Hello Chang’an

Chapter 553: Shouldn't they be killed on the spot?

Chapter 553 Shouldn’t he be killed on the spot?

The captain who was responsible for guarding King Fan Yang glanced away coldly: "What are you yelling about! The envoy will meet you when he wants to see you. It's your turn to decide!"

King Fan Yang was tired, breathing unevenly and said: "This king has important things... I have important things to talk to the Changjie Envoy!"

The captain frowned and said two words: "Wait!"

Not long after, a soldier came quickly, saluted and spread the word: "The envoy has orders to leave for Luoyang City immediately and **** Prince Fan Yang and his son back to Luoyang for disposal!"

When he heard that he was going to Luoyang, the captain was very excited and immediately asked people to take Prince Fan Yang and his son into custody.

King Fan Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He was not afraid of anything else. He was just afraid that these people would chop him down right here... Just go back to Luoyang. As long as he had the chance to see Chang Sui Ning, he would still have a way to live!

But soon, King Fan Yang, who was being pushed forward by soldiers holding knives, lost his optimism.

"This..." King Fan Yang said with a mournful face: "Is this my king going to go back to Luoyang?"

It's seventy miles away. He hasn't traveled such a long distance all year round!

"Nonsense!" the soldier raised his eyebrows and said, "You are a prisoner, and you have committed a serious crime of treason. If you don't walk, you still want us to carry you!"

Li Yun, who was equally embarrassed on the side, said nervously: "But what if my father died of exhaustion on the road? Wouldn't it be embarrassing... wouldn't it be a mistake to miss Chang Jieyang?"

What should I do if the envoy is angry with him? The rebellion was the father's idea. There is no reason for him to face the consequences alone!

The few escorting soldiers didn't take it seriously at first, but they had just walked two miles and saw that King Fan Yang was about to die, so they didn't dare to take the risk, so they threw him onto the cart pulled by the horses in disgust. .

Seeing this, Li Yun stumbled half-deliberately. The soldiers thought it was troublesome, so they threw him up too.

The father and son were lying on the cart piled with marching debris, breathing heavily, neither caring about the other.

The gates of Luoyang City are not open today.

Although there was no major chaos in the city last night, the changes in the palace garden and Mei Yi's actions of fighting in and out made the soldiers guarding the city realize that something was wrong.

In the middle of the night, news of civil strife in the military camp outside the city came again. I heard that Duan Shiang was dead, that Mei Yi had betrayed King Fan Yang, and that Jiangdu's army was coming to kill...all the messy and difficult-to-discern news, which made the soldiers in the city confused. He was so anxious that he closed the city gate tightly but did not open it for a long time.

Until traces of Jiangdu's cavalry appeared outside the city, everyone's worries finally died.

For a moment, they were forced to be on guard, but they saw that Jiangdu's cavalry had no intention of attacking the city. Instead, they escorted one person forward and asked them to open the city gate.

In order to escape smoothly, King Fan Yang made very little noise when he left the city yesterday. He left quietly from the north of the city and did not leave the city through the city gate.

Therefore, after seeing clearly the figure who was being held under the tower, the guard commander's eyes widened in surprise: "...Prince?!"

When did the prince fall into the hands of Jiang Dujun? In other words... when did the prince leave the city?

Therefore, the prince ran away secretly without telling them!

Then how can they defend this city... The master has run away, so how can they still defend it?

The appearance of the prince has simply redefined the empty city strategy!

King Fan Yang was being escorted to kneel under the city at this moment, with a bitter look on his face: "Please open the city gate quickly, don't resist any longer..."

Now his stomach is hungry, his legs are useless, and his face is humiliated... He just wants to end it all quickly!

Above the city tower, the guard commander struggled a bit after hearing what King Fan Yang said.

For a moment, he clasped his fists at the crowd of cavalry below the city, paused and knelt down on one knee: "Young man Min Ankang, welcome the envoy of Changjie into the city!"

King Fan Yang, who was about to persuade again, silently withdrew his gaze.

He thought that the opponent's struggle was out of persistence, but unexpectedly, he was thinking about how to open the gate of Luoyang.

Min Ankang's face turned slightly red, but he had thought about it. King Fan Yang was behind the scenes of being embarrassed today... He had been forcibly recruited by Fan Yang's army. Now the situation was reversed. As a person who understands current affairs, he It's human nature to seize the opportunity and leave a good impression in front of Changjie Envoy!

Thinking of this, Min Ankang's expression became more determined, and he gave the order in a loud voice: "-Open the city gate!"

Above the city tower, the other guards saw this, put away their swords and guns, and knelt down.

Duan Shiang died, King Fan Yang was captured, and 170,000 Fan Yang's troops died and surrendered overnight. It was almost inevitable that the gates of Luoyang City would be opened in the most peaceful way in front of Chang Suining.

