Hello, Heir

Chapter 1197: Jing Yu, can you not divorce?

Zuo Yiyi saw the handkerchief, and for a moment, he heard Liu Bingxing say, "I know you will cry tonight, so I prepared it for you."

Zuoyi reached out and took over the handkerchief.

She pursed her lips and then suddenly smiled, "Thank you."

"you are welcome."

On the other side, Ding Mengya's tears flowed with excitement. Since she persuaded Zhuang Nana many years ago, she has never seen her son smile again, but now he is standing there with a satisfied smile on his face. Can make her feel very happy.

She lowered her head, touched the corner of her eyes with her fingers, and then heard a milky voice, "Grandma cried ~"

When she lowered her head, she saw Xiao Nao Nao and Xiao Lao Lao standing there. The two-year-old child has already understood a lot. There are so many ghost ideas.

Little lazy looked at the boy, but he was a dark-skinned master.

Xiao Naoao looked up and asked, "Why isn't Grandma happy?"

Ding Mengya shook her head and opened her mouth with a nasal sound. "Grandma is not unhappy."

"But why are you crying?"

Mr. Li's housekeeper reached out his hand and held up Xiao Nao, "I will cry because I'm too happy!"

Xiao Naoao tilted his head, "Really?"

Ding Mengya nodded.

Little troubles look at little lazy.

Little lazy pulled a piece of paper from the side and handed it to Ding Mengya, "Grandma wiped and cried ugly."

Ding Mengya: ...

Ding Mengya broke her tears and laughed. She took the tissue and wiped her face.

Si Jingyu was sitting next to Ding Mengya. Her eyes were first attracted by the two people on the stage. She couldn't help thinking about herself. If the two people on the stage were her and Shi Jinyan, that would be great.

She lowered her eyes, a bitter grin on her lips, and then saw the little lazy cleverly holding a tissue, and then wiped tears on Ding Mengya.

That small body, but so sensible, made her look at it, could not help but think of her child again.

If that child is still alive, then it should be in kindergarten?

If the child is still alive, will he also hand himself a tissue when he is so sad?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but stand up and walked towards the balcony next to her.

The city of Beijing is full of traffic and high-rise buildings.

The sky in the distance was a little gloomy.

She felt that the entire wedding was full of depressing feelings.

She was in a daze and someone came over.

Si Jingyu turned back and saw Shi Jinyan standing there. He was wearing a black suit and was wearing a purple tie because of attending the wedding. His dumb personality made him look very stable.

At the moment when he saw him, Si Jingyu suddenly felt a sense of travelling through time and space. It seemed that they were back at the university and answered the youth that made people blind.

With a sore nose, she lowered her head and clenched her fists.

Two years.

They have been divorced until now, and have been separated for two years. Now, it is no longer necessary for Shi Jinyan to sign the divorce agreement to complete the divorce formalities.

At this moment, she found that she was far less relaxed than she had imagined.

She tickled her lips and nodded distantly from him before going around him and going out.

But as he passed by, his wrist was suddenly grabbed by her. She held her back, turned her head, and saw him staring at her, "Jingyu, can you not divorce?"

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