Hello Chang’an

Chapter 73: Gained new courage

Chapter 73 Gained new courage

This "mistake" started when Mingluo saw the first different handwriting -

Different handwriting means that different people copied the scriptures. This is a common thing. After all, Mrs. Zheng Guogong was not the only one who came to the Duke Zheng's mansion. Anyone who is willing to pray for blessings and copy the scriptures can do it.

The next moment, Mingluo's eyes fell on the signature at the bottom of the paper.

Yao Xia, the second daughter of the Yao family?

Mingluo had no impression of this person.

It is not unusual for the scriptures copied by the other party to appear in the wife of Zheng Guogong. The female relatives who came this time were on good terms with each other, so it was common for them to gather together to copy scriptures.

Mingluo didn't pay attention, turned it over, and continued reading.

Another different handwriting.

Mingluo subconsciously looked at the signature - Chang Shi Suining of the Cavalry General's Mansion.

That girl's face flashed through his mind, and Mingluo's expression remained calm as he turned it over again.

The next one was actually a completely different handwriting.

Mingluo frowned suddenly.

She picked up the piece of scripture and looked at it carefully. The more she looked at it, the more certain she became—

This is actually imitating the handwriting of Princess Chongyue during her lifetime.

Her eyes quickly moved to the signature area, and when she saw the four characters "Chang Shi Suining", her frown deepened.

Why did Chang Suining use two different handwritings to copy the scriptures, and why did he imitate the handwriting of Princess Chongyue?

Princess Chongyue's calligraphy was not easy to learn, but the other party's handwriting was almost seventy percent similar... It can be seen that it was not a day's work, but must have been secretly copying for a long time.

What is the purpose of this move?

Thinking of a possibility, Mingluo sneered silently.

Copying scriptures in two handwritings may be just a superficial show off, but imitating Princess Chongyue's calligraphy alone, then there must be other motives.

Do you want to use this to get into the eyes of a saint?

"Nv Shi, is there anything wrong?" Liuzhu, the personal maid serving at the side, asked cautiously when she saw that Mingluo was looking at the scripture for a long time with an expression that seemed displeased.

With an indifferent expression, Mingluo crumpled the piece of scripture into a ball and threw it into the charcoal basin nearby.

"You dare to send it to a saint even if you have a lot of typos -"

Liuzhu: "I wonder who could be so careless?"

Ming Luo didn't say much, he just said: "That's all."

Liuzhu asked no more questions.

The two maids who were serving tea and snacks listened to this conversation and understood.

They all know that female history has always disliked people who do things carelessly.

But the other party dared to send it even though he copied it with many typos. If this was seen by a saint, even if he was not punished, it would definitely leave a very bad impression in front of the saint. By doing this, the female historian could be considered as helping the other party.

Female history has always been like this, although a little strict, but kind-hearted.

This has been witnessed by everyone in the palace for many years.

Mingluo has sat down behind the desk.

She took one last look at the scriptures that had been burned to ashes in the charcoal pot.

Her brows and eyes had long since regained their composure, but there was still a hint of sarcasm in the depths of her eyes.

A mere military commander's adopted daughter, an outsider with a low status, dared to have such thoughts.

It's really overestimating one's abilities.

And extremely clumsy.

But people who can't recognize their identity and have delusions are really disgusting.

Mingluo withdrew his gaze and looked through the scriptures at hand one by one.

After she read them all, she heard that Cui Jing had left, so she asked her maid to take the scriptures with her to see the Holy Book Emperor.

"These are the scriptures copied by the ladies of each house in the past two days. Your Majesty, please read them at your leisure."

"Well, let it go."

The Holy Emperor put down the ink pen in his hand, leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes to rest.

Upon seeing this, Mingluo walked around behind the Holy Emperor and rubbed his shoulders as usual: "My aunt has to take care of many things and pray for blessings, so she is already tired... Today Ashen did such a ridiculous thing again. He is really ignorant. Luo'er has just reprimanded and reminded him. When he returns home, his father will also punish and reprimand him. This period of time will allow him to reflect at home - "

She said softly: "I hope my aunt can calm down and take care of the dragon's body first."

The Holy Emperor was noncommittal: "It would be great if he could learn to reflect on his mistakes."

Mingluo: "He has learned a lesson today..."

The Holy Emperor thought of Ming Jin's embarrassed appearance just now, closed his eyes and said slowly: "Yesterday at the ceremony, it was obvious that the lady from the Chang family is indeed different from ordinary ladies... Ashen met her today, and he was unlucky. "

It’s hard to say whether this is a derogatory statement or a compliment.

"This lady from the Chang family is indeed very rare in her words and deeds." Mingluo's hands did not stop pressing her shoulders and said softly: "Judging from the two incidents from yesterday to today, her temperament is also a person who will avenge her enemies and does not know how to give in. Yes, there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just that I have less worries after all.”

The Holy Emperor still had his eyes closed: "It seems that he has less scruples, but he has not left anyone with any mistakes to point out."

Mingluo's hand on his shoulder paused slightly.

