Hello, Heir

Chapter 1213: Will you be my mother? (6)

Si Jingyu froze, "What do you want to do with wifi?"

"I want to see Pigman."

Si Jingyu: ...

Si Jingyu glanced at him, and then said, "During meals, you can't play TV on your mobile phone. This will easily affect digestion."

Xinxin couldn't help but whispered, "But my mother ..."

"Your mother is your mother, I am me! I have different requirements from your mother. If you feel unsatisfactory, you can stop eating."

Si Jingyu's face sank, and he pulled the bowl in front of him.

Xinxin was anxious, "I eat, I eat! Can't I watch it?"

His little man, after passing his bowl, began to eat, but felt as if he had been wronged by Heaven, and tears dripped into the soup.

Seeing his look, Si Jingyu lowered his eyes and ignored him.

Although she wasn't his mother, she couldn't help but watch him develop so many bad habits so much. Anyway, she just ate a meal at her own home. What he did in the future would be nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, Si Jingyu quickly ate up the noodles in his bowl, then looked up, and saw that Xinxin had eaten and forgot to cry, and was holding the bowl and drinking soup.

After drinking the soup, he put down the bowl and patted his belly with satisfaction, "It's delicious!"

Si Jingyu: ...

Si Jingyu took the bowl silently, washed it in the kitchen, and walked out again, and found that Xinxin had crawled on the table and was a bit sleepy.

Si Jingyu frowned, picked up her mobile phone, and it was nine o'clock in the evening.

How busy is Bai Yan? He didn't come to pick up the children until nine o'clock in the evening? Don't call her?

Suddenly, Si Jingyu became angry. Although she knew that the behavior was very disgusting and even cheap, she could not restrain her inner anger.

How did Xinxin grow up with Bai Ye?

She simply picked up her cell phone, found Shi Jinyan's phone number, and a call was made.

The phone rang for a long time before it was answered. Shi Jinyan's voice came with an imperceptible surprise, "Jing Yu?"

When Si Jingyu heard this low voice, her heart was suddenly sore. She bit her lip and said, "Xinxin is here with me. Don't you take him away?"

When Shi Jinyan heard this, he slightly hesitated, "How can Xinxin be with you?"

Si Jingyu wanted to explain, but suddenly felt that the explanation was meaningless. She simply said, "His mother didn't come to pick him up, I just happened to pass by. He had to follow me home, saying he was hungry, would you come? Pick him up? "

"Well, I'm going now. Where do you live?"

Si Jingyu reported the address.

After waiting for twenty minutes, the door was banged. She opened the door and found Shi Jinyan standing outside.

He wore a black suit with a faint smell of alcohol and seemed to have just returned from the dinner.

His familiar eyebrows and familiar body suddenly made Si Jingyu feel sore.

Separated from him for so long, although she misses him, she has never been as ill as she is today.

She turned her head and pointed at Xin Xin, who was crawling on the table, "You take it away."

Shi Jinyan nodded, took a look at the doorway, took off his leather shoes and walked in, gently holding Xinxin, and then looked at Si Jingyu again. He wanted to say something, but Si Jingyu pointed at the doorway. . "

Shi Jinyan could only turn around.

The back of him, looking so spacious, so that Su Jingyu suddenly rushed up and hugged him from behind, she couldn't help it anymore, and she never wanted to endure that secret again: Shi Jinyan, we once had ... "

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