Hello, Heir

Chapter 1454: Dad, will I die? (9)

Si Jingyu's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at Ms. Shi in shock. She hurried down and helped Ms. Shi to get her up: "Mom, what are you doing?"

When mother Shi heard this, her eyes circled red, and big, muddy tears rolled down. She grabbed Si Jingyu's arm. "Jingyu, Mom begged you, Mom begged you! Help save new New! Jingyu! "

Si Jingyu did not expect that Mother Shi would say this sentence, and suddenly hesitated.

She stooped stupidly, just staring at Shi's mother.

After half a ring, she let go of her mother's hand and took a step back, with a little entanglement and doubt and sadness in her look. She bit her lip and squeezed out a few words from her teeth: "Mom, you said To be my own daughter ... "

What I said before, now I will hurt her again ...

Is this really interesting?

Si Jingyu knows that Ms. Shi is not intentional, and she also knows that the relationship is different, Xinxin is her grandson, and she ... is just a daughter-in-law!

Suddenly there was a mist in her eye sockets. She looked at Ms. Shi and turned her head side by side. Suddenly she didn't want to see her.

Si Jingyu took a step back and picked up his mobile phone. "I called Jin Yan, Mom, I ..."

"No, no!" Mother Shi heard this, hurriedly took a step forward, snatched her phone from her, and then looked at her and said, "Jin Yan, I know the child, he won't choose to have a child with Bai Yi , Jing Yu, Mom knew you were in trouble, but Bai Ye said in public that even if she had a child, she would not have any relationship with Shijia! We can let her sign a contract and say that the child has nothing to do with Shijia No!"

In this case, Mama Shi nodded, "Yes, that's it, Jing Yu, as long as you promise, as long as you promise ..."

Si Jingyu looked at her in disappointment, only to feel that all the anger and resentment she had just felt a little helpless, because Mother Shi was already confused.

How could a child born with Shi Jinyan have nothing to do with the Shi family? !!

It's like Xinxin, born of Bai Yan, originally had nothing to do with Shi family, right? !!

Si Jingyu looked at her, his tone became harsher, "Mom, this matter must be decided by Jin Jin!"

"No, no, Jin Yan wouldn't agree, Jing Yu, Jin Yan wouldn't agree anyway!" Ms. Shi's words fell, and Si Jingyu felt a numb heart just now, and again and again throbbed. .

Shi Jinyan would not agree, so did Mother Shi come to her? !!

Why come to her?

Because she is soft-hearted good to speak?

Not because Shi Jin made his own son, she does not want to force, so to force her? !!

Suddenly, Si Jingyu felt that the whole person was very angry. A feeling of nausea and nausea suddenly surged up!

Suddenly her eyes became wet, and then she heard a "bang" again. She wiped her blurred vision and saw Mother Shi kneeling in front of her: "Jing Yu! Mom please! Mom please! Whoohoo! "

Mother Shi ’s cry cried **** her heart, making her feel that she was just too weak to bear it!

The distress of the reporters, the accusations of the unknown audience, and the swearing on the Internet did not defeat her, but the mother's request made her feel unbearable!

Si Jingyu clenched her fists, pressed her lips tightly, and only spoke after half a ring ...

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