Hello Chang’an

Chapter 397: From now on, I take over this place

Chapter 397 From now on, I will take over this place

"Sir, could the Japanese really want to pursue Yangzhou?" Tang Xing also came with him. He loved chasing novelty things all his life, taking advantage of the fog to travel on the sea. How could we miss him for such a novel experience?

At this moment, when Tang Xing listened to Yuan Xiang's speculation about "making an attack in the east and attacking in the west", he couldn't help but feel that Yangzhou was in a particularly dangerous situation.

In terms of wealth and geographical advantages, ten Runzhous cannot compare to Yangzhou, which is known as Jiangdu.

"Perhaps it's not just about attacking in the east and attacking in the west." Chang Suining looked back at where Jiangdu was: "They may have made two preparations. If they can successfully capture Runzhou's defense this time, they can 'retreat and do the next best thing' and land in Runzhou first, and then Trying to plot more—"

"Even if they can't capture Runzhou, if they decide to capture Runzhou now, they can take advantage of the danger in Runzhou to effectively contain our army's strength, and then take advantage of our unpreparedness to capture Yangzhou with their real main force..."

This is Maro Fujiwara's usual style of doing things.

He is cautious and cunning, and when faced with major decisions, he will never bet on victory or defeat on just one front.

This is also the way the Japanese behave at sea. They are used to guerrilla warfare. Over time, guerrilla raids are what they are best at.

When two armies are fighting, what is necessary is to find ways to weaken what the other side is good at -

"Coach, do you want Yangzhou to strengthen its defenses in preparation for Japanese raids?" Yuanxiang asked seriously.

"Defense alone is destined to be unable to stop the offensive of the main Japanese army." Chang Sui Ning said: "Next, we must have several head-on battles with Fujiwara."

She said: "Don't worry about the rear defense for the time being, I will do my best to arrange it -"

How she was going to fight this battle was a strategy she decided upon after discussing with Chang Kuo. With Chang Kuo sitting in the rear, she could just act in accordance with the original plan from the front.

Looking at the vast sea, Chang Suining said: "The Japanese army has gathered troops on a large scale. This is a 'good thing'."

In the past few days, she has done so much and shown her weakness appropriately, in order to let the Japanese army know one "fact" - she is only good at defense, but guerrilla warfare cannot break through her "foolish defense" Yes, if you want to tear apart the defense, you can only attack it with heavy troops.

This "fact" is the "fact" she wants the Japanese army to see.

The Japanese army's current move to gather troops was also the result of her planning. From this perspective, she was the one who took the initiative, and taking the initiative was an advantage, so it was said to be a "good thing."

The enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered. She has limited naval forces at her disposal. Da Sheng’s national power is declining, civil strife is frequent, and the anti-Japanese war is time-consuming and labor-intensive. No matter how you look at it, there is no advantage in this battle—

But war will always have to be fought, and those who remain passive and pessimistic can only wait for the day of destruction to come. If there is no advantage, then she will create an advantage. When enough advantages are accumulated, she will be able to reverse the situation of inevitable defeat.

At this moment, Chang Suining is on the road of "creating advantages".

Time is running out. The fangs and jaws of the Japanese army will appear at any time behind the thick fog. She must arrange everything properly before then.

Fortunately, with the help of the sea breeze, the boat was able to move quickly on the sea.

The Japanese patrols and explorations in this sea area were only reduced compared to before, but not completely absent.

On the way, Chang Suining and others encountered traces of Japanese troops more than once. Those who could avoid it were avoided in time; those who could not be avoided, they killed people and seized ships in a surprise attack, and threw their bodies into the sea.

Those Japanese soldiers on patrol could never imagine how the Dasheng navy would suddenly appear here when the Runzhou defense line was in a critical situation... Didn't these Sheng people never dare to step out of the defense line? !

But even more Japanese soldiers did not know until their death the origins of those black-armored men who suddenly appeared from the fog like ghosts and took away their lives with extremely powerful skills and murderous intent.

Chang Suining seized their ship and asked some of his men to put on their armor and sabers. Without stopping, they continued to move forward by the wind.

Another night, as dawn approached, Chang Suining and his party successfully approached an island.

There are soldiers guarding the entrance to the island. Judging from their attire and temperament, they should be from different countries.

There is still fog on the sea today, and it is not yet bright at this moment. When seeing a ship approaching, the soldiers on the island immediately raised their swords and asked, "Who are you!"

He speaks Dongluo language.

Immediately afterwards, several soldiers dressed as Japanese warriors came out from behind them. One of them said: "They should be our people!"

While the leader was speaking, he looked at the docked ship and the people who got off the ship. He frowned and asked in Japanese: "Why are you here suddenly? Do you have any urgent news?"

