Hello, Heir

Chapter 1111: Blind date banquet, caught 1

Hearing Zhuang Nina's voice, Si Zhengting suddenly grinned and felt that it was fun to reach out his hand and scratch her hair.

"Dine together that evening."

Zhuang Nana nodded, "OK."

Speaking of this, she said directly, "I get off work at six."

The implication is that you can pick me up at six o'clock ~

Si Zhengting certainly understood and looked at the car driving ahead. "I arrived on time at six."

Zhuang Nina turned her head and looked outside, her lips could not help but hooked.

I don't know why, she suddenly felt that in this situation, they are just like the men and women in love, she would feel excited and happy because she had a meal together at night, and she even thought in her heart what clothes to wear at night? In the company office, it seems that she only has a few formal dresses, oh, distressed!


Arrived at the company, discussed with the planning department, and finally decided how much money to spend on advertising, and then how much money to spend on the decoration of the facade, whether to run a few chain stores or what.

After doing this, Zhuang Nina looked at the time, and it was only 4:30 in the afternoon, so she walked over to the logistics department.

Now the whole Royal Age, the best decoration, the most comfortable working environment, should be the logistics department.

Zhuang Nana gave the whole floor the best light and the most spacious office to them, and also equipped them with the best computer equipment and network.

When she entered the logistics department, Xiaowan was playing video games. Xiaozhang was facing the sandbag with her fists next to her, and she was practicing her finger speed. Only Cui Xingjue was snoring on the sofa beside her.

Zhuang Nina: ... So, are they really here for work?

Zhuang Nina drew her mouth and came to Xiaowan. "Xiao Caibai, what's happening recently?"

Little Bend played the game and said, "Nothing is happening. That is, they stole our business plan that you want them to steal, and then modified it appropriately as their plan, basically the same size as us . "

After he said this, he scolded at the computer, "Fuck! Oooooooooooooooooooh, little straight, I got hit again!"

Xiaozhi hurriedly stopped the exercises, came to Xiaowan, sat directly beside him, turned on another computer, and sat beside him to play games.

Zhuang Nina: ...

Zhuang Nina said to Xiaowan, "Let you steal their financial department statements, did you steal them?"

Xiaowan immediately waved his hand, "What is stealing and why is it so ugly, we just look at it with curiosity!"

Zhuang Nina: ...

Xiaowan spat out her tongue at Zhuang Nanai, and then she said, "After five minutes, send it to your mailbox."

Zhuang Nina stopped talking, glanced at her hand, and came to Cui Xingjue, seeing Cui Xingjue slept loudly, and did not even call him, and then walked out of the logistics department.

She first went upstairs and studied the financial statements given to her by Xiaowan.

In fact, this time in the commercial war, she originally intended to compete fairly, but the other party was too cunning.

She handed over the entire company's network security to Xiaowan. Just the first day of her appointment, Xiaowan intercepted each other's Trojan files. It turned out that they had stolen her information.

In this case, she simply calculated the plan and gave them the preliminary bad plan.

Then Zhuang Nina thought about it, or let Xiaowan steal the other party's financial statements.

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