Hello Chang’an

Chapter 63: Xuance's number one troll

 Chapter 63 Xuance’s No. 1 Troll

 Is it useful to curse people?

 It sounds like it’s just a quick talk, but it is undeniable that it is indeed useful at certain times.

Not to mention the polite scoldings occasionally mixed with personal attacks when arguments in the court boiled down—

Speaking of which, before two armies engage in battle, they will often launch a "cursing formation". If a strong general with a strong sense of belief can be sent out to defeat the opponent's sanity and demoralize the opponent's military morale, it will be no problem. Down.

Therefore, swearing has been a subject of knowledge since ancient times. If you can learn and apply it, you will have great potential.

Chang Kuo, who had a reputation as Xuance's number one troll in the past and was well versed in this, was not just an impulsive act of mindless venting.

Sure enough, everyone's attention was visibly diverted by his output, and most of the sense of solemnity and oppression brought about by the words "unlucky thing" was also dissipated.

For example, Cui Lang was completely attracted and impressed, and said incredulously: "Don't they say that people who practice martial arts are not good at words? How come General Chang's scolding...is so comfortable?"

He couldn't help but look at the eldest brother who had just come to help: "Tell me, eldest brother, why do you only learn those sword, fist, and kick skills from General Chang Da? Let me tell you... I should learn more about this verbal thing!"

If you leave such a good skill and don't learn it, can your eldest brother be able to do it?

Cui Tang coolly asked: "Why, do you want to see your eldest brother apply what he has learned and take it home so that he can scold his father for three hundred rounds every day?"

Cui Lang nodded with some anticipation: "That's a good idea..."

Chang Kuo's scolding was still not over, and when he was about to continue, Chang Sui Ning on the side secretly tugged on his sleeve.

Chang Kuo immediately understood.

We can't block the road too much. After all, we still have to leave some room for the grasshopper to jump around -

He then raised his hand to the Holy Emperor and said sternly: "My little girl was frightened and almost died today. A terrible disaster has come. Fortunately, with the blessing of the Buddha and the saints, she managed to escape from this calamity! It is absolutely impossible to escape from death like this for the first time. No matter how easy it is to be slandered - Your Majesty, please be clear on this matter!"

The Holy Book Emperor's eyes slowly fell on the girl beside him.

The girl stood with her head slightly bowed, so that no one could see her expression at this time, but the aura around her was clearly fearless - she couldn't even pretend to be too frightened.

‘Fortunately, thanks to the blessings of Buddha and saints, I was able to escape this disaster’?


The girl's reaction when she was attacked by the divine elephant reappeared in front of her eyes. She clearly did not belong to an ordinary boudoir daughter's family. The tone of the Holy Book Emperor's tone was so emotionless: "God is above me, I will never wrongly accuse innocent people. "

Chang Sui Ning still didn't raise his eyes, he just sneered in his heart.

This statement is worth pondering - if she would not wrongly accuse an innocent person, then is she an innocent person? Who can say whether such mysterious things are true or false?

In the final analysis, Huntian Jianjianzheng's words, in addition to subconsciously shirking his own responsibilities, are also catering to the Sacred Heart.

If the blessing ceremony is destroyed, someone must take the blame - otherwise it will easily become a sign of punishment from heaven, and it will give many opportunities to the forces with different camps to make a big fuss about it.

The Holy Emperor will naturally not allow such a situation that is not good for him and goes against what he wants to happen.

Therefore, there is a great need for a "scapegoat".

Since the emperor has what he needs, his knowledgeable ministers can provide timely countermeasures -

Coincidentally, as the unlucky one who was attacked by the elephant, she was a perfect scapegoat.

But the Sacred Heart still needs to show some mercy and mercy, and not be too arbitrary. Therefore, it still needs those wise ministers to say that "that girl is definitely not an innocent person" -

Sure enough, someone echoed: "This matter is indeed strange, and as the saying goes, anything that is abnormal must be evil..."

"Normally, the sacred elephant will not hurt people without reason. This behavior may be a sign."

"Since ancient times, there have been many examples of ominous people hindering the destiny of the country and bringing disaster..."

"Yes, the Mid-Spring Prayer Ceremony is related to our great national destiny... Your Majesty, this matter must not be handled carelessly!"

Three people become tigers, not to mention that it is related to metaphysics and the fate of the country. There is never much actual evidence, and the idea of ​​"ominous" has always been the most taboo for those in power. It is better to kill by mistake than to put it away by mistake. In just a few words, that is There are countless precedents that can determine life and death.

That girl is not the first, nor will she be the last.

The woman who knew this well quietly cast a sympathetic look at the girl.

The girl who could survive a fight with a giant elephant was now about to have her life or death decided by a few words.

Chang Kuo was not in a hurry to say anything more, but the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and the booklet in his heart was already rotten.

