Hello Chang’an

Chapter 529: Luoyang city destroyed

Chapter 529 Luoyang City is destroyed

"What did Master Lang say?" Lu said, "I am facing Master Lang with my true face."

Lu looked at Cui He, whose face was getting tighter and paler, and asked calmly and seriously: "But how does Master Lang feel about me like this?"

She answered on her own: "I'm afraid she's not much better than Mrs. Zheng back then."

"No..." Cui Hao's voice seemed to be a straight line stretched to the extreme, with a slight trembling that could not be suppressed. The trembling contained sarcasm, anger, and the strong self-confidence after being exposed. Support: "You are far more terrifying than Zheng..."

She deceived him for more than ten years and turned him into a fool who seemed to be played by her... What else is this if it's not scary?

"Mrs. Zheng treats her as she is, but the master thinks she is stubborn and disgusting." Lu said: "I serve you with gentle words, but the master thinks I am hypocritical and terrible -"

"So, Master Lang wants to be sincere, but he can't see any unsatisfactory truth."

Hearing this, Cui Hao's eyes turned even redder, and he suddenly raised his voice: "That's enough... You don't leave Zheng's every word, do you want to complain about her!"

"You have never seen how I get along with her, so why are you so sure that her death is my fault? Just because she and I don't have the same temperament, do you want to blame all this fault on me? "

This was the loudest and most intense statement he had ever made since the conversation. Raging emotions erupted all over his body, and his anger was evident in every part of his body.

But Mrs. Lu showed no fear at all. She looked at Cui He quietly, and when she spoke again, she became calmer.

"There are a few people in this world who are born with the same temperament. They just manage externally and tolerate internally."

"I really don't know how Mrs. Zheng is getting along with the Master, but I know that even though I have tried my best to comply with the Master's wishes, I still haven't seen any trace of the Master's management and tolerance of the relationship between husband and wife. Wait. Those who get along well are like this, but those who need to get along with each other, what will the master be like? "

Cui Hao's trembling body was frozen in the wind and rain.

And Lu's calm voice continued: "Every woman with the fifth surname of the gentry has known her destiny since she was sensible."

Mrs. Lu said: "We are often prepared to become wives of aristocratic families very early on, so I don't think any of them would want to live a good life when they get married, but go to marry their husbands."

There are examples of the temperament of Da Lang and Zheng Chao of the Zheng family. She believes that Mrs. Zheng may have more pride and self-esteem than ordinary gentry women. Such pride and self-esteem are indeed not a good thing for gentry women... but she also believes that, Such a woman, even if she does not get the love of a secular husband and wife, is still very good at being a competent wife who respects her husband as a guest.

Unless her husband is dissatisfied with her pride and strength and wants to break and obliterate all her ego and stubbornness.

Apart from this, Lu couldn't think of any other possibility to kill such a woman.

"Master Lang has always been suspicious that Dalang would think that you killed his mother..." Mrs. Lu looked at Cui Er steadily and said in a conclusive tone: "But in fact, Mrs. Zheng died exactly after Master Lang." Under his arrogance and ego, the master is not worthy of her, but he wants to manipulate her and crush her—"

"...Lu!" Cui Ai suddenly became furious and raised his palms angrily.

Lu did not dodge.

But when he met her eyes, Cui Hao saw his embarrassed expression in those eyes, and his palms suddenly froze in mid-air.

Tears almost appeared in his eyes due to anger and huge impact.

"Just because Da Lang doesn't know how to get along with husband and wife, he can't imagine the tension involved, and Mrs. Zheng must have never said a word about his father's fault in front of him. Therefore, Da Lang has treated Master Lang over the years. Only father will still have tolerance and expectations—"

Lu's eyes finally showed a little resentment and a little pity: "Master Lang has received so much wrong love, but he has never thought about cherishing his blessings."

"That's enough..." Cui He's frozen palm slowly clenched into a fist, and his eyes drooped stiffly along with that arm. He closed his eyes and said painfully: "I said enough..."

Before stepping into this pavilion, he only attributed the problem to him and Mrs. Lu... Seeing that Mrs. Lu was so determined to leave, even if he didn't think he was at fault, he could only try to think: Could it be that his husband , was it so badly done? So bad that his wife would leave him without any hesitation.

Lu gave him an answer, clearly telling him that he was a bad husband, both before and now.

Not only that, he was a bad father and even a bad eldest son...

The cold wind blew the rain slanting into the pavilion, hitting Cui Ai's back, making him tremble.

