Hello Chang’an

Chapter 355: You are still impressed by me, right?

Chapter 355 You are still impressed by me, right?

Looking at the tribesmen with blue and black circles under their eyes, Gu Xiu felt that he was a little cruel, but for the sake of the future of the tribe, he could only comfort himself by thinking that everyone just lacked exercise and it would be fine if they got used to it. People always have to growing.

"Teaching will be assigned according to what you are good at..." Gu Xiu replied.

Those tribesmen looked at each other and taught? Who will teach? Who do you teach? Where are the classes taught?

An older tribesman beside Gu Xiu explained: "You guys are copying books behind closed doors these days. You probably haven't heard the news yet. Governor Chang is going to build another academy in addition to the mansion school. The construction of the academy has already started. …”

"At that time, you, as well as all the clansmen who have handed her name cards before, will go to her academy to work, either teaching with others, or doing clerical duties. The specifics will depend on what Yi Er and others are good at. Screening arrangements.”

The eleven tribesmen who had their name cards held in the hands of Chang Sui Ning felt as if they were struck by lightning when they heard this. They thought that after copying the books this time, they would be free again... But unexpectedly, this was not the end, but just an end. start?

What school? Is she running a school? It's clearly a mill!

"Fill it in." Gu Xiu sighed softly: "Fill it in carefully. Once you're done, try your best to find a good position."

Everyone felt heavy, as if they were grinding, but they had to pick up the pen.

Gu Erlang was lucky at this moment. Fortunately, when his father "selected his tribesmen to sell out," he had not sold him to the governor's office.

After leaving this heavy atmosphere, Gu Erlang returned to the courtyard to take a bath, burn incense and change clothes, and then he felt a little alive.

In the governor's mansion, Chang Sui Ning had just finished reading the military report that Yuan Xiang had sent back, and she felt in her heart that war was imminent. She was afraid that the time she could stay in the governor's mansion would be less and less.

Fortunately, everything has been roughly decided and is just waiting for subsequent implementation. However, except for Wang Changshi, there are not many people in the Governor's Mansion who can really make decisions on her behalf. Most of them are newcomers who have just entered the government. Yao Ran still needs to be tempered. Shen Sanmao wants to help her supervise the construction of the school. As for Mr. Luo...

While Chang Suining was thinking, she turned to look at Luo Guanlin, who was helping her with her official duties.

Sensing her gaze, Luo Guanlin raised his eyelids to look at her and continued working.

Chang Suining took the initiative and said, "Sir, I will be going to the army soon."

Luo Guanlin wrote a meal.

"Although the military camp is not far from Jiangdu City, only two days' journey there and back, but fighting with the Japanese army often means floating on the sea. After that, I am afraid that I will not be able to handle all the official affairs in the governor's mansion in time." Chang Suining said in a sincere and serious tone. "After I leave, if there is an important matter in the Governor's Mansion that needs to be decided in time, I would like to ask your husband to discuss the response with Wang Changshi. Is that okay?"

This was a very straightforward request. After a moment, Luo Guanlin spoke, but he asked: "Does Governor Chang really trust Luo?"

Chang Sui Ning: "If you don't believe me, how can I dare to entrust you with all the important matters in Jiangdu?"

"It's a big deal." Luo Guanlin sneered: "Letting women from Jiangdu go out to work is also a first-rate event. But why didn't Chang Cishi mention it to Luo before?"

He found out about it together with the officials that day.

But such a big event couldn't possibly be a spur-of-the-moment incident, so she deliberately hid it from him in advance.

Chang Sui Ning was startled when he suddenly heard him mention this account, but he did not deny it: "Yes, I discussed this matter with Wang Changshi in private, and I did deliberately avoid sir."

Luo Guanlin said "Huh". He had to avoid him for such a big thing, so why did he tell him to trust him?

