Hello Chang’an

Chapter 95: to cause harm

 Chapter 95 Making Mischief

The moment Wen Zheng waved his staff, Qiao Yu, Bai, Cui Lang and the others who were watching the game carefully in the waiting area also had the answer in their minds in advance, and they had already determined that the opponents in the final match were Wen Zheng and the others.

The stick in Wen Zheng's hand did indeed hit the colorful ball -

In the hot summer afternoon, the air was scorched and deformed. The heat waves swayed like water waves, like a big net. Under the breathless gaze of everyone, it seemed to trap and slow down the young man's bowing movements.

After a while, the answer suddenly appeared.

Just like the colorful ball that was knocked away, everyone's mood also fluctuated greatly, bringing out sounds of surprise or regret.

"How come you didn't get in..."

"It was hit crookedly!"

For a moment, the other three students in the red team had dull and confused expressions on their faces—

Wen Zheng's shot missed?

And in the short moment when they were distracted, someone from Team Huang took the opportunity to grab the colored ball and passed it to Chang Miao -

Chang Miao waved his staff, and the painted beads flew high in the air and flew into the goal with colorful flags.

"In!" Someone in the yellow team immediately cheered.

The red team members suddenly came back to their senses and drove their horses to grab the ball. However, the incident just now made them confused. They saw Wen Zheng was stunned in the same place, and Chang Miao had already urged his horses to hit them head-on -

This is a common trick used by the Yellow Team.

On the field, you retreat and I advance, it's just a fight for the ball, which is understandable. However, the yellow team ignored it and bumped into each other at every turn, forcing them to avoid it repeatedly. Therefore, they missed many good opportunities to score goals -

The young man headed by the red team was aroused at this moment and did not avoid it this time - he wanted to see if the other party dared to actually hit him!

When Chang Miao saw this, a sarcastic and playful smile appeared in her eyes.

The next moment, two horses collided head-on. The horse under Chang Miao raised its hooves and slammed into the opposite horse. When the horse of the young man in the red team neighed and reared up, the young man was thrown off the horse.

There were exclamations everywhere.

"Brother Ziyun!"

Chang Miao then tightened the reins, sat on the horse and looked down at the young man who had been thrown away, with a look of surprise: "...I am walking forward smoothly, how come you are standing there and not moving?"

As he spoke, he hissed softly: "Did you see that you were about to lose the game, so you deliberately collided with me, so that you could find another way to blackmail me?"

"Chang Miao, you..." The young man gritted his teeth and sat up. When he was about to speak, he heard the sound of the gong that signified the end of the game.

"Xian Tong Guan's yellow team won three flags in this quarter, winning three quarters in total - the yellow team won this game!"

Chang Miao and others cheered and celebrated.

"Ziyun, are you okay?"

Wen Zheng and the others dismounted and walked quickly towards the young man who fell off the horse.

Wen Zheng reached out to help, but was thrown away by the young man. The young man stood up on his own and asked with a calm face: "...Wen Zheng, why did you miss the ball just now?"

The other two people also looked at Wen Zheng.

This is the understanding and understanding between teammates. They all know that such mistakes should not have happened to Wen Zheng.

"I..." Wen Zheng lowered his head and said in shame, "I just had a sudden pain in my wrist and couldn't grasp the direction. Then..."

The young man didn't want to hear any more, so he turned and left with a dark face.

"Brother Ziyun, calm down. Winning and losing are commonplace. A Zheng doesn't want to lose the game either..."

The young man strode forward: "Winning or losing is normal, and it's okay to lose! But losing should never be so inexplicable!"

There are scratches on his face, which were left when he was fighting for the ball with Chang Miao and others. Chang Miao and others were ruthless and always stepped on the edge of the competition system to hurt people. There was no sense of friendship between classmates at all, let alone the playing field. demeanor-

The entire five quarters can be described as thrilling and difficult.

But he gritted his teeth and held on until the end, but ultimately lost to his teammates' ridiculous "mistakes"!

Seeing Wen Zheng following him, the young man paused, suddenly turned his head and looked at him, and said firmly: "Wen Zheng, as long as you have a clear conscience!"

After taking one last look at Wen Zheng, he turned and left.

The other two people exchanged glances. They didn't know what they were thinking of, and their eyes towards Wen Zheng became complicated and unspeakable.

After they stopped talking for a moment, the two chased after the young man in the direction he left.

Wen Zheng stood there alone, lowering his apologetic eyes: "I'm sorry..."

"Lord Chang, your son is very brave despite his young age."

"It's just that the tiger father has no dog son..."

Under the pergola, listening to the compliments in his ears, the middle-aged man smiled and shook his head modestly.

But the eyes he looked at the young man in the field were filled with affirmation and approval.

After receiving his father's look, Chang Miao's eyes became more and more proud.