For a moment, the pavilion fell silent, and no one spoke anymore.

This silence lasted for an unknown amount of time before Cui He finally heard Lu's voice again -

"This farewell, the road ahead will be stormy, Master Lang should take more care." Lu said: "Even if you are in trouble in the future, Master Lang should do your best to protect yourself and your clan, and don't act out of emotion... No matter what, you are the great master. Lang’s father, Dalang will never ignore you.”

Cui Er let out a desolate and sarcastic laugh when he heard this.

Did she think that he was too incompetent and had no ability to protect himself, so she would ultimately have to rely on the eldest son who had been exterminated to save him?

He should have retorted, at least sarcastically, but no words came out of his mouth.

Mrs. Lu bowed respectfully and said, "Master Lang, I take my leave."

Cui Wei closed his eyes and his voice was so low that it was inaudible: "Let's go..."

He was not even sure whether Mrs. Lu heard it, but he knew that no matter what he said, it would not affect her decision.

She dared to say these words to him today because she did not intend to leave any room for him in this relationship.

"Master, take care."

This last sound was blown into Cui He's ears by the wind and rain, and it sounded a bit unreal.

Mrs. Lu walked under the umbrella held by the maid and never looked back.

But the maid couldn't help but turn back frequently to look at the figure in the pavilion.

It wasn't until she was out of sight that the maid asked in a worried voice: "Madam, Sir, is he... going to be confused?"

When the time comes to investigate, what if the blame falls on Madam?

"Don't worry." Madam Lu said: "It would be too shameful for him to think about committing suicide. Even if he is not afraid of death, he must be afraid of being embarrassed."

The maid breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but look at her wife with admiration: "Madam, you are really good at handling the master."

Mrs. Lu smiled and sighed: "Silly girl, if you are not forced to do so, who would be willing to take advantage of her?"

She couldn't help but think of what her mother had said to her before she got married.

When her mother was alive, she was always known as a smart and smooth person.

After her mother inquired about Cui Ai's temperament and virtue, she told her not to try to change such a man. If she couldn't change him, she also shouldn't think about going against him, otherwise she would only be asking for trouble.

She asked her mother, what should she do?

The mother said she was coaxing him like a child.

She was a little worried, and she had no experience coaxing children.

The mother then smiled again and said, "Have you never coaxed children, or amused cats and dogs?" It’s just the same reason! 】

Her mother made her laugh so hard that her waist bent.

After marrying Cui Er, she still couldn't help laughing every time she thought of her mother's words. Influenced by her mother, she has an optimistic temperament and has always followed the principle of trying not to pin her happiness or sorrow on others. Therefore, she has indeed been quite cheerful in the Cui family these years.

But that kind of joy cannot be compared with this moment.

Lu looked at the rain curtain in front of her, with a more relaxed look in her smiling eyes.

As a noble girl, she had already planned to stay like this for the rest of her life, but she never expected that such an unexpected turn of events would occur in her life.

Lu sighed: "God loves me very much."

The maid couldn't help but ask: "Madam, after you said this to the Master today, you don't plan to become husband and wife with the Master..." in the future?

"No one can predict what will happen in the future." Mrs. Lu said, "We are a husband and wife. On this occasion of parting, since he asked, I don't have to hide it."

It didn't matter whether she could wake him up by scolding him. What mattered was that she felt very happy.

After saying these words, she didn't feel regretful about not having the chance to see him again in the future.

And even if there is still a day to reunite in the future, she has nothing to fear—

"If we meet again, you don't need to look at his face anymore, but look at my mood." Mrs. Lu sighed: "There is nothing I can do. Who told my two sons to compete with each other?"

Her second son will also be half of the Cui family in the future.

And her eldest son is Cui Jing.

In the future, if anyone has any problems and wants to find trouble with her, she can throw away her hand and sigh: "Don't talk to me, a woman, and talk to my two incompetent sons." 】

Thinking of that situation, Mrs. Lu was in such a good mood that she almost covered her mouth and laughed.

She lifted up the hem of her skirt that was splashed by the rain, her steps were particularly light, and she said with a smile: "Walk faster."

"Yes, madam!" The maid followed, holding an umbrella, and laughed, but her eyes were sore inexplicably.

The wind was strong and the rain was heavy, blowing the oil-paper umbrella askew. When Mrs. Lu came to Cuitang's courtyard, most of her clothes were wet.

