Hello Chang’an

Chapter 407: Begin with chaos and end with abandonment, then what?

"Entrusted by someone? Who?" Chang Sui Ning also stopped at his feet and turned to look at Chu Xing with questions in his eyes.

The glow has broken out in the east, and the morning sun is about to rise. The bright skylight falls on Chang Sui Ning, her hand, and the short knife she holds in her hand.

"It's Governor Cui." Chu Xing's voice was lower, but it reached Chang Suining's ears clearly enough.

For a moment, Chang Sui Ning lowered her eyes slightly and looked at the short knife in her hand. She suddenly felt a sense of surprise. She thought that the person who cared about this sea area so much was Cui Jing.

Chu Xing did not forget to explain: "What the girl doesn't know is that the Taihu Navy has a close relationship with the Xuance Army...More than ten years ago, after we followed His Highness the Crown Prince to repel the Japanese army, the bandits in Taihu Lake happened to be raging. His Royal Highness was worried about the people's livelihood in Taihu Lake, so he left two thousand navy troops to guard Taihu Lake and eliminate the surrounding water bandits. "

"After that, these two thousand people were recruited on the spot, and gradually expanded to eight thousand people. Slowly, they became the Taihu Navy in the world, and were highly respected by the people of Taihu."

"But it is said that five or six years ago, after the former commander of the Taihu Navy died of illness, there was a fight between the old and the new factions, and they almost fell apart..." General Chu Xing briefly explained what he knew: "In the end, Governor Cui secretly came forward to resolve the matter. ”

"Commander Zhan, who is now in charge of the 8,000 Taihu Navy, was the former subordinate of Governor Cui...but not many people know about this."

Chu Xingdao: "Fortunately in these years, with the presence of Commander Zhan, the Taihu Navy Navy has not become increasingly desolate. Not only have they practiced military training diligently, they have even produced many capable people in water control. In the past five years, there has been no such thing in Taihu Lake." Big floods occur.”

In short, they not only controlled the water bandits, but also controlled the floods, which truly benefited the people.

Chang Sui Ning's eyebrows stretched slightly, but she couldn't help but have a different kind of doubt. She had seen Cui Jing's care for the Xuance Army, but she only found out today that he was actually together with the Taihu Navy who had the same origin as the Xuance Army. Internally, I also take this to heart...

This feeling was as if the trees she planted and the seeds she planted in the past were watered and pruned by him carefully, and he took good care of them without any mistakes.

Every road she has walked has never become desolate and abandoned due to the passage of time and changes in the world.

So, what kind of mentality has Cui Jing been doing these things over the years?

Chang Suining was curious, and the familiar question couldn't help but arise in her mind - had she and Cui Jing really never met before?

"Because of all these reasons, Commander Zhan would do such an act of 'leaving his post without permission'." Chu Xingdao: "When they appeared, there were two thousand people in front of them, wearing the old armor of the Xuance Army in the past. On top of the warship, there is also the military flag of the Xuance Army—"

At that time, not only the Japanese army was frightened, but even he couldn't help but get excited in a daze. Soon, everything was boiling, shouting: "It's Xuance Navy coming to help!" 】

Taihu Lake is close to the coast of Runzhou. These Taihu naval forces also go to sea for training every year. Of the two thousand people who were originally from the Xuance Army, half are still there today. Although they are no longer young, they are still capable of killing. When the Japanese bandits come, their momentum remains the same as before.

The Japanese thieves quickly panicked, and within half a day, they dispersed.

"This is the residual power of the former Crown Prince..." Chu Xing, who had personally participated in the war back then, was feeling emotional at this moment: "They are willing to make an exception and leave Taihu Lake this time, risking their lives to come to help. In addition to the invitation of Governor Cui, Perhaps he has not forgotten his responsibilities and dedication as a member of the Xuance Army."

"They are now the Neihu Navy. They are responsible for the safety of the people of Taihu Lake. Defending the coastal defense is not within their responsibilities." Chang Suining said seriously: "We should thank them more."

"Yes." Chu Xing said again: "After repelling the Japanese army, Commander Zhan immediately urged me to come to Jiangdu to help as soon as possible. Firstly, they have already left their posts without authorization and it is not appropriate to leave Taihu Lake too far. Secondly, Commander Zhan said -"

Speaking of this, Chu Xing smiled: "The Taihu Navy has the famous reputation of the Xuance Army in the past, and their actions always attract more attention. They can't come to Jiangdu again and take away our original achievements. So, They can just wait for the good news from a distance in Runzhou."

Chang Suining's mouth curved slightly: "How do they think that we, the little soldiers and crab generals, can protect Jiangdu and win this battle?"

