Hello Chang’an

Chapter 6: Don't talk nonsense

Chapter 6 Don’t talk nonsense

The young man said softly "Hey".

"Changji, come and see, does the little girl in this painting look familiar?"

When Changji heard this, he went to see it, but he shook his head: "I have no impression."

She couldn't help but said: "...Which girl has Madam found for your husband again?"

The husband is the only son in the family. He is over 20 years old but he still refuses to propose marriage. The wife is very worried about this. On weekdays, whenever she hears that a bride has been married in any house, she will feel restless at best. , severe symptoms include acute fire, attack of the heart and serious illness for three days.

"It may not be A Niang." The young man opened another letter and his eyebrows moved slightly: "Yu Zeng—"

Changji was extremely surprised: "How could this person pass the message to Lang Jun?"

Yu Zeng was the head of the eunuchs in the court and was in charge of the palace. He was highly trusted by the saints, and ordinary officials would call him "Yu Gong" when they saw him.

But he was arrogant and self-reliant, and he was famous for being a loner. He never looked down upon anyone, as if everyone had dug up his ancestral grave and owed him another 1.8 million taels of silver. .

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Yu asked me to find someone one day." The young man's eyes returned to the portrait, and he said thoughtfully: "It turns out that the girl from General Chang's residence was lost..."

"General Chang?" Chang Ji was confused after hearing this: "The girl in General Chang's house is missing. Why is Yu Chang waiting in such a hurry? He has many eyes and ears and no shortage of means to find people, so why would he entrust it to Lang Jun? ?”

"Because I have many eyes and ears." The young man looked at what was written in the letter and said, "Yu Zeng knew that I came to Hezhou under the sage's secret order, and he has found out that the Chang family girl is probably in the Hezhou area...I am now Since he is on an errand here, if he makes too many moves to find people, he may be suspected of hindering the saint's will."

As for why the girl from General Chang's residence was missing, Yu Changshi, who had always been a loner, was also secretly worried - maybe it had something to do with the past.

A long time ago, General Chang and Changshi Yu were loyal to the same person.

Thinking of this, the young man felt a brief daze in his eyes.

"Do you want to help me with this?"

"Why don't you help?" The young man came to his senses and sighed: "This opportunity to make Mr. Yu owe a favor is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"But Mr. Lang has nothing to ask of him—"

"That's a big mistake." The young man sat back in his chair: "It doesn't matter whether you pick up things for free on the road. You have to pick them up first. If you don't pick them up, others will pick them up. I am always the best person. I don’t want to see others taking advantage. If I see others taking advantage, I won’t be able to sleep well.”

Changji: "..."

Lang Jun’s half-truths and half-false remarks are always coming out one after another.

"The missing girl of the Chang family is in Hezhou, or it may be related to the matter being investigated at the moment." The young man pushed the portrait on the desk with **** and explained: "The matter in Zhoujia Village has already been solved. If you verify it, you can investigate immediately. You can go there in person and use this portrait to check if there is anyone with the same age and appearance."


Changji agreed, and when he put away the portrait and was about to retreat, the person behind the desk called him again: "Wait a minute."

"Do you have anything else to explain, Mr. Lang?"

"It is not appropriate to publicize the fact that a girl is missing. If you are looking for someone, look for her. Don't talk about it."

Changji's cheeks trembled.

He, Changji, was one of the top guards in Zheng Guogong's palace. He was extremely professional and had a cold face and a cold heart. The knife in his hand was even colder. How could he be the one who broke the news?

Lang Jun's words are not very harmful, but extremely insulting!

The young man left feeling aggrieved. As the door of the study room was closed, the young man's eyes fell on the rough papers with blood drawn on them that were pressed down by the paperweight.

Immediately, he thought of something and raised his eyebrows, thoughtfully.

In Zhoujia Village, it was not peaceful at the moment.

Li Zheng just returned home cursing, with half of his face still red and swollen.

Today he brought the money into the city to see the steward of the noble man's house. After saying a few words, a fat man in brocade clothes came in. The steward said that he was the young master of the manor. Just as he was about to salute, he was stopped by that man. The young master kicked him in the pit of the heart, slapped him again, and started yelling curses at him.

He didn't know the reason but he apologized again and again. He didn't know when he offended the husband. He was beaten inexplicably, and he couldn't help but murmur in his heart. On the way back, he carefully recalled the words that the husband scolded him, and he couldn't help but have a guess in his mind.

The "member outsider" in Liu Ke Lane has never shown his true face, could it be...

And the "good stuff" that Lao Shuan lost was originally destined for Liu Ke Lane...

Now that Laoshuan and his wife have disappeared, the "goods" have also escaped -

He went to the noble man's house to explain the matter, but before he finished speaking, he was beaten and scolded by the noble man's man.

Thinking of this, Li Zheng sat on the stool and had a guess in his mind.

At this time, the lame woman came in with a basin of water, held it in front of him, and whispered: "Wash your hands, the food is ready."

"Get out! What an eyesore you are getting by coming here at this time!"

The upset man raised his hand and overturned the basin, spilling all the hot water on the woman.

The woman squatted down with a numb face and wiped the water on the floor with a rag.

"I told you to get out of here, didn't you hear me?" The man kicked her over, as if he wanted to take out all the treatment he received in the city today on the skinny woman in front of him.

The woman gritted her teeth and endured his punches and kicks.

"Stop hitting grandma, stop hitting grandma!"

A six or seven-year-old girl cried and rushed over to hug the woman.

"You are not happy for me, are you?" The man became even more angry. He grabbed the little girl and walked out of the hall: "It seems that the memory from last time was not enough! I have to beat you to death today for losing money." !”

The little girl cried and struggled.

Seeing that her pleas were hopeless, the woman felt extremely frightened in her heart. She grabbed the wooden stool at hand, climbed up and caught up with him and threw it at the man.

The man's expression suddenly became extremely gloomy, he abandoned the little girl and grabbed the shovel by the door.

The woman who was dripping with water came to her senses and took a few steps back with a pale face. It was so cold in the early spring night that she was shivering.

"Dad, something happened!"

A boy of thirteen or fourteen ran back from outside. Without looking at the woman and girl, he gasped: "There are a lot of people outside who look like official officials!"

"Official official?" The man holding the shovel frowned, but did not panic: "I'll go take a look!"

"Mom, why did you make dad angry again!" The young man complained to the woman and ran out.

The trembling woman stepped forward and hugged her daughter, whispering to comfort her: "Don't be afraid, Niuniu..."

However, the tears couldn't stop falling.

After so many years, she no longer cares, but her daughter...not to mention whether she can grow up safely, even after she grows up, what will be waiting for Niu Niu?

A biological daughter can also be exchanged for silver, which is not unprecedented in this devil's cave-like village.

The sounds outside became chaotic and noisy, and the light of fire lit up the night.

The woman hugged her daughter tightly and subconsciously raised her head to look outside the courtyard. The firelight also reflected in her withered eyes.

Heroine: It’s been six chapters and I don’t have a name yet, how can I be decent (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Author: The next chapter must be...o(╥﹏╥)o

(I just realized that as of now, the only one with a name on the show is Konsui Changji, which is a bit outrageous...but then again, everyone doesn't think there's anything wrong, right?

(End of chapter)

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