Hello Chang’an

Chapter 545: Is it enough to impress her?

  Is Chapter 545 enough to impress her?

In the past few days, Cui Lang has been very public in Luoyang City.

In order to carry out this publicity to the end, Cui Lang would always choose to drink and have fun in one of the best restaurants in Luoyang City. Of course, all the bills would be charged to King Fan Yang.

In the afternoon of this day, Cui Lang helped his drunken uncle out of the restaurant, listening to his drunken uncle reciting today's "It's better to die quickly and give five" -

Recently, Cui Lang, his uncle named Cui Bing, has come out to Luoyang. From time to time, he has a poem called "It's Better to Die Quickly" that comes out, and his inspiration never fails.

"In such a world, it is better to die quickly..."

"Being a mermaid is worse than dying quickly..."

"It is better to die quickly than to have good times and good times..."

"It's better to die quickly than just in time for good wine..."

Every time Cui Lang heard this, he felt that it would be better if he changed his uncle's title to Su-dei layman.

But let's not forget that this uncle of his family has made a name for himself among the literati in Luoyang City with this song "It's Better to Die Quickly" in the past few days.

Probably because the world is indeed difficult and everyone's mental state is generally not optimistic, my uncle's self-contained style of dejected criticism has accidentally attracted a group of fans.

Not to mention anything else, there were fifty or sixty literati in the restaurant today.

Cui Lang waved his hand and entertained everyone, which was very generous.

Of course, the account is still in the name of King Fan Yang.

Cui Lang, who spent King Fan Yang's money to make friends with Luoyang literati, was just helping his uncle leave the restaurant when he suddenly heard a young man from the tribe beside him whispering: "Brother Six, have you ever had anything?" What do you think is wrong?”

Cui Lang paused and looked around.

At this time, another tribesman also noticed something was wrong: "...Where are those people who came with us?"

When they go out and about, there is always a guard following them, monitoring their movements at all times, but at this time, the guards who were waiting outside the restaurant have disappeared.

Cui Lang handed Cui Bing to another person to help him, and he stepped back a few steps, returned to the door of the restaurant, and casually asked the waiter outside the restaurant, "Have you seen those people who came with us?" Where have you gone?"

"He left about two-quarters of an hour ago!" said the young waiter: "At that time, someone came over and said something to them. It seemed that something had happened, and they saw them leaving in a hurry. "

Cui Lang nodded as usual, smiled and thanked the guy. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard the guy smiling and asking, "Will Mr. Cui Liulang come back tomorrow? If so, I will leave it for you in advance." What a nice room!”

Cui Lang's eyes moved slightly, and he turned around and smiled at the guy: "Come on, why don't you come! Good location and good wine, and keep them all for me!"

The waiter grinned and bowed in response: "Okay! Walk slowly!"

"Liu Lang, are those people really gone?" Seeing Cui Lang turning back and a group of Cui clan members walking further away, one of the disciples lowered his voice nervously and asked, "Then let's... run away or not?"

While it's still dark, it's a great opportunity to escape!

Everyone in the Cui family became restless and nervous for a moment. This opportunity came too suddenly, and they even felt that they were not prepared.

At this juncture, everyone looked at Cui Lang inexplicably and subconsciously, except of course Cui Chen—

Cui Chen shook his head slowly, his expression changing and he said: "This matter is quite strange, I'm afraid there is fraud in it..."

Cui Lang asked humbly: "How should we respond to cousin Yichen's opinion?"

Cui Chen looked solemn: "Liu Lang, please let me think about it."

When the sky was getting dark, the group of guards responsible for following Cui Lang and others returned to the mansion where the Cui family members were accommodated.

The leader asked an attendant: "Have the Cui family come back?"

The attendant replied: "They all came back an hour ago."

The leading guard: "??"

Such a good opportunity, but these people didn't run away?

The head guard frowned. He knew that the Cui family's losers were generally lacking in brains, but to such an extent, he was unexpected.

The next day, Cui Lang and others went out as usual, but the group of guards left again midway.

But when they returned to the mansion, they found out after asking that Cui Liulang had gathered a group of attendants and were playing Cuju with him...

Another day, when everyone in the Cui family was going out, the guard commander directly claimed that he had important matters and stopped following them out.

However, when it got dark, I asked again, and all thirty members of the Cui family came back one by one...

After the guard commander was silent for a moment, he suddenly went crazy. He felt desperate that he wanted to throw away a group of unlucky children, but couldn't.

At this point, everyone in the Cui family had also reacted. At night, they whispered to each other: "...Sixth brother, does King Fan Yang want to throw us away when he sees that we are useless?"

"Your Majesty." Cui Lang, who was sitting cross-legged on the couch, said with relief, "You finally came to your senses."

"In that case, we may try to leave Luoyang tomorrow..." Cui Chen, who had been thinking for several days, finally made a decision at this time.

