Hello Chang’an

Chapter 373: As long as Ashang opens his mouth

Chapter 373 As long as Ashang opens his mouth

After praising Li Xian, the empress of the Holy Book talked about Dongluo.

Previously, Japanese soldiers approached the Daesheng sea area, but Dongluo concealed his actions and did not report the incident. This made the Daesheng court very frightened and angry, so they sent envoys to inquire about the matter. However, Dongluo did not give a precise explanation.

But the envoy brought back other news. The old King of Dongluo died of illness. After a **** internal fight in Dongluo, the new King of Dongluo succeeded to the throne. However, the turmoil caused by this internal fight has not stopped yet.

According to reports from the secret officials deployed by Da Sheng in Dongluo, the new King of Dongluo has been secretly having close contacts with the Japanese country. If he can successfully succeed to the throne, it is suspected that Japanese forces also secretly intervene to help.

At this point, the secret knot between Dongluo and Japan has become a fact before Dasheng's eyes.

"It seems that the new King of Dongluo has colluded with the Japanese country for a long time... No wonder he didn't report what he knew before!"

"More than ten years ago, Dongluo was almost destroyed by the hands of neighboring country Bairong! It was our former crown prince who led the troops to help, and that relieved Dongluo's worries about the destruction of the country! At that time, Bairong, who was colluding with the Japanese, asked the Japanese for help. , the Japanese army led 80,000 naval troops to approach our territory, and the former Crown Prince defeated the Japanese army at Baijiangkou with a small force! This battle not only saved Dongluo, but also helped Dongluo Yixue for many years! Shame, Bai Rong was annexed in one fell swoop. Since then, Bai Rong has been destroyed, and Dong Luo finally no longer has to suffer from oppression!"

Since then, Dongluo has regarded Dasheng as its suzerainty and paid tribute every year. There have been friendly exchanges between the two countries.

"My court has treated Dongluo with many kindnesses. This time Dongluo actually colluded with the Japanese country to harm our country. It is really ungrateful!"

All officials despised this.

But no matter how much you spurn them, there are no eternal enemies or friends in this world, only the most lasting interests.

The change of kings has always been the moment when the diplomatic relations between the two countries are most likely to change, but it happened to coincide with the prosperity of the country and the decline of civil strife...

Emperor Shengce looked at the officials: "What I am most worried about right now is that the new King of Dongluo not only seeks the throne of Dongluo, but also conspires with the Japanese country to invade our prosperity -"

Swearing won't solve the problem. This is the key issue that needs to be dealt with urgently.

Since Bai Rong and Gaoyu were destroyed one after another, Dongluo replaced Gaoyu and became the only neighboring country bordering the northeastern territory of Dasheng. If Dongluo raised an army, it would be far easier than the Japanese country, which is separated from Dasheng by the vast sea. Seize the opportunity.

At that time, the Japanese army forced their way into the hinterland of the southeast of Daesheng with their swords, and Dongluo bit the throat of the northeast of Daesheng... Both sides were invaded by foreign enemies, and the consequences were disastrous.

Thinking about the consequences, all the officials were frightened while whispering.

"Your Majesty, while the civil strife in Dongluo has not been eliminated, you must send an order to the Anton Luo Protectorate as soon as possible, asking them to strengthen border defenses in preparation for resisting Dongluo!"

There was no need for the courtiers to remind him of this, as the Holy Emperor had already given the order and left early.

If there is a sudden change in Dongluo, and further north, the Heishui Mohe tribe may not be able to keep its peace... Then the alien tribes will be in chaos, and the great prosperity may face the danger of the mountains and rivers being shattered.

Thinking of these, the Holy Emperor felt heavy and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Hearing that the emperor and officials focused on the eastern defense line of the Andong Protectorate to resist Dong Luo, Taifu Chu thought for a moment. When he was about to speak, he heard a young voice speak before him -

Wei Shuyi, who was wearing a red official robe, came out and said: "Your Majesty, I think that if Dongluo raises troops, attacking by land may not be the only possibility."

The Holy Book Emperor motioned for him to continue.

