Hello Chang’an

Chapter 622: Kill through this catastrophe

Chapter 622: Kill through this catastrophe

After asking the soldiers on duty at night, Li Suining finally found A Dian in a pile of snow and dry grass at the foot of a mountain.

He didn't wear a coat, he was squatting in front of the mountain wall, holding his bent legs with both hands, and burying his head in his arms. His hair was a little disheveled, and there were snow flakes on his body and head, making the big man shrink into a small one. A ball.

Li Suining felt a little relieved, walked to him and knelt down: "A point?"

When he didn't see any reaction, Li Suining raised his hand and shook his shoulder, and called him sternly. Finally, he saw A Dian raise his head slowly, his expression was a bit hazy, and his voice was low: "Your Highness..."

Seeing this, Li Suining hurriedly raised her hand to try his forehead. The palm of her hand was hot. She hurriedly asked, "You have a fever, but the wound hurts again? Why didn't you tell me?"

A Dian looked at her, with tears in his eyes, but said: "Your Highness, I am going to die."

Li Suining was stunned and listened to him seriously talking about his evidence. After settling in the cave for the first time, the soldiers who were proficient in medical skills first applied medicine to two seriously injured comrades, and then applied medicine to A Dian. From then on, every day , the three people changed their dressings at the same time, and the two people in front passed away the day before yesterday and yesterday respectively.

A Dian saw it in his eyes and thought over and over again, feeling that it was his turn to die anyway.

Li Suining heard this and asked him funnyly: "You think you are going to die, so you plan to hide and die quietly? But isn't this what puppies do?"

Ah Dian, who felt he was about to die, was suddenly curious and asked with tears in his eyes: "Why does the puppy do this?"

"I heard that you don't want to be eaten after death." Li Suining squatted in front of him, looked up at him slightly, and asked seriously: "Are you also afraid of being eaten?"

A Dian's eyes widened with tears, and then he seemed to have made up his mind and shook his head solemnly: "I'm not afraid!"

"Your Highness, after I die, you can let everyone eat me!" A Dian choked with sobs and said seriously: "I'm not as big as that black bear, but I'm sure it's enough for everyone to eat several times. !”

And if he dies, he won’t have to eat anymore. He is always hungry and his stomach is disobedient. No matter how many times he tells him not to bark, he will still bark. If he continues like this, he will eat all the dry food. !

In addition to dry food, he also needs to take medicine, yes, medicine...

Thinking of this, A Dian told Li Suining: "Your Highness, when I die, drink my medicine. Don't give it to others. If you drink more medicine, you will get better faster! Only in this way can you have the strength to fight." That person can leave here as soon as possible!”

Speaking of that man, A Dian felt angry and scared. He couldn't beat that man, and he was about to die because he was injured by that man.

I heard that people turn into ghosts when they die. Wait until they become ghosts and then go find that person secretly!

I wonder if after becoming a ghost, he will hunt more powerfully? He has only managed to catch a few rabbits in the past few days. If ghosts can hunt, he will catch prey for everyone.

Li Suining felt inexplicably at peace in her heart after listening to his nonsensical remarks. This was probably the most relaxing moment for her recently.

After A Dian rambled on about what happened after his death, he still hugged his legs tightly, holding back tears and said: "Your Highness, please go, don't worry about A Dian anymore!"

"I can ignore A Dian, but A Dian can't ignore me." Li Suining said: "There are also black chestnuts and oranges, waiting for you to take care of them."

A Dian pursed his lips: "But I'm going to die..."

"You will not die." Li Suining raised his hand to brush the snow off his head and said softly, "I will kill anyone who dares to let you die."

Then, she pulled A Dian up and took him back.

Along the way, A Dian repeatedly confirmed whether he would die. Li Suining always answered firmly: "No."

A Dian slowly came to believe it. He became more and more afraid of the cold due to the high fever. He shrank his shoulders and even his voice was trembling. His expression was a little confused, but he asked with visible sadness: "Your Highness, last time you came to Beidi alone. , is it also this cold?”

"It was fine then." Li Suining answered him: "There are warm tents, barbecues, and warm goat's milk wine."

She singled out the good ones and told A Dian to listen to them all.

A Dian was indeed not that sad anymore, and was instead attracted by what she said, unable to help but swallow his saliva.

Li Suining made an agreement with him, and after leaving here, he would take him to a warm tent to eat barbecue and drink goat's milk wine.

With this agreement, A Dian was satisfied in advance. He felt that he had gained a lot, so he asked: "Your Highness, what can I do?"

Li Suining thought of how he had pretended that his wounds no longer hurt and always secretly went out to hunt for food for everyone, so he said, "Be obedient."

A Dian nodded obediently, returned to the cave, drank medicine and went to sleep.

It was almost dawn, and Li Suining was no longer sleepy. She sat alone on the rocks outside the cave, looking towards the direction of Beidi Royal Court, but her sight was blocked by the white mountains.