"Why did you come here in the rain?" As Cui Tang spoke, he met a pair of eyes full of sparkling smiles.

That night, the mother and daughter slept together, and their conversations continued throughout the night.

The next day, Lu and Cui Tang left Anyifang.

Before leaving, Cui Tang went to say goodbye to his father, but he did not see his father's face. The servants only said that the master was unwell.

After getting into the carriage, Cui Tang couldn't help but said: "...Auntie, do you think my father is very angry and doesn't want to see us anymore?"

"Why are you talking about your father like that? Is he such a narrow-minded person?" Lu said angrily, "Isn't it because he is so ashamed that he has no face to see others?"

Cui Tang was silent for a moment and then nodded.

As my mother once said, there is no need to put any psychological burden on yourself... Well, then she should just think that her father is ashamed.

Thinking of this, Cui Tang felt relaxed all over, and took one last look in the direction of Anyifang through the car window.

After the Lu family and their daughter left, everyone in the Cui family began to secretly prepare for things, and no one cared about Cui Ai, who was staying behind closed doors.

And on the fourth day after Lu left the capital, an urgent report that caused chaos in the capital and even the whole country came from the direction of Luoyang.

"Report—Luoyang City was destroyed by Fan Yang's army!"

In the morning court, the prince's eyes suddenly widened, and the beads hanging in front of his eyes shook violently.

Luoyang city was destroyed? !

How could it be so fast? !

This was also the aspiration of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

The speed with which Luoyang fell to the rebels exceeded everyone's expectations.

As the eastern capital, the number of defenders in Luoyang was much higher than elsewhere. This time the emperor promptly ordered all states to rush for reinforcements... Therefore, Luoyang's defense strength was not weaker than Fan Yang's army!

Logically speaking, if the troops are of equal strength, even if they are defeated, they can still last for at least a month...

Others may not know it, but Wei Shuyi knows that the emperor was planning to send Jiangdu's army to support the quelling the rebellion within this month... But no one expected that Luoyang would be captured by Fan Yang's army in just ten days.

When asked about the details of the battle, we found out that most of the defenders from various states who rushed to rescue had surrendered and turned against Fanyang King Li Fu...

The friendly troops who rushed to the rescue suddenly turned against the enemy, which made the Luoyang defenders panic, their morale dropped sharply, and they soon showed their defeat.

While the officials were in an uproar and panic, Wei Shuyi's heart was falling, as if it was accompanied by the whistling wind. There was a clearly audible sound among the wind - is this Qi Shu?

The prince's face was pale, dripping with cold sweat, and he was almost unable to stand. There was a buzzing in his head, and two big words echoed over and over again: It's over, it's over.

As of today, it is less than ten days before his wedding.

When the capital was in turmoil, King Fanyang Li Fu had entered the Luoyang Palace.

Fanyang King Li Fu, who is in his early thirties, has a short beard and is slightly chubby. He is wearing a vassal robe. He is standing on the white marble steps, looking at the palace buildings, and sighs: "What Xu Zhengye has not accomplished, today I actually asked this king to achieve it.”

When Xu Zhengye wanted to invade Luoyang, he was stopped and killed by Chang Sui Ning on the banks of the Bianshui River.

"Your Majesty is from the Li royal family, so there is no need to belittle yourself and compare yourself to those rebellious ministers with foreign surnames like Xu Zhengye." Duan Shiang, who was wearing armor and sword, reminded from the side.

Li Fu laughed, nodded and said, "Yes, exactly!"

He turned around, put a hand on Duan Shiang's shoulder, and said with admiration and respect: "Shiang, I can reach this point thanks to your help! When I take over the capital, whatever you want, just ask Same as Wang Ti!"

Duan Shiang smiled slightly, lowered his head and clasped his fists, saying, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

After Li Fu said a few more words of promise, a palace attendant soon came forward and bowed carefully, saying that he had prepared a beautiful lady with fragrant soup to serve the prince and wash away his dust.

Li Fu's eyes lit up slightly, he took two steps, then suddenly stopped, turned around and said, "Shi'ang, come with me!"

Duan Shiang said: "Your Majesty, go ahead, my subordinates still have matters to take care of."

"Then it's hard work!" After Li Fu said this, he motioned to the palace attendant to lead the way.

Looking at Li Fu's eager-to-please back, Duan Shiang's eyes flashed with contempt and disdain.

(Ah, I didn’t write about Ning Ning today, but tomorrow tomorrow

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