Hello Chang’an

Chapter 362: Tang Xiukeng (big

Hearing a shout, the woman wiped away her tears and walked quickly outside the kitchen door. She picked up a large wooden basin filled with dishes and went to the well. She quickly fetched water from the bucket and washed the dishes.

The woman who was scraping the fish with a knife on the side saw that her eyes were red and she was silent, so she quickly asked: "Qiao Niang, what's wrong? Are you making things difficult for you again?"

The woman called Qiao Niang sniffed and said nothing.

The woman who was scraping the fish was holding the fish-killing knife as if to stand up: "Let's see if I don't shave off a layer of his skin!"

"Sister-in-law of the Qi family..." Qiao Niang raised her hand and pressed the arm of the woman opposite her, and said angrily: "Stop teasing me."

Naturally, the woman would not actually scratch someone with a knife. The two of them were just chatting and having fun in their misery.

Only then did Qiao Niang speak up and talk about what happened just now.

The fish-killing woman cursed a few words, and finally sighed: "...but it's so difficult to make a living based on your ability!"

"Yeah, it's really hard." Qiao Niang lowered her head to wash the dishes and said, "It's hard to come out, and it's hard to stay at home... Ever since my daughter's father died, I'm a widow with my daughter, and I've had a lot of harsh words at the door. Passed. It’s a difficult word anyway, I’d rather go through it, at least I’ll get the money!”

Speaking of the last sentence, Qiao Niang showed a bitter but reassuring smile: "The day before yesterday, when I paid my monthly payment, I went to the butcher shop and bought half a catty of leg meat, and also cut a new skirt for my daughter. My daughter was so happy that she couldn't sleep. I still have to hold them in my arms.”

Her hands washed the dishes quickly and cleanly, and when she talked about her daughter, the bitterness disappeared: "Sister-in-law Qi, it's great to have money. It's great to be able to support the family with money."

Previously, when she was bringing her daughter with her, people around her were urging her to find someone to remarry. The matchmaker helped her get married to several families, not to mention whether she liked her or not, but the other parties were not happy with her bringing her daughter with her. They were picky and picky with her words. I don’t know how many times I cried while holding my daughter.

But now that she is better, she can also go out to work and earn a living for herself and her daughter with her own hands, so she no longer has to think about the troublesome matter of remarrying for the time being!

"If you think so, my sister-in-law will be relieved." The fish-scraping woman said, "We will work hard here. No matter who makes a big deal, we will not go home! If we go home dejected and wiping away tears, we will That’s what those people wanted!”

Speaking of the back, the woman raised her chin to indicate the direction of the front hall.

"Yes." Qiao Niang nodded: "The shopkeeper is not blind. When you open a business, you want to make money... Whoever does the work carefully and diligently, and whoever does it secretly is afraid of being compared to others. It will take a long time. Yes, the shopkeeper naturally has his own account in mind. If we work hard, no one can squeeze us out. "

Moreover, they were able to come out to work because the governor Chang thought of many ways to do it. The reason why women are willing to use women everywhere is because the government has given them corresponding benefits.

They didn't understand those complicated doorways, but Qiao Niang knew that, in layman's terms, Governor Chang spent money on them. Many of them were called "losers" when they were born, but this time, they couldn't let it go no matter what. Chang Jishi lost the money and went there.

In this case, it is even more important to work hard. We can't let Chang Cishi waste his efforts, let alone let people take advantage of their failure and make fun of Chang Cishi for doing useless work.

They are no better than Chang Jishi. Everyone says that Chang Jishi is a born general. What Chang Jishi does is something they cannot learn in eight lifetimes. Although they look up to him with envy, they also know that there is only one Chang Governor, and not everyone can become a Chang Governor.

But there was only one Governor Chang, but he thought about them and wanted to pull countless such ordinary women to stand up together. This intention was even more precious.

Therefore, they have to live up to their expectations.

And they are doing odd jobs in restaurants, which is not the most difficult. I heard that it is more difficult for women who go to learn crafts and do crafts. Many trades do not allow women to enter. They are excluded and made things difficult for them. I don’t know how much ridicule and ridicule they have to endure. Cold stare.

At the end of the sentence, Mrs. Qi smiled and said: "Everything is uphill at the beginning, but it will be fine in the future!"