Chang Sui Ning explained helplessly: "The reason why I avoid my husband is because my husband and I have huge differences in opinions on the differences between men and women. I'm afraid that my husband will be unhappy after hearing this."

Luo Guanlin: "..."

Are you afraid that he will be unhappy?

He blurted out: "But didn't the Governor turn around and take action?"

"Of course I have to take action." Chang Suining said matter-of-factly: "Opportunities are rare, so you should take advantage of them. If you don't take advantage of such a good opportunity, wouldn't you be a fool?" Luo Guanlin was shocked by her words. Take advantage of the opportunity." He choked, feeling helpless that someone had robbed him of his words.

"The war has torn a hole in Jiangdu, and I do have the intention to use this to plan for the women of Jiangdu." Chang Sui Ning said calmly: "But the reason why this matter can be carried out is not only because of my deterrence, but also because of this This move can indeed better mobilize Jiangdu’s manpower and will be of great help to Jiangdu now.”

She looked at Luo Guanlin: "Sir, even though I have selfish motives, I have a clear conscience when it comes to treating Jiangdu."

Luo Guanlin did not deny this.

In fact, he didn't mean that she had to get his approval for everything and had to discuss with him. The other party was the master, and he was at most a kidnapped guest. She had a clear goal in doing things, so naturally she would not worry about him, just Luo Guanlin. Change decisions based on feelings—

He just felt that this man said one thing but did another, and actually avoided discussing matters with him and Wang Changshi... Then what qualifications did Wang Changshi have, and how capable he was?

Yes, he is against women's struggle for power, but he is not someone who cannot distinguish between right and wrong!

Seeing that he turned his face away and said nothing, Chang Suining asked belatedly: "...The reason why you are dissatisfied is because you feel that I shouldn't avoid you for such an important matter?"

Luo Guanlin's face was frozen.

Chang Suining said "Ah" knowingly, and said with surprise in his eyes: "Sir, he has become more and more attentive to his work recently, which is very different from the beginning. I knew that he wanted to have a heart-to-heart relationship with me!"

Luo Guanlin's eyes twitched.

"Sir, you are really impressed by me, right?" Chang Suining asked with a smile, "Does this mean that all my hardships have been paid off and the moon is shining brightly?"

"..." Luo Guanlin sat up straighter and more upright, with a solemn expression on his face: "Since you have accepted the three-year term... you should just be in charge of your own affairs!"

Who will be moved by her, who wants to have a heart-to-heart relationship with her!

Chang Suining still smiled at each other. No matter what she said, this melon was now willing to work hard. It was a melon, and it was worth her troubles for so long.

She stood up, picked up a pile of seven or eight books and placed them on the public case in front of Luo Guanlin herself: "Sir, look at these."

Luo Guanlin raised his hand to look through it, his eyes a little surprised: "These are..."

"They are error-corrected manuscripts sent back." Chang Sui Ning said: "But these volumes are unique manuscripts and are extremely rare. The corrections on them do not affect reading. It is still okay for my family to use them to read."

In order to avoid copying errors and omissions, there is a strict error correction process for this copy collection. If the errors are serious or if the errors or omissions are discovered in time and the complete copy has not been copied, they will be burned together. Some minor errors that were discovered only after the entire copy was copied were sent back to the governor's office after Chang Suining had his people correct the markings.

"Sir, if you don't mind, take these back and look at them."

Luo Guanlin was silent. She had obviously chosen it with care. Even if there were alterations to such a rare book, it would not affect its value. Even if it was used as a family heirloom, it would be very useful... How could he dislike it?

After a moment, he stood up, raised his hand and saluted: "Thank you, sir, for the gift of the book."

Chang Suining smiled and raised a hand to support him in a gesture of salute.

After a while, Luo Guanlin seemed to have made some kind of decision. He took out a neatly folded piece of letter paper from his sleeve and handed it to her with both hands: "This is for your Excellency."

Is this a return gift? Chang Suining took it curiously.

Good night

(End of chapter)

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