Is this appreciation and praise?

"How is Li Lu? Did the medical officer see him again today?" The Emperor of the Holy Book had already changed the subject.

Mingluo immediately came back to his senses: "Don't worry, aunt, Prince Rong was just frightened yesterday and suffered from asthma. Now he is fine."

The Holy Emperor nodded slightly: "He has always been in poor health, and I didn't want him to come here, but he wanted to do his best, and I couldn't stop him... The temple is not properly equipped with Prince Birong's palace, so the attendants and medical officers Just take more care of it.”

Mingluo responded: "Yes, please rest assured, aunt."

At this time, a palace maid came in and announced: "Your Majesty, Yu Chang is waiting outside to see you."

"Let him in."

Yu Zeng walked into the Zen hall and bowed.

At Mingluo's signal, all the unrelated eunuchs in the palace, Gong'e, withdrew and stood guard.

Yu Zeng is the head of the palace. For ordinary matters, he only needs to send a message to the people below. Most of the things that can make him come in person are urgent or not suitable for publicity.

"The truth of what the criminal Pei said yesterday has been verified clearly." Yu Zeng said: "The young lady in General Chang's residence is not the daughter of Yao Tingwei."

"Isn't it..." The Holy Emperor opened his eyes: "But Yao Yi is looking for someone in private, so it can't be a lie."

"There is indeed a search for someone, claiming that he is looking for a girl for an old friend. Although I don't know whether this is true or not, is it inconvenient to say it openly..." Yu Zeng lowered his eyes and said, "But it is indeed the wrong search."

In other words, it is true that she is looking for someone, but the person she is looking for is not the Chang family girl.

The Holy Emperor understood and nodded slightly.

She had no intention of intervening in her courtiers' family affairs, but just as the court and the harem were always closely connected, in a sense, the courtiers' family affairs were also within the scope of her control.

Her eyes always needed to see more.

Because there are countless pairs of eyes looking at her all the time.

During the noon vegetarian meal, Chang Kuo frequently put vegetables into his daughter's bowl: "Eat more!"

Qiao Yumian nodded and said softly: "Yes, Ning Ning, you have to eat more so that your injury can heal quickly."

Qiao Yubai said: "Besides, carrying water is very tiring."

Chang Sui'an: "It's very tiring to beat people!"

Qiao Yubai rarely refuted his words. He was silent for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

After all, it must have taken a lot of effort to beat everyone up like that.

Hearing this again, Qiao Yumian hesitated to speak.

She wanted to say that hitting someone is not good after all.

But then I thought about it, the person Ning Ning hit was not a human being, right?

The prince Yingguo Gong is famous for being a man of few people.

It’s wrong to hit someone, but Ning Ning is not hitting someone—

After figuring this out, Qiao Yumian suddenly felt that it would be no problem.

She also tried to pick up vegetables for Chang Sui Ning: "Here, Ning Ning eats a piece of bamboo shoots."

She couldn't see with her eyes, so she could only pick up the dishes in front of her and hand them in the direction of Chang Suining. Chang Suining hurriedly picked up the bowl and caught it.

Soon, the dishes in front of her piled up like a mountain. Chang Suining was a little worried.

Xi'er watched from the side, always feeling that the next moment her daughter would say something detrimental to her merits - no meat, the food would not taste good.

Although the rice was not fragrant, Chang Suining still ate all the food in front of him.

In the afternoon, her monastery suddenly became lively.

"I was thinking that Sister Chang was injured and needed to rest, so I didn't dare to come over and disturb her..."

But in a blink of an eye, I heard that the Chang family sister not only went to the back mountain to fetch water, but also beat up the crown prince Ying Guogong!

When Yao Xia thought of this, he couldn't help showing admiration: "This is the first time I've heard that the crown prince of Yingguo was beaten!"

"Yeah yeah…"

"The Chang family's wife is so brave!"

The five or six girls who followed Yao Xia chirped in agreement.

"Then Prince Yingguo is not a good person..." A good-looking girl lowered her voice and said angrily: "He acts arrogantly and absurdly. He is a cowardly person."

"Yes, this person indulges in drinking and sex, and behaves frivolously... It is a well-known fact. When it comes to his career, he is very bold. Looking at the capital, the only one who can compete with him is the second lady Yao!" There is a girl! It's true.

Yao Xia: "Bah, bah, he and I are different!"

"What's the difference?"

The girls laughed.

Those who can hang out with Yao Xia are usually lively and cheerful, love to talk and make trouble, and are more courageous than ordinary ladies.

Someone asked in a low voice out of concern: "Why did Mrs. Chang have a conflict with the Crown Prince Ying Guo? Could it be that he coveted Mrs. Chang's beauty and wanted to do something frivolous?"

Chang Suining shook his head: "That's not true."

At least not in time.

I don’t even dare to think about it in the future.

"That's good..."

"Ms. Chang should be careful about this person in the future."

"Then why did Sister Chang teach him a lesson?" Yao Xia asked curiously.

