Hello Chang’an

Chapter 500: Your Majesty, please stop the loss

Chapter 500 Your Majesty, please stop the loss

Princess Xuan'an's words did not have any roundabout foreshadowing, and she did not even "ask the Holy One to punish her". Instead, she bluntly proposed that Li Xian be executed.

This was the confidence that her identity gave her, and it was also her determination that Li Xian deserved to die.

Perhaps because the words were too sudden and sharp, the originally noisy hall became silent at this time.

Emperor Shengce looked at the eldest princess Xuan'an, and there was silence in her eyes - she knew that Li Rong's visit to the capital could not be for the purpose of worshiping his ancestors.

Xuan'an and Li Rong, who had always ignored disputes, would now stand up in front of others for a matter, and even put pressure on her as an emperor... The current situation in the world is indeed very different from before.

Aware of the emperor's gaze, the eldest princess Xuan'an remained motionless, her expression solemn and determined.

After a moment, an old and majestic voice sounded in the palace, asking the eldest princess Xuan'an: "It's a war in Tanzhou, but the eldest princess bluntly asked the saint to execute the commander. I don't know what the reason is?"

Princess Xuan'an tilted her head slightly and looked at the speaker, meeting a pair of old but not turbid eyes.

The Taifu is much older and thinner, but standing there, it makes people feel like a pine tree whose strength has not faded, still the same as before.

If others had said this, Princess Xuan'an might have thought it was a question, but the Tutor was different. He had the prestige and qualifications to question her, but his intention at this time was not that -

The emperor said nothing and looked around. The Taifu said this to give her a chance to continue speaking logically.

The eldest princess Xuan'an looked at the Taifu with respect in her eyes. After turning her head slightly, Fang Surong replied: "Li Rong is not familiar with military affairs, and he also knows that there are many problems with changing commanders before the battle. However, the Korean Gong Li Xian made it on Jiangnan West Road." Plague, killing people without orders is really not a good general capable of taking on big responsibilities!"

The eldest princess's voice was sonorous and powerful. As she spoke, she raised her head and looked at the emperor: "I'm afraid even your majesty has been deceived by it!"

Whether there is "deception" in this, everyone can make their own decision in their own minds, but the king denies that the plague is caused by man-made events, so he can only be "deceived".

When their eyes met, the Holy Emperor looked down at the eldest princess Xuan'an. When he spoke, his voice was difficult to distinguish between joy and anger: "This matter is not trivial, Xuan'an, do you have any evidence?"

The eldest princess lowered her eyes and said: "Back to Your Majesty, Mr. Song Xian Song, who serves as the censor of the Yushitai Palace, has also returned to the capital with Li Rong this time. He is waiting for the summons outside the palace at the moment -"

Song Xian…

The Holy Emperor raised his eyes and looked at the open door of the palace: "Xuan Song entered the palace."

"Xuan-Shi Censor Song Xian came to the palace to have an audience!"

The singing voice of the chamberlain spread outside the palace. Song Xian, who had been waiting for a long time, adjusted his official robe slightly and stepped into the palace without hesitation.

The moment he walked into the hall, Song Xian noticed that almost everyone's eyes were on him.

The last time he received so many gazes was when he stepped into the court as the number one scholar and walked in front of people.

At that time, he was a promising new science champion in everyone's eyes. Against the backdrop of the struggle between the emperor and the nobility, he was a rookie from a humble family who was about to be reused. There were countless people who wanted to win over him.

At this moment, if those eyes looking at him put aside their hidden pretense, most of them would be filled with confusion, regret, or out of ridicule or even ridicule for his ignorant actions.

And these sights put together are not enough to compare with the disdain of the saint at the top—

The Holy Book Emperor looked at the young official walking towards him.

This is the number one scholar she has appointed, and she is the prime minister she is quite optimistic about. Therefore, she gave this group of young people the most opportunities to practice in order to be promoted quickly, and placed them in key positions as an exception...this time Going to Yuezhou, she nodded without hesitation when faced with Song Xian's self-recommendation.

