Hello Chang’an

Chapter 357: 1 Cui 3 Golden Rooster

On the third day after writing the letter to Meng Lie, Chang Suining went to the school under construction to inspect the progress. Shen Sanmao saw her coming and gave her a very detailed list of expenses.

Chang Suining sat on the carriage returning to the Governor's Mansion, looking through the details in the book. Every time he turned a page, he seemed to hear the sound of banknotes being burned.

"More than 300,000 yuan..." Xi'er was very worried: "It's just to build a school, why do we have to spend so much money?"

Also sitting in the car were Yao Ran and Li Tong.

Today is the day when the imperial envoys investigating Xu Zheng and the Party **** the criminals out of Jiangdu City. Eunuch Pan and the others should have left a few days ago, but Chang Sui would rather have people check the transcripts repeatedly in order to prevent even one word from being missed.

With everything done and all the baggage packed, Eunuch Pan had no choice but to pick his feet with his men and wait for four or five days - there was nothing he could do, who asked people to copy books on orders.

Chang Suining went out today to see off Eunuch Pan.

Eunuch Pan was very flattered, mainly because he was afraid that the other party was eyeing something again... God knows how precarious he was living these days!

The other party's behavior of asking for books brought a shadow to him that was second only to the experience of that night in the cleansing room.

After it was confirmed that Chang Suining was just fulfilling his promise and sending someone to help him **** the collection of books, Eunuch Pan breathed a sigh of relief and thanked him repeatedly.

The moment he got on the carriage and successfully left Jiangdu City, Eunuch Pan's heart finally returned to his stomach. He wiped the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief, feeling like he was surviving a disaster... In Jiangdu, unless After that, a new governor will be appointed, otherwise he will not want to come a second time!

After seeing off Eunuch Pan and his party, Chang Suining took Yao Ran, who had been working **** copying and copying books to the end, to see the school under construction.

Li Tong happened to be working near the academy and heard from the guards that the governor Chang was here, so he went to look for Chang Suining. After Chang Suining, accompanied by Shen Sanmao, checked around, they went back to the governor's house together.

At this moment, in the carriage, listening to Xi'er's worried words about the total follow-up expenses listed by Shen Sanmao, Yao Ran said: "If it was just an ordinary school, naturally there would not be such huge expenses, but the girl The school to be built covers a large area and has many functions, which are rare, so the cost is naturally high. "

To build this kind of school, it is not enough to just put up a courtyard wall.

Earthen wood, bricks and tiles, these are the most visible things on the surface, and what is invisible are the craftsmen's remuneration and so on. Later, everything from garden landscaping to a table, a chair, a coffee table, and a set of teaching materials all cost money.

"Three hundred and thirty thousand dollars... is not much." Chang Sui Ning sighed: "Three cats are here to do it. If it were someone else, the cost would probably be at least 30% more."

Li Tong nodded in approval: "Sister Chang's words are true. I have been walking around in the past few days, and I have met Shen Sanmao several times when I had free time. This person is indeed a good housekeeper, and he has eyes all over his body. No craftsman who is lazy can hide it from him."

Since the academy here was built privately by Chang Suining, the manpower used was not from the military service. They were all hired with real money. No wonder Shen Sanmao kept a close eye on it.

"Then...girl, do we still have enough money?" Xi'er asked eagerly.

People get rich by getting promoted, but since the girl came to Jiangdu, she has spent a lot of money.

Chang Suining nodded: "Don't worry, it's enough for now. I'll figure it out later."

The more than one million yuan of wealth that Lao Chang accumulated in his early years sounds like a large sum. If he were left to eat and drink in the capital, his family would not be able to finish it in several lifetimes. However, after leaving the capital and being tormented by her so many times, it seemed inexperienced. used.

When the wealthy merchants of Jiangdu first donated money, Chang Kuo also donated 300,000 yuan. Now that he has built a school, he has gone through a lot of trouble.

"Sister Chang, if you don't have enough money, why don't I send someone to send a letter back to Xuanzhou, and then tell my mother..."

Before Li Tong finished speaking, he saw Chang Suining put away the detailed list and shook his head with a smile: "No need, Sister Li Tong. It is enough for now. When there is really no money left, I will ask you again." Her Royal Highness the Princess is not too late to speak."

Li Tong couldn't make the decision for her, so he could only say: "Anyway, sister Chang, just don't let anyone go outside."

Chang Suining nodded: "Thank you, sister, I know."

Li Tong pursed his lips and smiled, and said in his heart - you don't know.

Chang Suining really knows, but even if she knows about that level of relationship, she thinks she shouldn't just treat Princess Xuan'an as a treasury that she can use whenever she wants. Her brothers also settle accounts clearly, no matter what the relationship is, Just asking for it is not a long-term solution.

