Hello, Heir

Chapter 1411: Matching (5)

Can it be matched?

So, is she still a mother?

Just when Shi Jinyan thought of it, he heard a voice again on the phone: "But I have a condition."

In a word, Shi Jinyan erased her only good point.

What conditions do you need to match your own son?

Thinking about it, Shi Jinyan felt ironic. He narrowed his eyes and spoke after half a ring. His voice was already cold and alienated from strangers: "What conditions?"

Bai Ye didn't know that Shi Jinyan had shown mercy to her men many times before. Even if she knew she was doing damage, she would still ignore her, because she was a new mother.

But at this moment, he really regarded Bai Yan as a stranger. From then on, when he did things, he never looked back at her identity.

Bai Ye didn't know about this. He sneered when he heard the words, "My hard-earned child was robbed of you, and no work was arranged for me. The house was not bought for me either. Jingyu's mother told me that my job might not be guaranteed. Shi Jinyan, do you know how uncomfortable it is for a woman to be out of work? I ... "

"Speak the point." Shi Jinyan interrupted her coldly, and then heard Bai pursed his lips and said, "I want a 30% stake in Huapu Technology Co., Ltd."

As soon as this word came out, Shi Jinyan's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly he felt funny.

Where does this woman come from and ask herself for a 30% stake? !!

Does he know, how much is 30% of the market value of Huapu's shares? !!

Shi Jinyan felt that he was about to be smiled with shamelessly by Bai Yan. He lowered his head slightly, and stood at the merchant's point of view: "Yes, as long as you can match it, and donate bone marrow for Xinxin."

The success of my relatives' matching is only higher than that of ordinary people, but it is not very high. Many people's blood types are not suitable. Bai Yi first matched the type, and the matching was successful, then let's talk about the rest!

Now say nothing else, all for nothing!

Bai Ye is not stupid. She knows best whether she can match with Xinxin successfully, so she narrowed her eyes when she heard here, "I mean, if you let me go, I will give you a hundred percent. Thirty. "

Shi Jinyan sneered and didn't speak.

This kind of cold violence made Bai Yan mess up his feet first, bit his lips and said, "Twenty percent."

Shi Jinyan bowed his head.

Is there a one-third chance of Bai Xin's success in matching new models? Would he take a stake in the company and block it?

Bai Ye felt Shi Jinyan was still silent, and suddenly laughed, "Or, go and talk to Si Jingyu? Didn't you give her all the shares? Go ask her, what will happen?"

Bai Ye's idea is very simple. Shi Jinyan asked. If Si Jingyu would not take it, it would bring a psychological shadow to both of them!

Si Jingyu took it, she was uncomfortable, and a hidden danger was buried between the two.

Si Jingyu didn't take it. Although Shi Jinyan would not say anything, she would definitely have an opinion on her!

Shi Jinyan didn't even intend to take the shares in Si Jingyu's hands. He still has Xinxin in his hands and intends to add one to his parents. It is 10%. He thought that if he could, he would overwhelm the price by 5%. Ten ...

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