The heavy main gate of Luoyang slowly opened, and the wind outside the city blew in.

Today coincides with the winter solstice, and the wind is already biting.

Although it is the season when everything dries up in winter, at this time, the frost covering the eaves of the green tiles in Luoyang City is quietly melting.

Chang Suining slowly entered the city with two thousand cavalry.

The guards in Luoyang City knelt down on both sides. When a country's companions changed hands, it should have been noisy, but at this moment, everything was quiet.

When the sky and the earth were quiet, a long bell suddenly sounded in the city.

Before the lingering sound faded away, the second bell sounded soon after.

Those are the temple bells.

There are dozens of large and small temples in Luoyang city.

Nowadays, most temples have the habit of ringing the bell three times a day, once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once in the evening. The bells are ringed thirty-six times each time, for a total of one hundred and eight times a day.

One hundred and eight is exactly the number added to the 24 solar terms and 72 phenological phases in December of a year, which symbolizes the permanence of heaven and earth and the cycle of reincarnation.

After Fan Yang's army captured Luoyang, people's livelihood fell into chaos. There were many thefts and robberies in Luoyang city, and temples were often not spared - many temples nowadays also offer "immortality money" loans. There is a lot of silver deposited in the temples, which is easy to Being coveted.

Therefore, many small temples close their doors tightly and have not rung their bells for many days, fearing that trouble may come to their doors.

Only the White Horse Temple in Luoyang City rings the bell every day.

The bell at this time came from the White Horse Temple.

The thirty-six bells of the White Horse Temple began to ring out, and then the bells rang again.

Those bells overlap alternately, but there are more and more.

With the sound of bells, many temples reopened their doors.

In an unknown small temple, the young novice monk rushed back from outside and said happily to the old abbot who was meditating: "...it's Jiangdu's army that has entered the city, and it is the Changjie envoy who is here!"

The old abbot held the prayer beads in his hand, stood up tremblingly, and looked outside the temple door.

He is nearly eighty years old and has seen too many ups and downs in the world. Naturally, he knows very well what the overnight change of ownership in Luoyang City means. This means that there has never been a major military rebellion, it means that strategy is greater than military killing, and it also means that the common people are taken care of.

There was a trace of joy in the old monk's old eyes, his hands tremblingly clasped in front of him, and his voice was hoarse and slow: "Amitabha, this is great mercy..."

At this time, there is no chaos and wailing in the city, only the Zen bells are ringing. Isn't this a symbol of compassion?

The old monk turned around and asked the young novice to ring the bell together.

The old bronze bell in their temple has a chip on the edge, and when struck, the bell sound is rich and simple.

The sound of bells swayed away the tiny floating dust in the air, and countless floating dust swirled in the sunlight, flashing with tiny rays of light, dancing with the air of heaven and earth.

Chang Suining came to Luoyang Palace amid the endless ringing of bells.

Chang Suining only brought two thousand cavalry into the city, and most of the rest were stationed outside Luoyang City. Some of them had already gone to take over the defense and guard matters of Luoyang City, so they did not disturb the people of Luoyang too much.

Chang Sui Ning drove his horse straight into Luoyang Palace Garden, and then jumped off his horse in front of the inner palace gate.

The chief chamberlain of Luoyang Palace and the palace people were waiting here. Seeing Chang Sui Ning dismounting from his horse, he hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down to salute. His tone was joyful and respectful: "I have been waiting here for a long time!"

Chang Suining nodded to them, threw the reins to his subordinates, and stepped through the inner palace gate.

The head chamberlain hurriedly bowed to follow, looked back at Prince Fan Yang and his son who were being escorted to follow, and said to Chang Sui Ning: "... Chang Jie envoy quelled the rebellion of Fan Yang's army overnight, recovered Luoyang City, and captured him alive. The traitor Li Fu is so brave!"

King Fan Yang wanted to curse but had no energy - yesterday the **** was lying at his feet serving him, but today he called him a traitor!

This Luoyang Palace Garden might as well be turned into an inn... These **** are just things that anyone can take possession of!

King Fan Yang was cursing in his heart, he had no strength left in his body, and his vision went black. He was almost dragged to the front of the main hall.

Chang Suining walked all the way, and the manpower he brought quickly went to all parts of the palace garden, and quickly controlled the inside and outside of the palace garden.

The head chamberlain saw this quick action and secretly broke out in a cold sweat on his back. Seeing that Chang Suining said very little during the whole journey, he couldn't help but think of the rumors outside about the other party's ambition. Feeling uneasy, he had nothing to say. He asked calmly: "...I wonder what envoy Chang Jie plans to do with the traitor Li Fu. Should he be taken to the capital immediately?"

When King Fan Yang heard this, his eyelids trembled suddenly.

He can't go to the capital. If he goes to the capital, there will be no way to survive!