He was the second son in the family, his mother was his father's second wife, and he had an older brother from his father's first wife. However, his older brother was obviously just a sick boy, but he was more loved by his father, which made him feel really uncomfortable.

This time he must win this year's bowing competition, take the former prince's bowing stick home, and make his father look good! So that his father can understand that he is the most outstanding son of the Chang family!

Because the next game is about to take place, according to the rules, the yellow team who has just finished a game needs to rest to replenish their strength, so the final game will not start until two quarters of an hour later.

Qiao Yubai, who had been observing the Yellow Team all day, was now whispering to Cui Lang and the others: "...their fighting style is too fierce. If you can avoid it, avoid it. Don't fight head-on. But you need to remember one more thing, avoid and avoid. Don't be afraid of them, don't get angry, and don't let them disturb you, otherwise you will fall into the trap."

Cui Lang disagreed: "I have never been afraid of anyone since I was born!"

"..." Yihu, who was squeezing his arms and shoulders to relax his muscles for his husband, quietly looked at the young figure sitting under the shed.

The tall young man surnamed Hu patted his chest: "I'm not afraid either, I'm thick!"

The Dongluo student also nodded: "Yu Bai's words are reasonable. We must deal with them calmly. We must not fall into the trap and lose our control."

Qiao Yubai: "Yes, as long as we don't mess up, they will be the ones who mess up."

Seeing Qiao Yubai and the four people over there discussing things without any confusion, Chang Sui Ning, who was eating some cold fruit, had a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Brother Yubai, this child, has been calmer than ordinary children since he was a child. In Wujue's words, it seems that his arrogance and impetuosity have been removed since he was born, and he is a good seedling to become a monk.

She wanted to roll her eyes.

No matter what kind of family you are, you should treat it as a great asset.

"Ning Ning, do you think brother and the others can win?" Qiao Yumian whispered uneasily: "Just now I heard the noise on the field seemed to be very chaotic..."

Chang Suining said firmly: "We will definitely win."

She took a closer look and found out that the yellow team that Chang Miao was on won the game in the morning with a lot of ruthlessness - but no matter how ruthless it is, it still needs to abide by the rules, as long as the other team can keep their composure. , they can only do so much damage with so much force.

Brother Yubai has always been able to keep his composure.

Changmiao was able to win against the red team just now, in addition to being ruthless, it was Wen Zheng's "mistake" in the last ball.

In other words, it was more than just that one ball - she had carefully noticed that Wen Zheng's "mistakes" were not just the last ball.

But Brother Yubai's team is very united. From their behavior to their eyes, they are frank and sober. It seems that they will not repeat this kind of "mistake".

Therefore, the above two are nothing to be afraid of. Now she is only worried about another possible situation -

At this point, there is only the last game left in this shooting match.

Speculations about who would win between the yellow team and the blue team were heard everywhere, and everyone was noisy.

"Which team of students do Governor Cui think will win?" Under the pergola, Mingluo turned his head slightly and asked Cui Jing with a smile.

There was an ice basin at her feet, and a palace maid held a fan to cool her down. The hot summer air was isolated from the outside. No matter her expression or demeanor, she was full of propriety, elegance and dignity.

Cui Jing looked at the field and said: "Blue team."

Mingluo smiled: "It seems that Governor Cui has great confidence in your younger brother Cui Liulangjun."

Cui Jing was noncommittal.

If Cui Lang is not in the team, he will have more confidence in the blue team led by Qiao Yubai.

"Although the yellow team also has a brother of mine -" Mingluo said with a smile: "But I have the same opinion as Governor Cui, and I also think that the winner will be the blue team."

Not far away, a man holding a folding fan to fan a young man in brocade clothes casually asked: "Your Majesty, what do you think?"

This young man in brocade is none other than Li Lu, the eldest son of Prince Rong.

The weather was hot, and he was not in good health, so he avoided the heat in the first half of the day. He came just in the afternoon just to watch the final match. He liked the kicking competition, but he could only watch it. The annual kicking competition of the Imperial College he Will not miss it.

"I bet on the yellow team to win," he said.

"Mr. Chang family and the others?" The attendant whispered: "But there is Mr. Qiao in the blue team-"

Prince Rong smiled and said in a very calm voice: "Qiao Langjun is indeed brave and resourceful, but his mind is too right."

I didn’t quite understand it.

The drum beat sounded in the afternoon, and the final key battle of this tournament ushered in.

"Remember, no mess."

Before going on the field, Qiao Yubai once again explained to Cui Lang and the others.

All three of them nodded seriously.

The four of them jumped on their horses and were waiting with their sticks in hand.

As the kick-off gong sounded throughout the stadium and outside, horses' hooves sounded and colored **** were thrown into the air.

Changmiao's first team continued the style of the first two games, running rampant many times, holding the stick without any scruples, not just swinging at the colorful ball -

However, Qiao Yubai and the four others responded calmly and avoided head-on confrontation. They also cooperated with each other tacitly. They sometimes tried to confuse the opponent's sight with their tricks, and they repeatedly scored goals, which attracted cheers and praises from the audience.