But Cui Lang shook his head and said, "No, we can't leave."

One of the tribesmen asked: "Liu Lang, why is this?"

"Why do we have to come when they ask us to come, and we have to leave when they ask us to leave?" Cui Lang leaned leisurely on the couch and said: "We should let them know what it means to invite gods but not to send them away." ...Young master, I still won’t leave.”

Cui Chen sighed and persuaded: "Liu Lang, why do you have to risk your temper?"

But Cui Lang smiled slyly and said to him, "Cousin, we've all come, we can't come in vain."

Cui Chen was stunned, and while thinking subconsciously, he heard the young man on the side say: "Brother Six, it's not like we came in vain. We should have spent Wang Fanyang's ten thousand taels of silver..."

They were not at all polite to King Fan Yang when it came to food and clothing. Now that I think about it, could it be that King Fan Yang was overwhelmed?

Listening to a group of teenagers chatting, a middle-aged tribesman reminded Cui Lang sternly: "Liu Lang, have you ever thought that Fan Yangjun suddenly wants to let us go, is it the family master's plan and arrangement behind this?"

Cui Lang looked at the tribesman who spoke: "I won't hide the truth from my uncle. I also think that this matter is probably an arrangement of the tribe -"

Cui Chen hurriedly asked: "Then why doesn't Liulang want to leave?"

"Considering that my grandfather did not send a letter to inform him of this arrangement..." Cui Lang said: "So I think that my grandfather may have another intention - to let us choose to stay or go on our own."

Most of the people were stunned when they heard this.

Cui Lang sighed: "The clan is in a difficult situation now. I don't know what kind of favor it is because we are allowed to leave this time..."

If he left empty-handed like this, he would always feel very depressed.

Therefore, Cui Lang had an idea in his mind. This is the reason why Cui Lang has been hanging out recently.

The next day, Cui Lang went to the restaurant again.

He drank until he was half drunk and went to the clean room in the backyard of the restaurant to relieve himself.

When I came out of the clean room, I met the young man walking towards me.

Cui Lang smiled at the familiar boy and said, "Brother, I have a lot of leisure today."

The waiter responded and put the sweat towel on his shoulders. When he got closer, he lowered his voice and asked Cui Lang: "Is Cui Liulang planning to leave Luoyang?"

Cui Lang's eyes flashed slightly: "My little brother has a pair of wise eyes."

The waiter smiled and said, "Cui Liulang is so impressed, the villain relies on these eyes to make a living."

Cui Lang raised his eyebrows slightly: "Dare I ask, brother, whose eyes are these?"

The waiter’s voice couldn’t be lowered: “My master is in Bianzhou now—”

Cui Lang's eyes lit up - he knew that Master would definitely try to contact him! It turns out that hanging out works!

Immediately afterwards, the man said quickly: "Master has said that if Cui Liulang wants to leave the city, we can secretly help him..."

Cui Lang suppressed his inner excitement and said, "Please tell me, I don't want to leave Luoyang for the time being..."

As he spoke, he looked around and quickly handed the letter he had prepared to the clerk.

This letter was delivered to Chang Suining, Bianzhou, the next day.

Chang Suining was a little surprised after reading what Cui Lang said in the letter.

For Chang Suining, whether it was out of personal affection or to win over people's hearts, she had made up her mind to save Cui Lang from the moment she learned that Cui Lang had fallen into the hands of King Fan Yang.

As the capital of the East, Luoyang City naturally had many hidden stakes that she had laid in her early years, and those hidden stakes were also managed very well by Meng Lie.

This time, Chang Suining used these hidden stakes to learn about the situation of everyone in the Cui family. Because the hidden stakes noticed that someone wanted to secretly let Cui Lang and others leave, she did not rush to intervene.

But what Chang Suining didn't expect was that Cui Lang was not willing to leave Luoyang just like this, but instead recommended himself to be her internal agent.

Chang Sui Ning lowered his eyes and looked at the letter in his hand, only to feel that there was the cunning and alert mind of a young man in it, as well as the silent desire and determination to stand alone and strengthen himself in this troubled world.

Even though it was risky, Chang Suining felt that this determination was worthy of her respect and fulfillment.

After a while, Chang Sui Ning wrote a reply, rolled it into a bamboo tube, sealed it, and sent it out.

Soon, Kang Zhi hurriedly came to see him and brought a message: "Sir, the 50,000 soldiers and horses starting from Shenzhou will arrive at Duji Road in one and a half days, approaching the east of Luoyang!"

Two days ago, the 70,000 Jiangdu troops behind them had also arrived successfully, 60,000 had arrived in Bianzhou, and another 10,000 were guarding outside Xuzhou.

Chang Sui Ning said: "Let them camp two hundred miles east of Luoyang to rest and wait."

Kang Zhi responded "Yes" with a loud voice and immediately stepped back to make arrangements.