Chang Suining covered his mouth and yawned: "He bullied a friend of mine. He insisted on fighting, so I had no choice but to fight back."

A group of girls were surprised when they heard this.

Mrs. Chang actually beat the crown prince Ying Guo for a friend!

And won!

Some people couldn't help but think of the Chang family's lady stepping on insects at the flower party that day.

—Ms. Chang, is she still in need of friends?

Chang Suining raised his eyes after yawning, and met a pair of sparkling eyes.

So...she beat up someone today, and she beat everyone to the public's surprise?

And he has the potential to become famous.

Thinking about it, this should be the same as when killing an enemy on the battlefield, specifically selecting the distinguished members of the opponent's army to kill.

Hmm...my thoughts suddenly opened up.

Chang Suining tried to draw up a booklet in his mind, listing the people in the capital who could be beaten, just in case of emergencies.

After Yao Xia and others left, Chang Sui Ning got up from his chair and walked out.

Xi'er quickly followed up: "Do you still want to fetch water, girl?"

"No more picking today."

Xi'er breathed a sigh of relief.

She had already quietly calculated it for the girl. If the ordinary lady copying scriptures and doing morning lessons could add ten merit points, the girl fetching water could add hundreds. And the girl also beat the Ming prince, in a sense It can be said that the ghust purified the Buddha's ears and eyes. If the Buddha was particular about it, he would at least add a thousand merits to his girl, right?

After such a calculation, the girl's merits are now at an all-time high. She can no longer pick this water, otherwise there will really be no way for other ladies to survive.

"Where is that girl going?"

"Go and find Mr. Yu."


The girl used to be most afraid of Mr. Yu.

Xi'er's eyes fell on his girl's round head, and she couldn't help but wonder, is this what every loss must lead to gain? Although the girl lost her old brain, she gained new courage.

Seeing Chang Suining coming alone, Yu Zeng had the same feeling, and made a new addition - not only did this guy gain new courage, but he also gained a very thick skin.

"Yesterday I was injured and frightened. Why didn't Mr. Yu ask someone to show concern?" That's what the girl said when she came up, as if asking - Is this how you become a father?

Yu Zeng sneered: "I didn't see where you were frightened, but I was about to be frightened."

He had heard that today she beat the crown prince of Duke Ying in the back mountain, and it wasn't the usual way of a lady throwing a bead and a pebble, or stretching out her hand and scratching him a few times. She beat him with a pole.

He raised his eyes coolly: "Do you know that the Crown Prince Yingguo is definitely not a good person—"

Chang Suining sat there: "That's why I came to find Mr. Yu."

"What, you want me to help you clean up the mess?"

Chang Sui Ning was puzzled and asked: "Is there any mess that needs to be sorted out?"

People are punished when they deserve it, and they are driven out when they should be driven out.

As for what happens next, hasn’t it happened yet?

Yu Zeng: "...Then what are you doing here?"

"I would like to ask Mr. Yu for a list." Chang Sui Ning said: "A list of the officials and family members of the clan who are accompanying me this time."

Yu Zeng frowned: "What do you want this for?"

"Gong Yu also knows that my brain is broken and many people don't recognize me."

Chang Suining said seriously: "Before I beat the crown prince of Yingguo today, he first reported his family name. But if one day I meet a stubborn person who refuses to tell me his identity, I will always know who I am beating, right?"

Yu Zeng: "??"

My expression has not been so out of control for many years!

He frowned and looked at Xi'er: "The medical officer in the palace can't do anything... What about the Rejuvenation Pavilion? Have you visited it?"

You have to think of something, right?

Xi'er's expression was complicated, Chang Suining answered on her own: "Don't worry, Mr. Yu, on the first day after returning to Beijing, I invited the doctor from the Huichun Pavilion to come and have a look."

"What did you say?"

"Leave it to fate."

Yu Zeng: “….”

"Don't be afraid, Mr. Yu. I don't want this list just to beat people." Chang Suining reassured: "Many of the female envoys around you don't recognize them all. In order to avoid bumping into people who shouldn't be bumped into, It’s better to be aware of it.”

Yu Zeng said "ha": "...In your eyes, is there anyone who shouldn't be collided with?"

As he said that, he was too lazy to talk to her anymore and ordered his confidants: "Okay, get it for her."

Who is coming is not a secret after all.

After Chang Suining got the list, he stood up and left. Before leaving, he took out the Chang family's highest courtesy -

"Thank you, Mr. Yu."

Simple and perfunctory.

That night, Chang Suining held the long list and read it late into the night.

Now that Ah Li's matter is over, it's time for her to get to know the current situation and those who have the ability to influence the situation.

Early the next morning, Chang Suining got up on time and went to the back mountain to fetch water.

This water lasted for four days.

In the early morning of this day, Chang Sui Ning was walking to the river with a bucket when he heard the sound of a flute in the distance.

When she came to the river, she saw a moon-white man standing by the river, holding a flute in his hand.

Accurate stuck point, write to the death until 11:59...

(End of chapter)

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