"As a vassal state that has relied on Dasheng for many years, Dongluo knows that its national strength is invincible, so it may not dare to fight against the important border town of Andong alone..." Wei Shuyi said seriously: "I am afraid that Dongluo will go south to the sea and join forces with the Japanese army to attack the hinterland of Jiangnan. "

"Wei Shilang's concerns are not unreasonable." Ma Xingzhou pondered for a moment and then said: "Although our northeastern territory is vast, it is vast and sparsely populated, making it a bitter and cold place. In comparison, Jiangnan is rich and has just suffered Xu Zhengye's rebellion was at a time when the Japanese were weak, so how could they know that Dongluo would not be tempted?"

Where you are rich but weak, you are most likely to be coveted by wolves. This is an eternal truth.

Some courtiers were worried after hearing this: "If this is true...how will Zhongyong Hou and Chang Jishi resist the joint attack of Japan and Dongluo?"

Wei Shuyi raised his hand: "I ask your majesty to send more troops to Chang Jishi to strengthen coastal defense, ward off Japanese soldiers, and deter Dongluo!"

This statement immediately aroused opposition.

"Do you want to send more troops? Does Wei Shilang know how many places are used for troops now? The cost of raising troops is so great that the Ministry of Household Affairs can no longer transfer it!"

"The governor Chang now has 80,000 troops in her hands, not to mention that she can also mobilize the defense navy of the coastal states. How many more troops does she need? Back then, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince defeated 80,000 Japanese navy, and the total number of troops was less than four. Ten thousand!"

Wei Shuyi slightly frowned: "But back then, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince led the Xuance Army, which was far more elite than these 80,000 soldiers. Now, the current situation is more difficult and dangerous than it was back then. How can we generalize it?"

An official sneered and said: "If you ask me, the person who cannot be generalized the most is the person who leads the army! I think back then, when I was the Crown Prince of Dasheng Dynasty, my reputation was far and wide. Even before the battle, it was enough to scare the Japanese army!"

"Now, a seventeen-year-old girl is leading the army. Who knows, but I think Dasheng is no longer available. Under such circumstances, the Japanese army and Dongluo feel that our Dasheng Jiangnan Navy is weak and can be bullied. So it’s only natural to join forces to attack it!”

These words made those officials who were already dissatisfied with Chang Sui Ning all agree. Soon, someone suggested Yi Shuai. As for the candidate to replace him, in their words, as long as he was a man and his name was publicized, he would be better than a man. A weak girl sounds intimidating.

"...The battlefield is no better than anywhere else. Making a woman a commander is simply an act to enhance others' prestige and destroy one's own morale. I hope Your Majesty will choose a commander again!"

"Your Majesty, please choose a new commander!"

In the midst of Yi Shuai's suggestion, Ma Xingzhou fell into thinking for a moment. When Wei Shuyi was unable to support himself alone, Chu Taifu walked out of the queue without haste.

He looked at the official with the loudest voice and asked in a discussion tone: "'Making a woman handsome is to increase the prestige of others and destroy one's own morale.' I wonder how Mr. Qiu got this statement?"

"Taifu, this is obvious..." The official did not want to talk to Taifu Chu, and his tone was much more submissive: "A woman is handsome, but she always lacks deterrence."

Master Chu laughed: "The deterrence you talk about is probably not your imagination."

The official choked and was about to speak when he saw that Taifu Chu had put away his peaceful expression and his eyebrows gradually became serious: "As far as I know, the Japanese army lingered at sea for nearly two months before they dared to send out troops to test. If it is true as Mr. Qiu said, they believe that our anti-Japanese marshal is weak and can be bullied, why do they dare to show their claws so late? "

"The reason why the Japanese army waited and watched for a long time was precisely because Chang Jishi was a general who suddenly emerged from the sky. The emergence of the star means the unknown, and the unknown means unpredictability! Therefore, the Japanese army did not dare to act rashly, but instead ordered the spies first Try again and again!”

"I don't think that replacing him with a male general whose qualifications and military exploits are cleaner than a beggar's wallet on the street will make the Japanese army wait and see until now!"

"What is deterrence? She made the Japanese army wait and see for a long time and bought the maximum time for the purge of the coastal defense drill navy. This is her deterrence!"

