Hello Chang’an

Chapter 388: “Don’t be too competitive for favor.”

Chang Suining’s establishment of agricultural, craftsman and medical halls was not a temporary whim.

The collection of books from aristocratic families that she collected this time included not only books on state governance, but also many books on a wide range of subjects, such as water management, easy calculation, engineering, medicine, agriculture, etc.

The reason why she insisted on cutting off those books was because they contained not only the way to rejuvenate the country, but also the "skills of revitalizing the people."

People regard food as their first priority, and the origin of food and the foundation of the country is agriculture. It goes without saying how important it is.

The craftsmanship also permeates every aspect, from working farm tools to various structures, everyday objects within reach, and even the improvement of ordnance, all have the presence and wisdom of craftsmen.

Many of them are called trivial, idiosyncratic and ingenious, and are even considered by the mainstream power to be unfavorable for ruling people's hearts, so they are belittled and suppressed. If they can be properly utilized and improved, they will have twice the result with half the effort, and can make people's hands more efficient. Be released to participate in more productive things.

The reason why Chang Suining has such "different" ideas nowadays is due to her experience. Years of military life and practical experience of walking among the sufferings of people's livelihood have made her extremely clear about what craftsmanship can do. The benefits are huge.

Because they are afraid that complicated and complicated magic skills will confuse people's hearts and make people become bored with things and not engage in production, which will even be detrimental to ruling the people's hearts with Confucianism and increase the difficulty of governance, so they try to suppress them and do not recognize the value of craftsmanship. This is useless. It is different from binding one's feet, covering one's eyes, and giving up food due to choking.

Here in Chang Suining, vigorously cultivating and reusing craftsmen is what she must do now.

Even if this step is a bit big, it will have to contend with the current value orientation, and it will definitely attract criticism and obstruction, she must still take this step. Dasheng is facing internal and external troubles, and it must be rescued by strong medicine before it can turn around.

Troubled times are more likely to breed new order, and those who control the power of speech and distribution can formulate a new order - now that she has the ability to do so, she can easily do it.

As for the possible drawbacks that may occur after strong medicine, more appropriate means will be used to check and balance the replacement. If you want a brand-new thing and order to appear, the first thing must be to let it fly, and then the rulers can Weigh and restrict where it should fall, and if there is any deviation, correct it bit by bit.

What she has to do now is to let Jiangdu "fly" first.

In addition to agriculture and craftsmanship, medicine was used as a shield to protect the safety of the people. Compared with others, the significance of the existence of medicine is unquestionable and unquestionable. This is a method of self-rescue that was born under the survival of human beings and even all living creatures. It is a great persistence in competing with God for life.

The continuation and advancement of medical ethics is not limited to one state or country. It is the constant pursuit of the vitality of the entire humanity and should be valued and promoted.

The strategy of governing the country and ensuring peace of the country, with its dazzling poetry and literature, is the most noble romance in the eyes of the world.

However, the vast grain fields, the vigorous herds, the hot iron when casting utensils, the fragrant or bitter herbs, and all the sweat for survival are also another kind of romance.

All products of wisdom born for the continuation of humanity are radiant.

There are always traces of the wisdom of the people on this land. It is precisely because of the hard work and wisdom written in the bones and blood of our ancestors for generations that the Chinese bloodline has been passed down for thousands of years.

These wisdoms dedicated to different fields should cooperate with each other and draw on each other's strengths, so that the road ahead can be stable and solid.

Because of the existence of these wisdoms, Chang Sui Ning, even though he has been a man for two lifetimes, still firmly believes that the most precious resources in this land will always be the people here.

Only population is a priceless treasure.

So now she is trying to build a greenhouse suitable for the growth of wisdom in Jiangdu, so that they can first live themselves, then live others, and then live the world.

The journey is difficult and divergent, but she believes that if she has an undying ambition, she will succeed.

"Old money..."

In the governor's house of Jiangdu, Wang Yue used a very new title and sighed with his friends: "Now I understand more and more why you chose Chang Governor."

Luo Guanlin: ...It was not his original intention to choose Chang Suining. I have said it many times that he was kidnapped in a sack!

Of course, he said it from his heart.

He had no intention of sharing such a tortuous and embarrassing matter with Wang Yue.

Wang Yuewu sighed to himself: "Although I have been busy lately, I feel extremely fulfilled. It's like throwing a seed into the soil today and seeing it sprout tomorrow..."

Is there a response for being tired.

It may sound ordinary to receive a response for your efforts, but nowadays, it is a very valuable experience.

Wang Yue also had great ambitions when he was young, but his temperament was different from Luo Guanlin. Luo Guanlin was a man who dared to hit the south wall and would not retreat even if his head was broken and bloody. But Wang Yueruo felt that the timing was not right and he was not sure, so he just wanted to lie still, somewhat like he was waiting for something to happen.