Some people regarded his temporary silence as being shaken, and sighed and advised: "...it is related to the fate of the country, General Chang Da should put the overall situation first."

"Yes, General Chang..."

Seeing those people almost saying "My condolences to General Chang", Chang Kuo's mouth was full of fragrance and he had to bear it very hard.

Mrs. Duan, Mrs. Zheng Guogong, was already furious: "He talks about the overall destiny of the country, but he ignores propriety, justice and integrity! Bah, you are such a dog-like person!"

"Madam..." The maid on the side was frightened when she heard this: "Please keep your voice down."

"What's that brat doing standing there in a daze! Has his etiquette, justice, and integrity been read into the dog's belly?!" Mrs. Duan knew that she was speaking lightly, so she placed her hope on her son at this moment.

Wei Shuyi stood beside the Holy Emperor and never spoke.

Even the vague worry at the beginning had disappeared, leaving only silent curiosity-he wondered why the girl who had become the target of public criticism could still be so calm.

She stood there, seemingly unfazed by the high-sounding malice around her.

She looked thin and delicate, and the ill-fitting black cloak was enough to wrap her whole body tightly. Under the scrutiny of the imperial power and divine power, she seemed to have become a prey called a victim.

But she really doesn't look like prey.

Or even... quite the opposite.

Therefore, he chose to watch and explore quietly, waiting with her for what she was waiting for.

Seeing that the Holy Emperor was still silent, those echoes became more and more frequent.

At this time, the Holy Emperor tilted his head slightly and asked, "Luo'er, what do you think about this matter?"

"Your Majesty, I think what you all said is reasonable." Mingluo looked at the girl under the altar. Her eyes were lowered, and the cloak on her body was particularly dazzling -

She said: "There has never been any precedent for a divine elephant to harm anyone. The scene just now is truly unprecedented and unheard of."

"Since there is no precedent, it is clear that there must be something fishy about this matter."

A young man's calm and powerful voice sounded. It was Cui Jing who stepped forward and stood in front of the Chang family's father and daughter.

Mingluo looked at him blankly.

Cui Jing raised his hand with a solemn look on his face: "The sudden change in this grand ceremony is also due to Cui Jing's dereliction of duty. Therefore, I ask your majesty to allow your ministers to investigate the matter in detail. Within half a day, Cui Jing will find out the truth -"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at everyone: "Until then, it will not be too late for you, your lords, to convict people."

The officials listened with different expressions.

I'm afraid this Cui boy is not with Yin Yang and the others!

But does he understand the real stakes? When Cui Jing spoke, his weight was different from that of others. Wasn't this a clear way to make things difficult for the saint?

Cui Jing took the lead, and soon another person stood up: "Your Majesty, I would like to ask you to investigate this matter in detail with Governor Cui!"

Looking at the person who stood up, there was a moment of noise everywhere.

What kind of fun is this Yao Yi doing? There are not enough cases in Dali Temple for him to investigate on weekdays, right?

"It's uncle!" Yao Xia jumped up with joy, his eyes were filled with excitement and admiration - uncle is really impartial and selfless!

Yao Gui was also moved in his eyes - if he can become an official in the future, he will definitely be a good official like his uncle who asks for justice!

Yao Yi couldn't hear this, but anyone who listened would definitely reply to the previous sentence: It's not necessary. If it doesn't happen, don't get involved.

Yao Ran was certainly feeling lucky, but at this time she was paying more attention to the mood swings of her mother beside her—

As early as the moment Yao Yi stood up, Pei's eyes were already extremely cold.

Although Yao Yi can be called an upright official, he is by no means a mindless and upright person. He is cautious in dealing with things, so that he can steadily and step by step get to where he is today... He should know better than anyone else that the will of the Holy Spirit is unpredictable at this time. And without any clues, it's not a good time to stand up and be a hero.

But he still stood up!

For that little bitch!

That little **** is really tough. She was able to escape time and time again. Zhou Ding couldn't kill her, and the giant elephant couldn't kill her either...

But today...she won't let that **** leave alive no matter what!

She wanted Yao Yi to watch this **** being dealt with in front of his eyes -

She wanted to see what he could do for that little bitch!

Dreaming about the upcoming scene, Pei's eyes showed the joy of revenge.

Looking at the two important ministers who stood up one after another, the Holy Emperor was silent for a moment, seeming to be weighing something.

"Your Majesty, I believe that what Governor Cui and Yao Tingwei said is extremely necessary." At this time, Yu Zeng, who was beside the holy driver, also spoke and said: "If you say that the Chang family's wife is not tolerated by the gods, , is an ominous sign, but just now I saw that the older female elephant was very close to the Chang family girl, and it didn’t seem like she was sensing something ominous - "

The Holy Emperor didn't look at him, but said in an indiscernible tone: "I rarely hear who you speak for."

