Hello Chang’an

Chapter 37: Be a target

Chapter 37 Become a target

"My son is telling the truth this time!" Cui Lang vowed: "In my son's opinion, as long as the eldest brother marries a wife, his heart will be settled, and the disease of not loving his family will be solved!"

Cui Tao sneered: "Then he must be willing to marry me."

The marriage of the eldest son has always been something that has always been on his father's mind, but this rebellious son refuses to take any advice, and is so rebellious that he puts aside his nonsense and says - he will never marry a wife in this life!

"Father, I don't understand. My eldest brother has never met a person who is destined to meet his eyes. If he meets her, he will naturally be willing to marry him."

Cui Ai: "He is either fighting outside, or staying in his Xuance Mansion. All he sees are soldiers, or eunuchs in the palace. It would be scary to meet someone who is close to you!"

"That's right, then if you think about it this way, don't you think that my eldest brother is quite relieved?"

Cui Ai was furious: "You..."

"It's a joke, it's just a joke. Don't be angry, father." Cui Lang quickly apologized and said with a smile: "The eldest brother has no time to meet this fate, so the son can check it for the eldest brother first. As far as the son knows, among the three families, there are The girls from both families will go to Mrs. Zheng Guogong's garden party tomorrow, so how about my son quietly scouting for his eldest brother? "

Cui Tao snorted coldly: "To go out for fun, it's a shame you found such a high-sounding excuse."

While the father and son were talking, they had already arrived in front of the back hall.

"Where is your grandfather?" Cui Wei frowned and asked, looking at the empty hall.

Cui Lang took a few steps back silently, looking around in confusion: "It's strange that he was still here just now... Father, don't worry, son, let's go look for him!"

With that said, he turned around and ran away.

"…You rebellious son!"

Cui Lang ran a long distance in one breath. When he saw that his father had no one to catch up, he stopped breathing.

"Trying the tiger away from the mountain is really tiring for me..." Cui Lang was out of breath. He looked at his sister in front of him and asked, "Is everything done?"

Cui Tang nodded: "Don't worry, mother has sent people away from the palace."

"Next time something like this happens again, I won't do it." Cui Lang complained: "My mother is the same. She always pushes me out to feed the tiger. Am I her biological son?"

Cui Tang glanced at him: "You should be lucky that you can at least have such a use at home."

"Cui Tang, why are you talking to your brother?" Cui Lang glared at her: "Fortunately, I ran fast. If I was really beaten by my father, how would I go to Mrs. Zheng Guogong's flower party tomorrow to find my future sister-in-law?"

"I think you obviously want to take the opportunity to see the girls from various houses." Cui Tang said: "You can come up with such an excuse. Can you find your eldest brother's future bride for him? You Have you forgotten about second cousin Lu?"

The second cousin she mentioned was a girl from her mother's family, Lu's family.

When Mrs. Cui wanted to marry her, she had to look for a candidate from the other three families. Mrs. Lu came up with the idea of ​​marrying her second niece to her -

But Cui Jing had no intention of looking at him.

Therefore, the Cui Tang brothers and sisters secretly took their second cousin and found an opportunity to create a chance encounter in Cui Yuan's house without looking at each other.

Before coming, Cui Tang and his second cousin had made a lot of preparations and praised him, saying that his eldest brother was handsome. Not to mention that among the four families, even if he looked around the capital, he could not easily find anyone who could match him - since he was three years old, I have never lost in face competition.

The second cousin of the Lu family met Cui Jing in the garden and expressed her high recognition of her cousin's words. She was indeed extremely handsome, but...

"Beauty is beautiful, but it can only be seen from a distance..."

As we got closer, I felt as cold as if I had fallen into an ice cave.

Cui Tang still remembered that when her second cousin said this, although she still had the dignified smile of a noble **** her face, her voice was slightly trembling.

It should be noted that the second cousin is already known as a very bold woman among the women of the same race. Privately, she loves to peek at the handsome husband's picture album.

For such a person to be able to say such things, it shows that the eldest brother may have a good face, but he is indeed not a suitable material for a wife.

And this was three years ago, and now the second cousin has married into the Wang family, and the children were born half a month ago.

And the elder brother has been training on the battlefield for three more years. After fighting one battle after another, it seems that he is becoming more and more afraid of strangers. Nowadays, girls all love the gentle and suave gentleman's style, just like Wei Shilang in the Duke of Zheng's palace, but his brother goes in the opposite direction and is so rebellious.

