Hello Chang’an

Chapter 81: Kill and bury

Chapter 81 Kill and bury

Following Chang Suining's shout, A Dian, who was squatting aside and playing with bugs with blades of grass, jumped up and immediately pounced on the figure.

Ah Che, who was holding a shovel in his hand, and the sword boy had also surrounded him.

The woman wanted to escape, but the three of them blocked her path from three sides. A Dian moved the fastest and without saying a word, he flew forward and attacked the woman.

His punching style was so domineering that the woman's complexion changed drastically. She retreated and had no choice but to pull out the short knife hidden in her sleeve to deal with it.

Chang Sui Ning quickly reminded: "You have to live!"

"Oh!" A Dian took the time to nod: "I know!"

While the two were fighting, Chang Sui Ning stood aside and watched the young woman's skills.

This person has some skills. If she meets an ordinary person, she has a chance of winning against ten of them. But unfortunately, she bumps into A Dian.

Although A Dian is mentally retarded, he is a martial arts fanatic. His pure mind makes him more focused and able to comprehend the subtle essence than when a normal person practices martial arts.

More importantly, he is incredibly strong.

He defeated Shihui with one force, and he himself was also a "Tenhui".

Sure enough, within a dozen moves, the dagger in the woman's hand was kicked away and fell to the ground. Ah Dian had already captured her arms.

"Little Ah Li, I caught her!" A Dian jumped up happily, taking credit with Chang Sui Ning.

Chang Sui Ning nodded to him with praise in her eyes and walked over.

Chang Sui'an had also come forward a long time ago. At this moment, he stared at the woman in blue, frowned warily and asked, "Who are you? Why are you hiding here so secretly?"

From being discovered to being caught, everything happened suddenly. A trace of embarrassment flashed in the woman's eyes, and she explained: "I just accidentally entered this place by mistake."

Chang Sui Ning Xiao reminded him slightly: "This is not a wilderness, but the Chang family cemetery. You are not a wandering soul who touched the wrong cemetery. Such a living and extraordinary person can escape the guard." The guard of the tomb man sneaked in here and hid in a dark place - if you call this an accidental entry, then we can only let it take its course and kill him accidentally. "

As soon as Chang Suining finished speaking, A Dian's hand had already grabbed the other person's throat.

As if afraid that it was not enough, the sword in the sword boy's hand also pointed at the woman's heart.

The woman's face turned pale and she hurriedly said: "I really accidentally broke into this place without any malicious intention! If I had an agenda, I would have done it before you noticed it!"

Chang Suining didn't seem to listen at all, and pointed at the woman's feet casually: "It's a burial place anyway, just bury it on the spot. No one will find out here."

The next moment, the woman suddenly felt mud flying around her, and some dirt fell onto her face.

The woman turned her head stiffly and saw that the boy holding a shovel in his hand was already digging vigorously.


It was just a follow-up, but why was he suddenly arranged for funeral arrangements?

The other party's sincerity in killing her and burying her was really strong. The big hand holding her throat had already tightened, and the pit used to bury her was also progressing at an alarming rate, and it was already beginning to take shape—

The sense of urgency of imminent death was too strong, and the woman said anxiously: "Wait! I am the eldest princess of Xuan'an!"

"Princess Xuan'an?!"

Chang Sui Ning, Chang Sui An and A Dian said in unison.

Facing the gazes, the woman gritted her teeth and nodded.

Chang Suining looked at the surprised Chang Sui'an: "Brother, do you recognize him?"

Chang Sui'an shook his head: "I don't recognize him."

Then he whispered: "But I've heard of it."

I heard that this eldest princess, who lost her husband when she was young and has been living in the fiefdom of Xuanzhou since the death of the late emperor, has many male favors among the staff in the palace and is very romantic.

Chang Sui Ning had heard this rumor from Xi'er when he was getting to know the various forces recently.

Her aunt has been an unknown person since she was young.

Chang Suining was thoughtful and raised his chin slightly: "Xi'er, search her body."

"What are you doing!"

Xi'er quickly found a token and sent it to Chang Suining.

Chang Sui'an looked over and couldn't help but be surprised: "Is this really the eldest princess?"

Chang Suining looked at the woman: "According to this, you followed the eldest princess on her orders?"

Before Chang Sui Ning shouted to stop, A Che continued to dig the hole, and there was still soil splashing on the woman's body. She could only bite the bullet and answer: "...The girl in the house has reached the age of marriage. I am here to serve you." The eldest princess was ordered to go to the capital to take the girl's place and secretly look at the powerful children in the capital as a backup... I heard that the husband in General Chang's residence was handsome and powerful, and he was exactly the kind of husband the girl would like. , I followed him secretly and ended up here accidentally. Although there was some offense, there was absolutely no malice."

Chang Sui'an looked horrified when he heard this, took two steps back, and hugged himself: "What are you talking about...I don't want to!"