The eldest princess of Xuan'an has already helped her a lot, especially in helping Jiangdu resume business. She has already laid down a lot of IOUs for the eldest princess in the name of the governor's office, and it is not good for her to build a private school anymore. Went to borrow money.

Favors must be used sparingly. She didn't want to take advantage of her father and brother and become a scoundrel who only borrowed money but never repaid it. She will make herself have the ability to communicate with Xuanzhou as soon as possible. Only then can she form a truly long-term and solid friendship with Princess Xuan'an.

That kind of healthy relationship is what she really needs.

"Do we still need to continue to prepare for the workshop?" Li Tong asked at this moment.

"Yes." Chang Suining nodded without hesitation: "I still have to work hard for my sister to continue to worry about this matter. I will find a way to solve the money matter."

Li Tong smiled and nodded, and took out two booklets: "Then take a look at these first..."

This is what she gained from visiting major workshops in Jiangdu City these days.

After Chang Suining mentioned the idea of ​​imitating Xuanzhou and establishing a workshop in Jiangdu, Li Tong, who had been involved in such things when he was in Xuanzhou, immediately clapped his hands and praised the feasibility of this method, and seriously advised Chang Suining. He took the initiative to take over this matter, and for the past month or so, he has been leading people to prepare for it.

Chang Suining was looking through the brochure handed over by Li Tong at this moment. Because she was not familiar with business matters, she would ask Li Tong to answer questions from time to time.

Li Tong answered seriously, Chang Suining listened carefully, and Yao Ran was silent but listened attentively and learned.

Seeing that they were about to arrive at the governor's office, Li Tong helped Chang Suining close the book: "Okay, rest your eyes for a while..."

"I can't have a moment of leisure on the road. Look how tired my sister Chang is." Li Tong sighed with some distress, stretched out his finger and tapped the faint greenish black under Chang Suining's eyes.

Clicking and clicking, Li Tong couldn't help but pinch the girl's cheek because it felt good under his fingers.

Although Chang Sui Ning was not used to it, he did not resist. He raised his face slightly and let Li Tong pinch him, looking very obedient.

There was nothing she could do about it. Princess Xuan'an was her number one creditor, and Li Tong was doing so much to help her. If she didn't even allow anyone to pinch her face, she would be too self-conscious about her debt.

The carriage quickly stopped outside the governor's mansion, and the guard quickly saluted when he saw the girl stepping out of the carriage.

Chang Suining was in front, followed by Li Tong and Yao Ran, one on the left and the other on the right, and strode into the Governor's Mansion with the female escort. As soon as the group arrived at the inner courtyard, they heard Wang Changshi saying: "...Sir, you have a distinguished guest!"

Wang Changshi's voice was slightly lowered. After all, the arrival of this "distinguished guest" was somewhat mysterious and it was not appropriate to make it public.

Chang Sui Ning then went to meet him, and was very surprised when he saw the leading middle-aged man wearing a black narrow robe with sleeves: "General Yu?"

As early as the Battle of Bianshui, when she pursued and killed Xu Zhengye, she had seen this deputy general in Xuance's army beside Cui Jing. Later, they met many times in Bianzhou and Xingyang, and she was considered familiar with him.

"That's right!" Lieutenant General Yu saluted with clasped fists: "I've met Governor Chang!"

At this moment, only Li Tong and Yao Ran were beside Chang Sui Ning. Wang Changshi did not come forward to approach him. He only led people to guard outside the courtyard. Chang Sui Ning didn't have much scruples when he asked: "Vice Admiral Yu should not be here at this moment." Are you in the north? Why did you suddenly come to Jiangdu?"

Lieutenant General Yu did not hide anything and said: "I secretly returned to the capital on the orders of the Governor. By the way, I came to Jiangdu according to the orders of the Governor to send some useful things to Governor Chang - that's all."

Chang Sui Ning entered the courtyard and saw the square boxes that almost filled the entire courtyard. He followed Vice General Yu's line of sight and was about to ask what it was when he heard Vice General Yu say: "The Governor knows "In the history of Chang'an, he was appointed as the capital of Jiangdu, and it was the right time to spend money everywhere."

He made up this sentence. The Governor didn't say anything. He only asked him to take the money and deliver it, but he already gave it away. At least he had to say a few more good words to the Governor.

Chang Suining was a little stunned, so...all these boxes contained money?

Li Tong also looked over and said "tsk" in her heart. She has always been keen on money. With so many boxes, at a glance, there must be at least hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. Governor Cui, who had been exterminated by the Cui family, was still so generous.

"I wanted to convert it into silver notes, but considering the frequent wars, it might be inconvenient for such a large amount to be withdrawn by the governor later, so I still sent cash over." Vice General Yu said, taking out from his arms what Cui Jing had written that day. The note was handed to Chang Sui Ning respectfully—

"The total amount of money is about 3.67 million yuan. I would like to ask the governor Chang to take a look at it."

