Hello, Heir

Chapter 1219: Love with Falsehood and Falsehood (6)

As soon as three people left, the whole room suddenly quieted.

Si Jingyu looked at the back of the family of three, and suddenly felt sore.

She covered her face, crouched slowly, and covered her head with her hands.

She didn't cry, she just stared at the big empty eyes, and suddenly felt that life was really ridiculous.

Someone was near, and then she heard Yao Teng's voice, "Jingyu, you ..."

"I want to be alone. Can you ... go out first?"

Si Jingyu's voice bore an inexplicable sadness in the hollow.

Yao Teng's hand stretched out, and he paused in midair. He bent down, looked at the women in a ball, clenched his fists, and finally said "um", and then left.

Hearing that the door was closed, Si Jingyu looked up.

The room was finally quiet again.

She pursed her lips and suddenly felt ridiculous. She went to the sofa next to her and sat down, then the whole person was empty, and she didn't want anything in her head, staring blankly.


Shi Jinyan walked in front of Xinxin, and Bai Yan looked at his back behind him. Some words he didn't dare to say.

Three people entered the elevator, then went down the stairs and slowly walked to his car in the parking lot.

Bai Yue bit her lip, finally took a step forward, "Jin Yan, the new new why in her home, you ask it? She does not want to sell it new new? Or do you want the new new What does it mean to you to convey? ...... or what her thoughts stored in the end? Why is that? "

The person walking in front suddenly stopped, and Bai Ye bumped into him without seeing it.

She stood firm pace, looking forward to see Shi Jin Yan will be looking at her opening, "Why do not you come to pick new new? What time it is?"

Bai Yue surprised a moment, Nono opening, "I, I do have company today, deal done, you let me go to work in your company, I certainly want to earn money to feed the new new, I do not work, where I come wage?"

Shi Jin Yan frowned, looked at her, "You do not have time, I say let new new follow my parents, and you do not want to, you in the end to how?"

Bai Yue immediately cried, "I could not bear new new new new is my son ah! How could I turn him over to your parents, I also want to see the new all new every day."

Shi Jin Yan is still very cold, "So, you can make new new at the door waiting for you for a few hours? Nursery school four points, is now eleven o'clock!"

Bai Yue opening, "There are teachers accompanied, not wandered off."

Here, see Shi Jin Yan will continue to open, and hurried to change the subject, "And even if I pick up their kids late, and also this once, how can her children away? She in the end mean? Is not she be with child let you come? "

Shi Jin Yan narrowed his eyes, "you enough!"

Three words, let the white Yue sound meal!

At this time, the new new voice came over, "Mom, Dad, no, today people posing Dad, take me taken away, aunt saved me, and I'm hungry, aunt just take me home for dinner . "

Bai Yan frowned, glanced at Shi Jinyan, and said dimly: "Why come to her house for dinner when you are hungry? Can't you just eat outside? Also, shouldn't I give you cookies?"

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