Hello, Heir

Chapter 1322: Bali, Wedding March (4)

Wu Yuwei's eyes widened and her mouth grew so scared that she couldn't say a word.

Their giant families have always been very well-educated and have never had such a face-to-face assault.

In particular, Su Yanbin, who was young and laughing, had a good temper and good popularity. This was Wu Yuwei's first anger when she saw him, and she scared the whole person, then she looked at Su Yanbin and dared not speak.

Although that slap did not come down, she felt as if she had been slapped dozens of times.

She definitely looked at Su Yanbin, and immediately her eyes were red, and she stomped her feet. Then she looked at Lin Xi'er fiercely, then turned her head and ran away: "Su Yanbin, wait for me!"

She left such a harsh word and ran into the hotel.

Su Yanbin looked at her back, snorted coldly, and then turned back, smiling.

After returning here, Zuoyi asked curiously, "What happened to Wu Yuwei?"

"She is thirsty and goes back to drink water."

Zuo Yiyi looked at the water glass on the table and said nothing.

Instead, Liu Bingxing suddenly said, "What about Ting Boss and Xiao Xun?"

As soon as Su Yanbin heard this, his eyes lit up suddenly, "Hey, I must have found a place without people, hey hey hey go!"

As soon as this word came out, Zuo Yiyi flushed. "Su Yanbin, you asshole!"

Standing in the distance, Si Jingyu, watching what happened here, couldn't help but smile, but suddenly followed Xinxin and turned to the side.

There are a group of people five or six years younger than her. She still has to pass, lest the young people feel pressured.

But ...

Thinking of Su Yanbin ’s words, she could n’t help laughing, remembering what Si Zhengting said to her this morning, “Sister, I ’m playing with Nana on the island today for a while, you help me look at the little trouble Little lazy. "

Xiao Qi is always very strict in Beijing. After coming to Bali, of course, he must give his brother and sister a chance to relax.

It's just ... Si Jingyu's face turned dark, and he hurriedly looked around, then looked down at Xinxin, "Xinxin, little trouble and laziness? Didn't they just play with you just now?"

Xinxin heard this and looked up around, "Well, yes? Just now my brother was behind me. Where did he go now?"

Where did the two little guys go?

Of course I went to find my parents!

Little trouble and little lazy holding hands walking around on Bali.

Although only three years old, the two children were clever.

Together, they completely bypassed the adult who looked at the child and went straight out.

The island itself is not big, and they can remember the direction in which mom and dad left, so they ran over.

At this moment, Zhuang Nina and Si Zhengting came to the back of the island, a place where nobody noticed.

The edge of the island is often flushed with seawater. This area is behind a forest, and it is rarely visited. In addition, Si Zhengting gave orders. No one came here.

The sea breeze and the waves screamed. The two of them were sitting side by side, and there were large wet stones below, and the sea water hit them from time to time.

Zhuang Naina barefooted her feet and dipped her feet in the water when the sea rushed up.

Next, Si Zhengting stared into the distance, holding her shoulder in one hand, and sighed, "Finally quiet."

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