Hello, Heir

Chapter 1264: Shi Jinyan, let's divorce (3)

Si Jingyu saw a new look. His little man was full of tears, but he didn't dare to cry. He pumped and was hugged by Bai Yan.

She suddenly felt distressed.

Shi Jinyan frowned tightly, taking Xinxin from Bai Yan's arms, "Can you be a little patient with your children?"

Bai Ye bowed his head with grievances, "Jin Yan, I twisted my feet, it hurts, and Xin Xin is too ignorant, and it will make Jing Yu difficult."

Having said that, she looked up at Si Jingyu again, "Right?"

As a child's mother, is Si Jingyu qualified to question her decision?

Si Jingyu froze her lips and tried to keep herself from seeing the miserable appearance of Xinxin crying. It seemed that she could feel better in her heart.

She lowered her head lightly, and spoke very sanely. "Shi Jinyan, what's happening today ... I'll probably see the newspaper tomorrow."

Shi Jinyan heard this, paused, and suddenly understood what she was going to say, and his heart suddenly panicked. He even wanted to reach out and hold her tightly, or plug her lips so she didn't say the next sentence.

Then I heard her continue to say, "I'm afraid we can't hide our divorce. Now, instead of telling you to bread and raise Primary Three, it would be better for us to announce that we have already divorced, which will be a better image for you. . "


She still said this.

Shi Jinyan's whole body froze and he stood at the door.

What two-month statement is just an excuse.

He didn't want to divorce her, he wanted to work hard to save the family ...

His hands naturally dangled, his head dropped, and the whole body shook slightly because of pain, but these were not noticed by others because of his strong self-control.

Si Jingyu looked at him again, "Tomorrow, I will let the lawyer contact you."

With that said, she paused again, and then tickled her lips after half a ring. "This time, it should be the last divorce."

Before he disagreed, she had no choice but to drag.

Now, she has filed a divorce, and the court will decide directly.

So, she knows, as long as she is firm in her thinking this time, this marriage will really be divorced.

She pursed her lips, glanced at Baiji and Xinxin again, then turned and followed Yao Teng to go out.

Her temperament is gentle, and Yao Teng is tough.

But they stood together as if they were golden boys and girls.

Shi Jinyan looked at it, and suddenly it was blurred.

He watched them enter the elevator with his own eyes, and suddenly he felt that he had worked so hard for so long and struggled for so long, but it was still not a world with them.

He squeezed his lips tightly again, knowing this time that he was really about to lose her.

He watched them leave, watched the elevator doors close, and then Bai Yan behind him stepped forward, "Jinyan ..."

After finishing his words, Shi Jinyan suddenly turned around and passed Xinxin to her, and then chased out without saying a word!

He walked to the elevator in front of him, and reached out and patted the elevator vigorously.

Shi Jinyan frowned, then turned around and walked straight up the stairs!

He walked down step by step, he was going to tell her that he loved her, he loved her and was just a youth.

He was going to tell her that he didn't want to divorce, he was innocent with Bai Ye ...

PS: The first three changes, the remaining 9:30 in the evening ~ Thank you for understanding me, why not! Sorry, people are out, automatic publishing failed again ~ Delayed here ~

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