Hello Chang’an

Chapter 532: Righteous and considerate rebellion

Being glanced at by that gaze, one of the two chamberlains trembled and was almost frightened to the point of leaving his body. He slurred: "Kill...killed..."

Another older chamberlain pulled him to his knees.

"I don't know the content of the secret decree..." The older chamberlain lowered his body and said in a trembling voice: "I think... I think there is a possibility... of false transmission!"

Although the servant tried to keep his composure, his voice also contained the cry of extreme fear.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the deadpan face of the waiter in the blue robe. He closed his eyes tremblingly and gritted his teeth - he had long felt that the leading father-in-law was too arrogant!

Relying on his relationship with the director of Si Gongtai, this person is used to being domineering in the palace, and he also believes that the palace should be the most noble place in the world... As soon as he leaves the palace, he shows his ignorance of life and death. Come on wildly!

But this is Jiangdu!

What makes him think that Chang Sui Ning of Huainan Road, who has established himself through military exploits, is a good guy who likes to look at people's faces?

This time, I finally shut up completely!

The young chamberlain was kneeling there, his whole body shaking like chaff, and even his fingers lying on the ground were trembling violently. Seeing Chang Suining's feet turning slightly, as if facing them, the chamberlain was even more frightened and began to cry and beg. , kept kowtowing: "Don't kill slaves, don't kill slaves..."

While kowtowing, he saw in his dazed vision that the green-robed woman was holding a sword in her hand, and a drop of blood dripped from the tip of the sword.

She said to herself in a calm voice: "I also heard about the changes in Luoyang -"

Hearing her speak, the two chamberlains fell to the ground tremblingly, not daring to make any more begging sounds to disrupt her words.

"The saint is concerned about the overall situation, so he should have sent troops from Huainan Road to help. This is reasonable." Chang Suining "inferred" and said: "So, it is true that the saint asked you to deliver the edict, but the content of the secret edict is Tampered by someone with intentional intentions..."

"I would like to say that the saint is so wise, how could he take such an unreasonable and foolish move at this juncture and try to force his ministers to rebel." The clear and waveless voice said in a conclusive tone: "So, the saint originally His will must be for me to lead troops to help Luoyang."

Finally, she asked seriously: "What do you two father-in-law think?"

The elderly chamberlain felt her scalp numb and trembled when she heard what was true and what was false... At this time, it was just a matter of her words, it just depended on whether she needed it or not!

The pressure from his superiors made him dare not say anything that went against the other person's will, so he could only say: "Yes... yes! I think that's exactly what happened!"

The young chamberlain also hurriedly kowtowed, said "yes" repeatedly, and said in a trembling voice: "Changjie's gaze is like a torch..."

"That being the case, Chang Sui Ning has no reason to disobey the order." Chang Sui Ning turned to face the outside of the hall and said to the generals who were standing solemnly waiting for orders: "Give me the order. Immediately order one hundred thousand troops. Follow me to rescue Luoyang and pacify Fan Yang." King's Chaos!"

"I obey my orders!"

The seven or eight generals accepted the order with solemn and excited faces and quickly retreated.

The two chamberlains no longer dared to make a sound, and their hearts felt as if they were falling into an abyss of coldness. They acted against the order in the name of obeying the order. This was clearly the opposite...rebellion!

As for them, the luckiest thing in their misfortune is probably that the person in front of them has no intention of killing them.

There was just a "crack" sound, and the sword in the green robe woman's hand was sheathed, and the same sharp voice sounded along with it: "Boss, Lao, return to the capital to convey to the Holy Emperor that I will get Luoyang back safely during this trip, please rest assured." ”

When the two chamberlains heard this, one responded with a trembling "Yes", while the other was in a state of confusion and said without hesitation: "Thank you, Chang Jie, for not killing...Thank you, Chang Jie, for not killing!"

Chang Suining walked out of the hall without looking back, "Ani, let someone send the two father-in-laws out of the house."

"Yes, sir!" Kang Zhi responded with bright eyes.

Chang Kuo, who had never spoken a word, followed Chang Suining on crutches and left the front hall together.

Seeing that the two chamberlains could no longer get up on their own, Kang Zhi had people drag them out.

Seeing an unknown pool of turbid water stains where the two of them had just knelt, Kang Zhi wrinkled her nose in disgust and was about to leave to follow her master when she was suddenly grabbed by the corner of her clothes.

Kang Zhi looked back and saw a pale face. The owner of that face was still kneeling in the same place. At this time, he begged her in a trembling voice: "Captain Kang... hurry up and have the remaining one dragged down... "

After Kang Zhi's punishment of picking up beans was over, he was rewarded according to his merits and promoted to the position of school captain.

