Hello Chang’an

Chapter 380: He wants to save the world, who will save him?

Chapter 380 He wants to save the world, who will save him?

"How do you prove that this is your thing and not something you stole?" The man looked at Wujue and said, "These kids won't lie."

Wujue stretched out his hand.

Children cannot lie, but they will tell lies seriously without the ability to judge.

Adults with the ability to judge will pretend not to notice that children are telling lies out of selfish motives.

The latter was more difficult to deal with than the former. Wujue, who knew this, was even more anxious. He could only keep smiling and said in a roundabout way: "To be honest, I came here this time to seek refuge with my relatives... My relatives are here. In this village, if you don’t look up when you look down, I need you to take more care of me.”

Everyone in the village knew each other and valued human relations more. He tried to use this as an excuse to get the baggage back first.

The man's expression was indeed shaken when he heard this, but he still didn't let go of the baggage immediately. He looked at Wujue again, feeling inexplicably irritated that he didn't want the other person to get what he wanted, so he asked again: "What is your relative's name?"

Wu Jue smiled and said, "His surname is Zheng..."

The man frowned: "Our place is called Zhengjia Village, and eight out of ten are named Zheng. What is his name?"

"..." Wujue's eyes moved and he said, "My name is Zheng Tiezhu!"

They are all fools anyway. How can there be no village without iron pillars, sledgehammers, stones, and dog remnants?

"He is actually a relative of Lord Tiezhu!" a child who followed said in surprise.

Wujue felt happy. As witty as him, he was indeed right!

Another child said: "But Master Tiezhu died last year..."

Wujue's eyes widened: "?"

He quickly asked: "What about his family now..."

The child behind the man said: "Master Tiezhu is a famous old widower in the village. There is no one in his family. You don't even know this, do you?"

Wujue: "...!"

Such a unique thing happened to him? Even with such a shameful name, he couldn't support this uncle Zheng Tiezhu very competently!

Facing the man's suspicious gaze, Wujue could only say sadly: "In that case, then I'll go and pay him a grave..."

As he said that, he tried to reach out his hand sadly: "I'm tired..."

But the man took a step back holding the baggage, avoiding Wujue's hand, and sneered: "You stole something first, and you want to deceive me!"

As he said that, he tied the baggage in twos and twos.

Zheng Tiezhu has been dead for a long time. He doesn't care whether what these four-faced monks say is true or false. Anyway, the money is real!

When he finished speaking, he didn't see the "Four-Unlike Monk" getting angry. Instead, he looked behind him, his eyes lit up, and he waved, "Zheng Lizheng, you're just in time!"

Li Zheng is here? !

The man immediately looked back, and the next moment, he suddenly felt that his arms were empty—

"Second uncle, he ran away!"

Seeing Wu Jue snatching the baggage and running away, the man cursed and gave chase.

A group of children also ran behind the man.

Several dogs responsible for maintaining public order in the village were also dispatched, barking and chasing after him.

The man was running at the front. Wu Jue, who had been ill for a long time, was not as strong as him. When he was about to catch up, Wu Jue, who was well prepared, suddenly turned around, raised his hand, and sprinkled a handful of lime powder on the man with all his strength.

He also wanted to get something high-end, something that could knock people down with just one blow, but he only got this one along the way... and he had to work hard to dig it out himself!

Fortunately, the man's eyes were filled with lime, and he screamed and stopped, covering his eyes in pain.

The children at the back were unaware of the situation and were frightened when they heard the screams. They quickly gathered around the man: "Second uncle, what's wrong with you!"


Wujue didn't dare to stop and took the opportunity to continue running forward. Just when he thought he could escape smoothly, he suddenly tripped on a stone and fell hard.

…This is what bad luck is like!

His forehead hit two pieces of gravel hard, drawing blood. The pain made him dizzy and his ears were ringing.

No, I have to run...

Wujue reached out to pick up the baggage and struggled to get up, but unexpectedly he also injured one of his legs. Just as he dragged the injured leg to stand up, a sudden gust of wind rushed behind him, and a tall, thin black dog came from behind. Then he threw him to the ground.

Wujue screamed in pain and quickly subconsciously hugged his head: "Don't bite me, don't bite me!"

Fortunately, this dog was an old hunting dog that had followed him into the mountains. He was somewhat spiritual and did not bite him harshly at this moment.