Everyone could see that as long as the Censor returned safely, she would not hesitate to promote him again.

However, when the imperial team first arrived in Yuezhou, Fang Ting, the Minister of Rites, secretly sent a message back. The letter stated that something unexpected had happened in Yuezhou, and the person who took the lead in promoting the accident despite not listening to dissuasion was none other than Song Dynasty, whom she had agreed to go to. show.

After that day, there was no news from Song Xian. Among those who knew about it, some speculated that he left and never returned, while others speculated that he contracted the plague and died... But in fact, he appeared here together with Princess Xuan'an. On top of the main hall, stood the opposite direction to her, the king.

Did she not give enough?

She is not a foolish monarch who does not value talents, but these young people with wavering minds have failed her training and promotion due to various reasons.

It was rare for the Holy Emperor to feel two points of anger in her heart. This anger stemmed from her trust and kindness being betrayed, and also from the fact that the imperial power she represented was being despised or even abandoned to some extent.

Under the gaze of the emperor, Song Xian knelt down to plead guilty: "Song Xian, a humble minister, went to Yuezhou under the imperial order, but returned without permission without permission. This can be regarded as an act of rebellion and should be severely punished according to the law -"

After saying this, he knocked his head heavily on the ground and his voice got louder: "I dare you to ask your majesty to explain what I have heard and seen during this trip before imposing the punishment!"

The Holy Emperor looked at the young man who didn't know how to hide his desperate spirit, and said slowly: "Song Qing, just tell me."

Song Xian's voice did not hesitate: "I was ordered by His Majesty to go to Yuezhou to treat the people affected by the epidemic. However, on the day of arrival, I saw Yan Chenglu, the deputy general under the command of the Korean Duke, ordering the burning and killing of tens of thousands of people suffering from the epidemic -"

"The saint ordered us to go there to save the lives of thousands of people. I dare not forget the holy order and cannot dissuade me. I can only try to lead the people to escape from the resettlement place. However, even so, Yan Chenglu, the deputy general under the command of the Korean Duke, still led The soldiers pursued and killed them without any regard for the court's laws, and their vicious methods were truly frightening!"

"I and tens of thousands of people were almost shot and killed on the banks of the Han River... Fortunately, in the panic, they strayed into the Mianzhou border and were rescued by the Changjie envoy of Huainan Road. They just escaped death!"

"Everything I said is true. Tens of thousands of people in Yuezhou can testify to this matter. I also found out that the South Korean government ordered thousands of people infected with the epidemic to be shot and killed. This is also true!"

Song Xian bowed again: "Korean Lord created the plague first and massacred the affected people later. Now the public resentment is boiling inside and outside Jiangnan West Road. I boldly ask your Majesty to seek justice for the people who died in vain and severely punish the culprits in order to put an end to this injustice." Wind, to quell this overwhelming public anger!”

As Song Xian's words fell in one breath, the atmosphere in the hall was like waves rising on the surface of a lake, and unexpected sounds could be heard all the time.

This unexpected voice was mixed between true and false. There were many people who knew the truth, but there were also officials who did not have the opportunity to know the details of the matter.

During the discussion, an official looked at Song Xian and said tactfully: "Yangzhi, what you saw was the work of the deputy general under the command of South Korea. There may be something wrong with his actions, but the full picture is not yet known. Now chaos is everywhere. , or maybe there was a riot among the people at that time, and it is unknown if it was just a suppressive move..."

Song Xian turned around and saw that the official who called him to show his closeness was none other than his superior, the imperial censor Wu Shunqing. He was also the one who reminded him before leaving, "When you arrive in Yuezhou, you must pay special attention to your actions."

Song Xian understood that the other party's words at this time were also reminding him. Such reminders may come from good intentions and protection. However, such good intentions came from the imperial censor of the dynasty... but it only made him feel sad and sad.