"The troops from the east have arrived, and a pincer attack has begun. When do you plan to send troops to Luoyang City?" Luo Guanlin asked at the side.

"Conquering the city is ultimately a bad idea, and Duan Shiang's troops are now comparable to mine. If we fight head-on, there will be countless casualties, but it will only add to the losses of the civil war - even if I kill the enemy, I will lose a lot of national power."

When Chang Sui Ning finished speaking, he thought of Yue Guang, the military commander of Shuofang who died tragically in the capital. He felt depressed for a moment, and then he said to Luo Guanlin, "Sir, please let them all come over and discuss with me the strategy for the battle."

The people Chang Suining refers to refer to the group of military counselors who are now under the control of Luo Guanlin.

Luo Guanlin stood up and bowed, and quickly invited the counselors to come.

Chang Suining held Cui Lang's letter in his hand, quietly guessing the atmosphere in Luoyang City at the moment.

She thought that Li Fu, the king of Fanyang, who was not able to reach the palace of elegance, was probably panicked and anxious at this time.

This is indeed the case. At this moment, Li Fu was pacing back and forth in front of Duan Shiang: "...that Chang Sui Ning actually divided his troops into two groups. Before he even mobilized his troops, he had already planned to attack me from both sides. How sinister... At this moment, he saw her. The soldiers and horses in front will soon approach Luoyang! "

Li Fu sighed regretfully: "If I had known this, it would have been better to attack the capital in one go than to be besieged here by a little girl!"

Duan Shiang was still recovering from his injuries. He was currently sitting in a chair with a wound cloth wrapped around his right arm. His cheeks were slightly dented due to the serious injury, which made him even more angry.

When he heard Li Fu's words, "It would be better to attack the capital at once," he felt as if he was farting.

"Our army is already exhausted after attacking Luoyang, but there are still tens of thousands of forbidden troops and 60,000 Xuance troops stationed in the capital - does the prince really think that the city gate of the capital is so easy to attack?"

There are currently 150,000 Xuance troops in Dasheng, of which 80,000 are following Cui Jing to defend the enemy in the north, and the remaining 70,000 are staying in the capital. Among them, 10,000 have gone out to quell the chaos under the orders of the Holy Emperor. There are still 60,000 garrisoned in the capital.

Including the number of forbidden troops, the capital's available defense force is still more than 100,000.

If it were an ordinary force, Duan Shiang would naturally not be afraid. What he was afraid of was the 60,000 Xuance Army.

In other words, one of the reasons why he chose to send troops to Henan Province was to put pressure on the imperial court and force Emperor Shengce to use the 60,000 Xuance troops to suppress it, distract and contain the defense of the capital, and create obstacles for the "Prince". Opportunity to mobilize troops from the west to capture the capital—

But the "Prince" probably didn't expect that those who came "under the order" turned out to be Chang Sui Ning's Jiangdu Army, and the defense of the capital remained untouched.

Thinking of the word "Chang Sui Ning", Duan Shiang felt that the wound on his right arm began to hurt again.

The doctors had told him in a subtle way that his right arm was probably going to be disabled...

This was an almost fatal blow to the marchers.

And before he could even start a full-scale contest with Chang Sui Ning, he had already paid the price with his right arm!

The face of the woman in black robe and silver armor flashed before his eyes, and Duan Shiang's eyes welled up with hatred and murderous intent - he must repay a hundredfold for the pain he suffered today.

Duan Shiang felt depressed and became increasingly unwilling to listen to Li Fu's meaningless and stupid words. He simply stood up and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will summon all the generals to discuss the matter."

King Fan Yang: "Shi'ang is injured, so I'm really worried..."

"This is a matter within the scope of my subordinates." Duan Shiang said, took two steps back, then turned and left.

Seeing Duan Shiang leaving, King Fan Yang sighed, still feeling uneasy, so he also summoned his staff to discuss countermeasures.

"...In such a world, is this Chang Sui Ning really loyal to the court with a heavy army?" King Fan Yang suddenly thought of something and asked his staff: "In your opinion, if I personally write this letter, I would sincerely advise you." Is it enough to move her by surrendering to her, letting go of the heavy damage she caused to Fan Yangjun, and making her a serious promise?"

As King Fan Yang said this, he actually felt that this idea was very feasible.

He felt that he had an advantage over the empress, after all, he was named Li.

King Fan Yang did it as soon as he thought of it. He and his staff pondered over the content of the letter and finally wrote down nearly a thousand words, showing his sincerity.

The day after sending this letter, King Fan Yang received a personal reply from Chang Sui Ning.

This letter was answered very quickly, and the envelope was extremely thick. The length of the reply must have been considerable. King Fan Yang had a wonderful premonition in his heart, and he couldn't wait to open it and read it.

Under the equally expectant gazes of all the staff, King Fan Yang quickly unfolded the letter, but the fat on his cheeks trembled.

4200 words, good night everyone~

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