Li Suining repeatedly recalled his performance when he fought with Ashina Tilie in the mountains that day, and he was roughly sure that Tang Xing's actions were not exposed, otherwise Ashina Tilie would not have said a word about it.

This may be because Tang Xing hid himself well, but it may also be because the group of them did not make it to the Beidi Royal Court alive.

In her previous life, Li Suining had planted spies in Beidi, and she used those people to **** Yuchi away. After confessing her identity to Meng Lie, it can be seen that Meng Lie has been maintaining the foundation she left in Beidi -

Before Tang Xing left, Li Suining informed him of the contact method. If Tang Xing successfully infiltrated the Beidi Royal Court, he would inevitably have to contact those people.

About fifty miles away, you can reach a hidden stronghold to inquire about Tang Xing's whereabouts. However, before that, Li Suining was surrounded by Ashina Tilie, so Tang Xing's specific whereabouts were still unable to be determined at this time.

It would be best if Tang Xing had already entered the Beidi Royal Court. She would lure Ashina Tilie and half of the Royal Court's troops here, which would actually create favorable conditions for Tang Xing's actions.

In all matters, one must prepare for the worst. If Tang Xing fails, she will have to do what he has not finished yet.

At the moment, it seems that Ashina Tilie is very murderous. Even if King Beidi Khan is removed, as long as this person is still there, it will be difficult for the war between the two sides to stop... Therefore, this person must die.

Anyone who takes the lead in fighting should die by the sword of war.

Li Suining held the sun with both hands, slowly pulled out the sword three inches, and looked into the eyes reflected on the blade.

The wind stirred up the snow foam and danced wildly in the mountains, like the howling of evil spirits.

The sky was gloomy and refused to open, and the ground was covered with snow, making it difficult to walk.

And outside this harsh world, there are powerful enemies who are bound to win, waiting to collect the bodies of the people in the mountains.

The time, place, and people are favorable, and everything seems to be a sign of God's will, blocking the steps of those who go against heaven, and showing her the price of acting against nature.

Li Suining used the light of the three-inch sword to look at the way she came. If there were a hundred steps to change people's lives, she would have gone against the will of ninety-nine. It becomes increasingly difficult to do it later, and this last step is the key to final success or failure.

Now that you've come this far, there's no need to think too much.

If a catastrophe blocks the way, then kill through this catastrophe.

Both she and Hao Jie were inhuman, and both had blood stained hands. It was unclear who was more vicious.

Above the sword blade, the woman's eyes were cold and silent, more compelling than the sword's light and snowy light.

When daylight dimmed, the soldiers were called out. Regardless of whether they were injured or not, they all gripped their swords tightly at this moment and were ready to charge out.

It was relatively the best time to go out at this time. They had rested, their physical strength had been replenished, their food and grass had not been completely exhausted, and their morale was still there.

If we drag it on, it will be even harder to break through when the food and grass are at the bottom and people's hearts are exhausted.

No one was afraid of death at this moment, but Li Suining said that she only wanted a hundred people to accompany her.

She will personally lead hundreds of people to break out of the encirclement on a small path to find reinforcements.

Half of the cavalry in the captured tribes at the rear were their reinforcements.

There are still two thousand cavalry in the rear to come to the rescue, and there are plenty of supplies and horses.

One of the reasons for choosing to let them stay behind was to prevent the risk of being trapped in a situation with no one to save them and all the troops being killed in one place.

Before several generals had time to object, they saw Li Suining drawing a planned breakout path in the snow with the long sword in his hand, explaining his reasons and considerations for doing so.

"I will take people away from the trail to the west. Although this trail is hidden, there will definitely be patrols by the Beidi Army. They will soon find our traces, but they will also quickly find out that we don't have many manpower. To prevent this, this is If they try to lure the tiger away from the mountain, they will definitely not send out too many troops to pursue it—"

"To get here, they need to run through a narrow and dangerous mountain road, and then cross an icy river. Both of these places can reduce their numbers and slow down their pace."

"After crossing the river, I will divide the troops into two groups and disperse the enemy troops again." Li Suining said: "Our troops will cover each other. In the end, even if only ten people successfully leave, the message will be sent out."

After she finished speaking, she looked at the soldiers and said, "If you stay here, you can take advantage of the terrain to lay traps in advance. Once the Beidi Army dares to go deep here, you will be the one who takes the initiative."

"My Da Sheng generals are both wise and brave. You will be able to stop the enemy wisely and wait for the reinforcements to arrive. When the time comes, you can attack from both inside and outside and turn the tide of the battle."

After Li Suining finished speaking, the expressions of the soldiers around him were turbulent and changing. Kang Zhi, who was holding a wooden staff, said urgently: "Ani agrees with this strategy, but His Highness should not lead the army! This trip is extremely dangerous. What if..."