"Why 'destroy one's own morale'? Governor Chang now leads 80,000 soldiers. At first, everyone was willing to stay and follow Governor Chang to fight against the Japanese. In the end, they even had to draw lots to retain them. This matter has become a good talk in the army. ! Let me ask, what is the basis for Master Qiu to say that she has destroyed her own morale? "

Faced with these aggressive questions, the official named Qiu turned pale and was speechless. At the end, Taifu Chu looked around and said in a tone that was full of disgust and stupidity: "As an official in the court, discussing important matters, and daring to propose important matters to Yi Shuai based solely on wishful thinking, it is an act of morality that is not worthy of the position." What you did is a shame to the world and to the people below. It is both stupid and evil!"

If I just scolded the person named Qiu, now I am scolding everyone who suggested Yi Shuai.

A disciple advised in a low voice: "Master, calm down..."

"Why should you be angry? I am getting angry after hearing these stupid and selfish words!" Taifu Chu couldn't get rid of his anger, and said: "The current situation dictates, why not send more troops? Why did His Highness the Prince only lead insufficient troops back then? With a force of 40,000, how can we compare it to what happened back then? There were still many people who wore crotchless pants back then. Why do you wear official uniforms now?"

"Furthermore, you also know that the former Crown Prince led the Xuance Army back then. If the 20,000 naval troops of the Xuance Army can be dispatched to the south of the Yangtze River and handed over to the governor Chang, there is no need to withdraw the 80,000 troops. No!"

After hearing this, the official surnamed Qiu, who had been scolded bloody, finally seized the opportunity to relieve his anger. He immediately faced the Holy Emperor, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, what Taifu Chu said is true. Why don't you give 20,000 yuan to the emperor?" Xuance Navy was transferred to the south of the Yangtze River in exchange for the 80,000 troops to defend elsewhere!"

No matter how elite the 20,000-strong naval force is, they cannot defeat the Japanese army and Dongluo! He has put up with this old lady for too long, and the other party is indeed an old fool, and he can even say such things!

Since the other party dares to speak, he will dare to follow, and the battle will be defeated, and there will be plenty of fun to watch!

Mr. Qiu, who lowered his head to ask for instructions, never saw the coldness flashing through the emperor's eyes.

But he heard the emperor's cold scolding: "It's ridiculous. This important military matter is not something you can use to entertain your fighting spirit!"

The official surnamed Qiu felt a chill in his back and immediately knelt down.

Emperor Shengce's tone was solemn: "Although there are 20,000 navy troops in Xuance's army, they are not only engaged in water warfare. They now also shoulder the important task of garrisoning the capital. If I were to easily transfer them, where would the safety of the capital be put? "

Immediately, she said in a tone that took the overall situation into consideration: "What the Taifu and Wei Shilang said is true. Today is different from the past. I will try to mobilize troops and try my best to mobilize 20,000 troops to Jiangnan to defend against the Japanese army and Dongluo-"

But it won't be Xuance Army.

Taifu Chu knew it in his heart.

He seemed to be speaking carelessly just now, but in fact he was deliberately passing the words in front of Qiu, using the mouth of that big enemy to test the emperor's attitude... Sure enough, he was still on guard.

Wei Shuyi was vaguely aware of this, and his heart was filled with waves.

It seems that although the saint trusts "her", is this trust just trusting "her" ability?

The reluctance to return Xuance's army to the former general was a reflection of the emperor's reserved trust.

Without Xuance's army, she has a bad hand. While resisting the Japanese army, she also faces the threat of Dongluo... Can she win?

The answer lies in the emperor's heart - even without Xuance's army, Ashang can win.

She believed that since Ashang took the initiative to ask for orders to stay in Jiangdu, he would be able to do it.

If Ashang feels that he is defeated, if Ashang feels that he needs help from the Xuance Army...then Ashang will ask her mother for help. As long as Ashang opens her mouth, she can safely send the 20,000 Xuance navy to Ashang. in hand.

As long as Ashang speaks, as long as Ashang is willing to come back to her, she will definitely not be a stingy mother.

She is now just waiting for A-Shang to speak. As long as A-Shang recognizes her as his mother and is willing to cooperate with her, she will accept her request - not to mention the Xuance Navy, she is only willing to share these thousands of miles of land with A-Shang.

After the morning meeting, Emperor Shengce returned to the Manlu Hall. After swallowing a vermilion pill under the service of his chamberlain, he asked Yu Zeng if there was any news from the Imperial Master.