Chu Xing said half-jokingly: "I don't know, it's probably because the girl is famous." Or maybe it was just a polite word that sounded auspicious.

Chang Sui Ning doesn’t think so.

The reason why Taihu Navy believes that she can win is probably because someone else believes that she can win - that person must be very important, so whatever he says, Taihu Navy believes and obeys.

That person believed that she could win, but was afraid that it would be too difficult for her to win, so she always tried to help her.

But she was also afraid that this help that was "good at making decisions" and "unavailable" would hinder her ability to act, and would rob her and her soldiers of the glory they had fought with their lives for.

Therefore, he always stood far away like this, with a careful mind, making no sound, but like dew and rain, paying attention to every detail.

This is the Cui Ling'an behind her. He is like this this time and everything is like this.

The moment Chang Suining stepped into the cabin, he grasped the short knife with both hands and raised his eyebrows slightly stained with blood.

It was strange, she suddenly wanted to see him.

In her behavior, when it comes to the people she knows, most of them are only divided into "should see" and "should not see", and there are very few "want to see". But with such a person, it is difficult to make people not want to see him, right?

Wait until next year.

In the coming year, she will completely restore calm to this sea area. If the northern border is safe and sound under the garrison of Xuance's army, she will try to invite him to Jiangdu.

When the time comes, she will entertain him with Jiangdu's best scenery, the most fragrant wine, and the most prosperous people's livelihood.

Cui Ling'an deserves the best and most attentive hospitality.

After watching Chang Suining enter the cabin, when Chu Xing was about to leave, he met Vice Admiral Jin coming towards him.

After the victory, Vice General Jin calmed down from the great joy, and now his face was filled with a layer of silent sadness.

The two soldiers behind him also had the same expression, and the two soldiers were holding a broad-backed broadsword decorated with a copper ring in their hands.

Chu Xing looked over and couldn't help but be startled: "...How come the general's beheading is here? The general is also here?"

When he arrived, the sound of fighting was already roaring to the sky. With the battle situation so critical, no one bothered to talk about anything in detail.

At this moment, looking at Zhan Xiu, who seemed to be brought back as a relic, and the demeanor of Deputy General Jin and others, Chu Xing's eyes almost turned black.

"The general...died in battle." Vice General Jin's voice was hoarse and trembling, and he clenched his fists tightly.

Chu Xing was stunned on the spot, with no trace of blood on his face. After a long while, he asked stiffly: "...Where is the body of the general?"

"Now only Zhanxiu has been found. I have asked the soldiers who collected the corpses to pay more attention..." Vice General Jin said with red eyes: "At that time, General Dian and the general jumped into the sea and were chased by Japanese pirates in the water. , maybe left in the sea..."

"A Dian..." Chu Xing steadied himself, and after a moment, he suddenly stepped forward. He wanted to find it himself. He couldn't let the general and A Dian stay in the cold yellow ocean!

He wanted to take the general back to the land for burial, before the ground was still frozen...

Tears overflowed from the corners of Chu Xing's eyes, and he did not forget to tell Deputy General Jin: "You guys, don't go in yet... let the girl stay alone for a while."

The girl's behavior just now is very abnormal, but this phenomenon is very common on the battlefield. After many soldiers lose important brothers and sisters, they often choose to deliberately avoid mentioning it at the end of the war. The more such behavior, it means that they have suffered a blow. The heavier.

Chu Xing was thinking randomly, and just as Vice Admiral Jin said "yes", he saw two military doctors walking out of the cabin.

Then, a tall figure with a lot of wounds wrapped around his body came out - Deputy General Jin was shocked: "?!"

When the figure saw Deputy General Jin and others, he walked towards Zhan Xiu in surprise: "Have you found Uncle Chang's sword? Give it to me quickly. Uncle Chang is groggy and crying looking for his sword!"

Chang Kuo developed a high fever and fell into coma, crying loudly and calling for His Highness and his Zhan Xiu.

Vice Admiral Jin's feet trembled, he staggered back, opened his mouth, and rushed into the cabin without asking a single word.

In a short period of time, Chu Xing, who had experienced great joy and great sorrow, and was beaten repeatedly by the two, also followed suit.

Then, the two men who had recovered, along with several generals who followed closely, surrounded the unconscious Chang Kuo and burst into tears.

After listening to them cry for a long time, Chang Sui Ning realized that they didn't even know that Lao Chang was still alive.

Chang Suining looked at Yuan Xiang - he always had the fastest mouth, but he didn't say anything?

However, everyone is busy fighting, and in the chaos, it is normal for the information exchange to be delayed.

Tens of thousands of soldiers from top to bottom thought "General Chang was dead". After that, when Old Chang's "fake corpse" appeared in front of people, at least some people had to be frightened.