The purpose of the censor is to protect the imperial court, to uphold the official style, and to complain about injustices. Rather than trying to conceal the truth, the purpose of the censor is to figure out the holy will and protect oneself wisely!

It was a hot summer day, but Song Xian felt in a daze that it was hundreds of times colder than when he traveled to Dongluo in the twelfth lunar month last year.

The imperial censor looked at him with mixed emotions in his eyes: "The censor has the power to report rumors, but convicting the Korean public of causing the plague is of great importance and requires evidence to convince the public."

Song Xian moved the corners of his pale lips, and he suddenly understood why Chang Jieshi did not approve of him returning to the capital alone, because even if he could return to the capital alive and be able to stand in this hall and successfully carry out his death remonstrance, But it is meaningless... His death also cannot be used as "evidence to convince the public."

When Song Xian was about to speak, Princess Xuan'an spoke in front of him and answered the censor's words: "I brought the evidence."

Not long after, a military commander who came with Princess Xuan'an was announced into the palace.

This general's right arm was missing, and his complexion looked yellow after recovering from a serious injury.

He entered the hall and saluted, and first identified himself. His name was Luo Zheng, and he was a lieutenant in the army that defeated Bian. His disability was caused by the fact that he accompanied Xiao Min to kill tens of thousands of infected people outside Yuezhou not long ago. It was left behind during the reign of Bian Jun.

He was seriously injured and almost died. Although he survived by chance, he could no longer continue to serve in the army, so he withdrew from the army.

Xiao Min was well aware of Li Xian's poisoning. Chang Suining found this person through Xiao Min and ordered him to go to Beijing with Princess Xuan'an to face the saint.

"The poison referendum in South Korea is conclusive, and I can testify to this with my humble position!" Luo Zheng also knelt down and said: "On the day of the poison referendum in South Korea, hundreds of soldiers responsible for throwing stones were used to throw the poison into Yuezhou City with a trebuchet. In order to cover up this matter, I forced the humble official to execute those hundreds of soldiers privately!"

That day, he was forced by Li Xian's power and ordered to kill those hundred soldiers. After that, the matter became a knot in his heart.

Later, the plague broke out in Yuezhou, and he just understood the whole story...

And the **** battle with tens of thousands of infected Bian soldiers, which was enough to overwhelm his sanity, also became his nightmare.

He was seriously injured and comatose for many days. When he woke up, he wanted to go home, but he learned that his hometown was in turmoil and his mother, wife and children died in the turmoil. That was even nearly half a year ago, but now he finally finally reached his ears.

But secretly, he still felt that this seemed to be a kind of retribution.

In terms of cause and effect, today's turbulent world seems like a huge retribution...but those who planted the cause still control the power of life and death, and those who bear all the suffering are just humble ants like them.

In his depression, he even thought about dying, but General Xiao found him at that time.

He agreed to go to Beijing without any hesitation. Now he was just dying alone. Instead of dying with an uneasy conscience and feeling useless, he might as well take the opportunity to tell the truth and say a word of justice to the soldiers who died in vain under his hands!

The truth is obvious. There is no shortage of witnesses like him, but everyone is pretending to be deaf and dumb. The scene at the moment is really ridiculous.

This made Luo Zheng's voice get a little louder: "Shortly after the Korean referendum, the military was ordered to take preventive decoction! The preventive prescription that appeared in the hands of the Korean public early is also ironclad evidence!"

The eldest princess Xuan'an said at the right time: "Your Majesty, we have found out that the medicinal materials required in that preventive prescription are not commonly used in the military. The Korean prince gave the military orders in advance to purchase large quantities secretly, which clearly shows that he was responsible for manufacturing this medicine. This plague has been planned for a long time.”

"In addition, Mr. Han has been following a Nanzhao woman all year round. According to verification, this woman is from the Nanzhao Wang tribe. People in this tribe are best at raising poisonous insects and making poison. The source of this plague is probably From this woman’s hand.”