"Chang Jie Envoy!" King Fan Yang suddenly panicked and hurriedly said to Chang Suining: "You can't kill me!"

Chang Suining turned slightly and looked at him: "Why not?"

"Cui Liulang...!" King Fan Yang moved out the hostages and no longer cared about his words: "I am the only one who knows the whereabouts of Cui Liulang. If I die, he will not survive!"

Chang Sui Ning raised his eyebrows slightly: "Really?"

King Fan Yang nodded like garlic: "Chief Changjie, this matter is easy to discuss, please..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the woman in silver armor turning her head: "Don't be sleepy—"

"The end will be here."

Chang Suining: "Take the rebels Li Fu and his son down and execute them immediately to serve as a warning to others."

King Fan Yang was shocked: "Chang...Changjie envoy!"

Li Yun was also scared out of his mind: "Chief Changjie! Cui Liulang and I are close friends!"

Chang Sui Ning stopped looking at it and walked up the steps to the main hall.

Prince Fan Yang and his son struggled and screamed like a pig being killed.

King Fan Yang was about to cry but had no tears - God **** Cui Liulang, he hid it as a life-saving treasure in vain, and the co-author was actually one that no one wanted!

Seeing the father and son being dragged down, the head chamberlain was also frightened. He followed Chang Suining and whispered: "Chang Jiejie, this...should Li Fu be taken to the capital for punishment? He was executed like this. , are there some..."

"He has been charged with the serious crime of treason, and he still dares to speak out and provoke me with confidence -" Chang Sui Ning paused slightly and turned to look at him: "Shouldn't he be killed on the spot?"

Her eyes were very calm, but the chamberlain immediately broke into a layer of cold sweat, and he quickly bowed his head and said: "Yes... I will have someone tell the capital to tell the saint that the Ming Dynasty envoys will conquer Luoyang and kill the rebels." The great work of a thief!"

He maintained the gesture of bowing and saluting, but did not hear a word of response from Chang Sui Ning. For a moment, he only saw her lifting her feet and leaving from the corner of his eye.

At this time, the shrill screams of Prince Fan Yang and his son rang out from the side of the palace.

The head chamberlain shuddered, and not long after, he saw a group of soldiers walking out carrying two motionless corpses. The head chamberlain took a look from a distance and saw King Fan Yang's hanging arms and robes, as well as the pieces left on the ground. little bloodstains.

The head chamberlain didn't have time to express his feelings for anyone, so he hurriedly said: "Quickly... clean up the blood stains quickly! Don't get in the way of Chang Jiushi's eyes!"

After explaining, he hurriedly followed up with Chang Suining, even his flattery showed a special kind of caution: "Chang Jie has worked hard all the way, and the slaves have prepared a bath for the envoy to wash away the dust and relieve fatigue, and the meals are also prepared..."

Chang Suining did not refuse. After bathing and changing clothes in the palace garden, he ate his food and fell asleep.

The chief chamberlain asked people to prepare a palace in the inner palace in advance for Chang Suining, which was second only to the main palace where the emperor lived. Even so, the head chamberlain was still a little uneasy privately. Hearing that Chang Suining didn't say anything and settled in very easily, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

When Chang Sui Ning woke up, the sky outside the palace had already darkened.

When he opened his eyes and sat up with his hair disheveled, he suddenly saw many standard furnishings in the dormitory that only belonged to the royal palace. Chang Sui Ning was in a trance for a moment, and his mind wandered for a moment before returning to his place at this moment.

"The Festival wakes you up."

A female soldier wearing a regular robe came forward, handed Chang Suining a cup of tea, and said: "An hour ago, General Hao and Colonel Kang entered the city. In the afternoon, Mr. Qian and the others also arrived. …Sir, would you like to meet me?”

Chang Suining sat by the couch and drank half a cup of tea, shook his head and said, "There's no rush."

What shepherd's purse and Ani brought back must be the captured soldiers from Fan Yang's military camp outside the city and the amount of food, grass and military pay confiscated. Since Mr. Luo and the others have arrived, they will take the initiative to hand over and arrange the next trivial matters with shepherd's purse, without her taking the initiative. Ask about things.

Chang Suining put down the tea cup, yawned, stood up and pulled off the brand new robe sent by an unknown palace official from the screen, and said: "Go to General Tang and ask if the matter has been completed. If it has been completed, Let someone come to see me."

The female soldier responded and retreated.

Not long after, a young man in brocade clothes who looked embarrassed was brought over.

The young man limped into the hall and saw Chang Sui Ning, who was wearing a wide moon-white Luo Yi and tied with only a ribbon. He was sitting cross-legged behind the short table in a casual posture. He felt that the person in front of him was not seen for a long time. The change was quite big. He was stunned for a moment, then his eyes turned red, his mouth tightened, and he raised his hand to salute, with a cry in his voice -

"I knew Master wouldn't leave me alone!"

Good night everyone~

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