Seeing the cry on the young man's face, Kang Zhi mocked: "Gu Erlang is responsible for the reception, why are you afraid of this?"

"I am good at welcoming living people..." Gu Erlang was about to cry: "But now this is a dead person!"

In his life, he had never even seen a chicken killed!

Lord Jiushi is so good-looking, why would he draw his sword to kill someone's head if they disagree with him?

This is not a battlefield. He is completely unprepared!

Kang Zhi curled her lips: "It is indeed an embroidered pillow raised by a family in the south of the Yangtze River. It is of no use."

"Isn't it enough to be attractive..." Although Gu Erlang cried, he did not forget to defend his beauty: "How many people in the world are as attractive as me?"

Kang Zhi rolled her eyes, pulled the corner of her clothes out of his hands, and casually ordered two people to come in: "Take the body down!"

"Captain, what should I do with this body?"

Kang Zhi: "Just burn it!"

The soldier looked at the bright yellow cloth soaked in blood: "Then this imperial edict..."

"Since it's fake, just burn it all!" As Kang Zhi spoke, she strode out with wind at her feet and a bright look on her face.

Chang Suining walked out of the front hall and headed towards the outer study.

Chang Kuo followed her, uncharacteristically silent. Chang Suining could only hear his footsteps and the sound of his crutch tapping the ground.

"Today is a big day after all, why don't you say anything?"

When passing by a verandah, Chang Suining asked casually without stopping.

After a moment, she heard Chang Kuo behind her speak, but his voice was slightly hoarse: "I feel happy."

"Are you so happy that you can't even speak?" Chang Suining smiled and said, "I've never seen you like this."

"I have never seen His Highness behave like this." Chang Kuo also laughed, but seemed to be bitter: "Your Highness drew the sword very well today."

His Highness often drew his sword, but when he drew his sword today, he not only cut off the neck bone of the chamberlain, but also cut off the puppet thread that was trying to bind His Highness.

He couldn't help but wonder in a daze, if His Highness had been able to cut off everything with his sword before going to Beidi, those three years would not have happened.

"Old Chang, it was different before." Chang Sui Ning seemed to have a glimpse of what Chang Kuo was thinking, and said: "I have never regretted anything in the past. Everything I did was worth it, and you don't have to feel sorry for me. What."

Now that she was out of the corridor, she never stopped while speaking, nor did she look back, as if everything in the past was not worth her pause, and her gaze was always forward. The cage called family love cannot trap her, nor can the scarred past.

She is never bitter and resentful, and always moves forward in an indomitable way.

Looking at that light back, Chang Kuo's eyes felt a little sour, but his heart also became much lighter, as if a lot of heartache had been relieved.

Today's sword had nothing to do with right or wrong, but he felt that it couldn't be any better - Chang Kuo repeated in his heart.

"I'm going to Luoyang, and I won't be able to turn back in a short time." Chang Sui Ning said as he walked: "I will leave Jiangdu and Huainan Road to my father."

"Don't worry!" Chang Kuo patted his chest: "Leave it all to me!"

"By the way, there's also Xuanzhou." Chang Suining stopped, turned around and said with a smile, "Dad, remember to take good care of me."

Facing those smiling eyes, Chang Kuo coughed lightly and nodded as seriously as possible: "Just don't worry..."

Chang Sui Ning smiled, said no more, and continued to walk forward, saying jokingly: "Dad, let's go to the outer study to discuss matters with Chang Shi and the others. I'll go see the two immortal masters first and ask them to help me." I’ll make a divination.”

The two immortal masters Chang Suining mentioned were naturally Wujue and Tianjing.

Chang Suining went directly to look for the two of them. When she arrived, she saw a straw mat spread beside a clump of yellowing bamboo in the courtyard. There was a chessboard on the mat, and Wu Jue was sitting cross-legged and playing chess with Tian Jing. Wujue was cursing and muttering something unknown.

Seeing Chang Sui Ning arriving, the two quickly stood up to greet him.

Wujue pushed Tianjing aside, then approached him first, and asked, "Your Excellency, you are here in person, but do you have something important to explain?"

Chang Suining casually sat down in the rattan rocking chair nearby, leaned back, and said with a smile: "No rush, you guys finish this game first."

She rode back from the army overnight, so she was inevitably a little tired. Before returning to the city, everything had been arranged, and she no longer had to do the work herself at this moment. She could just relax and rest here for a while.

Seeing the girl lying on the wicker chair, relaxing and closing her eyes, Wujue followed her, grabbed the sky mirror and sat back on the table to fight.

Wujue was a talker and always liked to find fault with Tianjing. At this moment, because he didn't want to disturb His Highness's rest, he tried his best to lower his voice and changed his cursing to nagging.

