books and manuscripts in the new academy to attract talents. In this case, the scale of the academy cannot be small. go.

Some officials also followed up and said: "If the governor feels that the school is not enough, why not expand it again?"

Chang Suining shook his head: "The reason why I want to build another school is because I want to set up other subjects in addition to the formal subjects, and the teaching methods will be different from the ordinary ones. If all these are implemented in Within the government school, it is equivalent to reorganizing the government school. This is against the rules. Not only does it require the approval of the imperial court to allocate funds, but there are many obstacles, and it will not be conducive to differentiated management in the future-"

When everyone heard this, their biggest feeling was - Oh, it turns out she still has rules in her eyes.

In addition to this feeling, I thought about what she said about "setting up other subjects."

"Leave aside the resistance and criticism of the reform of the government school, even if it is to expand the government school, it will require a lot of money, and you won't be able to save much." Chang Suining insisted: "I must build the new school. , I have put this matter on the agenda.”

She looked at everyone and said: "This money cannot be saved, but this matter is my own idea, so I will bear all the expenses alone, and I will never use half of the money from Jiangdu's treasury."

Everyone was surprised for a moment, but one person took the responsibility... How did she get so much money? Do you want people to donate money to support you, or do you want to write an IOU?

However... if she alone finances the operation, then the academy will naturally belong to her alone. Then, those talents who will be absorbed in the future...

Since ancient times, both literati and craftsmen must respect their teachers and rely on their origins... In this way, those who come out of this academy in the future are destined to be as famous as her. No. bonded together.

In other words, it’s expensive, but the rewards are definitely huge!

Some officials thought of this key point and quietly exchanged glances with their colleagues beside them.

The somewhat courageous official couldn't help but ask: "Then...does the governor plan to use all the books in this new school?"

Chang Suining nodded calmly: "Yes, but I will have people continue to copy the same books in the future, and at the same time give them to Jiangdu Prefecture for use."

In other words, she has no intention of monopolizing Jiangdu's talent pool in her personal capacity. The school will still operate normally and she will not favor one over the other in the use of the book collection.

Some officials secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At least they didn't intend to eat alone, but they were rather particular about it. If the other party really tried to eat this alone, they would have nothing to say. After all, they had snatched the books by their own skills.

Sensing everyone's thoughts, Chang Suining opened the skylight and spoke frankly: "You don't have to worry about it. Since I took the initiative to ask for the position of governor of Jiangdu, I must be responsible to the end and never let others see the joke. Therefore, I Jiangdu’s interests must come first in everything, you don’t need to have any doubts about this—”

As she spoke, she stood up, looked at everyone, and raised her hand: "Now that the plan has been decided, the road ahead is still very difficult. I hope that all of you will work together with me. I promise you that as long as you today If you don’t let down Jiangdu, tomorrow Jiangdu and I will also let you down.”

All the officials stood up quickly and raised their hands to return the salute.

In the sight, the girl in the crimson official uniform was full of energy, but not impetuous at all. Standing there at this moment, she seemed to represent infinite possibilities.

It was only at this time, driven by a series of actions, that most of them suddenly realized that they might be doing something different from before. Just like this seventeen-year-old female governor, there was no precedent to follow. .

This little girl is ambitious, but her ambition lies not only in her own future, but also in her "ambition" for Jiangdu -

Her purpose in coming was not just formal. Not only did she want to rebuild Jiangdu, she also wanted to make flowers that had never existed before bloom on the soil of Jiangdu.

But as she said, a plan is like planting seeds, which is the simplest beginning on the road to planting flowers. If you want to implement it step by step, it is destined to be long and difficult...

However, there are still officials who have smelled the unprecedented alluring fragrance of flowers. The magistrate of Hailing County, Han Zheng, is a young face in his early thirties—

Jiangdu Yangzhou has jurisdiction over Gaoyou, Hailing and other counties. Hailing County Magistrate Han Zheng is the youngest county magistrate. He rarely talks and has few direct interactions with Chang Sui Ning, but he often discusses important matters with Chang Sui Ning. Mr. Ning will never leave him behind.

At this moment, Han Zheng bowed and saluted, his voice was clear but solemn: "Hailing County Magistrate Han Zheng, holding a humble position, dare not say anything else. However, all orders issued by the governor's office will be strictly implemented by everyone in Hailing County. If there is any If you make mistakes, Han Zheng will be punished."

Chang Suining looked at this young official who had a reputation for benevolence when he was the county magistrate in his old place, and nodded with a smile.

That night, Chang Sui Ning made a rare act of generosity and hosted a banquet in the Governor's Mansion to entertain all the officials. During this period, she was busier than the bamboo dragonfly that rotated up to the sky in A Dian's hand every day. Only now has she finally roughly decided on the future of Jiangdu. direction—

There is a tough battle to be fought next. Before the battle begins, it is the consensus of military strategists to gather together and boost the morale of the troops.

Drinks were prepared at the banquet. After drinking for three rounds, everyone became more and more relaxed. Some of the barriers caused by disagreements in the past few days were also silently eliminated. When they left the house, there were already officials who were not familiar with each other. , supporting each other and leaving.

After sending everyone away, Chang Suining returned to the residence. The first thing she did was to change out of her official uniform that smelled of alcohol. If she smelled it for another quarter of an hour, she would probably fall drunk.

Xi'er quickly brought the hangover soup as a precaution.

After drinking the soup, Chang Sui Ning, who was sitting cross-legged on the couch and checking recent letters, smelled the smell of alcohol that was probably on her hair and couldn't help but think of the two jars of wine she had left for Wu Jue.

Chang Suining walked for a while with an unopened letter in his hand, counting the days on his fingers in his mind. After a rough calculation, he should have arrived, right?

Or because she had something to look forward to, she subconsciously looked out the window and heard footsteps coming from outside.

Not long after, Ah Zhi came inside and announced that Chang Ren was back.

Chang Suining's eyes immediately lit up. She had sent Chang Ren back to Beijing secretly with someone to do something—

She casually stepped on a pair of embroidered shoes and couldn't wait to walk outside. When she saw Chang Ren, she immediately asked: "Uncle Ren, is everything going well?"

Chang Ren glanced outside the hall and saw that only Ah Zhi was guarding him, so he lowered his voice and said, "Girl, we can successfully help Master Wu Jue fake his death and leave the capital—"

Chang Suining made up his mind, but noticed something strange about Chang Ren.

Sure enough, the next moment Chang Ren knelt down and held a letter in both hands: "But after taking people away from Beijing, something went wrong on the way to Jiangdu..."

Thank you all for your monthly votes, and thank you Lemon Yao'er and Shushu Shushuyou 001 for your rewards~

(Both Jingji and 96 are on leave today. I don’t dare to join in. I would like to apologize for them and atone for their sins, Amitabha)

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