Hello, Heir

Chapter 1225: Can you keep us? (2)

Si Jingyu: ...

Si Jingyu walked over, opened the door, and saw Xinxin rush in. Xinxin followed Shi Jinyan, and Shi Jinyan's sight fell on Yao Teng first.

Immediately, Shi Jinyan lowered his eyes slightly.

It seems that the moment he occasionally skimmed, the car he saw was indeed his.

He was thinking that way, and heard a new cry, "My book is found!"

Shi Jinyan pursed his lips, nodded, and immediately looked at Si Jingyu again.

He hadn't been able to find her reason before, but he could come to find her reason, but now that he found Si Jingyu's special softness to the child, he couldn't help testing her with Xinxin.

The thought of their marital relationship was only two months away, his heart began to faint.

He glanced at Xinxin, and then glanced at Si Jingyu again, and heard Xinxin say, "Auntie, I'm so sleepy that I don't want to leave. Can I stay here overnight?"

Si Jingyu: ...! !!

So, does this kid know what he is talking about?

Si Jingyu frowned, lowered her head, and answered very firmly, "No."

Xinxin bowed his head in disappointment and glanced back at Shi Jinyan.

Shi Jinyan held his lips and didn't speak. The two could only go out silently and walked to the door. Shi Jinyan suddenly looked at Yao Teng. "Are police officer Yao still?"

Yao Teng froze and looked at Si Jingyu.

But to hear Shi Jin Yan opening, "It is now half past nine pm, and there is something to say tomorrow, can not it? Yu Jing she want to rest."

Si Jingyu: ...

So a hero's attitude, in the end who gave him?

She suddenly felt a little angry, could not resist opening: "?! Shi Jin Yan, I just want to play with Yao Yao Teng Teng play, none of your business."

Shi Jinyan: ...

Shi Jin Yan heart blunt blunt, saw a Secretary Yu Jing, Tang Yao then looked at, quite a while before hanging his head, "Well, I do not care."

Finish the sentence, he led the new new left.

Seeing him down the stairs, Secretary Yu Jing That felt better a little bit and look to Yao Teng, went over things on the table to close the income, "he said, also, so late, you hurry back it. "

Yao Teng stood up, suddenly it plucked up her courage: "Yu Jing, I ......"

"Bang bang bang!" Has been knocking the door.

Division Jing Yu frowned, went to the door at the open door, saw Shi Jin Yan stood outside, she snappily asked, "how?"

Shi Jin Yan looked hard at her face quite a while, she was determined not to do with Yao Teng Needing things in the room, this calm down, and he began, "I thank you for."

"Good to go, do not mention it!"


Secretary Yu Jing shut the door, rubbed his forehead, how she felt, now Shi Jin Yan, so tough?

She looked back to the Tang Yao, "What do you want to say?"

Yaoteng Gang has just summon the courage relieved to hear this, take a deep breath a sigh of relief directly, spoke again, "Jing Yu, the two of us ......"

"Bang bang bang!" Has been knocking the door.

Si Jingyu: ...

Si Jingyu opened the door, and she was Shi Jinyan and Xinxin again. Before she spoke, she heard Xinxin say, "Auntie, I forgot to tell you, I like you very much."

I like you very much.

Five words, like what is sweet as sugar, a little infiltrated Secretary Yu Jing heart.

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