Because the fur of prey is mostly valuable, a mature and outstanding hunting dog will only help its owner to round up prey, but will not take the initiative to kill the prey when itself and its owner are not threatened or provoked.

So at this moment, the black dog only bit Wu Jue's trouser leg and conscientiously tried to drag him back.

But it was too old and still not very light, making it difficult to drag.

Wujue wanted to kick it away, but was afraid of angering it, and soon the other two dogs arrived. They were obviously not as mature as the hound, and they barked at him.

Wujue lay there, not daring to move at all.

Immediately afterwards, the man who was blinded by the lime walked over angrily. While cursing, he bent down and picked up a stone that came to hand.

"I've never seen it before..." At the end of the village, the old man eating outside the door with a bowl squinted at the portrait and shook his head.

Several other villagers carrying bowls also gathered around to take a look, and they all shook their heads and said they had never seen it before.

"Thank you." The woman dressed in ordinary clothes rolled up the portrait, returned to the donkey cart, and whispered to Chang Sui Ning who was looking around: "Girl, it seems that the person you are looking for has not come. Pass this village.”

They didn't have any clues from the beginning to the end of the village. This village was not big. If a stranger came, there would be more or less people in the village talking about it.

Chang Suining thinks this should be the case.

"What are you barking at? Go back!" The old man drove his barking dog back into the yard.

Listening to more and more dogs barking in the village, the lady soldier said: "Girl, let's look elsewhere."

Chang Suining nodded, and when he was about to get in the car, he suddenly turned his head and looked thoughtfully.

She saw a barking puppy running past her, and continued running forward without stopping. Then, at the corner of the courtyard wall of the last house at the end of the village, it turned a corner and disappeared.

That is the direction behind the village.

Listening carefully, more dog barks seemed to be coming from that direction.

"You are indeed a bastard!" the man cursed, walked around to Wu Jue, and pulled the baggage that Wu Jue was pressing in front of him.

The black dog stepped aside and Wujue climbed up with difficulty. There was blood on his forehead, and one cheek was swollen, making him look increasingly messy.

The man spat on him viciously: "You sick old man, you can't even run away, but you dare to plot against me with lime powder!"

The man threatened him with a stone in his hand, and Wujue, who was sitting on the ground, had to apologize to the man repeatedly.

At this time, the man sharply saw the ring on his thumb. Seeing that the material was special and something he had never seen before, he asked Wu Jue to take it off.

Wu Jue's heart beat wildly, and he smiled apologetically: "This is made of broken stones, and it's not worth a penny!"

This is a relic left to him by his master!

Of course, feelings are not that important... But he relies on this thing to ward off disasters. Without this thing to suppress disasters, he doesn't know how many terrible disasters are waiting for him!

He couldn't get any worse. If it got any worse, he really wouldn't be able to survive.

The man didn't believe him at all: "Pick it if I ask you to!"

The child on the side snorted: "He must have stolen it too!"

"that is!"

"Second uncle, let's send him to the official later! Let the county magistrate slap him!"

"Hit him!"

Another pebble hit Wujue, and Wujue raised his hand to block it, feeling a surge of grief, anger and grievance finally rising in his heart.

People also bully him, dogs also bully him, big ones bully him, small ones also bully him!

What a mean person he is!

Not only did he not do anything wrong, but according to what the old thief Tianjing said, he was also the key person who contributed to Master's plan to save the world. Without him, His Highness would not be able to come back. If Hezhou cannot be saved, most of these people will not survive until now!

After all, he is still the savior of these people!

So, why do they bully him like this!

Hey, he's going to fight these white-eyed wolves who repay kindness with revenge!

Wujue took a breath in his heart and was about to fight back when he saw the man holding the stone and swung it towards him. He was so frightened that he immediately shrank back and said quickly: "I'll pick it, I'll just pick it..."

A good man won't suffer the loss before him!

But his thumb...how can he live without his thumb?

Tears appeared in Wujue's eyes. He reluctantly took off the ring and handed it to the man tremblingly.

The man snatched it away and stuffed it into his arms.

I don't know if it was because of the finger being pulled away from his body, but Wujue suddenly felt a sense of infinite depression and powerlessness. He seemed to feel the malice hidden in the world against him, breaking through the last barrier and rushing toward him, but in an instant In a short time, he was enveloped and submerged.