His vision was still a little blurry, but he judged that the person coming was one of his own through the familiar boats and clothes.

But seeing that the people who got off the boat did not answer, and the figures of the people on the boat were vaguely different, the leader also realized that something was wrong. While pressing the knife, he was about to speak again when the first person to get off the boat suddenly flew away. Attacked him, he used the dagger that slipped out of his sleeve and cut his throat with his backhand.

The moment Yuan Xiang retracted the dagger, he glanced at the Japanese man who was holding his throat with his eyes wide open, and said: "I'm really sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about."

This movement quickly alerted the remaining guards on the island, and they immediately pounced on him with their swords drawn.

During this gap, dozens of small boats quickly approached.

A Japanese soldier on the island was horrified when he saw this. Just as he was about to light the gunpowder signal tube in his hand as a warning, his throat was suddenly pierced by a sharp arrow carrying the chill of the sea.

Wearing a black robe with sleeves, Chang Sui Ning, who had just gotten off the boat, threw his long bow to his followers and at the same time drew out the sun from his waist.

There was moist mist between her brows and eyes, and her voice was also tainted with the coldness of dawn: "No Japanese will be left on the island! The rest, except civilians, who dare to resist will be killed on the spot!"


One after another, extremely agile figures jumped out of the boat behind the black-robed girl who ordered the attack on the island.

They charged towards the island with an unstoppable attitude, and within half an hour, they successfully landed on the island.

When the first ray of morning light fell, the black-robed girl stepped onto the island with a **** sword in her hand.

A wounded island guard backed away in horror, looked at the intruder in front of him, and asked in fear in Dongluo language: "You...who are you?"

"I am Chang Sui Ning, the governor of Jiangdu."

The girl wiped the blood stained on the sword clean on the body of the Japanese soldier. She raised her hand and put the sword back into its sheath. At the same time, she looked at the guard and said, "Let your star master come to see me quickly."

Tang Xing translated her words into Dongluo language.

The guard looked extremely panicked. He backed away and fled, reporting the news.

This is Xingzhou.

Xingzhou is an island under the jurisdiction of Dongluo. It has a small territory and cannot even be called a complete and independent country. Most of the people on the island speak Dongluo language. Due to its geographical location between Dongluo and Wa Island, it was also influenced by Japanese culture.

Their island master was not allowed by Dong Luo to call himself the king, but could only be called the "star master". Therefore, this place is far behind Dongluo and Wa. Whether it is housing construction, or the defense and weapons on the island, most of them are even old things that have been eliminated by Silla.

Tang Xing has been to Dongluo before, but this is the first time he has set foot on this small island in Xingzhou.

After following Chang Suining to the island, he looked around curiously and unexpectedly discovered that most of the utensils used on the island were still made of stone.

Wherever they went, the islanders hid in haste. The armor and sabers they wore prevented the islanders from making any resistance or provocation.

No wonder Governor Chang had previously said that two thousand naval forces were enough...if he brought an extra thousand, it would be considered bullying.

Tang Xing was fascinated when he saw something suddenly thrown towards him.

Tang Xing subconsciously caught it, looked down and saw that it was a bright yellow orange with two leaves on the stem.

He looked around and saw Chang Suining in front of him raising his hand to pick two more oranges and handing them to Yuan Xiang and Wu Jue respectively.

Wujue immediately peeled it off and stuffed two pieces into his mouth. His eyes suddenly lit up: "Sweet!"

"Although this place is backward, it is rich in good horses and citrus." Chang Sui Ning said as he walked forward: "We came just in time. At this time of the year, the citrus on the island is the sweetest."

Wujue followed up and said, "I don't know, I thought you led your army to attack here at night just to eat the oranges on this island!"

"It's not impossible, who doesn't want to eat something good." Chang Sui Ning said matter-of-factly: "In ancient times, kings took the Western Regions, who can say for sure whether it was for honeydew melons and grapes."

On the road, orange trees that have been planted for many years can be seen everywhere. Amidst the fragrance of citrus, Xingzhou Star Lord rushed over in a panic, with the crown of his hair already crooked.

He did not and did not dare to show any signs of scolding or dissatisfaction. The moment he saw Chang Sui Ning, he immediately knelt down.

Chang Suining looked down at him and asked: "Xingzhou also regards me as Dasheng as the suzerain country. In the spring, Japanese troops passed through the border. Why didn't Xingzhou report the news?"

Tang Xing acted as the translator in the middle.

