Hello Chang’an

Chapter 520: I'll break your legs

Chapter 520 I will break your legs

Hearing Cui Lang's urging, the tribesmen began to talk in low voices.

The clan elder said with an uncertain expression: "The whole clan has to move away from Qinghe, which has not happened in hundreds of years. It is really a matter of great importance... Ordinarily, we need to ask the family head for instructions before we can make a decision..."

Many tribesmen agreed with complicated emotions.

"How can I have time to ask my grandfather for instructions now! It takes half a month to send the letter to the capital!" Cui Lang rolled his eyes and said: "By then, I'm afraid that we will all have fallen into the hands of King Fan Yang! If we are less lucky, , move faster, maybe the time it takes to deliver the letter will be enough for me to be reincarnated!"

"Mukuro, you..."

Cui Lang's unabashed words made many tribesmen shake their heads, but upon careful consideration, one can see that these words are not unreasonable.

While they were talking, the rain outside the hall stopped at some point.

The noisy sound of rain was no longer in the ears, but it became more and more anxious. To everyone, it seemed that the last barrier was visibly fading away.

"Elder of the tribe..." Some tribesmen looked at the old man above him hesitantly, hoping that he would make a decision.

The old man looked at Cui Lang and finally said: "Liu Lang, please take a look at the letter with me."

Cui Lang immediately handed over the letter with both hands, and his servants brought it to the clan elders.

The clan elder looked at it and confirmed that it was undoubtedly from Bingzhou Governor Shi. Thinking of the outstanding young man who was exterminated by the Cui family, he sighed deeply in his heart.

"Uncle, I am willing to take responsibility for this!" Cui Lang said: "If my grandfather is held responsible for this later, I will stand up and bear the responsibility! If it doesn't work, when my grandfather asks about it, he will say that I was the one who knocked out the unconscious belt. Just leave, uncle!"

Anyway, he can indeed do such a thing.

The clan elder was speechless when he heard this. What kind of unofficial idea are these?

Why does he need a junior to tell lies to preserve his "character"?

"Uncles, please listen to what I have to say!" Cui Lang looked at everyone, raised his hands and bowed deeply.

Everyone looked at the young man with mixed emotions.

When the young man bent his back like this and begged for her, most of his youthfulness and uncertainty seemed to have faded away from his body. Although his figure was bent, he was more paradoxically upright than usual.

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and everyone was vaguely aware that after this silence, a real decision would come.

"Liu Lang-" In the silence, the clan elder looked at the young man who kept bending to salute, and asked: "You might as well ask yourself first, are you really determined to lead the clan members out of Qinghe? Are you really enough to shoulder this important task? ?"

In this question, there was a responsibility to directly press Cui Lang, and there was also a power to be transferred silently. There are attempts to deliver trust, and there are also temptations and expectations.

The significance of leading the people to move away from the place where the clan originated is huge.

And all the accidents and mistakes that may occur along the way will also be tied to the person who makes the decision.

This mountain-like heavy responsibility did not scare away the young man in pink. He raised his head without hesitation and said: "Cui Lang promises that my Cui clan will be sent to Taiyuan safely! Please trust Cui Lang this time. !”

"Okay." The clan elder stood up holding on to the side of the chair. His old body was slightly stooped, but his voice was clear: "Immediately inform the clan that we are preparing to move to Taiyuan!"

These words passed through the fading rain and fog outside the hall and quickly spread among the clan. For a while, the Cui Manchu clan was shocked and in an uproar.

Most of them never thought that one day their families would leave Qinghe, the most secure place in their eyes.

Some people were puzzled, some were panicked, and some were still not convinced after hearing the explanation and decided to stay here.

Regarding these stubborn people, Cui Lang just told everyone not to pay attention to them, let alone waste words with them, and just pack their things. When the clan is empty, those people will follow, but those who are still unwilling to follow will be knocked unconscious. take away.

The migration of tribesmen is different from the way soldiers break camp. They can mount their horses and set off as soon as they say they want to leave.

Putting aside the clan members who were in the capital and served as officials and celebrities everywhere, there were still more than a thousand Cui clan members staying in Qinghe at this time. More than half of them were women, children and the elderly, so their movements were inevitably slow.

It also takes time to inform everyone of the news. Each family has to pack their things, and they have no experience in migration at all. Even if they have prepared overnight, when the next day dawns, everyone is only half-prepared in the chaos. arrive.

It was at this time that news came that Fan Yang's army was attacking the city again.

As soon as the rain stopped, Fan Yang's army came to attack impatiently. The attack became more and more fierce, and Xingzhou's army was on the verge of collapse.