Thinking of this, Cui Tang sighed: "Our future eldest sister-in-law, if nothing else, should at least not tremble when she sees our eldest brother, right?"

As he spoke, his eyes looked at his brother.

Thinking of the feeling of weakness in his legs when he saw his eldest brother, Cui Lang forced out a smile of respect: "It's possible, if it happens, let's not look at anything else tomorrow, but just see which girl is the bravest. That’s it.”

Cui Tang said coolly: "Then just take a look."

After Chang Kuo returned home from the palace, he heard his son, whose voice was much hoarse, still struggling like a cicada: "Dad, you must have never imagined that Ning Ning is actually an archery genius! She **** continuously. Counting the arrows, they all hit the bullseye!"

Chang Kuo didn't take it seriously.

He knew his son's virtue well. Even if his sister's arrow missed the target by a narrow margin, it would have hit the bull's-eye when it reached his mouth - it didn't matter if he missed it, as long as he picked it up and inserted it into his brother's mouth, it would be fine. Already?

"Okay, okay." Chang Kuo impatiently asked his son to shut up. At this moment, he was more concerned about: "Sui Ning has really thought about it. Are you going to be a target at the flower party tomorrow?"

The phrase "go be a target" was coined by Chang Sui Ning himself.

"If I stay behind closed doors, there will be nothing the other party can do. Just rely on the investigation and I don't know how long it will take." She said thoughtfully: "At least give people another chance to take action. Mrs. Zheng Guogong's flower party is so lively. What if there’s something to be gained?”

"...But given this opportunity, what should I do if the other party really seizes it?" Chang Sui'an was full of contradictions - he was afraid that his sister would not gain something, but he was also afraid that his sister would gain something.

"Although I am going to be a target, I am also a living target. I will not stand still and let others slaughter me." Chang Suining comforted: "Besides, I have never appeared on such occasions in the past, and the other party has no way of predicting it. , even if you meet me suddenly and are unprepared, you may not rush into action. This trip is just for exploration, brother, just don't worry. "

Chang Sui'an still couldn't rest assured: "Then I will go with you. Although it is inconvenient to follow you all the time, I can always have someone to take care of you when we are in the Duke Zheng's mansion!"

"Nonsense, of course you have to go. Not only are you going, but you also have to make sure your sister is safe and sound! Otherwise I-"

Chang Sui'an intercepted the conversation and said, "You don't need to tell me, I peeled off my own skin! This time you just think that I am guilty of meritorious deeds!"

Chang Kuo reluctantly gave him a look that said he could still speak human words, then looked at his daughter, his tone softened, and asked: "Sui Ning still remembers, who are the people who need to pay attention?"

In the past two days, he had gained nothing.

Some suspicious people have been identified from the list of people related to Pei Min given by Yu Zeng.

Just because there is a lack of motivational clues that can be used to support the identification, a truly convincing conclusion has not yet been drawn.

"Don't worry, Dad, I remember everything." Chang Sui Ning said, "If we meet you at the flower party tomorrow, I will pay careful attention and be on guard."

"That's good, that's good!" Chang Kuo nodded, and then made detailed arrangements.

From explaining the two brothers and sisters to choosing the person who will accompany them tomorrow, everything is down to the smallest detail.

Outside the study, it was getting dark.

In the morning of the next day, Chang Sui Ning was covered in sweat on the martial arts field. He took the snow-white handkerchief from Xi'er, narrowed his sweat-soaked eyebrows and looked to the east, where he saw the rising sun.

Chang Suining was very satisfied.

Well, it's a nice weather, just right for her to go out and be a target.

Well, it’s a nice weather, just right for going on sale~

It’s finally going to be on the shelves. It’s time to test the results. I’m nervous and a little bit excited. The first order is still very important for a book. As long as it suits your taste, I hope to get everyone’s support~

After the update is released, we will strive to update 4,000 words per day. On the first day of release, try to update 10,000 words? (Please deposit one dollar in advance and wait for me!)

The update time will be around 12 o'clock tonight, see you in 12 hours!

In addition, thank you all for your recent monthly votes, and thank you to Chun Hua Qiu Yue 85, Book Friends 20200313010233188, Shu Chang Jiaqiu and other book friends for their rewards!

(End of chapter)

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