Yu Zeng bowed his head and replied: "Your Majesty, the Imperial Counselor has not sent any news yet."

The Holy Emperor said with unclear meaning: "It seems that this misfortune is indeed difficult to find, so let's wait a little longer...I believe that the Imperial Master will not let me down."

Yu Zeng felt a little shuddered in his heart and responded: "Yes, I will definitely ask people to protect the Tianjing Imperial Master."

After the six subordinates were on duty, Minister Zhan of Hube was invited to the teahouse to have tea with Master Chu.

On the way here, Mr. Zhan was very uneasy. He repeatedly asked the teacher to come out for tea and chat, but the teacher always refused. The reason for each refusal was very natural, sometimes two words, sometimes three words. —Either [no time], or [annoying, won’t go].

This time the teacher actually took the initiative to ask him out, which was really rare, and it was enough for him to brag about.

But Mr. Zhan is also worried that there will be a monster if something goes wrong. Could it be that the teacher... didn't scold him enough in the morning and wanted to take it out on him?

Although it doesn’t seem respectable to think like this, it does seem like something a teacher would do.

Before Shilang Zhan got off the sedan, he took off his official hat. If the teacher saw the bald head on his head, he might not have the heart to scold him.

He is not miserable, he is really miserable. After all, the leader of the six bald heads is undoubtedly their household department.

People everywhere are asking for money, but there are only a few coins in the treasury, and most of them were copied from the homes of noble families... There are so many places asking for money, how to divide it is a problem.

Although Da Sheng implemented the two-tax law, and the land tax was divided into summer tax and autumn grain, and the autumn harvest was coming soon, the autumn grain was supposed to bring in a lot of revenue, but this year, the Central Plains and other major grain states were hit by floods, and there was no harvest...

However, the wars are getting more and more frequent. If this continues, once the financial fundamentals are broken and collapsed...

Whenever he thought of this possibility, Mr. Zhan felt his scalp numb and his hair was about to fall out again.

Fortunately, what was waiting for him in the teahouse was not the teacher’s scolding—

Taifu Chu wanted to inquire about something, and what he was asking about was the military pay and supplies that would be allocated to Chang Sui Ning next.

He knew that the Ministry of Finance was short of money, so he came here to press. He couldn't control other places, but his students' resistance to the Japanese was a top priority. His unlucky students were already very aggrieved, and he could no longer let her soldiers have no food to eat.

"The teacher actually wants to ask this..." Minister Zhan was very surprised, and immediately said: "What a coincidence, someone just reminded and urged the students about this matter today, and it has been put on the agenda."

"Oh?" Mrs. Chu raised his gray eyebrows: "Who is he?"

(Because last time a book friend mentioned a popular science about the background of Japanese pirates, I did a lot of homework afterwards, and the final setting logic was: still using the background of the Tang Dynasty, and the battles between the Tang Dynasty and the Japanese country are historical. Currently in the article The battle being fought was still a political conflict between countries, not between countries and Japanese pirates.

Another point, according to the data, the Japanese shogunate rule appeared in the Yuan and Song Dynasties and later. During the Tang Dynasty, the internal affairs of Japan also changed several times, but the people in power were still the kings (and feudal landlords). At this time, the power of the kings was not emptied by the shogunate. Therefore, the previously set logic of [After Ning Ning’s previous victory against the Japanese army, the Japanese emperor petitioned for peace] is established.

The error in the article is that the terms Japanese pirates and Japanese soldiers were occasionally confused. The word Japanese pirates is increasingly regarded as a unified name for the invaders from the Japanese country. However, the article should not be so imprecise, so the previous errors have been corrected~ For now, let’s unify the names. The Japanese soldiers who will appear in the article from now on = the official soldiers of the Japanese country. Japanese pirates = rogue pirates from the Japanese country (as for some saying that most of the Japanese pirates after the Ming Dynasty were Chinese, this is not verified in the article, because the background reference stays in the Tang Dynasty)

The Dongluo Kingdom in the article is the historical Silla, and the reason for the fiction has been changed.

Although I welcome everyone's criticism, I will verify and correct any logical bug violations. The combat route, geographical background, etc. in the article are all based on historical facts (although I like to make things up, but there must be a basic logic of the times. For example, if the name "Age Gege" appears in an imaginary background, isn't it nonsense?

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