"Yes, when female workers were first recruited everywhere, the women at the head of the village spat louder than anyone else, saying, 'Only shameless people go out to hang out,' and 'I don't know what I'm being deceived into.' "You don't know a word, so be careful of being coaxed." "The little girl goes out to show off all the time, and she doesn't have a home, so it's hard to talk about her marriage."... In short, there is nothing nice to say. "

When Qiao Niang said this, she curled her lips and smiled: "But two days ago, one of them came to me and asked me if we were still looking for female workers in our shop. She wanted to send her eldest granddaughter to work together."

There are more people doing it, and everyone is making money, so why don’t you get anxious?

What is face? In front of the clattering copper coins, if it was really that important, there wouldn't be so many people who would rather sell their sons and daughters in exchange for money.

"So I always think that as long as we get through it, maybe it will get better and better..." Qiao Niang stacked the cleaned dishes, "If one year is not enough, then two years, if two years is not enough, then ten years... Maybe we can wait When girls grow up, they will feel that it is not a shame to be able to eat with their own hands. "

"That's right!" Mrs. Qi's wife raised her hand and wiped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, and said with a grin: "I heard what a group of scholars who came to have dinner said yesterday, that the most important thing for a gentleman...is to be self-reliant? Let's be a gentleman for a while! "

"Why are you still a gentleman..." Qiao Niang smiled and took off a piece of fish scales on the Qi family's wife's forehead.

The summer sun shone brightly, shining on the pile of scraped fish scales. The colorful lights flashed, and the fish scales seemed to have become luxurious jewelry.

The long-browed man with a long box on his back has arrived outside the governor's house.

Hearing the man's purpose, the officer guarding outside shook his head at him and pointed in the direction: "...Go over there, go over there."

The man held his hand again and said with a smile: "Master Chai, I want to see the governor, and I want to inform you."

"There are so many people who want to see the Governor, but how can any of us, the Governor, just want to see him?" The official waved his hand to chase them away again.

"But isn't the governor currently recruiting talents?" the man asked.

"We are recruiting talents!" Another official also pointed in the direction of the side door: "So I asked you to go over there and queue up from there. Those who are interested will be registered together. After that, if they can pass the assessment, they can be assigned errands according to their skills. !”

The man turned his head and looked at the long queue. He hesitated for a moment and said, "I still want to see the governor."

The official was a little annoyed: "...How come you can't understand what people are saying? You told me to go over there and register! There are at least a hundred people like you every day. If the governor comes to see them all in person, Then we, the Governor, don’t have to do anything!”

"Like me, No. 100?" The man smiled confidently: "Then there's no comparison."

The two officers looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"...Your Excellency's shamelessness is beyond compare to them!"

"Since you don't have an invitation, just go over there and register honestly. Don't bother here!"

One of the officers saw two carriages approaching, and guessing that the governor was back, he quickly pushed the man away with the scabbard in his hand: "Go quickly, don't block the way anymore...!"

The man walked down the stone steps and stepped aside. Seeing the official's expression, he turned his head thoughtfully.

As the carriage stopped, Luo Guanlin stepped out of the carriage and met the man's probing gaze.

After being stunned for a moment, Luo Guanlin walked forward quickly, came to the man with long eyebrows, and asked in surprise: "...How come my dear brother is here so quickly?"

And why did he directly come to the governor's office? Didn't he say in his letter that they met at a restaurant outside?

The man he called his wise brother was also startled, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Your Excellency, is...?"

Luo Guanlin thought it was the mask on his face that prevented the two from recognizing each other. Just when he was about to continue speaking, he saw the man's expression perked up and he passed him straight away and walked quickly behind him.

Chang Sui Ning, who also got off the carriage, was walking towards here.

As the official saluted, the man with long eyebrows already knew her identity, his eyes lit up, he lowered his head and clasped his fists in salute: "I am Tang Xing, I have long admired the name of Chang Cishi!"

Chang Suining asked with some surprise: "Tang Xing...Tang Xiukong?"

The long-browed man was very surprised: "How often has Governor Chang heard of me?"

His reputation has spread to Jiangdu?

Chang Suining smiled and looked at Luo Guanlin who was walking behind him, nodded and said, "I've heard of it."