Chang Suining's hand that took the note paused slightly.

Li Tong's eyes suddenly widened - how much?

More than three million yuan? !

These boxes shouldn't be there unless they contain...

At this moment, Vice General Yu had already signaled his men to open the boxes. Li Tong looked around and saw that the boxes that were opened one after another were full of gold...

There's no silver in it at all, it's all gold!

One tael of gold is equivalent to ten taels of silver, and one tael of silver is the same amount of money... In this way, the numbers in the same box will match!

Li Tong looked at the golden thing that was particularly dazzling in the afternoon sun, and was extremely surprised for a moment. She originally thought it was hundreds of thousands of dollars, and lamented that Governor Cui was quite wealthy, but now she realized It's obviously millions of dollars...

Although he is the leading military general in Dasheng and the general of the Xuance Army, he has no family support behind him. With such an astonishing amount of money, he might have to give away all his family wealth to his sister Chang?

It should be noted that Jiang Hai, the richest salt merchant in Jiangdu, had only donated a million dollars in silver before.

With this conversion, wouldn't it mean that one Governor Cui is equivalent to three Jiang Jin roosters, and there is still a surplus?

Li Tong has been in wealthy places like Xuanzhou since he was a child. The most indispensable thing is gold and silver. 30% of his surprise at this moment is because of the huge amount, and the remaining 70% is because of Cui Jing's intentions -

But Wang Changshi was different. At this moment, he saw those dazzling boxes from a distance, and his eyes shone with excitement... He just said he was an honored guest! When he asked someone to help lift it, he guessed that it contained money!

I just thought it was white, but I didn’t expect it to be yellow!

This color is so adorable!

Chang Suining looked at the note in his hand. On it was Cui Jing's handwriting, which read the seven words "三百六十七万千".

3.67 million yuan...

When she led the army to attack Beidi, the annual military salary for an army of 100,000 was only two million yuan.

Chang Sui Ning didn't have time to think about why the current number was odd and round, and he subconsciously said: "I'm afraid I can't accept these-"

This amount was so huge that it seemed like all the money in the house had been transferred to her.

Vice General Yu hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Governor Chang. We came to Jiangdu in secret. No one knows about this. And the money comes from a clean source. It is all from the salary and military rewards that our governor has saved over the years. You just need to worry about it." Feel free to use it!”

Of course, Chang Suining knew that they had an innocent origin. Cui Jing had won countless battles and won them with one sword and one gun over the years.

Because of this, she felt that this amount was too "heavy".

But he didn't seem to take it seriously. Not long ago, she received a reply from him, but he didn't mention a word in the letter about someone sending her money. These millions of dollars were not worth his trust. Mention something?

"I'm here with a military order. If the governor doesn't accept it, I really can't explain it to the governor!"

"After all, our Commander-in-Chief is alone now, and he is determined not to have a wife unless you... well, he is also determined not to get a wife and start a family. It is useless to keep these things!"

When Vice General Yu finished speaking, he couldn't help but secretly think - even if Yuan Xiang was present, he must be surprised by his seemingly careless slip of the tongue, right?

Lieutenant General Yu, who was self-confident, continued: "The current situation is unpredictable, and the Governor has no one to entrust to him in the capital. It would be better to leave everything to you. If you can use it, you can use it. If you can't use it, just treat it as your own." The governor will just keep it for now."

Vice General Yu tried his best to persuade Chang Suining to accept it, and even prepared to hint to several subordinates to leave quickly if Chang Suining did not nod.

As long as he runs fast, the gold can't catch up with him!

On the way, he had already thought about it. Looking at the condition of the governor, he was destined to hang himself on Mrs. Chang's tree. In the past, it was okay to have the Cui family to suppress him, but now the governor is alone and no one can control him, so there is no possibility of being forced to have a family... Therefore, if he cannot marry Mrs. Chang, it is useless to keep this wife!

"..." Changsui Ning, who was also a martial artist, saw in his eyes the physical alertness of Vice General Yu who was ready to escape at any time. Thinking of his agreement with Cui Jing, he did not say any more words to refuse.

She looked at the casual handwriting on the note in her hand.

Therefore, how could Cui Jing always be so unreserved, yet never seemed to think that what he did was worth mentioning.

That night, when Chang Sui Ning was about to write a letter to express her gratitude to Cui Jing, she deliberately dug out Cui Jing's reply letter not long ago.

He listened to her words very much. She asked him to write more last time, so he really did write a lot more words, several pages of stationery, not a word was half-hearted.

At this time, Chang Suining turned it over and read it again, and suddenly found the answer in the letter—it turned out that his 3.67 million yuan, which was scattered and rounded, actually came from this?

Haha, today is a very strange chapter name_(:з」∠)_Good night!

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