Wang Yue often feels that he is like an old duck stewed in his mother's pot - her mother likes to stew a dish over and over again. If she can't finish it at one time, she will stew it again, so no matter how old the duck is, her mother can stew it over and over again. Soft as mud.

It seems that this duck of his is destined to rot in the pot, and he will probably be depressed for the rest of his life.

This time he stayed in Jiangdu, it was forced by the situation, and he made the decision after rushing to put the duck on the shelf...

But as Wang Yue kept working, he felt more and more hopeful.

At this moment, I even couldn't help but sigh: "Although I am approaching twilight years, it is not too late if I can fulfill my youthful ambitions."

Many people who are more talented than him will live a mediocre life, and those who have the opportunity to be rewarded for their ambition are always very few.

Therefore, it is said that a thousand-mile horse is always available, but a Bole is hard to find.

As the decrees issued by Chang Sui Ning were implemented, Wang Yue began to change his view of this girl who was named ambitious.

At first, he was afraid of Chang Sui Ning, fearing that she was too ambitious and acted too restrained, and that she was destined to be short-lived and end badly.

But now it seems that if it weren't for her "ambition", her strength, and her daring to fight, how would she have the opportunity to seize Jiangdu and do these unprecedented things?

In this world, if you want to do something, you can't just rely on words and a few nice words to make people follow you... Perhaps Jiangdu needs someone like her who "soldiers first and then etiquette" to save her.

She is really saving Jiang Du.

Therefore, no matter how much the court belittled and feared her, the people of Jiangdu treated her with respect and gratitude.

Even the wealthy businessmen who had been "exploited" by her before were now willing to actively cooperate with her decrees because they gradually saw the tangible benefits - the governor actively opened up business channels in various places without any official pretensions and personally worked for Jiangdu. Many business opportunities have been secured, especially the commercial exchanges with Xuanzhou and Zhouzhou, which are even closer than Jiangdu before the war.

Her many measures to attract talents to settle down and study have also brought fresh blood to Jiangdu. Wherever there are people, there are business opportunities. Nowadays, everyone who enters Jiangdu has to spend money, and those who have no money are arranged and resettled on the spot, and people and efforts are provided. In short, at least the people and money must be left behind.

Given the huge profits, why wouldn't those wealthy businessmen not cooperate?

Nowadays, looking at Jiangdu, officials, scholars, merchants, and people, whether for profit, fame, or survival, are gradually becoming united and united, and the people's hearts are extremely obedient. Therefore, the governor's government's implementation of government orders is particularly smooth.

But how long has she been in Jiangdu?

And because she was too young, too junior, and a girl, she was burdened with many doubts and criticisms... But under such circumstances, she quickly twisted Jiangdu into a strong rope and moved in the direction she wanted. force. "Now Jiangdu is only a little bit bad..." Wang Yue said regretfully: "The Japanese soldiers are pressing down on the country, like a sharp sword hanging high above Jiangdu... If not, with these many measures alone, the grand scene of Jiangdu would be far better than this hour."

Luo Guanlin finally responded to his friend: "Otherwise, why do you think she rushed back yesterday to personally hang a plaque for Wuer Yuan?"

Wang Yue reacted briefly: "You mean..."

Yes, as the commander-in-chief of the Japanese army, she still found time to return to Jiangdu to hang a plaque for the academy. What does this mean?

This shows that the battle with the Japanese army was not at a critical disadvantage!

Regardless of whether it is true or not, since she has done it, it is effective - her appearance is the best medicine to soothe people's hearts.

Luo Guanlin was confused and said: "Everything she does must be calculated. Even if she just blinks her eyes, there will be hundreds of thoughts hitting the ground. You must be careful."

"...What should I be careful about?" Wang Yue said happily: "This is my lord. He is so wise. It's too late for me to be happy. Where does the word "be careful" come from?

Luo Guanlin: "..."

He had forgotten that Wang Wangshan had never been coerced or tortured by her sack, so he was naturally not as arrogant as him.

"But then again..." Wang Yue lowered his voice and asked: "Is this really her own wisdom? Isn't it really the advice of General Chang Da or other experts?"

He and this lord were not very familiar with each other after all. Most of what I know about her is from the handover of official duties and from Luo Guanlin's mouth.

After Shi Suining returned to Jiangdu yesterday, he went out incognito to inspect various places. So far, Wang Yue has not been able to see a corner of his clothes.

Talk about the corner of the clothes, the corners of the clothes are here.

Following the announcement from the guard outside the study, Chang Sui Ning, wearing a crow green robe, walked in accompanied by Yao Ran and Wang Changshi.

Wang Yue's eyes lit up and he stood up to salute. Finally, he had the opportunity to deepen his understanding and cultivate feelings with his lord!