Cui Lang became anxious and repeatedly urged the tribesmen to bring only enough food and leave the rest behind.

But this statement is not recognized by most tribesmen. For them, even if their money can be thrown away, they must take all their books with them. This is the foundation of the Cui family and must not be abandoned!

When it was getting late, news suddenly came back. Yigu, whose legs were covered with mud and water as he ran, was shocked: "Lang Jun, it's not good! The city is broken! The governor of Xingzhou has committed suicide by committing suicide!"

Cui Lang's face turned pale. When he looked for the clan elder in a hurry, he saw that the clan elder was leading people to a library, holding the key in his hand.

"Uncle, the city of Xingzhou has been destroyed, and Fan Yang's army will arrive soon! We must leave immediately!"

The clan elder was shocked, but he still said without hesitation: "No, there is my Cui family's only copy in this library!"

As he said that, he was about to run over quickly when Cui Lang grabbed his arm: "Uncle, I have copied those orphan copies a long time ago! Let's go! If you delay for a moment longer, your life will be in danger!"

The clan elder looked at Cui Lang with an expression of disbelief.

"I swear I didn't lie to you! Otherwise, what do you think I've been doing in this library for more than a year!"

The clan elder asked urgently: "Where is the manuscript?"

Cui Lang: "I sent them to Jiangdu a long time ago. They have been copied into more than ten volumes while I was keeping them. I will get another copy for you in the future! Don't worry!"

The clan elder swayed, and a mouthful of blood was almost forced out - he was relieved... he was so relieved!

He was so relieved that he could ascend directly to heaven!

The dude he thought he was was actually a big rat, and he was trying to evacuate his entire house right under his nose!

He wants to take back his newly born recognition of this dude!

The clan elder who was dragged back by Cui Lang had his lips trembling as he trembled and spat out unfinished words: "You are such a bastard...if the master of the family knows this, he will break your legs!"

"Isn't that right!" Cui Lang said while dragging people along: "So in order to give my grandfather a chance to break my legs, let's go faster!"

The clan elder didn't bother to scold him any more. He looked back at the library behind him and the house looming in the dim light. He thought to himself, "Burn them all." But when he said the words, his eyes turned red. Don't give up.

This is the foundation of the Cui family for hundreds of years. "Uncle, keep them." Cui Lang did not look back, but he could sense the struggle of the old man beside him. He said: "Now that there is no second hospital in Jiangdu, we should no longer regard what the world has gained as the general trend. The Cui family is lost."

The world has changed, and some obsessions should have been let go long ago.

When the new system comes, those who still cling to the old ideas are destined to be crushed by unexplainable greed.

There were tears rolling down the eyes of the clan elder. After all, he did not order the fire to be set, so he was helped out of here by Cui Lang.

As midnight approached, thousands of Cui clan members finally left Qinghe in a mighty manner.

There were cries from time to time in the carriage and horse team. Some people lamented decadently, some looked back with tears, and there were also children who didn't know what was going on and could only uneasily grasp the corners of their elders' clothes.

Cui Lang asked two thousand private soldiers to clear the way in front, protecting the women, children, old and weak tribesmen in the middle. He and some young disciples were behind, and behind were ordinary servants and mule carts carrying goods.

The remaining private soldiers were distributed on both sides of the team, always paying attention to the movements around them and responsible for maintaining order in the team.

This arrangement was learned by Cui Lang from Chang Sui Ning when they were playing polo in the Juju Club.

At that time, he did not know that one day he would use the formation skills he learned on the polo field in the migration of his tribe.

Cui Lang sat on the shaft of the car and looked back at Qinghe County, which was fading away. For the first time, he had a concrete understanding of the four ordinary-sounding words of impermanence.

At the beginning of this summer, he received a letter from "Xi Zhiyuan", in which his former friend confessed his identity...it turned out that the new king who ascended the throne of Dongluo was actually his former classmate who played polo with him.

After they actually started on the road, and the Cui clan gradually accepted the fact of moving away from Qinghe, no one could care anymore about being sentimental. They only hoped to reach Taiyuan as soon as possible so that this unprecedented embarrassing escape could be ended. .

However, after the rain, the road was muddy and difficult to navigate, and the team moved forward slowly, which made people even more anxious.

Even though they had not slept for nearly two days and two nights since they were preparing to leave, most of the Cui clan members, except for some children, were still not sleepy at all. Their hearts were filled with worries about the unknown future and the threat of Fan Yangjun behind them. alert.

