Hello, Heir

Chapter 1286: Because I Love You (5)


The screams rang loudly. It was too late yesterday. I didn't remember that the students who returned to the dormitory lived in this hotel. They were so called. Everyone swept open the door and rushed in.

Shi Jinyan was awakened by the noise. He opened his eyes in a blur, then sat up and saw a group of people standing at the door. He immediately covered the quilt on Si Jingyu's body!

He stood up wrapped in the sheets, staring at the group of people in front of his eyes, rubbing his temples with a headache, and then looked at Bai Yan, "Would you go out first?"

Bai Yan stood there stupidly, then was dragged by other female classmates, and went out in despair.

Shi Jinyan closed the door and was relieved. Then he turned around and saw Si Jingyu opened his eyes, staring at him with wide eyes.

In her big eyes, it was all unbelievable and incredible at the moment, and then she lowered her head and looked at herself under the quilt, and then suddenly covered herself with the quilt, and the person wriggled in the quilt, and then Come out, her clothes have been worn on the body.

She got up from the bed and came over step by step.

Shi Jinyan greeted up and just about to speak, but she suddenly stretched out her hand, her arm halfed in the air, and finally stopped a few centimeters from his cheek.

She was trembling all over and seemed to be frightened, but there was more panic in her eyes at the moment.

Then she covered her face violently and rushed to the door.

The door was open, and before Shi Jinyan had time to go out, he heard a loud pop of applause.

Shi Jinyan was stunned, and immediately realized what he rushed to the door, and saw Bai Yan shouting at Si Jingyu exhausted: "I have always regarded you as a friend, but what did you do? How can you with my boyfriend slept together! "

Shi Jin Yan anxious, took a step forward in protecting the Division Jing Yu behind, watching the white Yue low voice shouted: "?! What are you doing."

"You, you should also toward her ......" Bai Yue Here, we suddenly covered his mouth, disappointed and sad glanced at him, suddenly turned and ran away immediately.

Shi Jin Yan Yue in vain entirely unknown what crazy hair, people thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend, but he Dialogue Yue said many times, also clarified the relationship between them.

But at this moment, Shi Jin Yan Yue has not to think about what the white thinking, and he just turned around to look nervous Secretary Yu Jing.

She was so proud a man so superior, who was playing at the moment? She did not know how sad.

But he turned and discovered Division Jing Yu Leng Leng standing there, was beaten on the cheeks that look, hand print drum up already.

She reached out and rubbed his face, could not help but immediately dropped his head, her eyes have not see him, it seems that not with him in the eye, it seems he can not see through with a kind of mood.

He opened his mouth, trying to say that he liked her, he liked her a full four years, he will be her good, but then do not say it, she suddenly ran away from him.

He stood there, looking at her back, you want to catch up, but he has no clothes, he anxiously looked at the front, and then they had been blocking the line of sight, he looked up and saw Yao Teng his face ashen.

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