At the end, Princess Xuan'an said: "Your Majesty, the truth is before our eyes. In addition to the casualties of Bian's army, this man-made disaster also caused tens of thousands of our troops and innocent people to die in vain! South Korea's public conduct of war is eager for success. , regardless of the origin, the methods are insidious and unpopular. If not severely punished, the chaos in the hearts and minds of the people and the army will not be calmed!

The word "stop loss" is not unimportant.

The beaded crown of the Emperor's crown makes it difficult for people to see the emperor's demeanor.

"Your Majesty, the public administration of the army in South Korea is too strict, and killings and punishments are arbitrary. There are often attempts to avenge private grievances and eliminate dissidents in the army. The whole army is like a tight string... If things go on like this, there may be a big disaster!" Luo Zheng also kowtowed: " Please stop the loss, Your Majesty!”

"Bian Jun suffered such a heavy blow, but within a short period of time he had the tendency to rise again in Tanzhou. In the final analysis, it was due to the resentment of the people." Song Xian paused: "If you keep evil dogs, they will be injured. It is not time to repair the lost sheep." Late! For the sake of the people, the war situation, and the country - please stop the loss!"

This sentence was undoubtedly more serious, and the hall even became quiet because of it.

Wei Shuyi stood aside quietly and did not speak. He only looked at the young official kneeling there. Even though he was a close official of the emperor, he had to admit that Song Xian's words were unfavorable advice worth listening to.

This would have been a good straight minister.

But today is different from the past. Under such a situation, these words are no different from threats to His Majesty at this time.

Especially when the eldest princess Xuan'an cannot afford to kneel down - the eldest princess is no less important than the vassal king who holds the real power. Her kneeling down is destined to make it difficult for this matter to be revealed lightly. Pass.

Today, all the evidence and testimony are not important, the most important thing is the weight of the pressurer.

The next moment, Wei Shuyi suddenly saw the officials beside him coming out of the corner of his eye. He took a step forward and saluted deeply: "Your Majesty, the words of the imperial censor of the Song Dynasty are clear in every word. In order to prevent greater disasters from happening, it is urgent. The root of the problem should be eliminated in time - I hope your Majesty will deal with the Korean public and stop this loss in time. "

This man was about forty years old, and he was Cui Hao, another minister of the same province as Wei Shuyi, the left minister.

Wei Shuyi and Wei Shuyi had become familiar with Cui Hao's temperament through the game of decentralization of power under his sect. At this time, the other party agreed with his words, or he had the most hypocritical and self-interested intentions. However, it is undeniable that Cui Hao plays an important role in the court. weight.

Sure enough, as Cui Hao came out, several officials soon followed.

Either out of party affiliation, or because they believed from the bottom of their hearts that this move was conducive to the stability of the country, the latter boldly chose to rectify the emperor's views.

Therefore, the Holy Emperor soon discovered that among the officials who asked him to "stop losses", there were even ministers who he had single-handedly supported.

Good night everyone!

(Daily nonsense: When I was having dinner tonight, I was chatting with my friends in the group. I mentioned that when my family members were looking at WeChat, they donated 100 yuan in Shuidichou (premature babies live in incubators). My friends joked that they would be blessed. If you pay it back, you will definitely earn it back. But just after I finished speaking... I suddenly took a big sip of squid juice in a snail (an ordinary barbecue restaurant)... My mouth was full of black water! I didn't know what it was at the time! The family members hurriedly called the boss, and the whole store was in a state of shock. Everyone came to see my mouth full of black juice, and my teeth were black, and I couldn’t even rinse my mouth clean... The boss couldn’t help but laugh, and repeatedly promised that it was not poisonous... and finally beat him. There is a discount, which is 80 yuan cheaper. (The blessings really come too quickly... (The merits of donating money are 28% points with the boss)

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