At this time, Wang Yue had also got off the carriage, and Chang Sui Ning invited the long-browed man to go to the mansion to talk.

The long-browed man was overjoyed and subconsciously looked at his horse.

Chang Suining then signaled to the official to help him lead the horse.

The man with long eyebrows thanked him and followed Chang Sui Ning into the Governor's Mansion.

Along the way, watching the man with long eyebrows walking ahead and talking to Chang Suining, Wang Yue asked Luo Guanlin in a low voice: "This person is..." Luo Guanlin: "He is Tang Xing, who I have mentioned to you many times. …”

Wang Yue immediately asked: "That prodigal son of Mount Wutai... did you trick him here too?"

So, he wasn't the only one who was deceived, was he?

Luo Guanlin: "..."

Although this was the case, it didn't look like this at all at the moment, which made him a little confused.

Seeing that Tang Xing didn't recognize him, Luo Guanlin didn't rush to talk to Tang Xing. There were many people on the road, so it wasn't a good time to talk.

When Chang Suining invited people into the side hall, Luo Guanlin took off his mask to show his respect.

Tang Xing was very surprised: "Brother Luo? Why are you here?! Didn't the rumors say that you have..."

"Fortunately, he was rescued by the governor Chang and survived the disaster."

Tang Xing was surprised and happy. He stepped forward to hold Luo Guanlin's shoulders, patted him hard, and finally said with emotion: "I didn't expect to see my old friend again here... I'm so lucky!"

"So, dear brother, you have never received my letter—"

After Luo Guanlin asked, he saw that Tang Xing looked confused, and he had a clear answer. It was also impossible for letters to be sent from Jiangdu to Wutai Mountain so quickly. That was why he was so surprised when he saw Tang Xing appear outside the Governor's Mansion. .

"I have been traveling away from home since last year and have not returned to Wutai Mountain for more than a year!" Tang Xing said with a smile: "It is fate that I can see Brother Luo here today!"

In this way, Luo Guanlin introduced Tang Xing to Chang Suining again.

At the end, Tang Xing said: "I have heard of the name Chang Cishi for a long time, and I have traveled thousands of miles to come to Jiangdu just to see your majesty and grace!"

Seeing the worthless appearance of his old friend, Luo Guanlin felt very complicated.

Tang Xing, also known as Xiukeng, was from Wutai Mountain in Daizhou and one of the three friends to whom he wrote.

Before writing the letter, he had told Chang Sui Ning that although Tang Xing was the only one of the three who had both civil and military skills, his temperament was unstable, he had no fixed abode, and he was very dissolute. He was the most difficult to convince among the three.

But the one he said was "the most difficult to convince" turned out to be the least valuable. He didn't need to trick him, so he took the initiative to deliver it to his door.

Chang Suining is in a very good mood, and today can be called a double happiness.

Soon, Wang Changshi sent someone to look for him, saying that there was an urgent matter that she needed to see. Chang Suining asked Luo Guanlin to entertain the distinguished guests on her behalf, and at the same time told Xi'er to have the kitchen prepare food and drinks for the evening banquet.

After Chang Suining left, Luo Guanlin asked: "...Xiu Ning, why did you suddenly come to Jiangdu?"

"Didn't I just say that I came here to see the real face just because I admire the name Chang Jishi!" Tang Xing's eyes were full of admiration: "...killing Thief Xu in seventy-three days is so exciting!"

Luo Guanlin fell silent, so he didn't care about his feelings or life and death at all, right?

But at the same time, he also knew Tang Xing's personality. He was free and uninhibited, and he never liked to be restrained by the world. When he was with friends, he also sought common ground while reserving differences, and his friends would not change his original mind.

Such people have their own set of views on right and wrong. The ordinary worldly concepts of good and bad, right and wrong, cannot be applied to him.

Luo Guanlin once served as the county magistrate in Wutai Mountain. It was at that time that he met Tang Xing, who was still very young. At first, the other party met him because of his solo campaign to suppress bandits. Although there was a ten-year age difference between the two, Tang Xing was far more knowledgeable than a boy of the same age. As time went by, the two became good friends.