Under this situation, everyone in the Yellow Team couldn't help but become anxious.

As Qiao Yubai hit another ball into the goal, Chang Miao turned completely dark and cursed at his teammates: "You can't hit, and you can't block! What a bunch of trash!"

The three people were so scolded by him that they did not dare to raise their heads, and their formation, which could not be called rigorous, became increasingly chaotic.

After three quarters, they barely won one quarter by just one goal.

While taking a break, Cui Lang drank the water and threw the kettle to another: "...If we play another good round, we might be able to celebrate early!"

They have already won two quarters, and they only need to win one more quarter to win this year's juke match!

"Don't be in a hurry." Qiao Yubai wiped the water droplets from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "Just hit it slowly."

Cui Lang, whose tail was about to reach the sky, was not as calm and calm as him. He had become excited earlier and couldn't help but look in the direction of the pergola - his eldest brother must have been impressed by him, right?

Thinking that he was just entering the Imperial Academy for the first time, and yet he won such a much-anticipated kicking competition and was so good, how could he still not win the recognition of his eldest brother?

If he invites his eldest brother to go to Deng Tai Tower to celebrate, I wonder if his eldest brother will agree?

He has never had a drink with his eldest brother!

My eldest brother must have a good drinking capacity, right? But he's not bad either!

Cui Lang has already wandered to Dengtai Tower, drinking and chatting with his eldest brother. The dream of brothers, friends and respect buried in his heart since childhood is about to come true -

On Chang Miao's side, it was a completely different mood.

He scolded the other three people again. The three people blamed each other and no one dared to take responsibility.

Even though there were servants fanning him beside him, the sweat on Chang Miao's face became more and more agitated.

He subconsciously looked under the pergola and saw his father, who was sitting upright with his eyebrows raised slightly, looking at him.

Meeting that gaze, Chang Miao shuddered, looking away, feeling uneasy in her heart.

My father has always been concerned about face. If he loses, he will definitely feel disgraced...

He must not lose - this was his clear idea from the moment he decided to participate.

Therefore, he made a lot of preparations for this.

Chang Miao glanced at the horse that was drinking water, then frowned and said: "Bring me a new stick, this one is not easy to use!"

This behavior of blaming the stick on the stick when losing the game made several onlookers laugh and shake their heads and sigh: "Young people can't do anything, blame the paper, pen, table and chairs..."

Chang Miao heard a mouthful of blood choked in her throat. She wanted to have a seizure but couldn't, which only made her determined to win.

"There are two more games..." He glanced in Qiao Yubai's direction, gritted his teeth and told the three people around him: "Remember, we must win these two games! We can't lose another goal!"

He didn't put so much thought into it just to look at others' glory!

At the end of the break, eight players from both teams took the field again.


Chang Miao shouted, clamped the horse's belly, and rushed towards Qiao Yubai.

At the same moment, another student from the Yellow Team approached on horseback from behind Qiao Yubai.

"Hey, what are you doing!" Cui Lang was shocked when he saw this: "Are you beating people or playing ball?"

Chang Miao sneered: "You're blind, isn't the ball right here!"

A student from the Yellow Team hit the colorful ball above Qiao Yubai's head. Chang Miao and the other three people surrounded Qiao Yubai where the colored ball was.

Cui Lang said "poof": "Despicable villain who can't afford to lose!"

This is obviously a bad thing!

Chang Sui Ning frowned slightly.

This was what she was worried about—if Chang Miao and others got too anxious, they might try some new bad tricks.

Now it seems that their goal is clear, which is to remove Brother Yubai, the biggest obstacle, from the competition by any means necessary.

The three horses surrounded Qiao Yubai one after another. The sticks seemed to be hitting the ball, but in fact there was a possibility of "accidentally injuring" him at any time!

Cui Lang and others rushed forward to relieve Qiao Yubai.

In the chaos, Qiao Yubai tried his best to avoid danger and protect himself. Everyone seemed to be fighting for the ball, and you were pushing and chasing each other. Horses bumped into each other, neighing, and people were scratched and bruised from time to time.

During the melee, both sides barely scored a goal each.

"Let's just score one more goal!" Cui Lang, whose face was scratched by someone's stick, pulled the frightened and restless horse, frowned and spat: "...If we score one more goal, we don't have to follow these What an unruly and evil person!"

He must maintain his demeanor on the field. When he gets off the field, if he doesn't avenge today, he won't be called Cui Lang!

But now, we have to win the game first!

The time is coming, just score one more goal, and you don't have to deal with these turtles anymore!

Chang Miao sneered: "Then it depends on whether you have this ability!"

It’s the end of the month, and for the sake of trying hard to code during the Chinese New Year, let’s donate a monthly pass, woo woo woo

(End of chapter)

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