A young man next to Cui Lang was also extremely uneasy. He tried to say something to relieve his uneasiness, and asked Cui Lang casually: "Liu Lang, didn't you bring anything?"

Rokuro had no baggage on him, nor on his servant, nor was Rokuro's trunk found in the car.

"I haven't brought anything with me." As Cui Lang spoke, he raised his hand to the hem of his clothes and lowered his eyes and said, "But I have brought all the important things with me."

The young man looked and saw something protruding from the lapel of his clothes, which seemed to be letters, and there were more than one.

Cui Lang put the exposed letter back into his clothes and placed them properly.

At this time, there was sudden commotion in the team behind them from far to near.

Cui Lang immediately looked back with vigilance. The restless sound quickly added to the panic. Then, a private soldier approached quickly and shouted loudly: "Fan Yang's army from behind has arrived!"

What? !

Fan Yangjun caught up with him right away!

So fast, it was obvious that he had just broken through Xingzhou City and rushed directly to Qinghe!

At this moment, the sky was already dark, and among the panic, some tribesmen immediately asked: "How many people and horses do they have!"

"...Just looking at the team, there are at least tens of thousands of people!"

There was an uproar among the team, and the clan elder who insisted on staying behind with his young disciples looked solemn - Fan Yangjun was chasing them in such a formation, he was determined to keep them behind!

"Rokuro, you guys go forward immediately, don't stop, the sooner the better!" The clan elder made a decisive decision: "Quick!"

This place is only sixty or seventy miles away from Qinghe, and it is far from the connecting point. Obviously we can't get away if we go together. It is better to let the young people of the clan take the women and children in front, and let him lead the people to try to find ways in the rear. Do your best to delay.

"No!" Cui Lang immediately vetoed the clan elder's proposal: "Fan Yang's army is coming in force and is not easy to stop. It is not appropriate to have a head-on conflict with them..."

Cui Lang looked at the two clan uncles: "Uncle Thirteen, Uncle Nineteen, could you please **** my uncle to the front to wait for news."


Cui Lang interrupted them: "I am here."

The clan elder shook his head: "Liu Lang, you are the leader of the clan..."

"Uncle." Cui Lang smiled at him: "I promised that my people would arrive in Taiyuan safely. This is my first time to be such a big boss. Can you bear to see me break my promise and be embarrassed?"

"Besides, I'm not going to die." Cui Lang patted his chest and promised, "I'll act according to the opportunity."

Although he is a waste, when it comes to dealing with people, he has a sharp eye, and he dares to say that there are few people in the clan who can match him.

And when negotiating with others, you need to bring out someone with enough weight to speak out in order to get the chance to delay the negotiation. Although my uncle has prestige, he is old, and his words are harsh. It seems that he has not even been alive for a few days. This It can't be sold at a high price.

He knew that his uncle must be determined to die, but how could Fan Yangjun not notice his uncle's intentions? I'm afraid I won't buy it at all.

On the contrary, his identity as the eldest son of the Cui family can still be used to bluff people.

Seeing that Cui Lang was determined, the clan members took the elders to the front.

Cui Lang asked people to hurry up and marched for more than ten miles. Finally, he was overtaken by Fan Yang's army in the rear.

Those Fan Yang soldiers came through the mud on their sturdy Northland war horses, with **** and murderous aura still remaining on their armor, and the swords on their waists shone with a frightening light in this autumn morning.

As soon as they approached, they moved forward to pursue them in a domineering manner, trying to surround the entire Cui family's team.

The guards of the Cui family were forced to rein in their horses. As the atmosphere between the two sides became tense, Cui Lang led his men out of the carriage. Soon, the leader of Fan Yang's army came closer on horseback, and a long and solemn face of a man appeared in the sight of Cui Lang and others.

The man reined in his horse, raised his hand holding the reins, bowed his head in a manner that could not be called respectful, and said: "Duan Shi'ang, on the order of King Fan Yang, went to Qinghe to pay a visit to the Cui family's famous people - but it didn't work. When I looked around Qinghe, there were no traces of famous people, so I almost missed the opportunity to visit him."

These mocking words made the tribesmen behind Cui Lang change their minds. The person leading the pursuit was Duan Shiang!

Duan Shiang personally led a large number of troops to come, and King Fan Yang really "valued" the Cui family!

I'm afraid it won't be easy to escape safely today...

At this time, Cui Lang took a step forward, raised his hand and saluted with a kind face, and said with a smile: "It turns out that General Duan is here in person, so I'm disrespectful."

(Goodnight everybody!

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