Hello, Heir

Chapter 1147: One year old birthday (6)

Zhuang Nina and Si Zhengting looked at each other, and the two stood up together.

Then Ding Mengya and Si Jingyu also stood up, and the three went out. Xiao Qi and Xiao Muqing were staying in the restaurant. Regarding their family affairs, they thought it was better not to go out.

Xiao Qi's eyes even fell on Zhuang Nina and called her, "Nana."

As soon as Zhuang Nana stopped, she walked faster.

Xiao Qi: ...

Xiao Qi looked at Xiao Muqing, "Family's housework, look at what she mixed! Huh!"

Xiao Muqing smiled, pursing her lips, "Because, that's a family matter."

Xiao Qiyan raised his eyebrows, ditched his lips, looked to the side, but raised his ears at the same time.


In the living room, Si Guangsong came, and Si Guangsong's wife came, and Si Guangqing also came, beside Si Guangqing, there was a young boy in his early twenties.

Beside the boy, there was a girl with a somewhat cold expression. The girl was about twenty years old this year, and she looked like Zuo Yiyi. She should be a rich lady.

When Si Guangqing saw several people coming out, he dragged the boy around him and said, "His name is Si Zhengling, Zheng Ting, your brother."

With this remark, Si Zhengting stared at him, and said coldly, "I only have one sister and no brother."

Having said that, he looked at Si Jingyu, "We still have a younger brother?"

Si Jingyu also pursed her lips and smiled, "Why don't I remember? Mom, did you steal another one behind us?"

Ding Mengya's complexion was already iron-blue, and her gaze was fixed on Si Zhengling's body. Looking at his face similar to Si Guangqing's, she lowered her eyes and looked directly out the door: "Security, who let them in! "

When this word fell, Si Guangsong stretched out his hand and said, "Sister-in-law, today is the birthday of two children. Everyone is a family. What are you doing like this? It ’s so ugly!"

Si Guangsong's remarks ended, and Si Jingyu stepped forward, "Second uncle, what you said is wrong. Family? There is an outsider here, oh, there is an outsider, today we are a family dinner, Don't welcome irrelevant people! "

Si Jingyu's remarks ended, and Si Zhengting stood behind her, showing his support for her words.

The smile on Si Guangsong's face suddenly embarrassed. He didn't speak, and Si Guangsong's wife took a step forward. Do n’t you have a boy? You plan to take him over. In this case, it is your cousin. What do you say? "


Si Jingyu and Si Zhengting both narrowed their eyes and looked at Si Guangsong and Si Guangqing.

What are these two brothers doing? !!

They glanced at each other, and Si Zhengting slowly said, "Heirship is a big deal, the family promised?"

Si Guangsong smiled, "I have adopted my eldest brother's son, what's wrong? Oh, come here, come, let me introduce you."

Si Guangsong pointed to the girl who was next to the boy and said, "This is Miss Liu, do you know the Northwest Coal Mine? The only daughter of the Liu family, the richest person over there, is now in love with Zhengling. Today I heard two A little nephew had his birthday and gave me two gifts. "

When Si Guangsong said here, the lady Liu snorted coldly, looked at Zhuang Nina with a disdain, and immediately took out two boxes.

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