Yu Zeng's stature became shorter and he said in a low voice: "This girl from the Chang family is actually the orphan girl who was entrusted by His Royal Highness to Yu Nu and General Chang... I do have some selfish motives."

He spoke so frankly that the Emperor Shengshu's eyes moved slightly.

She looked at the girl again and asked, "Girl of the Chang family, do you have anything to say about yourself?"

The sound came from above the altar, like the distant and majestic voice of heaven.

Chang Suining slowly raised his head and faced the scrutinizing holy face.

"Back to Your Majesty—" Chang Suining said slowly, "I believe that if the great national fortunes are ruined by the influence of a little girl, then our national fortunes will be nothing more than this."

There was a sudden silence, followed by numerous sounds of shock and anger.

"What is this nonsense…"

“It’s simply presumptuous to discuss the fate of our country...”

"She knows what national destiny is..."

There was also a sneer in Mingluo's eyes.

But the girl's expression remained unchanged as she continued: "I am sure that I am not an ominous person who will ruin the fate of the country, and neither are the others present -"

This crime should not be imposed on any innocent person.

Cui Jing tilted his head slightly and looked at the girl beside him.

There were many scratches on her cheeks, which were very eye-catching on her fair face. Only one pair of eyes on her body did not look embarrassed at all.

Unlike the anger of his ministers, the Holy Emperor only looked at the girl and asked: "I want to hear, how can you be sure that you are not an ominous person?"

"What you all have said is at least right. Divine elephants will not hurt people without reason." Chang Sui Ning said: "The sacred elephant is injured, or someone did it deliberately, intending to destroy the blessing ceremony."

She is very good at setting up charges for others as soon as possible.

"The Elephant...is he injured?" The Holy Book Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, and he moved his gaze away from the girl's face and looked at the Elephant Slave.

Several elephant slaves kneeling there exchanged glances, all of them were horrified. The leader knocked his head to the ground: "The slave did not find any injuries on the sacred elephant!"

Chang Suining: "The injury was in the folds of the neck, and the wound is extremely small, so it is not easy to find, but it should be a very sharp object -"

The girl's tone was determined, and the leader of the elephant slave suddenly broke out in cold sweat: "How...how could this happen?"

However, thinking back carefully, I found that the bull elephant had indeed been irritable from time to time since last night, but they did not find any injuries when feeding him!

What's more important is that the ceremony is coming soon. They are guarding it day and night, and they don't dare to relax at all. Who can have the opportunity to hurt the idol up close?

Because of this, I just assumed that the bull elephant was just having some innocuous temper, and never thought about the possibility of injury.

Cui Jing said: "Whether what Mrs. Chang said is true or false, let others test it."

The Holy Emperor nodded slightly.

As a woman with a foreign surname, she would not be a dim-witted and mediocre leader who has made it this far. The prayer ceremony was ruined, and someone needs to take responsibility for it, but this does not mean that there is no need to consider other possibilities.

While the courtiers were letting their words convict the girl of ominous crimes, she was also watching and thinking.

Although no one can refute the metaphysical theory of national destiny, compared with the truth that can be supported by evidence, it naturally falls behind in terms of convincing the public.

And she also needs to know the truth now.

The elephant slave said with the intention of making amends for his sins: "I would like to come forward and check if there are any injuries on the body of the sacred elephant!"

An official looked in the direction of the sacrificial pool and reminded: "But the elephant is so manic right now, I'm afraid it's difficult to get close."

As soon as he finished speaking, a chamberlain came quickly leading a medical officer.

The servant bowed and said, "Shilang Wei, I have brought the Ma Fei Powder you asked for. This is it. Is it enough?"

Just then he saw that something was wrong and Wei Shuyi failed to step forward, so he thought of a way to subdue the elephant with hemp powder, so he ordered his servant to go to the medical officer to get it.

The elephant slave understood the important intention and nodded quickly: "That should be enough!"

Even if it doesn't turn over the divine elephant medicine, it can calm it down.

Several elephant slaves took the hemp powder and, with the assistance of Xuance's army, got down into the sacrificial pool.

The female relatives, who were far away and did not dare to approach, only heard the call of the bull elephant gradually weakening, and knew that it was done.

Soon, the elephant slave turned back together with the medical officer.

Today is a big chapter of 4,000 words! Hmm...I feel like the blood is coming back a lot~

In fact, I have never dared to tell you that after becoming masculine, I was really depressed. I even felt so gloomy at one point that I had no interest in anything at all. But fortunately, it only lasted a few days.

Today is Christmas. Without any preparation, it suddenly snowed outside for the first time this year. Suddenly, there were many children and adults outside, which was originally deserted. They came out to light fireworks sticks and small firecrackers (it has been banned, but secretly (~), this small opportunity makes me feel that life is still very beautiful. Auspicious snow heralds a good harvest, and everything will be fine!

I hope everyone will recover soon and return to normal life soon. We can all do happy things together~

(End of chapter)

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