Hello, Heir

Chapter 1418: Matching (12)

Save new ways? !!

When Mother Shi heard this, the whole person was choked.


When I heard this disease before, everyone felt that the subconscious was waiting to die, so this condition was too scary for Shi Mama, even more terrible than the stroke of the old man!

When she was paused there, she heard Bai's voice, "Don't talk, we can talk, but you can't tell Shi Jinyan and Si Jingyu."

Can't tell them ...

Why can't you tell them?

Although Ms. Shi felt confused, at this moment, she felt as if she had seen hope, and she dared not say anything, nor could she say anything.

She swallowed and stood up and walked out. "Oh, okay, let's see you later."

She hung up and looked back.

Si Jingyu was holding a towel to clean Xinxin, and Shi Jinyan moved all the documents in the company to the hospital, where he accompanied Xinxin.

Xinxin is a sensitive child. He doesn't dare to leave him, but can only use companionship to tell him that they will never give up on him.

So neither of them noticed the strangeness of Shi Mama.

Ms. Shi was relieved, but raised her heart again. She picked up her bag and walked out. "I have to go back and see your father. I'm not here for a while, and I will definitely scold me."

Shi Jinyan heard this, and hurriedly stood up, "Mom, I'll send you."

"No need, stay with Xinxin more."

Having said that, she looked back at Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan, and then sighed, "It's hard for you."

Old, young, small, these two people are under great pressure.

Ms. Shi thought of this, she felt that she could not fall ill. This family could not have another sickness number anymore.

She stepped out of the ward, stood outside, then looked up at the sky, took a deep breath, and immediately went out.

She was going to listen to what Bai Ao was going to say.

At this moment, Ms. Shi, like a drowning person, grabbed a straw and saw the hope of life, even if she knew it was slim, she was willing to try it.

The place they met was not far from the hospital, in the cafe outside the hospital.

In this kind of place, Ms. Shi has always been unaccustomed to, but walked in at this moment, but did not care about it.

She looked around and found that Bai Ye was sitting near the window, and then she strode over and came in front of Bai Ye. Mother Shi said nothing and went straight to the subject, "What can you do to save the new? "

Seeing her look, Bai Ye hooked her lips with satisfaction. She lowered her head and spoke after half a ring. "You know, most people will save umbilical cord blood when they have a baby, just to prevent leukemia one day. And ... I just talked to the doctor, and when the parents ’blood types are n’t worthy, there ’s another way at this time, that is, the child ’s biological parents regenerate a child. In this case, the chance of matching blood types is high, Newborn umbilical cord blood can save new ones. "

When this remark came down, Ms. Shi didn't sit still, so she stood up, "You, what do you mean ?!"

Bai Yan raised his head, raised Erlang's legs, held his arms, and looked at her with a smile: "It means that if I had a child with Shi Jinyan, maybe I could save a new one. You know, you can find a match in this world. There are very few people, and the new ones ... belong to acute leukemia and can't wait long! "

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