He was hesitant before, but now that he is on this boat, and the whole family has arrived from Jiangdu, if he continues to languish and moan without any enthusiasm and initiative as a subordinate, isn't that a mental illness?

Wang Yue was thinking this, and suddenly glanced thoughtfully at Luo Guanlin, who was not too enthusiastic.

Luo Guanlin was not affected by the eyes of his friends.

But he underestimated his friend's determination to deepen his relationship with his new master.

Chang Suining only reserved three days for his return to the city. He would return to the army the day after tomorrow. His time was tight, so he naturally had to use it on urgent official matters.

In the next half hour, almost all of Chang Suining's questions were answered by Wang Yue or implicitly. However, his answers were all practical and concise. It was obvious that he was working hard during this period.

Not only do you work hard, but you also have outstanding abilities, so that you can handle these complicated official affairs with ease.

Chang Sui Ning did not hesitate to express his joy and admiration.

In addition to the questions and answers, Wang Yue also took out a brochure. It is inevitable that new decrees will encounter obstacles and problems during the implementation process, and this brochure reads -

"...These are some crude ways to deal with it that I have thought of." Wang Yue said reservedly: "And some assumptions about problems that may arise in the future."

There are both remedial measures and precautionary measures.

Luo Guanlin frowned quickly and looked at his friend - why didn't he know that Wang Wangshan had such a pamphlet? Guard against him? Is this the beginning of intrigue?

Chang Suining's eyes brightened: "Sir, you are interested. Suining is all ears."

At the end of Wang Yue's words, his voice was already dry and hoarse: "...the Literature Hall and the Arithmetic School in the Second Academy have limited enrollment, and as far as I know, there are many people who come to study this time who already have some reputation. Scholars, they all come here for the rich collection of books, and the purpose of the academy is to cultivate more talents. If all the places are taken up by those knowledgeable people, the original intention will be lost..."

Chang Suining nodded: "So the assessment needs to be graded. It is for candidates of different ages, and the assessment content is also different. Try to be evenly selected."

For example, there is also a preschool class in the museum, where the main test is the children's qualifications, with half for boys and half for girls.

Although qualifications are being selected at every level, which is not in line with the principle of education without discrimination, resources are limited today and must be used on those who are most suitable for studying.

As for true education without distinction, that is something that will happen later and does not apply to the present.

For example, those who are over ten years old and have not yet received education will not be admitted to Wuer Academy unless they are extremely talented. Ten years old is already past the best age for enlightenment, and learning is destined to be difficult.

Jiangdu is in short supply of talents, and it is destined that all manpower and material resources cannot be used for undifferentiated enlightenment.

Therefore, setting examination questions by age to select the most suitable people at each age is an admissions strategy decided after many considerations.

"It's just that in this way, many talented people are destined to be turned away..." Wang Yue said: "So I'm wondering if, after the assessment, these people who have not been able to enter the Wuer Academy can be further evaluated. Screening, based on ability, staying in Jiangdu to work? "

Jiangdu is already short of people. If the other party is capable enough, directly retaining them is the best option.

Before Chang Sui Ning had time to think about the matter, he followed Wang Yue's words and thought: "But they are here for the collection of books in Wuer Academy, so they may not easily change their minds and stay in office..."

Wang Yue: "Then your Excellency, you might as well give them some preferential treatment. For example, those who remain in office can take turns to attend Wueryuan for one day every ten days; if they meet the monthly performance appraisal standards, they can enter the library of Wueryuan for one day that month. …”

Chang Suining nodded and said: "For another example, if the person who performs best in his position can borrow and take away at most three books from the collection every month?"

Wang Yue showed a surprised smile: "Sir, you are indeed extremely enlightened!"

Not only does it provide practical advice, but it also gives emotional value. While showing off abilities, it does not forget to close the relationship with the protagonist.

Luo Guanlin: "..."

Wang Wangshan was so self-conscious that his mouth was dry and his tongue was dry, and he didn't care about the lives of others at all.

Of course, it doesn't matter to him no matter how Wang Wangshan behaves, after all, he doesn't care who Chang Sui Ning prefers. He just felt that Wang Changshi and Ran Nushi, who had no chance to speak at all, should be somewhat sweaty.

After all, not everyone can be as indifferent as him.

However, he still wanted to remind Wang Wangshan not to be too competitive for favor, otherwise it would be detrimental to the harmonious coexistence among his colleagues in the long run.

He said this out of consideration for Wang Wangshan's situation. He had no selfish motives for fearing that Wang Wangshan would steal the limelight. After all, he had no intention of winning Chang Suining's favor.

He only plans to work for three years, so naturally he doesn't care about this.

Mr. Luo, who "didn't care" and "didn't care", found Wang Yue alone afterwards and wanted to remind him. However, Wang Yue's attitude gave him a huge headache.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, messages, and tips. Good night~ I wish you all a sweet dream.

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