Hello, Heir

Chapter 1347: Distress (9)

Seeing this picture, Si Jingyu gave her a final blow to her, and Lin Xier finally crawled out!

At the same time, both Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan fell into the water!

Lin Xi'er stood on top, hesitant, and she shouted to the bottom: "What now?"

The water level has risen to a certain height, and they really can no longer hesitate.

Lin Xi'er ran back to the hotel and shouted that it would take 20 minutes for people to run back again, and the water level would surely drown them!

She looked around, took off her coat without hesitation, and dropped down to the bottom. "I pull you up!"

Shi Jinyan got up from the water and tried to keep his body standing. Hearing this, he hurried Si Jingyu, "You go up first."

Si Jingyu shook her head, "No, you can't swim, you go up first, you stand on my shoulder."

Shi Jinyan shook his head. "I'm standing on my feet now, why are you standing below. Jing Yu, there is no time, fast!"

They are now racing against time, and a minute of delay will be more dangerous.

But Si Jingyu shook her head, and she went up. Even if the clothes of the two were tied together, it was too late, because the water level had flooded Shi Jinyan's mouth, he would not swim, and staying underneath it would be dead.

She suddenly embraced Shi Jinyan, "No, the two of us are going to die together!"

She must not leave him alone.

Shi Jinyan still wanted to say something, but felt her persistent gaze, feeling the firm look in her tone when she said this, and he wanted to speak, Si Jingyu raised her head suddenly, blocked He lived his mouth.

The kiss, just to taste it's, it just prevents Shi Jin Yan, she looked Shi Jin Yan, "Jin Yan, do you remember the Titanic it? Inside the male to female controls died, women and later alive, but you know care of the household that live for decades, this is how the missing actor? I can not think of life without you how to before, Jin Yan, do not let me leave, I want you here. "

She said that, on pulling Shi Jin Yan, upstream of the stone sideways, until they climb on a stone, stood up, the water level has just arrived at her waist.

Shi Jin Yan looked at her, then suddenly red eyes.

Although she did not own confession to make any response, but this performance is not the best response to it?

He watched Secretary Yu Jing, even knowing that it is a willful, but still could not help but go to pamper her.

His red-eyes and nodded, then followed her to stand on top of the stones together.

Cold waters to stimulate their bodies, can at the moment, the two men's hearts, but so hot.

Lin Xi children above shaking their clothes, on the following shouted: "!! Hurry up Jing Yu sister."

Division Jing Yu and Shi Jin Yan, as one, two people laughed, Yu Jing Division against the sky and shouted: "! Xi child, you go to the hotel to find someone to come and save us two."

Lin Xi children hearing this, lengleleng.

She would like to know a little of what happened next, my heart suddenly rising surge of heat and emotion.

Her tears instantaneously poured into the eyes, and then she gritted his teeth, ran out of strength against the following shouted: "Jing Yu sister, brother, you wait for me, I will certainly be back as soon as possible you must! to hold on! "

PS: am busy with my work, the first two - more then half past nine pm, there will be another eight more ha ~ Today added two more chapters, half past nine there or be square!

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