Two quarters of an hour later, the winner was decided. Tian Jing stroked his silver beard and said with a smile, "It was the poor man who lost."

"I told you before, you are not as good as me." Wujue made a pun, smiled, moved his hips, faced His Highness, and asked first: "Sir, are we going to send troops?"

Chang Suining didn't know whether he had divined something, or he had seen the recent developments in the Governor's Mansion. He smiled and said "Yeah", still leaning on the wicker chair, and said: "That's why I came here to find you two to divine for me." predict."

It is very common to make a divination before marching, but Tianjing shook his head with a smile and said: "If you are leading the troops this time, there will be no way to divination."

He said bluntly: "You are an outsider, and the direction of anything you participate in is unknown."

Chang Suining: "I don't predict the outcome of the war."

She believed that the victory or defeat of a battle was in her own hands.

Tianjing: "Oh? I wonder what you want to divination?"

"I want you two to predict the birth date of a person for me, an outsider." Chang Sui Ning gently rocked the rocking chair and said, "I'm going to Luoyang now, I can use it."

Previously, she had deceived Wujue into a very powerful and precious birth date, intending to change it into a suitable age for her own use. But then she and Wu Jue recognized each other and accidentally talked about it. Wu Jue reminded her with a smile that the so-called destiny of the birth date can affect the whole body. If it is slightly changed, it will be completely different.

In other words, the work in the industry must be left to the people in the industry, which almost made a joke.

"Which one do you want specifically?" Wujue asked Chang Suining's request, and the treatment was quite tailor-made: "Someone more expensive?"

"The more expensive the better." Chang Suining made the request seriously: "When people see it, they will feel that the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the country's fortune is prosperous. It is best to be the kind that when an expert sees it, they will be shocked to realize that I am a destined person."

"Ordinary people really can't stand it..." Wujue subconsciously wanted to wipe away the cold sweat, but then he thought about it, fortunately, his master was not a human being.

The sky mirror on the side reminded: "The Changjie envoy's move is tantamount to counterfeiting God's will..."

Chang Suining nodded nonchalantly, looked up at the sky with slightly squinted eyes, and said: "Since we are already on the road of tampering with God's will, there should be no hindrance if we create a birth date to use."

She is quite optimistic about not having to worry about itchiness even if she has too many lice.

Tianjing laughed when he heard the words, stroking his beard and nodding, said the word "kind", and took out a small handful of yarrow from his sleeve: "I saw yarrow this morning, so I picked some casually. It turned out that it was going to be used here." At…”

The origin of using yarrow to ask questions is earlier than copper coins, bamboo boards and other objects. Yarrow is rarely used in ordinary sky mirrors, unless it involves real important events.

At this moment, the sky mirror took out the yarrow and made a hexagram, which shows that it is taken seriously.

But before he could arrange it, Wujue reached out and scratched him: "What's the matter with you? I'll take care of it myself..."

He knew that this old guy was determined to compete with him for his favor!

And Tian Jing's next words confirmed Wu Jue's suspicion: "How about you and I each give birth dates and birth dates, and let the adults choose?"

Faced with such a provocation, Wujue was unwilling to admit defeat: "Why not? I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Wujue said, climbed up and ran to get his dick.

Tianjing also took the fly whisk and headed towards the study.

Seeing that the two of them were in such a posture that nothing could be accomplished for a while, Chang Sui Ning stood up and said to their backs: "I will leave early tomorrow morning, just give it to me before then."

As everyone knows, this night, Wujue and Tianjing both stayed up all night.

After Chang Suining left here, he went to the outer study.

In the outer study room, Wang Yue and others learned that their master drew his sword in the front hall and killed the edict-delivery servant. Everyone was shocked.

Wang Yue lowered his voice and said: "...Your Excellency, are you resisting the decree?!"

Yao Ran said with a convinced look on his face: "It is clear that the decree is false, how can you resist the decree?"

Wang Yue came back to his senses and nodded with a wonderful expression. His Majesty's order was very well resisted. Even after thinking about it carefully, it actually revealed a kind of righteousness and consideration...

After all, it is not a good thing to openly resist the decree. When mobilizing troops, it will greatly affect the marching speed. After all, you have openly shouted to resist the decree. When passing by, the local officials have no room to turn a blind eye. , then should they stop it or not? If you stop me and start a fight, who will it be?

You can clearly resist this decree directly, but she took a detour so that she could rush to Luoyang's aid as quickly as possible... This is not righteousness or consideration, so what is it?

You are worthy of being an adult. Even if you are rebelling, you can still be so considerate of the overall situation...

Wang Yue couldn't help shouting in his heart: Lord Ming! (End of chapter)

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