Everything in his ears became extremely noisy and harsh. He seemed to be trapped in boundless darkness, and he seemed to be in a terrible purgatory that was not mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures. Those huge malices were tearing at his limbs and bones, as if they would The air around him was torn and deformed.

So, is this the real feeling of being rejected by everything in the world?

Putting his hands on the ground, Wu Jue raised his head in panic and looked at the gloomy sky, his eyes filled with endless confusion.

In that daze, a trace of sad questioning gradually appeared.

Everything in this world is about cause and effect. If everything he does is invisibly following Master's plan to save the world... He wants to save the world, but who can save him?

When a Brahmin heard the verse and sacrificed himself, Sakyamuni fed his body to tigers and cut his flesh to feed eagles under the bodhi tree...

Or should he give up this fragile body, realize the Dharma with compassion, and influence living beings and people in the world with fearlessness, so that he can be liberated and achieve the Tao?

But why does he still feel resentful and unwilling to let go of this worldly thought?

Buddha, the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty, Master...are the disciples not practicing enough?

Wujue silently asked, as if he was engaging in a debate about right and wrong, good and evil with this world.

The strong wind brought dark clouds, and the fallen leaves and flying dust danced wildly, seeming to be arguing with him.

"It's going to rain, you all go home quickly!" The man dropped the stone in his hand and urged the children: "I will send this evil thief and these stolen goods to the government!"

"Second uncle, let's go with you!"

"Why are you kids joining in the fun! Go home!" The man drove the children away and said, "If the adults in your family ask about this, you will say that there is a vicious bandit from outside the village. I will kill him." I’ve taken it to the government to reassure everyone!”

All the children should come down and go back with the village dogs.

The youngest child among them looked up at the sky. The cool rain hit his face. He blinked and said doubtfully: "It's really raining. That person didn't lie to us..."

The six or seven-year-old child looked back subconsciously, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart. But when he saw other children running because of the rain, he followed him and ran towards the village.

Seeing that the children were gone, the man picked up the stones he had just thrown away.

If the first time he picked up the stone was just a bluff to scare, then this time it was driven by the most extreme evil thoughts deep in the human heart.

But for some reason, the "unlike monk" remained motionless, neither hiding nor begging for mercy. He just looked at the sky, as if he was stupid.

Are you scared?

After all, he is not a murderous gangster. The man is also a little scared at the moment. He walks towards Wujue, and seems to be emboldening himself, but also seems to be excusing: "...I didn't want your life, you are not your own You know, you still want to get your baggage back... Now that the situation is like this, I can’t send you to the county government, and I can’t let you go to the county government to report me!”

They go down to the county government office from the state to the government office, and now they all use strict laws. The county magistrate will not favor him just because he is an outsider!

Anyway, in today’s world, people are dying everywhere!

He will join the army soon, and he will also kill people on the battlefield in the future... Let's practice his skills in advance today!

"Anyway, it looks like you don't have many days to live... People like you should die early and be reincarnated!"

The man gritted his teeth and raised the stone in his hand.

Wujue remained motionless, still trapped in a huge daze, as if he had lost all awareness of the outside world.

The man's five senses were amplified to the extreme, but they were all focused on what was in front of him, and he could no longer distract himself from the increasingly noisy sound of wind and rain.

Until something passed through the rain and suddenly pierced his arm.

The man screamed out in pain, staggered back, and the stone fell from his hand and hit his feet.

He looked at his arm in horror, only to see a brass hairpin, and most of the hairpin had been pierced into his flesh!

When he raised his head, he saw a figure that appeared at an unknown time in the direction behind him and was already walking towards him.

This flying bird hairpin must be hers, so her black hair is spread out at this moment, and the crow-green cloak and black hair are blowing in the wind. There was no sharp weapon in her hand, and her facial features were blurred by fallen leaves and flying dust, but it still gave people the inexplicable feeling of a sword being drawn out of its sheath.

The man felt an unspeakable sense of fear. Because he was so afraid, he grabbed rocks with both hands and said as viciously as possible: "You...who are you! Don't come here!"

In order to gain strength, he even took two steps forward in a pretentious manner, trying to scare away the girl whose size and age were not his advantage.


Chang Suining kicked him away and walked quickly towards Wujue without stopping.

Good night! (I went out today and felt like a popsicle from the cold. When I came back, I had a headache and a lumbar disc attack. As a middle-aged person, I can’t bear the slightest cold.)

(End of chapter)

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