The Xingzhou Star Lord who was kneeling on the ground even had a trembling voice: "It's not that Xingzhou doesn't want to retaliate, it's that there is no way to retaliate... Xingzhou has always been under the jurisdiction of Dongluo. At that time, the old King of Dongluo was seriously ill. The new King of Dongluo has secretly colluded with Japan... Xingzhou is caught in the middle, but it is just a small island and cannot resist at all!"

"We are a prosperous and powerful country with noble moral character... I hope that the governor Chang will show his noble hand and not be as knowledgeable as us!"

At this moment, the Star Lord of Xingzhou was in a panic. He really didn't know how these people bypassed the Japanese soldiers' patrols and attacked the island... Could it be that the situation of the Japanese soldiers was not good at this time? !

Chang Sui Ning could understand the rest of the words without Tang Xing translating them word for word. They were all words of begging for mercy.

"But it is a fact that you broke your promise first." She said: "I can not hurt Xingzhou, but the condition is that you must obey my orders next."

There must have been difficulties in Seongju during the Japanese invasion, but the facts may not be what these people say. They were all coerced by Dongluo and the Japanese.

As far as Dasheng is concerned, they are an alien race, and ambition usually stems from dissatisfaction with the status quo.

She doesn't have to anger the innocent civilians on the island, but: "From this moment on, I will temporarily take over this place - does the Star Master have any objections?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Star Lord Xingzhou knocked his head on the ground, tried his best to show loyalty, and begged with tears: "Dare to ask the governor to tell King Dasheng that Mingzhou can't help himself, and give it to Xingzhou A way out..."

Chang Sui Ning nodded: "Star Lord, don't worry, as long as Xingzhou is willing to cooperate with me, I promise not to harm any plant or tree on the island—"

After finishing speaking, from the corner of his eye, he saw Wu Jue standing on a stone and frantically picking tangerines from the tree. Yuan Xiang followed below, with the robe in front of him full of pockets...

Rigorous as Chang Suining, he hurriedly interrupted Tang Xing's translation: "...change the part about not harming every plant and tree on the island."

When Wu Jue came down from the stone, he said with a reserved smile: "...I'm here now, so I have to bring some to A Dian. Children love to eat these!"

Oh, there’s also a return date. He’s also a big foodie, so give him a try!

In short, it’s not because he’s greedy!

Although Xingzhou Star Master could not understand Wu Jue's words, he saw that the Taoist had a greedy look on his face that made him uneasy. He was obviously a villain, and villains were the least suitable to be offended, so he kept saying: "The island is small, but only Ordinary citrus can be used to treat guests... If your guests like it, please feel free to pick it!"

In this way, he ordered his men to help Wujue pick oranges, and he picked five or six baskets.

Under the arrangement of Chang Suining, Yuan Xiang quickly took control of the entire island and replaced the people on duty at various places with his own people. The person guarding key points must be paired with someone who understands the Dongluo language.

They were all carefully selected by Yuan Xiang based on the physical characteristics of the Dongluo people. Under the guidance of Tang Xing, they have mastered the basic Dongluo language. Now they are dressed as Dongluo or Xingzhou soldiers. As long as they do not have in-depth contact , enough to confuse the fake with the real one.

Chang Sui Ning also quickly asked people to "replace" those Japanese soldiers who had been eliminated. Her people put on the Japanese soldiers' robes and sabers and continued to patrol the island.

At this time, due to the large-scale concentration of Japanese soldiers, they were mobilized frequently, and there would be delays in the exchange of information. It was a good time to fish in troubled waters.

As for how many fish you can catch, it depends on your luck. You can still make money if you catch even one.

Due to its geographical location, Seongju now serves to a certain extent as a "station" between Dongluo and Japanese armies, and it has many uses. Chang Suining ventured here not only to have a foothold on the sea as a guarantee, but also to I fancy this use.

If used properly, Xingzhou will be her best eyes and ears in this sea area.

While waiting for his men to complete their deployment on the island, Chang Suining stood on a rock by the sea and looked to the north.

The fog had largely dissipated at this time, and standing here, she could already see the islands of Dongluo Kingdom in the distance.

If the Japanese army wants to fight, Dongluo must also be on guard.

Not long after the polo was given away, she had secretly reached a deal with someone.

That man was Jin Chengyuan, the sixth son of the old King Dongluo.

Now that she has successfully arrived in Xingzhou, she should say hello to him.

Traveling between Xingzhou and Dongluo is the most common thing.

Especially as citrus fruits have matured recently, Xingzhou needs to pay tribute to Dongluo with new tangerines.

The day for the citrus tribute was originally scheduled for three days later.

And because Xingzhou secretly changed the person in charge, this tribute is destined to be unsettled.

Today's update is late. I will try my best to catch up tomorrow. Good night. Please vote for me at the beginning of the month!

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