But later Tang Xing told him that the bandit suppression was not to eliminate harm for the people, but to get angry with his parents and run away from home without any money, so he came up with the idea of ​​going to the bandits' den to earn some money.

Tang Xing also had many "roman" deeds. For example, when he was twelve years old, his family prepared to send him to the best academy in Daizhou, but on his way to become an apprentice, he gave Shu Xiu to an orphan who sold himself to bury his father on the roadside. Girl, she wandered off on her own.

He is a son of a local wealthy family. There are many brothers in the family, but he is the most different one and the one his parents want to throw away the most.

The reason why he was named Tang Xing was because he was born with lethargy, neither crying nor fussing, which was worrying, so he was not only named "Xing", but also given the character "Xiu sleepy"... This was also the thing that the Tang family's parents regretted the most - The bad thing is the name!

When Tang Xing grew up, he was more naughty than ordinary children, and he was always restless, as the name suggests.

He has been missing from time to time since he was a child. He loves traveling and novel things the most.

At this moment, what else does Luo Guanlin not understand? The other party is probably here because of Chang Suining's "novelty" - in recent years, is there anyone more novel than her in the world?

His letter was really redundant.

Although Tang Xing insisted on going his own way, he was not completely unconcerned about the feelings of his friends. At this moment, he did not forget to explain to Luo Guanlin: "Brother Luo, who has not gone through several detours in this life? Only those who dare to think and do things like you are considered This life worthwhile!"

He did not deny that Luo Guanlin followed Xu Zhengye to start the rebellion, and he never believed that friends should be completely consistent. After all, he traveled all over the world and had too many friends. And in his view, people are different, have different opinions and aspirations, and need to understand and respect each other.

What Luo Guanlin pursues is "a wise king and a wise minister."

What he pursues are strange people and strange things.

That night, Chang Suining hosted a banquet for Wang Yue and Tang Xing.

After the banquet, after drinking, Tang Xing opened the long box he carried with him.

Yao Ran looked at the weird man who spoke uninhibitedly and was incompatible with this governor's mansion, and the long sword in his hand, and just listened to him say: "I have heard for a long time that the governor Chang is very skilled in martial arts. I wonder if I can ask the governor to give me some advice today? "

Chang Sui Ning agreed, and before leaving the hall, he borrowed the sword from Qi Hu.

Tang Xing, who was following behind, noticed her casual borrowing of the sword and raised his eyebrows, becoming even more amused.

Yao Ran also followed him out. She was a tall man but also a wild person. She was afraid that the other party would really hurt the governor.

Fortunately, it turned out that she was overly worried. After seeing the two people with huge disparity in size in the courtyard, after more than ten moves, her master had the upper hand, Yao Ran showed a relaxed smile.

Also, sword fighting is what her family is good at, or in other words, except for wrestling and other head-on confrontations, her family is not afraid of any bifa who has a weapon in his hand.

With a "ding" sound, the long sword in Tang Xing's hand fell to the ground, and the winner was determined.

Chang Suining took two steps forward, picked up Tang Xing's sword with his sword, caught it with his other hand, held the sword hilt horizontally, and handed it back to Tang Xing.

Tang Xing stood quietly on the spot, as if he had just woken up from a dream. He held the cold sword in his hands, his eyes were extremely bright, and his heart was surging with excitement.

Early the next morning, Wang Yuegang got up after almost not sleeping all night. He found Luo Guanlin and asked, "...Where is the prodigal son of Mount Wutai?"

They both came here to choose a master, and he wanted to talk to the other person and communicate with each other.

But Luo Guanlin said: "Let's go."

"Leaving now?" Wang Yue panicked, feeling abandoned by his own kind. He lowered his voice and asked, "How did you leave? Seeing that the situation was not right, you climbed over the wall at night?"

Luo Guanlin glanced at him: "I'm going to the army with the governor."

Wang Yue: "?"

Such a move.

No...are these people making decisions so hastily? Doesn’t it take any time to think at all?

At the same moment, Meng Lie, who was far away in the capital, just came out of Dayun Temple.

He has lived in Dayun Temple for half a month, and until now he has made a decision in his mind to leave.

But after returning to Dengtai Tower, a letter from Jiangdu suddenly disrupted his decision.

I updated almost 5,000 words today! It’s a small addition, good night!

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