Yuan Xiang looked at Wu Jue who was sitting cross-legged and peeling oranges and eating them - he thought Master Wu Jue had said that. No, now he should be called "Master Xuanyangzi" to the outside world. This is Master Wu Jue's new nickname.

However, Yuanxiang felt that changing "Yangzi" to "Orange" would be more appropriate.

He was eating the orange with endless groans. This old man was in a coma. He only called His Highness, Zhan Xiu, and that boy Sui'an. He didn't even mention him. It was obvious that he was not in his heart. The mutton soup was white. End of it!

Thinking like this, he heard whispers coming out of Chang Kuo's mouth, vaguely calling a woman's name.

Vice Admiral Jin, who was lying next to the couch, immediately stopped crying, concentrated his mind, and put his ear close to listen.

Chang Kuo: "Li..."

"Cough!" Chang Suining suddenly coughed.

Lieutenant General Jin, who was holding the jade pendant, refused to give up. He asked in a tone that looked concerned but was actually gossiping: "General, what did you say?"

Chang Kuo was confused, but also aggrieved and whispered: "There is nothing to say to this woman who has always been in trouble but has given up..."

Vice Admiral Jin's eyes and mouth were suddenly as round as eggs: "...!"

There was a moment of silence in the cabin. Everyone looked stunned and surprised, but they couldn't help but have the flames of gossip burning in their eyes.

what is this?

An iron-blooded, violent, loyal and brave prince, who suddenly changed his mind and begged for mercy? !

"..." Seeing that Chang Kuo seemed to want to continue talking, Chang Suining forcibly cut off everything: "Just now the military doctor said, Dad must not be disturbed-"

If things continue like this, I'm afraid that although Lao Chang didn't die in battle, he will experience death in another sense.

Such a great favor, after Lao Chang wakes up, he should prepare a banquet to thank her.

Vice General Jin and others were all driven out.

Soon, only Chang Sui Ning and Wu Jue A Dian were left around Chang Kuo.

After seeing the person leave, Chang Suining moved closer and asked in a persuasive tone: "Begin with chaos and end with abandonment...then what?"

Wujue put down the orange skillfully and leaned in to listen.

When A Dian was about to move forward, Wu Jue waved his hand towards him and whispered: "Go, go, kids can't listen!"

A Dian quickly covered his ears.

This time I took advantage of my illness to "torture", but I didn't get much. Chang Sui Ning and Wu Jue are very sorry.

But I also know a few bits and pieces, starting with chaos and finally giving up, refusing to admit it... Doesn't this mean that Lao Chang is the one who was abandoned?

"I didn't realize that Lao Chang was hiding so deeply..." Wujue clicked his tongue twice: "I just don't know which heroine is so brave."

Chang Suining nodded, she knew this heroine well.

But it was always hard for her to reveal the secret on her father's behalf. There were some things that Lao Chang could say but she couldn't.

However, now that Lao Chang has escaped death, he is still talking about her, which shows that he is worried about him... After this, I wonder if he will have new insights and choices?

These are not things that Chang Sui Ning is good at, so she doesn't intend to get involved, and just wants to be a spectator.

After leaving people to take care of Chang Kuo, Chang Sui Ning immediately fell asleep.

After sleeping like this for half a day, I got up at the right time, stretched, washed my face, and left the cabin.

Chang Suining raised his hands to cover his eyes and squinted at the sun hanging in the sky.

It’s time to sleep, the sun has risen, it’s time to get the Fujiwara Maro dog head.

Following Chang Suining's order, more than 30,000 soldiers were ready.

The armor on their faces is more or less scarred and broken, just like those well-prepared warships and battle flags, there are also collisions, cracks, and stains of blood. These marks are like heavy glory, which does not detract from their majesty, but instead adds to their dignity. Heaven and earth proclaim their fearlessness and extraordinary achievements.

In the daytime, the scarlet color on the sea is even more dazzling.

Rows of warships sailed against the wind, cutting through the strange golden-red water curtain under the sunlight, and marched deeper into the vast ocean.

The half-day rest was too hasty. During the voyage, Chang Suining asked the soldiers to take turns to rest on the ship.

Half of these 37,000 soldiers followed Chu Xing back from Runzhou. The rest were all healthy and had no serious injuries. They took turns resting along the way, which was enough for them to replenish their physical strength.

What really needs rest is the remnants of Maro Fujiwara's troops.

Most of them were injured, whether minor or serious, and their warships were seriously damaged. After taking advantage of the wind and escaping hundreds of miles overnight, they had to stop to rest and catch their breath.

Before they could recover, the hurried sentries brought back the news that Sheng's army had launched troops to pursue them.

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