Li Suining looked at the traces of the sword on the ground: "I clearly remembered these roads when I came here. I am the only one who can fight out."

The path I have recorded is different from the one recounted by others. The latter cannot think of contingency plans in an emergency, and the murderous intention is often just a moment away.

"Ani, you have made a great contribution this time." Li Suining looked at Kang Zhi who wanted to say more, and said to her: "Recuperate in peace and wait for the reward."

Kang Zhi's throat was dry and sore, she held back tears and responded loudly.

Shepherd's purse was also left behind. When it came to stabilizing the morale of the army, Li Suining believed that shepherd's purse was the most suitable. She was powerful, courageous and decisive, but also tolerant and tolerant. She was very much like the mother of the tribe in ancient times. She just stayed with her. Being around makes people feel safe.

After Li Suining finished explaining, he looked at his subordinates and felt satisfied and proud no matter how he looked at them.

Therefore, there cannot be any more casualties, and everything must be done to reduce the number of casualties.

Ah Dian's high fever has not gone away, and he is still asleep at this time. Luo Huo's condition is not good either and he couldn't eat yesterday.

The task of guarding here will not be too heavy. Most of the time is spent waiting for news, so Li Suining asked a soldier to take more care of Luo Huo.

The sky is dark and it seems like snow is about to fall again.

In the biting cold wind, Li Suining took the horse and left with more than a hundred soldiers as the soldiers respectfully sent him off.

The cold wind was blocked by the thick Beidi military tent. There was a stove burning inside the tent, and it was even a bit sultry.

Ashina Tilie sat cross-legged at the table and drank a bowl of hot wine to ward off the cold. When the wine bowl was put down, a soldier from the royal court quickly walked into the tent and brought a shocking news. .

Ashna Tilie stood up suddenly.

It had been a month since he led his troops away from the royal court. The place was remote and the transmission of news was inconvenient. However, he did not bother to report everything to the royal court. He originally planned to take the head of Princess Dasheng and return directly to the royal court. Unexpectedly, suddenly I heard this news.

The soldiers who delivered the message for the first time failed to find Ashina Tire's army. This soldier was the second batch of people to deliver the message. The incident happened more than 20 days ago, that is, Ashna Tire had just left the king. Court soon.

Under the mask, Ashina Tilie looked unclear. For a moment, he walked up to the soldier who reported the news, grabbed the soldier by the collar, and said word by word: "Say what you just said again."

The soldier repeated it with some fear, explained the arrangements of the royal court, and finally said: "...Kedun and the little Khan please return to the royal capital immediately!"

Ashna Tire repeated his words: "—Return to the capital immediately?"

"Yes..." The soldier was about to speak again, but suddenly Ashina Tilie pierced his neck with a short knife, the same method he used when he slaughtered the sheep on the day he led the troops to leave the royal court.

The two generals in the tent were shocked.

Ashina Tilie let go of the soldier's collar and let him fall to the ground.

"In my opinion, this is just a lie he made up." Ashna Tilie lowered his eyes and looked at the trembling soldiers lying on the ground: "This man must have been bribed by Sheng Jun in an attempt to use this false news to lure me and others. Move away from here.”

He put the short sword into its sheath: "In ten days at most, when this battle is over, I will return to the royal court to find out the truth of the matter!"

The hunt has come to an end. How can a hunter who has been waiting for many days hide his bow and leave?

After he kills the Dowager Princess of Dasheng, with such a blood feud, the war with Dasheng will never end. By then, he will be able to control the Beidi army. The queen and the little khan... are all incompetent people. He How could you take it seriously?

After waiting for so many years, everything is finally here, it’s like God’s help!

Ashina Tilie laughed, and the two generals did not dare to refute him.

At this time, the emergency report came.

"A Sheng army suddenly came out from the westernmost path, and the leader was the great lady Dasheng!"

Ashina Tilie became energetic, said "Okay!" loudly, and immediately asked: "How many people and horses!"

"At most a hundred people!"

Ashina Tilie immediately gave the order, took the long knife, stepped over the pool of blood on the corpse, and strode out of the tent: "Quickly order eight hundred soldiers to follow me to pursue!"

These more than a hundred people are most likely a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. After heavy losses, his army now has less than four thousand and still needs to defend this place.

Eight hundred people, enough!

He doesn't have to wait ten more days, he can take off the head of Madam Dasheng today... and return to the royal court immediately to get back what belongs to him in one fell swoop!

Li Suining led his troops to kill the Beidi army responsible for guarding, and rushed westward.

There were also Beidi troops on scattered patrols blocking the way. After they were all killed, the sound of horse hooves could be heard coming from behind.

As the horses galloped wildly, Li Suining looked back in the wind and snow - here we come!

Her plan today is not just to call for reinforcements!

Good night everyone~

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