It is said that the girl in the eldest princess's house is the eldest princess's adopted daughter. There are also rumors that she is the illegitimate daughter of the eldest princess and her male favorite...

But no matter what the truth is, he can't agree!

In just a short moment, Chang Sui'an had many thoughts and had already hid behind her sister: "My father is a hussar general. Even if he is the eldest princess... he cannot buy or sell by force!"

I have long heard that the eldest princess of Xuan'an does things as she pleases and does not care about his life or death, so she can only move her father out to embolden her.

Seeing that he looked like a good girl about to be robbed, Chang Sui Ning comforted him and said, "Brother, don't be afraid. It's hard to say whether this is true or not."

"What I said is absolutely true! If you don't believe it, you can send someone to Xuanzhou to inquire about my master's intention to choose a husband for the girl -" the woman said quickly: "I took the liberty of doing what happened today, and I apologize to you all. I swear on my master’s behalf that I will never do any harm to anyone!”

Chang Sui Ning was silent for a while, as if he was weighing his thoughts.

She now believed that the other party had no harmful intentions - no matter what the purpose, if her aunt had murderous intentions towards the powerful Chang family, she would not send just such a female guard to die.

Chang Sui Ning didn't speak, and the surroundings fell into silence for a moment, with only the sound of A Che diligently digging a hole.

After a long while, the woman saw that a hole half a person deep had been dug, and finally couldn't help but discuss: "...can we stop digging now?"

Chang Suining thought for a while and then said to A Dian: "Since it's a misunderstanding, let's let him go."

A Dian then let go of the man, and the sword boy also put away his sword.

Ah Che also stopped digging the hole.

The haze of death finally dissipated, and the woman breathed a sigh of relief.

"...Wait a minute, I haven't mentioned the conditions yet." Chang Sui'an whispered to his sister.

Chang Sui Ning glanced at the deep pit and said, "Brother, it's not too late to mention it now."

The woman shuddered silently: "Mr. Chang, please tell me."

Chang Sui'an said in shock: "Although we will not hold you accountable for this sneaky stalking, after you return to Xuanzhou, you are not allowed to present me as a candidate to the eldest princess and your girls!"

The woman nodded: "Yes."

She agreed happily, but Chang Sui'an still felt uneasy: "No, you need to swear an oath...a poisonous oath!"

The woman was silent for a moment, and could only raise three fingers with complicated emotions and swear a poisonous oath on the spot.

Chang Sui'an finally felt relieved. Chang Suining looked at the woman who had just sworn the oath: "I also have a condition."

The woman was already a little numb: "Madam, please speak."

"Would you be kind enough to say hello to the eldest princess Xuan'an on my behalf? I said that I have admired the eldest princess for a long time and have long wanted to pay her respects. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will go to Xuanzhou to visit her. I also hope that the eldest princess can pay her a visit." See."

The woman's numb expression cracked repeatedly - does this lady Chang admire the eldest princess of her family?

Let’s just say, there’s nothing wrong with a young girl looking up to someone…

But he could only respond: "Yes, I will definitely bring the words."

Chang Suining nodded: "Then you can go."

The woman raised her hand in salute, turned and left.

"Girl, do you want to fill this hole?" A Che asked for instructions.

"Keep it, you may need it someday."

When the woman heard this sentence, she felt a chill on her back, paused for a moment, and then walked quickly.

The garden is full of ghosts and evil spirits, and I'm afraid they won't be able to suppress this evil wife of the Chang family!

On the way back to the city, Chang Sui'an's mood was still not calm, and he told the sword boy from time to time to pay more attention to him when he went out in the future, and not to let others take advantage of him, especially to be wary of someone knocking him unconscious. This kind of thing happens.

He also agreed that if he was really in danger, he would try to leave some code clues along the way. Different codes represented different meanings, and he told the sword boy to remember them.

Although Jian Tong felt that some of the husband's demands were unfounded and even unreasonable, Rufeng couldn't help but shake his head after hearing this, but he also responded seriously.

After entering the city and walking into the market, the surroundings were bustling with activity, which dispelled the ever-present gloom in my mind.

Hengshu had already gone out. He was sitting on the horse and suggested to Chang Suining in the carriage next to him that he might as well take a stroll before returning home.

This suggestion made A Dian jump for joy immediately.

Chang Sui Ning also wanted to familiarize himself with the things in the city, so he nodded.

The group got off the carriage and entered the lively market.

Along the way, A Dian was fed by Chang Suining frantically. His hands were full and his cheeks were bulging.

"Ning Ning, guess what I bought!"

Chang Sui'an ran back from the front, holding a bamboo basket in his arms, and asked Chang Sui Ning like he was offering a treasure.

Chang Suining raised his hand and lifted up the blue cloth covering the bamboo basket: "...Brother, why are you buying duck eggs?"

"These are not ordinary duck eggs!" Chang Sui'an picked up one: "Look carefully, these duck eggs are all square-shaped!"

