Hello, Heir

Chapter 1093: Where did Si Zhengting go? (3)

After eating and leaving the villa, Zhuang Nina returned to the Xiao family and lay in bed at night.

Holding her cell phone, she texted Si Zhengting: "Where have you been? 】

But Si Zhengting didn't reply to her.

Zhuang Nina texted Xu Dazhi again: "Where are you? 】

Xu Dazhi ignored her.

Si Zhengting has always been reliable, but this time, how can it suddenly disappear?

Zhuang Nina became more and more worried, so she couldn't sleep. She sighed and stood up and walked outside the door. When she reached the door, she suddenly heard the sound of a change in the next room.

That's mom's room.

Zhuang Nina hurried to the side and knocked on the door.

The voice inside stopped all of a sudden, but she felt uneasy and knocked on the door again. There was a husky voice from her mother. It sounded like she just woke up, "Who?"

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Zhuang Nina's knocking on the door became more rapid, and she asked anxiously.

Xiao Muqing said, "What's wrong? I'm sleeping. Did I just talk about sleep? Are you okay? It's okay, I won't get out of bed and open the door, it's strangely cold."

Zhuang Nina bit her lip. "Mom, I want to sleep with you."

"Well, you child ~ I'm asleep, don't make a noise, let's talk tomorrow ~"

However, Zhuang Nina felt more and more uneasy. She knocked on the door again, "Mom, do you open the door ~"

"I really don't want to move. Be a little bit good, and make your favorite breakfast for you tomorrow morning."

Zhuang Nina bit her lip and spoke after half a ring. "Okay."

After she had said this, she went a long way.

Two minutes later, she reappeared at the door of Xiao Muqing's bedroom, took out a key, opened the door directly, and rushed in.

The bedroom was dark and quiet, and it felt like she was about to suffocate. Suddenly she felt a panic in her heart. She pressed the light switch on the wall directly and wanted to turn on the light.

The room was bright.

Zhuang Nina hurriedly looked over to the bed, and saw Xiao Muqing sitting up in a blur, reaching out and covering her eyes, "Who? What's wrong?"

Zhuang Naina breathed a sigh of relief, and came forward to the bed, only to find that Xiao Muqing had messy hair and squinted her eyes.

At night, the white walls in the room and the white lights above her head made her look pale and scary.

Zhuang Nina hurried to the bed and took her hand, only to find her hand was cold.

Zhuang Nina was startled. "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Muqing patted the back of her hand, "It's okay, am I not born with a cold in the palace? When the weather gets cold, my hands and feet will become cold, and you don't know."

Zhuang Nina heard this, and nodded thinking of her mother's habits.

But she always felt wrong and panicked, but her mother's appearance didn't look like anything, Zhuang Nina hugged her and coquettishly with her mother, "Mom, I'll sleep here today."

Xiao Muqing laughed. "Why are you still like a child? Okay, take off your clothes and let me see that Nana gave birth to my baby. Has her **** become bigger?"

Speaking of such hooligan words made Zhuang Nina's face suddenly red, "Mom, what are you talking about!"

Xiao Muqing laughed, "What's wrong? I'm sorry, I didn't see anything when you were a kid? We still took a bath together when you were in high school, hey hey, it's really different after getting married ~"

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