Hello, Heir

Chapter 1167: Bad hunch, heirs of war 12

When Si Zhengting said here, he turned around and slammed the wall with a severe punch. "It's a hundred secrets. I never expected that the child would be in trouble!"

Who can think of a child accident?

Who would want the child to have an accident? !!

If Zhuang Nana knew that the nightmare would come to her child, she would rather be kidnapped!

Zhuang Nina sat there weakly, stretched out her hand and scratched her hair, but now she couldn't do anything, she couldn't do anything except wait, just wait.

Si Zhengting's people have been sent out, I believe they will soon be there.

But the two children were too delicate and too small, and they didn't dare to run into each other and had to wait for Xiao Guyun and Xiao Caibai to discuss the conditions.

A group of people waited for several hours, Zhuang Nina was anxious, feeling that the whole person was extremely anxious, she stood up and walked back and forth, and finally the phone rang!

She answered, originally thinking that it was Xiao Guyun's phone call, but did not expect it to be Xiao Qi's phone call. He only explained one sentence on the phone: "The two children are fine, and they are on their way home."

Zhuang Nina heard these words, her legs softened, and she sat down on the ground.

Suddenly she burst into tears, and could no longer control her emotions, crying.

Something happened to the two children. She was more anxious than anyone else, but she had to keep calm. At this moment, she was at ease and she couldn't hold herself.

However, Zhuang Nina's appearance made Si Zhengting misunderstand.

He was holding the mobile phone, still watching the progress of the situation, seeing Zhuang Nina's picture, as soon as his fingers were loose, the mobile phone fell to the ground fiercely.

But he didn't care about the mobile phone, and took a step forward, hugging Zhuang Ninai, his own voice was shaking, "Child, child ..."

Zhuang Naina noticed the tension of Si Zhengting, and then reacted violently, shaking his head quickly, "The child is fine, the child was sent back!"

Si Zhengting was relieved.

Immediately, he hugged Zhuang Nana tightly!

Si Zhengting was also nervous. He only felt as if the whole person was out of control. At this moment he realized that his family was actually a weakness.

"The child can be saved so quickly. Grandpa must have made a concession. You go home a while and ask clearly. All sacrifices will be borne by Emperor."

He said here, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, "Also, some people dare to be so arrogant in China, it is too much."

When he said that, he stood up, picked up his cell phone from the ground, walked to the side, and started making phone calls.

He made several phone calls in a row. In the end, his voice was cold and made people feel chilling. "Yes, since they are here, don't leave."

He hung up the phone, then he looked back at Zhuang Nina, "The matter is resolved, you can rest assured."

The two snuggled quietly, staring at the doorway, and after waiting for about an hour, they finally saw a car coming.

Zhuang Nai-na stood up, and ran to the car before the car stopped.

When the car stopped, she couldn't wait to open the door, and then she was carried out.

When Xiao Nao Nao saw Zhuang Nana, "Wow" burst into tears.

Zhuang Nina embraced him tightly and embraced him tightly.

Lost and recovered is simply the greatest joy in life!

She hugged Xiao Nao Nao, and then she seemed to notice something. She turned her head and looked in the car, only to find ... "Why lazy?"

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