Chang Sui Ning also picked up one to look at and nodded.

Well, they are indeed square.

"Ning Ning, don't you think it's strange? I have never seen such strange duck eggs!" Chang Sui'an said: "The Taoist selling eggs said that these duck eggs are extraordinary and that eating them can ward off disasters and ward off evil spirits. He told me Sold to me because of fate!”

After all, he really needed to get rid of the disaster today!

"..." Chang Suining looked at the richly dressed young man with clear and dull eyes. He felt that if he looked at this street, it would be difficult for anyone who cheated and deceived him to avoid him.

The brilliance of the peerless injustice called "Why hasn't anyone come to defraud me of my money?" exuded all over his body is really hard to resist.

Seeing the eager look on the young man's face, she didn't dare to attack him with words, so she just said tactfully: "Brother, I just bought one to try something new. Why did you buy these?"

"I have asked. This egg can not only ward off disasters and evil spirits, but also relieve my father's leg disease. It can also cure my sister's brain disease. If the sword boy and the others eat it, they will also be of great benefit. I think this opportunity is rare, I'm afraid Someone tried to **** it from me, so I quickly bought it all.”

The sword boy turned his face silently.

Chang Suining looked at the square eggs and said, "...can this magical effect be customized to a person's size?"

Chang Sui'an grinned and said with a "hey" smile: "It's only one tael of silver each. If it really has a miraculous effect, you shouldn't miss it. Even if it doesn't have a miraculous effect, you can't hurt people."

Chang Suining nodded.

In addition to being generous, he also reveals an easy-going sobriety in his innocence, which can be regarded as a kind of great wisdom as much as foolishness.

Chang Suining put the duck egg back into the basket and asked casually: "Where did you buy this egg?"

Although this duck egg has no magical effect, it is somewhat interesting.

"Right ahead!" Chang Sui'an pointed forward: "There is a hexagram stall there -"

Chang Sui Ning walked over.

Chang Sui'an hurriedly followed, and when he was in front of him, he couldn't help scratching his head: "You were still here just now...why is there suddenly no one?"

Chang Suining's eyes moved slightly, and he saw a corner of the blue-gray Taoist robe disappearing at the entrance of the alley ahead.

A man dressed like a Taoist walked into a deserted dark alley, took out the baggage hidden behind the water jar in the alley, took off his Taoist robe with a quick movement, put on a long gown, glued a beard on his lips, and tied it. Wearing a black gauze scarf, he walked out from the other end of the alley.

As soon as the man walked out of the alley and walked into the crowd, he was blocked by a boy in thin and shabby clothes kneeling in front of him.

The boy started kowtowing to him without saying a word: "Mr. Guo, I finally found you!"

The man was startled by the boy and took a step back: "What are you doing!"

"Please show my grandma one more time. She can't even eat today. I'm afraid she will continue to be so sick..." The boy's tears rolled down and streaked across his dirty and chapped face: " Doctor Guo, please be kind and give me some more medicine to save her!"

The man waved his hand impatiently: "I have waived your medical fees, but you can't even pay for the medicine, yet you still have the nerve to come to me, please stay far away and don't block the way!"

"Doctor Guo, please!" The boy hugged his leg and cried, "I am willing to sell myself to you as a slave, I just ask you to save my mother-in-law!"

The man kicked him away: "Who wants you to be a slave... What a bad luck!"

This movement has attracted the attention of many people. At this time, some people couldn't stand it and started pointing.

"I said, why is your doctor like this?"

"How can you touch a child?"

"Hey, it's just a few doses of medicine. Doctors have a parental heart, how can they ignore death..."

The man's face became annoyed when he heard this.

The boy wiped away his tears and said: "Doctor Guo, I just want to change a few pairs of medicines. I can do whatever you want... I have lost my father, and I can no longer live without my mother-in-law!"

The surrounding discussions and sighs became even louder for a while.

Chang Suining stood in the crowd and watched this scene with her arms folded, with some curiosity in her eyes - she was really curious about what would happen next.

Under the crowd's cheers and even accusations, the man called Doctor Guo's face became more and more ugly. Then he sneered and said to the boy: "In that case, I might as well give you a chance!"

Thank you everyone for your monthly votes and rewards~

(I’m being silly today. My great-uncle bought a bowl of wontons for Zai Zi. Halfway through his meal, Zai Zi knocked it over and the soup and wontons were spilled everywhere. Anyone with experience knows how heartbreaking this scene is, but My uncle didn't panic at all and immediately summoned the dog -

The dog quickly cleaned up (ate) the mess on the floor. My uncle brought the dog to show off to me: How about my sweeper? It has a washing, mopping and sweeping function, so you can hang a small yellow cart!

A long time ago, Zaizi gave Gouzi a clear position: "Mom, the dog is our family's sanitation worker!")

(End of chapter)

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